"Predator". Limited budget and Spartan conditions

The film crew
Legend has it that the idea to remove the picture of evil aliens, who mutuzit muscular warrior, was born out of a joke. Like, it would be interesting to see how it will look confrontation Rocky Balboa and the alien from the movie by Steven Spielberg. Sylvester Stallone in "Predator" has not got, and local alien creature like a little good-natured ET

Sami writers argue that this is only speculation. In fact they first came up with the story of the brotherhood of alien-hunters, who organize safaris people. Due to the limited budget and technical capabilities of the script had to correct - there were a hunter and a small group of US special forces.
Budget, by the way, was rather big for a film shoot that was entrusted to 36-year-old newcomer. Prior to the "Predator" in the portfolio John McTiernan was only weak thriller "Nomads", only then he became known as the director of "Die Hard," "The Last kinogeroya" and "The Thomas Crown Affair." Debutant allowed to develop a budget of $ 15 million, adjusted for inflation today is about $ 32 million.
A considerable part of the budget spent on already famous "Iron Arnie." However, the producers were willing to pull any money, just to get such a bright "star».

And yet for some reason the movie very much like to see Sonny Lendema, who played the role of Billy in the end - an Indian, one of the team members. The actor was noble fight fans, so on the set of his allowed only with the bodyguard, who was supposed to protect against Sonny Lendema rest of the cast.

Of the Predator was to play Jean-Claude Van Damme - perhaps one of the main actors rival Schwarzenegger dashing kinomanskie 1980-90's. Belgian even for two days to come on the set, but in the end a fight with one of the stunt, said he did not want to be "walking Keys" with the face covered, and was gone.

The role eventually went to newcomer African American Kevin Peter Hall with "basketball" growth of 2, 2 meters. After the "Predator" he has starred in the sequel yes flashed in the TV series "Star Trek: The Next Generation." In the early 1990s, the actor was in a car accident, he underwent a transfusion of infected blood and he soon died of AIDS.
About filming the actors recall with a shudder. The lion's share of time spent in the crew of the Mexican jungle. Because of the dirty water almost all suffered from diarrhea. Some of the actors has lost 10-15 pounds, limiting themselves to the food. They did not do it for filming, but in order not to pick up any infection. According to the lead actors, while working on the "Predator" demand more endurance, rather than acting.

Specially hired military instructors cinematic commandos raced 50 kilometers on foot, tired of many hours of strength training, made to climb the trees in the jungle. Due to the complex terrain almost every scene had to shoot six to eight times before it turned something worthy.
The first Predator was not at all similar to what we know from the movie of the same name franchise. According to the director, the whole crew for a long time waited for designers and costume designers will show a formidable alien. When finally brought to the jungle rubber suit stranger, they saw no clever and fearsome hunter, and a pathetic little creature with an eye in the middle of an elongated snout. Being more like some Jar Jar Binks from "Star Wars", but not the cunning killer.

It is interesting that the image on the layout itself chooses John McTiernan. Only after seeing the finished suit, the director realized that making such a gizmo will not work. And it was not in an absurd way. The design of the Predator had two joints on the legs, so the actor could not walk independently. It should have been hung on the ropes, and then comes in to the puppeteers. Do it all in the jungle was not possible.

With ridiculous Predator filmed six doubles, and then from the image had to be abandoned. There was a question on the termination of the shooting. The film is saved by a master of special effects and make-up Stan Winston, who allowed the studio to create your own kind of stranger in just six weeks.
It was he who invented the hair-dreadlocks, warlike appearance and stirring was terrible jaw mandibles, the idea of which it directly on the plane prompted James Cameron. In time for the deadline, the team of Stan Winston worked seven days a week - the filming process and so delayed. Finally, with the body of Kevin Peter Hall cast removed on which suit the very contrived Predator, who became a legend on a par with a stranger.

Almost all of the time, the actor went to an alien mask. Only in the literal sense outlet was easily detachable helmet. So Kevin Peter Hall, dressed in hot rubber suit, he could at least breathe fresh air. For frames where Predator "waving" their mandibles, created animatronic head with a remotely controlled built motorchikami.

For frames where Predator "waving" their mandibles, created animatronic head with a remotely controlled built motorchikami.

According to the filmmakers, Predator - it is a very moving, fast and bouncy creature. To shoot scenes jump from one tree to another in a suit of the alien hunter even dressed monkey. However, trained primacy in any did not want to jump into an uncomfortable suit, so the idea was abandoned.
By far the most impressive special effects in the movie Predator was translucent, activate masking. To shoot these scenes, Kevin Peter Hall had to change my rubber suit for baggy bright red suit, only the outlines of which coincides with the outline of the hunter.

First filmed scenes with the actor, then removed from the frame red suit, and then they were applied to the background image of the jungle, who "shine" through the figure of the Predator. To create a shimmering effect loops monster to shoot the background image of the jungle (which are subject to a special mask offset with repeated texture) filmmakers use a wider lens.

Difficult given the heat of shooting Predator. The operator was forced to use both thermal and aimed at the screen the camera. Both devices had to be moved synchronously.

Sometimes two or three seconds of shooting fragment took six hours of working time.

As fluorescent blood alien spoke a strange mixture of lubricant and a liquid substance of glow sticks.

Pyrotechnics and scenery
If you remember, the first third of the film is the most that neither is dashing thriller in the style of the 1980s. Without the use of fireworks, of course, there was not enough.

All the explosions and gunfire were shot on the well-proven scenario. In places "broads" laid controlled at a distance of pyro cartridge. The same charges, but smaller, with packets of artificial blood hid stunt in special vests. As soon begins to shoot guns with blanks, the assistant can only be activated in turn charges.

It's funny, but the most incredible in "Predator" members of the crew were called aliens, and ... six-barreled gun with which the gallant American commando jungle waters with lead.

In fact, it was a modification of weapons mounted on military helicopters. To fire the machine gun was needed source of energy, so in the field to shoot it without a helicopter or other equipment was difficult. To solve the problem, we had to pass through a needle cord trousers, which led to the hidden behind the trees energy source.

But this problem is not over. The fact that the machine gun shoot all the ammunition in less than 20 seconds. In addition, due to the ultra-high rate of people just could not keep guns in their hands. Specialists had tripled slow rotation sextuple colossus to decide both questions. For greater reliability actor enjoyed special props, which is partially rescued him from the recoil during firing.

Almost everything that the viewer sees on the screen - a real jungle in the wilds of Mexico. They were so thick that the forest before the shooting had to be pretty thin out to increase the area of visibility. And the leaves are brighter, trees from time to time poured water from a hose, knocking the dust.
So that decorators "Predator" was quite a bit of work - all the right given by nature. Only a few scenes they built from polystyrene and plexiglass artificial couple, very thick trees, which simply was not in the jungle.
John McTiernan said that wanted to make a simple qualitative thriller in the spirit of old Hollywood school. As a result, "Predator" was nominated for "Oscar", and to millions of viewers tape became a cult. The universe expanded picture so much that even intertwined with another legend - the world ksenomorfov.

Source: tech.onliner.by