What is it to spend 189 days in conditions of the early Middle Ages.
Pavel Sapozhnikov, nicknamed "Boots" for the sake of the experiment voluntarily renounced the benefits of civilization and lived a life of Russian peasants of X century. Correspondents 'Ridus' found the hermit what it is to spend 189 days in conditions of the early Middle Ages, and why the XXI century - the most blessed time in human history.
25 photos
The first day after the end of the project "One last" turned out to really spring: small hamlet at Sergiev Posad was buried in the rays of the bright sun on the snow melted from the muddy field happily scurried birds in nearby geese cackled loudly ecovillage and Pavel Sapozhnikov issues Journalists flocked.
The host welcomes guests in a fur hat, a large shirt, tight pants and homemade leather shoes worn by wrapped around the legs leggings. More than six months he lived here on way of Russian peasants of X century, using only those advances of civilization, which were known at the time of Intense. About the life of Paul and how he learned to cope with the numerous challenges of this life "Ridus" wrote, when the hermit took journalists to the previous time. So now had to figure out how that feels and thinks the protagonist of his time travel?
Psychological burden
The preliminary results of the project, "boot" recognizes that experiment was more psychological than historical. Hard to spend ten minutes, sometimes for hours, frozen fingers carving kresalom fire when you know that you can just strike a lighter. A more permanent loneliness in a world where at your disposal only light day, a bunch of chores and no books, TV and the Internet.
"I lost my mind. Most of the time I almost nothing thinking, "- says Paul about his life during the Yule - he uses this name Germanic winter solstice, the longest night of the year. During this period, he had to sleep in 13-14 hours a day and, according to him, it is not as easy as people think dreaming of hardly any sleep around the clock for office workers.
At the beginning of the meeting, "Boots" answered the questions of the press brief and not very willingly, incidentally admits that not much happy with this gathering of people. He simply lost the habit of communicating with people. Toward the end of the conversation, he noted that in the course of the conversation he had better and better head starts to work, and at first thought were very hard.
"Man - a social creature - sighs Paul. - Can not get used to being alone. From it people suffer or go crazy. At least now I'm just so it seems. Chopping wood easy, but getting the brain works hard ».
After 189 days of voluntary seclusion, Paul says that the hardest thing was the first 18 days. Feels like it's time lasted for about half of the entire project. "Boots" assures us that live in conditions of X century was easier than he thought, and easier than hoped, but overall he is pleased.
"I love it when it is difficult. When it is difficult - it's interesting, "- he smiles.
Possession hermit
Independently conduct a tour of his homestead, Paul did not, and gave it the right to other project participants who helped in setting up facilities in compliance with the technology of X century. As it turned out, a lot of re-enactors made Paul not handy.
Bread oven was very large - one person for their own needs to contain it, heat thoroughly and bake bread in it does not make sense. A hermit quickly abandon any irrational actions. Now the bread oven, made in compliance with the medieval technologies have to dismantle, because these stoves after firing clays are obliged to work, and if they do not work, then fall apart. This happened with the design, which is not used for its intended purpose, but it flew chickens.
A similar story happened with smoking. The design, which is a small shed, underground pipes connected with the hearth, Paul never been applied. Firstly, it is simply there was nothing bloating, secondly, in order to ensure its operation, requires the work of several persons.
Near Smokehouse worth canopy, which was to be built a forge for forging the necessary things on the farm. Pavel simply did not have time to do it, because he solved more pressing issues, such as home heating, cooking, animal care, etc.
Another patch has happened with the construction of surface and underground chambers, of which the top is used as a cellar, and the bottom - like a glacier. By autumn underground chamber was flooded with water, and its intended use was not. But the top is still a quite useful cellar.
But the squat bath, which Paul drowned in black, came out very well. Tiny room with a low ceiling smOkEd is one: there is not a waiting room, washroom and wiper. Because not near the river, where you can plunge hovering man scrapes off the perspiration, then pour water and wipes bast or straw. Instead of soap used ash, known for its antiseptic properties.
Massive well, located amidst the farm - the only structure built "against the rules". Today almost no specialists who know how to make shell houses wells, and create a special gang and train people to craft a lost too expensive. Therefore, when you create it used conventional concrete rings.
The main building of the farm was built with old technology without a single nail. The living area is combined with a small barn door, which in the cold days and nights, Paul kept open so that the animal came from his heat of the furnace, and the heat of his animals. Crib is practically no different from modern counterparts, except that Paul is no plastic buckets and other utensils made of modern materials.
In a room of Paul are very closely, and the already small amount of light is eaten with soot, which has permeated the walls and shelves housing.
On the tiny patch strewn with straw, worth an impromptu table. Pavel has a special pen with which he smacks him with dust and dirt.
At the head of the bed with a mattress stuffed with straw standing birch box, and hanging from the ceiling of grass and clay vessels with grain and cereals - to rats not ruined. Rodent Paul fight despair and recognized the need to live amicably with: sleep they do not interfere, and with proper approach deny them access to food was not difficult.
Leave his farm Pavel Sapozhnikov is not going to, and in Moscow, he does not pull. For the economy it is necessary to look, the more friends to the end of the project gave him three geese, which he had long dreamed of. With animals befriended Paul, and more is not going to keep them for meat, as it has done in the course of the project with a goat and a couple of chickens. At the same time, and continue to live in the tenth century, he did not intend.
"Living in the early Middle Ages possible. But not easy. We live in the most beautiful time in history and, of course, I'm not going to give up the benefits offered to man XXI Century "- says Paul.
Live in nature and he likes to run the economy. And now, when there is no need to suffer with kresalami sit in darkness, indulge in reading and accessing the Internet, Cooking methods prapraschurov and tolerate other undue hardships in the XXI century, it is possible to live in nature and enjoy. And close to the suburban area is no reason, and Paul is going to wave at Sevastopol - says he always loved this city.
Last © Anton Tushin / Ridus.ru
Source: http: //
25 photos

The first day after the end of the project "One last" turned out to really spring: small hamlet at Sergiev Posad was buried in the rays of the bright sun on the snow melted from the muddy field happily scurried birds in nearby geese cackled loudly ecovillage and Pavel Sapozhnikov issues Journalists flocked.

