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20 tests, after which you will become a different person.

When I started to do with my life, I liked it so much that I decided to share their experiences with the world.

There are only 20 tests, with which it is possible to cope in the past month. It is best to choose 2-5 points and try to stick with them for the next 30 days. And once you get comfortable with them completely, choose for themselves a few others to the next month.

As is known, it is necessary only 30 days in which to form a habit. And most importantly - start. It is therefore important to make small but permanent changes in your life for at least 30 days.

1. Use words that promote happiness. Usually, when I ask someone, "How are you", I answer something like "OK" or "right." But a sleepy Monday morning, my colleague answered the same question: "Just wonderful!" That made me smile, and then think. I asked him what happened to him this remarkable, and he replied: "Well, of course - I'm healthy, my family is in order, and we live in a free country. Is not it wonderful, "But the difference between his life and mine was very small - with regard to this very life. His life was not necessarily better than the other, but he looked 20 times happier than them. So try in the next 30 days to use more words, cause a smile on their faces.

2. Try to try something new every day. Variety adds spice to life. You can see or do something a million times, but for the first time - only once. Our first impressions often leave traces in our minds for a lifetime. Try the next 30 days, every day to learn or experience something new. It can be anything - from a new hobby to a conversation with a stranger. And once you get the hang of - believe me - this new experience sooner or later, will open for you the door to a whole new world of possibilities that can change your life
3. Try every day to do some selfless act. No wonder they say: what goes around, comes around. And when you have a positive influence on someone's life, at the same time you change and its. Do something selfless, something that will make someone else happy, or at least less unhappy. I promise, this will be a very enjoyable experience. Perhaps one that you will remember for a lifetime. Of course, your choice in this regard is unlimited, but if you can help someone and it costs you nothing - do it
4. Every day, learn and practice a new skill. If you can rely on in any situation, you will certainly live a happy and productive life. And to rely on yourself, you need to acquire a greater number of useful skills, becoming a sort of jack-of-all-trades. And, despite all the stories about what the master of all trades, he says, no matter what no good, in fact, they are much more suited to life than experts in any one narrow field. In addition, to acquire new skills - is a fun
5. Every day teach someone something new. We all have our natural strengths and talents that can significantly help people around us. That just may be quite difficult for the others to you. We take these gifts for granted destiny, often barely knowing how much we can offer to others, and therefore rarely something to share with them. But these invaluable gifts can help us to sow around us happiness and the will to live. What people often thank you? What they often ask you to help? It can be a painting, learning math, the ability to prepare delicious meals. Try the next 30 days to share with others their talents and experience.

6. Each day give out at least an hour on what you are really passionate about. Do not forget to engage in their hobbies. It could be anything. Some people get the pleasure of participating in the political life of the city, others find comfort in faith, someone else is involved in the club, bringing together people with similar hobbies, well, even for someone of their interests may be the most important thing in life. But each of these cases, in fact, similar to the others. All these people are doing something so than they are really passionate about. And this passion fills their lives with happiness and meaning.

7. Be kind to all. Even to those who are rude to you. If you kindly talk with someone who does not like you, it does not mean that you hide your feelings. Rather, it means that you're really an adult and able to control them. Treat all others with kindness and respect, even to those who seek you not best way - not because they are good people, but because you are the kind of person. Try to behave in a similar way the following 30 days, and little by little you will see how rude around you slowly dissipated.

8. Try to always keep a positive attitude. The truly successful people always try to be optimistic. They nurtured the ability to independently create their own happiness and the desire to create. No matter what situation you find yourself, remember: any successful singer was once an ordinary girl who always manages to find the positive in their lives. She knows that any mistake - this is just an opportunity for personal growth and the chance to learn something new. Those who think optimistically, see the world as a place packed full of endless possibilities, especially in difficult times. Try the next 30 days to look at the bright side of this world.

9. Always be grateful for the lessons that you taught life situations. It is important to remember that everything that happened to you or face - life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything that you happen to encounter, and so on. All of this - part of a huge life lesson that we just call life. Try to always be thankful for it, especially when things are not going the way you want it. And if you have not settled on the work that we dream about, or personal relations did not lead to anything serious, it just means that somewhere ahead where you expect the best. And the lesson you just learned, is only the first step towards the best option. Try the next 30 days to record in his diary all the lessons that you taught life.

