Began to suspect that her husband had another, decided to check him and hid under the bed.
Loyalty test It can take an unexpected turn for a couple who prefer to hide something. The second half is ready to go to extreme measures out of despair. A man or woman loses peace and cannot live a full life until they know the truth. Sometimes everything secret makes a couple’s relationship stronger, but sometimes secrets destroy love forever.
Vera and Michael have been together for 2 years. Planning children, buying a new car, dreaming of a cat and a dog. Perfect couple, right? Lived in the soulSometimes friends wonder how they got together. Misha is quiet and calm, Vera is flustered and hot-tempered. The characters of the couple were really polar, but this did not prevent them from living together for quite a long time.
Mutual friends were amazed how a guy and a girl decided to get married. What if they don’t seem to fit together? What would happen to Misha if Vera stopped loving him? Will she realize that she doesn't like an extremely calm guy? Or, on the contrary, Michael will come to his senses and want to see a more domestic lady next to him?
Common acquaintances only fuel the fireThis led to doubts about visiting Verochka’s head. The girl used to always rebuff everyone who would doubt their true love with Misha for a second. But the many conjectures of friends confused her. Vera thought and remembered that Misha really recently became more secretive. Does the guy have someone on the side?
Strange suspicions The reason for the fear of faith troublesomeness. Previously, the couple spent a lot of time together, but that evening Michael rushed somewhere. The girl tried to find out where the beloved is in a hurry, but the man quickly gathered and left. Returning a few hours later, Misha was very sullen and untalking.
Vera immediately tried to get at least a drop of information from her husband, but he did not want to talk. The girl was offended because of this behavior of her lover and stopped communicating with him. The next morning, Misha realized that he had gone too far and hoped that a bouquet of tulips would fix the situation. Vere said that there was an emergency at work, the chief called and urgently called the office. The girl in love believed the words of Michael.
But Misha's problems at work did not stop. He stayed in the office and returned home later than usual. Vera, as it should, did not really say anything. One day I told you that everyone works like this. The girl tried to keep herself in control, but one evening she accidentally saw Vadim, Misha’s colleague. The young people said hello, and Vera wondered why Vadim left the office so early:
“Misha said that you have an emergency. He's going to be late today because we need to sort out the report. I told you that you all work so hard.” Vadim laughed: "Well, Mishka and an inventor." He's the first one out of the office today. And we don't have any auroras, fortunately. The prize chief promised at the end of the month.”
Vera was beside herself when she realized that Michael had been lying to her all this time. “He may be cheating on me, or something terribly terrible has happened. Which I would already know, I suppose. So my dear husband decided to lie to me, hide everything, make an idiot in front of friends and family. All right, Mishenka, I'll get you out of here. I will tell everyone what a liar you really are and a scoundrel, Vera reflected in her hearts with tears in her eyes.
Hearing that one day Misha should stay home, Vera decided to do the same. She believed that the guy will definitely bring home a mistress, otherwise and could not be. Michael was talking to someone on the phone and said he would. wait. The girl planned to hide somewhere, and in the moment of truth to arrange the doves unpleasant surprise.
Vera knew she was taking risks. A couple can open it early and lie. Or Misha will find a place to hide her beloved, and the test of loyalty will be covered with a copper pelvis. Girl. went under the bed and hid. There was a knock on the door. She heard quiet footsteps, a quiet conversation, and then crying ... The girl was seriously scared when she realized that her Misha was crying. What really happened?
Misha told his older brother Andrey that he had recently found an incomprehensible disease. It was discovered by accident while he was undergoing an annual examination. The young man cried, said that he was afraid to tell Vera about the diagnosis, afraid to leave this world ahead of time. Andrew tried to calm his brother, but Misha did not stop crying.
From fear, the girl cried, carefully covering her mouth with her hand. Andrey left, and Mikhail and Vera met with a look when the girl quickly got out from under the bed. The guy wanted to say something, but the girl didn’t listen. I just ran up to him and hugged him tight. Misha again gave way to tears, because life with such a heavy secret did not give him peace. He didn't. I couldn't find the strength.To confess to Vera. She didn’t bother him for all the inconsistencies, only promised that she would always be there.
Faith in time gave the guy his reliable shoulder and in a sad situation proved that together they will stand even in such a difficult hour. Long trips to the offices of doctors, examinations, recommendations of specialists did not scare the girl. She asked Misha only one thing: "Please, let's always be honest with each other now."
The sincere feelings of the young couple were much stronger than speculation, doubts, gossip. Misha endured a lot, Vera was always there. Fortunately, the couple can be spotted near their home. They are often in the morning. walking with a newborn daughter Christina. Misha is still very thin, the hair after such a serious illness has not yet grown back. But the main thing is that his support, support and greatest love is his Faith.

