Would you like to see the future? Find out what's waiting for you in tomorrow!
The basis of such sciences as numerology laid down mixing multi-digit numbers to individual. According to astrologers, each of the values from one to nine carries certain information and has some individual characteristics.
In view of this result the unit has a great influence on the formation of a particular person and his destiny as a whole.
So, how to predict the future by date of birth? Instructions telling fortunes by date of birth:
Step 1.
To date beat brought to mind-read, it is necessary to perform certain arithmetic operations. For example, your date of birth 11.04.1979. Learn nominal number is possible by the following calculations: 0 + 4 = 4. The amount of the last two digits of the year of birth: 7 + 9 = 16 points to the individual figure of the life cycle. That is, every 16 years, your fate will be the upgrade process, and you'll be ready to meet its key events.
Step 2.
It is important to know that the penultimate number (in your case - 7) - is a manifestation of his father's influence, but the last digit (9) - a manifestation of the maternal influence. The higher the number - the greater the effect. Equal numbers speak of a harmonious parental influence.
Step 3.
Multiply the year of his birth on the day and month. Your number 4, and the month - 11 Line up the numbers in a single figure - 411, and then proceed to the multiplication: 411h1979 = 813369. Now summarize all the figures and get the level of personal potential (30). The higher the number - the greater the potential.
Step 4.
So, how to predict the future by date of birth? Let's try to build a graph of life. For this we need the number obtained by multiplying the year of birth of the date and month. The value figures should be postponed on the abscissa, and their value should be transferred to the ordinate. Thus, according to y falls you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. On the axis X - 8, 1, 3, 3, 6, 9. Then plane aside following terms: the first is 0, the second is at the intersection y = 1 and x = 8. As you've probably noticed that the second point corresponds to your 16-year cycle. The third point - the point of the next cycle (32 years) - should be deferred at the intersection of y = 2 and x = 1. In this way, you must put aside all nine points.
Step 5.
In charting can be seen during your destiny, its ups and downs, successes and failures that will fit a certain age. The lower falls point on the graph - the worst situation can occur in this period of life. For example, the point with the coordinate abscissa 0 indicates possible danger, and the peaks of the graph, on the contrary, point to the social, career, and other ups.
If numerological code birthday - a unit, this person comes into the world, to be active, be proactive and energetic. Since childhood, these people find it difficult to be in subjection to their parents, tutors, teachers. However, being in a subordinate position to be taken by them as a school of life that prepares them by the time they are entirely independent. On the "human unity" are beneficial extreme situations - in the sense that they tempered the ability of nature manifested most clearly; in the form of insight come to them the thoughts and ideas that have hatched in the other scenario would be for several years.
Although full independence, these people are not recommended to engage in private business before the time when they first learn to think carefully about all, to analyze the situation and then energetically to go on the offensive. They have enough of their own resources in order to succeed in life. However, no matter how serious were their successes and achievements, people with such a code can not enter the prisoner's own pride and bragging.
The man, whose date of birth is a code two, - is largely man mood. The root causes of this situation can be called a living soul in his self-doubt in their abilities, the result of which is part of falling into extreme change of life attitude. Such people are always somewhat skeptical too worried, especially if life puts them to have to make an important decision. "People two" should learn to be less sensitive to detail, in that they tend to sink. It is also important for them to take part in all sorts of smaller conflicts and disputes, and to listen more smart people, their tips.
Holders of such a code have good potential, are capable of much, but on the condition that they would not act alone. The most important task in life for them is to find a team of associates, of which they may be and thereby prepare the ground itself for future success. So people need to love yourself, believe in yourself and do not hesitate to contact for help and support if they need such.
If numerology birth date - three, then the person receives a gift numerous and diverse abilities, he wants the whole lot at once, and therefore tend to flutter, like a butterfly from one flower to another to collect all the sweet nectar. So people should take care that their desire is still consistent with the possibilities. In addition, it is important for them to build their numerous requests to "turn" and not sprayed, to concentrate on the most important for them. And only after it becomes a reality, it is possible to undertake the following. If the "Three People" will stick to this strategy, their success in life will be simply stunning. In addition, due to it they will have more time to communicate with friends, family, which, in turn, contribute to the fact that the atmosphere around them will contribute to the greater good fortune and luck.
"People Quartet" - are big fans of stability throughout. This is a very responsible, honest, serious, trustworthy people who not only are not afraid of challenges, but also do their best to solve them safely. Holders of this numerological code date of birth is usually a brilliant business and personal reputation. In their address frequently heard calls for help, protection, and they do not fall on deaf ears. These people have other serious support and find in this genuine pleasure. Many of them are very attractive area of science and technology. These people are very well apply to any failures, seeing in them the life lessons from which to draw the right conclusions. They are one of those who tasted sour lemon, will not curve and make sweet lemonade. Failure causes excitement in them, causing repeated attempts to achieve the desired as long as it does not happen. As their guide to action can be called the saying "By hook or by crook." For them, the term "make money" is meaningless - they can only earn.