10. Pay attention to your life - and enjoy it. When a few months ago I watched ceremony "Oscars", I realized that most of the speeches received awards actors and actresses, began like this: "It means so much to me. All my life as though led to this moment. " But, you know, what is the truth? The life of each of us is at this point. Yes, to this very moment in which we are now. Think about it. All that you have done in my life - bad, good and neutral, - brings you to the point where you are now. Ask yourself how you really live your life? And if you're like most people, the answer is likely to be: "Not enough." So try a little less focus on how to achieve something, and more - on how to live simply. Remember - we are living in the moment. Life - it is here and now. So try to spend the next 30 days, living in the present.

11. Try to get rid of the next 30 days, a day at least on one thing. Every moment of our lives we live, surrounded by a huge amount of debris and unnecessary things - and no matter where we are at this moment (at work, in the car, at home or somewhere else). We are so used to it that he did not notice how it affects us. But if you will clear the external trash with him and leave a fair amount of internal waste. So try every day to choose one subject to unnecessary and in some way to get rid of him. In fact it is very simple, but at the beginning you may not seem so. But sooner or later you get rid of your "syndrome proteins" and your mind is cleared of junk will thank you.

12. Try to create something new in these 30 days. Creating something new - that feeling with what can not be compared. Engaging the fullest own creativity and creation of something new with their own hands bestow you indescribably pleasant feeling of completeness, the like of which is not there. The only "but": you have to do something that you really like. If you have the whole day to prepare financial investment plans to their customers, hating every second of this process, it is not considered. But if you find yourself a hobby that you really enjoy, and create something that has the attitude towards it - it can change your entire life. And, if you recently did not create anything with your hands just because you want it, try it. Release your creativity to freedom - at least for the next 30 days
13. In the next 30 days, do not lie to a single word. Yes, it may seem difficult, if not impossible, because "white", "innocent" lie often pours out of us a continuous stream. But you can. Stop deceiving yourself and others! Speak, searching for words coming from the heart, speak the truth.

14. Try every day to wake up 30 minutes earlier. In order not to run in the mornings, like a rabbit, bitten by a kangaroo. These 30 minutes will help you avoid speeding tickets, delays and other unnecessary headaches. Try it - at least on the same 30 days - and see how it will affect your life
15. Get rid of the next 30 days 3 bad habits. Eat too much harmful food? Too much play video games? Quarrel with their relatives? In general, you yourself know your bad habits. Select 3 of them and try to get rid of them in the next 30 days. Point.

16. Try not to watch TV more than an hour a day. It is better to entertain yourself with something from the real world. The best memories are with us from the great events happening to us in real life, and only there. So turn off your TV (or computer, if you're watching TV programs on it) and go outside. Take a look at the world, enjoy nature, take those simple pleasures that life has to offer you, and just see how it unfolds in front of you.

17. Set yourself some one standing goal and work on it at least one hour a day. Break your large-scale, ambitious goal into small pieces and focus on doing one piece at a time. Yes, that's it, making one small step at a time, you will all get to the goal, but the first step is usually the hardest. Try the next 30 days to spend at least one hour a day to do what you have always wanted to achieve. Take your dream and bring it into reality.

18. Read one chapter of a good book every day. Now that the Internet opens up an endless stream of information, articles, dialogues and discussions, people spend more and more time reading online. Yet all this is no substitute for a well thought-years wisdom of some of the classic books, which are divided (and will share) his wisdom for many generations. The book opens many doors - both in your mind and in your life. Find on the Internet a list of classic books and visit the local library. And then spend the next 30 days by reading at least one chapter a day until you finish reading the book. Then select another. And further. And more.

19. Try each morning to watch or read something that will inspire you to new achievements. Sometimes, in order to fill yourself with energy for the whole next day, you need one small thing. And so in the next 30 days before you leave the house, look at the motivational video or read something (quotes, blog post, a short story) that will inspire you.

20. Every day after lunch, do something that will make you smile. Healthy laughter stimulates your mind and replenish your energy stores. And this is best done in the afternoon, when a burst of energy you need it most.