Robots among us: how to create an intelligent assistant in the house
Recently I was at a trade show, and "met" there is a very nice robot. He chatted with me about the weather, talk a little bit about yourself, we talked about literature and cinema, and to my question about the film "Crimea" robot hesitated and said that on political topics he discusses. To my delight there was no limit - I immediately thought of the lonely elderly people, which a spokesman would brighten leisure, home of the assistants and service workers, which would have such intelligent invention could largely replace. I decided to meet with the creator of this robot, but came to the stand, was very disappointed (to say the least) to see that the monitor is sitting woman with a headset and open Google and obschastsya on behalf of the robot with another visitor to the exhibition.
Surf the Internet for learning content, I have found several interesting courses on the subject of robotics and programming. It turns out, you can learn a lot from home, and even build your own robot using literally means available. I present several free online courses about robots.
Course: Fundamentals of programming robots
The course from one of the best specialists in the field of instrumentation and informatics, deputy director TSTPO Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI), Vice President of the Association of sports Robotics Andrew Budnyakova designed for beginners to master electronic device running the micro-computer. It is suitable not only IT professionals, but for people far from the electronics professions, such as designers, architects, sound engineers, doctors and other professionals who will be able to use microcontrollers in their work.
Course: Robots in the home
Despite the fact that robotics is rapidly entered into everyday life, not everyone has sufficient knowledge in this area. Lectures teachers MSTU. Bowman will introduce you to the basics of robotics and mechatronics, as well as the peculiarities of application of mechatronic devices in the home. In addition, the program of the course is to develop the project simple household mechatronic devices.
The level of training course participants assumes a basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, as well as possession of simple technological methods of mechanical and electrical assembly work.
Course: Management of "smart home"
The course introduces you to the concept of "smart home", in which all devices (household appliances and electronics, lighting, blinds, etc.) are controlled from a smartphone. "Smart House" and as a consequence, the "smart city" is one of the most promising directions of development of information technologies. According to the "father of the Internet" Vinton Cerf, the base for the promotion of "smart homes" has already been created, and after 15-20 years they will become our everyday life. Learn the basics of the concept today, you find yourself in the day tomorrow.
Introduction to underwater robotics
The rapid development of submarine technology and robotics recent decades has led to the creation of the amazing technology of deep study of water space. Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) prominently among them. Doctor of Technical Sciences Far Eastern Federal University will talk about the latest developments in the NPA under the international student competition, as well as about the importance of young AUV industry for modern underwater exploration. Course participants also learn about the basic types of unmanned underwater vehicles, the most important of their systems, as well as learn about areas of their use in modern marine scientific research and engineering work.
Course: Introduction to practical electronics
Have you ever dreamed of owning a robot that loves the darkness, go around obstacles and does not fall off the table? Lectures on practical electronics gives you the opportunity to create its own model of the robot! Leading experts will introduce you to the basic principles of electronics and learn to apply them in practice. The course is designed for any age category, since each module and an extensive manual, visual aids and useful links.
Workshop: Robotics by Tomotaka Takahashi
Cult Japanese robotics, founder and CEO of ROBO GARAGE Tomotaka Takahashi talks about how he is doing and where their robot draws ideas and inspiration. Several robots - including the famous baby EVOLTA, committed the climb to the top of the Grand Canyon - Takahashi brought along to show in action.
Lecture: Robotics from scratch: How I created a robot that brings me slippers
Dreams of robots that would do for us all the housework as well as remain dreams. (Robot vacuum cleaner does not count :)). It is surprising that learned to love to travel to other planets, but to make the robot housewife still could not. How to create your own robot? And is it possible? As part of the lecture you will get step by step guide how to create a robot voice, and soft-hardvarnogo review of decisions to develop robots that learn about the pitfalls in the development of robots and the ways to get around them, as well as the sources where you can find information and components for the robots. If, after this course you will be able to assemble the robot helper, I'm ready to be the first customer :)
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253144/
Surf the Internet for learning content, I have found several interesting courses on the subject of robotics and programming. It turns out, you can learn a lot from home, and even build your own robot using literally means available. I present several free online courses about robots.
Course: Fundamentals of programming robots
The course from one of the best specialists in the field of instrumentation and informatics, deputy director TSTPO Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (MGUPI), Vice President of the Association of sports Robotics Andrew Budnyakova designed for beginners to master electronic device running the micro-computer. It is suitable not only IT professionals, but for people far from the electronics professions, such as designers, architects, sound engineers, doctors and other professionals who will be able to use microcontrollers in their work.
Course: Robots in the home
Despite the fact that robotics is rapidly entered into everyday life, not everyone has sufficient knowledge in this area. Lectures teachers MSTU. Bowman will introduce you to the basics of robotics and mechatronics, as well as the peculiarities of application of mechatronic devices in the home. In addition, the program of the course is to develop the project simple household mechatronic devices.
The level of training course participants assumes a basic knowledge of mathematics and physics, as well as possession of simple technological methods of mechanical and electrical assembly work.
Course: Management of "smart home"
The course introduces you to the concept of "smart home", in which all devices (household appliances and electronics, lighting, blinds, etc.) are controlled from a smartphone. "Smart House" and as a consequence, the "smart city" is one of the most promising directions of development of information technologies. According to the "father of the Internet" Vinton Cerf, the base for the promotion of "smart homes" has already been created, and after 15-20 years they will become our everyday life. Learn the basics of the concept today, you find yourself in the day tomorrow.
Introduction to underwater robotics
The rapid development of submarine technology and robotics recent decades has led to the creation of the amazing technology of deep study of water space. Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) prominently among them. Doctor of Technical Sciences Far Eastern Federal University will talk about the latest developments in the NPA under the international student competition, as well as about the importance of young AUV industry for modern underwater exploration. Course participants also learn about the basic types of unmanned underwater vehicles, the most important of their systems, as well as learn about areas of their use in modern marine scientific research and engineering work.
Course: Introduction to practical electronics
Have you ever dreamed of owning a robot that loves the darkness, go around obstacles and does not fall off the table? Lectures on practical electronics gives you the opportunity to create its own model of the robot! Leading experts will introduce you to the basic principles of electronics and learn to apply them in practice. The course is designed for any age category, since each module and an extensive manual, visual aids and useful links.
Workshop: Robotics by Tomotaka Takahashi
Cult Japanese robotics, founder and CEO of ROBO GARAGE Tomotaka Takahashi talks about how he is doing and where their robot draws ideas and inspiration. Several robots - including the famous baby EVOLTA, committed the climb to the top of the Grand Canyon - Takahashi brought along to show in action.
Lecture: Robotics from scratch: How I created a robot that brings me slippers
Dreams of robots that would do for us all the housework as well as remain dreams. (Robot vacuum cleaner does not count :)). It is surprising that learned to love to travel to other planets, but to make the robot housewife still could not. How to create your own robot? And is it possible? As part of the lecture you will get step by step guide how to create a robot voice, and soft-hardvarnogo review of decisions to develop robots that learn about the pitfalls in the development of robots and the ways to get around them, as well as the sources where you can find information and components for the robots. If, after this course you will be able to assemble the robot helper, I'm ready to be the first customer :)
Source: geektimes.ru/post/253144/
3 profession which robots learn everything better
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