The host welcomes guests in a fur hat, a large shirt, tight pants and homemade leather shoes worn by wrapped around the legs leggings. More than six months he lived here on way of Russian peasants of X century, using only those advances of civilization, which were known at the time of Intense. About the life of Paul and how he learned to cope with the numerous challenges of this life "Ridus" wrote, when the hermit took journalists to the previous time. So now had to figure out how that feels and thinks the protagonist of his time travel?

Psychological burden
The preliminary results of the project, "boot" recognizes that experiment was more psychological than historical. Hard to spend ten minutes, sometimes for hours, frozen fingers carving kresalom fire when you know that you can just strike a lighter. A more permanent loneliness in a world where at your disposal only light day, a bunch of chores and no books, TV and the Internet.

"I lost my mind. Most of the time I almost nothing thinking, "- says Paul about his life during the Yule - he uses this name Germanic winter solstice, the longest night of the year. During this period, he had to sleep in 13-14 hours a day and, according to him, it is not as easy as people think dreaming of hardly any sleep around the clock for office workers.

At the beginning of the meeting, "Boots" answered the questions of the press brief and not very willingly, incidentally admits that not much happy with this gathering of people. He simply lost the habit of communicating with people. Toward the end of the conversation, he noted that in the course of the conversation he had better and better head starts to work, and at first thought were very hard.

"Man - a social creature - sighs Paul. - Can not get used to being alone. From it people suffer or go crazy. At least now I'm just so it seems. Chopping wood easy, but getting the brain works hard ».
After 189 days of voluntary seclusion, Paul says that the hardest thing was the first 18 days. Feels like it's time lasted for about half of the entire project. "Boots" assures us that live in conditions of X century was easier than he thought, and easier than hoped, but overall he is pleased.
"I love it when it is difficult. When it is difficult - it's interesting, "- he smiles.

Possession hermit
Independently conduct a tour of his homestead, Paul did not, and gave it the right to other project participants who helped in setting up facilities in compliance with the technology of X century. As it turned out, a lot of re-enactors made Paul not handy.


Bread oven was very large - one person for their own needs to contain it, heat thoroughly and bake bread in it does not make sense. A hermit quickly abandon any irrational actions. Now the bread oven, made in compliance with the medieval technologies have to dismantle, because these stoves after firing clays are obliged to work, and if they do not work, then fall apart. This happened with the design, which is not used for its intended purpose, but it flew chickens.

A similar story happened with smoking. The design, which is a small shed, underground pipes connected with the hearth, Paul never been applied. Firstly, it is simply there was nothing bloating, secondly, in order to ensure its operation, requires the work of several persons.

Near Smokehouse worth canopy, which was to be built a forge for forging the necessary things on the farm. Pavel simply did not have time to do it, because he solved more pressing issues, such as home heating, cooking, animal care, etc.

Another patch has happened with the construction of surface and underground chambers, of which the top is used as a cellar, and the bottom - like a glacier. By autumn underground chamber was flooded with water, and its intended use was not. But the top is still a quite useful cellar.
But the squat bath, which Paul drowned in black, came out very well. Tiny room with a low ceiling smOkEd is one: there is not a waiting room, washroom and wiper. Because not near the river, where you can plunge hovering man scrapes off the perspiration, then pour water and wipes bast or straw. Instead of soap used ash, known for its antiseptic properties.

Massive well, located amidst the farm - the only structure built "against the rules". Today almost no specialists who know how to make shell houses wells, and create a special gang and train people to craft a lost too expensive. Therefore, when you create it used conventional concrete rings.

The main building of the farm was built with old technology without a single nail. The living area is combined with a small barn door, which in the cold days and nights, Paul kept open so that the animal came from his heat of the furnace, and the heat of his animals. Crib is practically no different from modern counterparts, except that Paul is no plastic buckets and other utensils made of modern materials.

In a room of Paul are very closely, and the already small amount of light is eaten with soot, which has permeated the walls and shelves housing.
On the tiny patch strewn with straw, worth an impromptu table. Pavel has a special pen with which he smacks him with dust and dirt.



At the head of the bed with a mattress stuffed with straw standing birch box, and hanging from the ceiling of grass and clay vessels with grain and cereals - to rats not ruined. Rodent Paul fight despair and recognized the need to live amicably with: sleep they do not interfere, and with proper approach deny them access to food was not difficult.

Leave his farm Pavel Sapozhnikov is not going to, and in Moscow, he does not pull. For the economy it is necessary to look, the more friends to the end of the project gave him three geese, which he had long dreamed of. With animals befriended Paul, and more is not going to keep them for meat, as it has done in the course of the project with a goat and a couple of chickens. At the same time, and continue to live in the tenth century, he did not intend.

"Living in the early Middle Ages possible. But not easy. We live in the most beautiful time in history and, of course, I'm not going to give up the benefits offered to man XXI Century "- says Paul.

Live in nature and he likes to run the economy. And now, when there is no need to suffer with kresalami sit in darkness, indulge in reading and accessing the Internet, Cooking methods prapraschurov and tolerate other undue hardships in the XXI century, it is possible to live in nature and enjoy. And close to the suburban area is no reason, and Paul is going to wave at Sevastopol - says he always loved this city.




Last © Anton Tushin / Ridus.ru

Source: http: //