
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger (German. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger) was born July 30, 1947 near the Austrian city of Graz. He was a child in sports, played football in his youth became interested in bodybuilding. In 1965 he won the competition, "Mr. Europe" Junior.

After serving in the army, in 1966, Arnold moved to Munich. There he worked in the health club, supervised gym. In the same year Arnold takes the second place in the competition "Mr. Universe" in London, and in 1967 he won the title.

In 1968, Schwarzenegger moved to America. After 2 years, he took first place in the competition "Mr. Olympia" in New York. Then Arnold begins to appear in the movie. His first film "Hercules in New York" (1970) went almost unnoticed. In 1976, an aspiring actor starred in the movie "Stay Hungry", a role in which he won the prestigious Film Award "Golden Globe».

Primarily Schwarzenegger became known as actor militants. He starred in such acclaimed films as "Conan the Barbarian," "Commando," "Predator," "Running Man", "Eraser" ... In 1984, he landed a role in the film James Cameron's "Terminator", which became a box-office leader in many countries. And then starred in its sequels. Schwarzenegger also lucky enough starred in comedies: "Twins," "Kindergarten Cop," "True Lies" and others.

Besides the actor received a BA in economics from the University of Wisconsin. In 1990, George Bush appointed Schwarzenegger head of the Presidential Council for Sport and Health. In 2003, the actor starred in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", after which he devoted himself entirely to his political career. In the same year he won the election for governor of California, who served until January 3, 2011.

In addition to acting and successful political career, Schwarzenegger is not less successful in business. By the age of 30 he became a millionaire. Today, the core of his financial empire is the company «Oak Productions», through which contributions from the studios, interest on sales of comics and video games. Arnold is the owner of the assets of 200 million. Dollars.

Arnold Schwarzenegger spent 25 years of marriage with his wife - a journalist Maria Shriver, who is the niece of John F. Kennedy. In this marriage were born four children. In May 2011, just two weeks after the "silver" wedding Arnold Schwarzenegger announced the severance of marriage with Maria Shriver.

After retiring from his post as governor of California, he decided to return to the cinema. Among the last works of the actor in the film - as in the paintings, "The Expendables 2" (2012), "The Return of the Hero" (2013), "escape plan" (2013), "Sabotage" (2014). Today Arnold Schwarzenegger continues his successful film career.