If numerology birthday - five, then its owner cherishes his freedom and loves all sorts of changes. If they are not, then these people are beginning to consider his life a swamp, bog, from which the rush to get out, including engaging in adventurous activities. That they could come up with at the time that the risk - a noble cause. Do not fear, they go ahead and, in most cases win. They are usually very lucky in life, fortune often guides for their lives in a more favorable direction. "People are five" highly intelligent, philosophical turn of mind, the ability to successfully deal with several things at the same time, the priority of their own knowledge and experience of other people. Nevertheless, they are always ready to listen to somebody told everyday stories and advice. Their mind is in dire need of a constant influx of new information, so "five people" do not like to travel less adventurous, active communication with people. It is not surprising that the range of their communication is unusually wide, helped by tact and possession of a diplomatic reception. To achieve life tops these people can not go to someone already beaten, knurled trails; their mission - to lay their own.
To describe the main principle of life of people numerological code date of birth which - six, it is faithful to his word. They are not so easy to make promises, because they are very balanced attitude to their own words. But if a man gave his word that he will do everything possible to keep it. To do otherwise they will not allow conscience that in their soul does not fall asleep for a minute and a constant reminder that some promise remains unfulfilled. This is a very worthy people, who often receive thanks to the above qualities, as well as the ability to find a common language with any person responsible posts and positions. Among the most successful applications of their forces may be called medicine, political and educational activities. Holders of such a code is not peculiar to early marriage. This is due to a very high bar, they ask a potential life partner. Usually a lot of time is spent trying to find a man who would fit most needs.
Seven as a code date of birth are people who tend to listen more to the inner voice than to reason. They should not change this state of affairs, since the intuition works efficiently rational thought, making the resolution of problems faster. Such koddaty numerological birth occurs in people engaged in intellectual work, such as teachers and writers. But to business, making money, they adapted a little commerce, that is not their element. On the whole, the material interests of their less spiritual life; deep thoughts about life and death, their mysteries for them - the usual thing. In matters relating to the arts, philosophy, religion, they show themselves to be real connoisseurs.
Communication process "Seven people" are not easy. Dinner parties, entertainment companies seem to them empty and vain thing, so they communicate with people not too willingly. It is quite another thing - their peers in the level of intelligence, interests, outlook sides, but such is seldom found. Therefore, most of the holders of such code has to spend time alone, which, however, does it not a burden. Solitude them, on the contrary, pleased, because it allows your pleasure to reflect on some of the favorite themes.
People-eight, can and must make major efforts in the material aspects of life. They are very early, almost from school, give birth to a close friendship with the money, property, commerce. It should be noted the presence in their finest asset administrator powers by which they can take over the organization of the most complex cases and handle it well. These people have all the prerequisites for reaching the top of big business, but that they will have to comply with several important conditions. The main energy of their basic thoughts should be directed to the common good, decent performance of the overall business, not on your own profits. If they care only about fatten their own pockets, then they may get nothing. On the other hand, if the "eight people" will be taken care of, first of all, on the other, then they have the potential to become a very wealthy people. Their major success is almost impossible without taking charity. Such people may very well participate in a variety of non-traditional activities that have no commercial orientation. For example, if they are organizing center of nontraditional medicine, it will have every chance to prosper. By the way, "eight people" may well get the role of conductors unconventional exercises. Whichever path they choose for themselves, the main thing for them - always remember that material must be balanced with the spiritual.
About the people who have numerological code date of birth is nine, saying that they are given a lot, but also hold them at least. Surrounding them are highly respected, revered and considered authoritative persona. They are characterized by guided primarily by reason and only then - the senses. They often have difficulties in arranging private lives as placing their future life partner is very high demands. If "man Nine" will be constantly faced with certain disadvantages partner disappointments are inevitable. For him, the spiritual component of marriage is more important than physical proximity.
Prosperity in life for these people is likely, provided that their main motive will be a concern for the interests, the needs of others. On his personal needs it is necessary to periodically do not forget to devote themselves to work for the benefit of others. Black stripes and life "Nine people" the longer and darker than the owners of this code set more selfish than more concerned exclusively about his personality. Their vocation can be considered a positive influence on other people - spodvigaet those on the path of self-improvement, self-fulfillment, to call for a change of life.
