Summer holidays with robots: Review of technological exhibitions

Summer - a season of high hopes. All developers were making in their warm winter closet, get out into the bright sunlight. At that time, most start events , dedicated to IT-стартапам, science and, of course, robotics .
We decided to make a selection of main events this summer. Starting with the largest international exhibitions, many of us will be able to see only in the live-broadcast, and ending with the neighboring Russian exhibition of robots.
For those who wish to present its own offspring, we have compiled a list of international competitions of robotics.
London Technology Week
15-21 June, London em>
Season opens a large forum, especially dedicated to the development of smart cities, Internet of things, working with Big Data and wearable devices. Therefore, it is no wonder that on the main stage and announced Cisco Barclays.
Last year the exhibition was visited by more than 40 thousand. Man. At this year's scheduled 70 events, including a conference on intelligent cities Bloomberg, EdTech Europe and TECH FEST 2015 - HEY! GOOD LOOKING search start-ups and investors.
22-28 June, Chicago em>
Techweek - a series of technological measures, which travels throughout the year by the largest US cities: New York, Los Angeles, Detroit, Kansas City and now returns to his home in Chicago. Of the main activities of the week: Hackathon, a start-up presentations, career fair. Of the main participants - the deputy minister of the Department of Homeland Security, Reginald Brothers, representatives of the Keeper Security, Clean Energy Trust.
16-18 June in Los Angeles em>
The main event of the summer for gamers. The list of participants is huge, it is so great that the organizers made a special search engine on the site. We try to list the most famous.
Consoles: PlayStation, Nintendo. Hardware: Nvidia, Razer, A4Tech, Logitech. Major developers of engines and toys: CryTek, Activision, Square Enix, Ubisoft, NCSOFT, Bethesda, Gayjin, Larian, Paradox. And then the text information portals: YouTube, EA Games, and so on. D.
Summer Science Exhibition
June 30 - July 5, London em>
Traditionally held in the Royal Academy of Sciences, Royal Society. If the previous exhibition can be compared with the humanitarian fiction, it is hard SF, though in a colorful cover. More than 20 interactive presentations on the latest scientific discoveries, representatives of laboratories and the latest research in biology and electronics.
Geek Picnik
13-14 June, Moscow; June 20-21, St. Petersburg em>
The exhibition is the fifth consecutive year. Perhaps the most important event for lovers of robotics in Russia. The program is planned many lectures and competitions of robots and unmanned drones. In addition, the "Picnic" will be presented examples of bionic prostheses and will be the first Russian conference of cyborgs.
Make It Show
27-28 June, Kyiv; August 22-23, Moscow em>
Perky and energetic festival of science and technology. Something between a Comic Con and CES. Although energy closer to the Comic Con. But the organizers have planned and a huge playground with gadgets, drones and augmented reality. Exhibition area of the festival is divided into five thematic areas: "Science", "Engineering", "art", "eco", "Fashion" and delicious food court.
April 29 - August 23, Moscow, Exhibition Center em>
Robot Exhibition in Moscow: a colorful, mysterious and buzzing. All that is necessary for children to be happy. The program - bit master classes, presentations and a little crowd of attractive androids.

And now, as promised, the list of international competitions in robotics:
SUAS , 17-22 June, Maryland, USA. Student competition drones. That aircraft, not drones. How did you start - in the run-up to the sky or a slingshot - it does not matter. Another thing fly - laid dispatcher route and land on autopilot.
Roboboat , 6-12 July in Virginia Beach, USA. It works since 2008. The winner is the one whose robot on zaplyvet.
Robosub , 20-26 July, San Diego, USA. Since 1991, the winners were granted a total of about $ 1, 4 million. Dollars. And for good reason: the test for robots cook downright epic. The winner is the one whose robot swims underwater farther.
AUVSI , 13-16 August in Atlanta, US. It has been held for 22 consecutive years. The competition of autonomous aircraft. No external control and GPS. While the rest of the list of tasks to perform one could not. But you can be the first.
Follow the latest developments of robotics in our site .
P. S. Maybe we missed something - you are welcome to leave messages about interesting events in the comments. Em>
Source: geektimes.ru/company/robohunter/blog/251670/
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