Vera and Michael have been together for 2 years. Planning children, buying a new car, dreaming of a cat and a dog. Perfect couple, right? Lived in the soulSometimes friends wonder how they got together. Misha is quiet and calm, Vera is flustered and hot-tempered. The characters of the couple were really polar, but this did not prevent them from living together for quite a long time.
Mutual friends were amazed how a guy and a girl decided to get married. What if they don’t seem to fit together? What would happen to Misha if Vera stopped loving him? Will she realize that she doesn't like an extremely calm guy? Or, on the contrary, Michael will come to his senses and want to see a more domestic lady next to him?

Common acquaintances only fuel the fireThis led to doubts about visiting Verochka’s head. The girl used to always rebuff everyone who would doubt their true love with Misha for a second. But the many conjectures of friends confused her. Vera thought and remembered that Misha really recently became more secretive. Does the guy have someone on the side?

Strange suspicions The reason for the fear of faith troublesomeness. Previously, the couple spent a lot of time together, but that evening Michael rushed somewhere. The girl tried to find out where the beloved is in a hurry, but the man quickly gathered and left. Returning a few hours later, Misha was very sullen and untalking.
Vera immediately tried to get at least a drop of information from her husband, but he did not want to talk. The girl was offended because of this behavior of her lover and stopped communicating with him. The next morning, Misha realized that he had gone too far and hoped that a bouquet of tulips would fix the situation. Vere said that there was an emergency at work, the chief called and urgently called the office. The girl in love believed the words of Michael.

But Misha's problems at work did not stop. He stayed in the office and returned home later than usual. Vera, as it should, did not really say anything. One day I told you that everyone works like this. The girl tried to keep herself in control, but one evening she accidentally saw Vadim, Misha’s colleague. The young people said hello, and Vera wondered why Vadim left the office so early:
“Misha said that you have an emergency. He's going to be late today because we need to sort out the report. I told you that you all work so hard.” Vadim laughed: "Well, Mishka and an inventor." He's the first one out of the office today. And we don't have any auroras, fortunately. The prize chief promised at the end of the month.”
Vera was beside herself when she realized that Michael had been lying to her all this time. “He may be cheating on me, or something terribly terrible has happened. Which I would already know, I suppose. So my dear husband decided to lie to me, hide everything, make an idiot in front of friends and family. All right, Mishenka, I'll get you out of here. I will tell everyone what a liar you really are and a scoundrel, Vera reflected in her hearts with tears in her eyes.
Hearing that one day Misha should stay home, Vera decided to do the same. She believed that the guy will definitely bring home a mistress, otherwise and could not be. Michael was talking to someone on the phone and said he would. wait. The girl planned to hide somewhere, and in the moment of truth to arrange the doves unpleasant surprise.
Vera knew she was taking risks. A couple can open it early and lie. Or Misha will find a place to hide her beloved, and the test of loyalty will be covered with a copper pelvis. Girl. went under the bed and hid. There was a knock on the door. She heard quiet footsteps, a quiet conversation, and then crying ... The girl was seriously scared when she realized that her Misha was crying. What really happened?
Misha told his older brother Andrey that he had recently found an incomprehensible disease. It was discovered by accident while he was undergoing an annual examination. The young man cried, said that he was afraid to tell Vera about the diagnosis, afraid to leave this world ahead of time. Andrew tried to calm his brother, but Misha did not stop crying.

From fear, the girl cried, carefully covering her mouth with her hand. Andrey left, and Mikhail and Vera met with a look when the girl quickly got out from under the bed. The guy wanted to say something, but the girl didn’t listen. I just ran up to him and hugged him tight. Misha again gave way to tears, because life with such a heavy secret did not give him peace. He didn't. I couldn't find the strength.To confess to Vera. She didn’t bother him for all the inconsistencies, only promised that she would always be there.
Faith in time gave the guy his reliable shoulder and in a sad situation proved that together they will stand even in such a difficult hour. Long trips to the offices of doctors, examinations, recommendations of specialists did not scare the girl. She asked Misha only one thing: "Please, let's always be honest with each other now."

The sincere feelings of the young couple were much stronger than speculation, doubts, gossip. Misha endured a lot, Vera was always there. Fortunately, the couple can be spotted near their home. They are often in the morning. walking with a newborn daughter Christina. Misha is still very thin, the hair after such a serious illness has not yet grown back. But the main thing is that his support, support and greatest love is his Faith.
A box with the inscription "On the communal" had to be hoisted next to his workplace, maybe who will throw a penny
Which of the zodiac signs loves cats the most, and who is completely indifferent to fluffy