If the code is the birthday person - eleven, the vital mission of its owner can not be called simple. It consists in the transfer of consciousness to a new, higher level during this earthly incarnation. In this way for example, the monastery of service so people do not fit: they need to live among the people and serve them, engaging mentors, kind and wise counselor, spiritual teachers mediums. The owner of this code, date of birth is not swerving from the path of spiritual development, and the pursuit of the fruits serve as a guide to others, inspire them to start a new life, the search for individual life path. If at least one person under its influence will find themselves in this world, it can already be considered a great result. "People eleven" is not just handing out tips left and right - they are responsible for every word, for the fate of those who followed their advice, and often there are people much older than themselves.
To achieve significant success so people need to be able to look at the world look in need of assistance, to be merciful and patient. In most cases, the vibration of the sacred code appear at full capacity in people over forty. If the person reading this description, understands that to him it did not have the slightest relation, then its numerological code date of birth will be a deuce.
People numerological code that birthday - twenty-two, are endowed with, perhaps, the most ambitious and challenging mission in life - to enlighten mankind as a whole. They should operate with concepts and categories across the destinies of entire nations, and the experience of his life, some personal benefit, have some sort of narrow, individual point of view, it is simply impossible. These people have now lay the foundations for the future of the world, the universe in its new form. They assigned the mission to explain his contemporaries cosmic laws, their nature and role. In a more specific and practical form, it looks like teaching, lecturing work, organizing and conducting seminars. If a person, acquainted with similar characteristics, realizes that life's path according to the vibrations of the sacred number 22, it is not appropriate under any circumstances, this means that his numerological code will quadruple.

The basis of such sciences as numerology laid down mixing multi-digit numbers to individual. According to astrologers, each of the values from one to nine carries certain information and has some individual characteristics.
In view of this result the unit has a great influence on the formation of a particular person and his destiny as a whole.
So, how to predict the future by date of birth? Instructions telling fortunes by date of birth:
Step 1.
To date beat brought to mind-read, it is necessary to perform certain arithmetic operations. For example, your date of birth 11.04.1979. Learn nominal number is possible by the following calculations: 0 + 4 = 4. The amount of the last two digits of the year of birth: 7 + 9 = 16 points to the individual figure of the life cycle. That is, every 16 years, your fate will be the upgrade process, and you'll be ready to meet its key events.
Step 2.
It is important to know that the penultimate number (in your case - 7) - is a manifestation of his father's influence, but the last digit (9) - a manifestation of the maternal influence. The higher the number - the greater the effect. Equal numbers speak of a harmonious parental influence.
Step 3.
Multiply the year of his birth on the day and month. Your number 4, and the month - 11 Line up the numbers in a single figure - 411, and then proceed to the multiplication: 411h1979 = 813369. Now summarize all the figures and get the level of personal potential (30). The higher the number - the greater the potential.
Step 4.
So, how to predict the future by date of birth? Let's try to build a graph of life. For this we need the number obtained by multiplying the year of birth of the date and month. The value figures should be postponed on the abscissa, and their value should be transferred to the ordinate. Thus, according to y falls you 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. On the axis X - 8, 1, 3, 3, 6, 9. Then plane aside following terms: the first is 0, the second is at the intersection y = 1 and x = 8. As you've probably noticed that the second point corresponds to your 16-year cycle. The third point - the point of the next cycle (32 years) - should be deferred at the intersection of y = 2 and x = 1. In this way, you must put aside all nine points.
Step 5.
In charting can be seen during your destiny, its ups and downs, successes and failures that will fit a certain age. The lower falls point on the graph - the worst situation can occur in this period of life. For example, the point with the coordinate abscissa 0 indicates possible danger, and the peaks of the graph, on the contrary, point to the social, career, and other ups.
If numerological code birthday - a unit, this person comes into the world, to be active, be proactive and energetic. Since childhood, these people find it difficult to be in subjection to their parents, tutors, teachers. However, being in a subordinate position to be taken by them as a school of life that prepares them by the time they are entirely independent. On the "human unity" are beneficial extreme situations - in the sense that they tempered the ability of nature manifested most clearly; in the form of insight come to them the thoughts and ideas that have hatched in the other scenario would be for several years.
Although full independence, these people are not recommended to engage in private business before the time when they first learn to think carefully about all, to analyze the situation and then energetically to go on the offensive. They have enough of their own resources in order to succeed in life. However, no matter how serious were their successes and achievements, people with such a code can not enter the prisoner's own pride and bragging.
The man, whose date of birth is a code two, - is largely man mood. The root causes of this situation can be called a living soul in his self-doubt in their abilities, the result of which is part of falling into extreme change of life attitude. Such people are always somewhat skeptical too worried, especially if life puts them to have to make an important decision. "People two" should learn to be less sensitive to detail, in that they tend to sink. It is also important for them to take part in all sorts of smaller conflicts and disputes, and to listen more smart people, their tips.
Holders of such a code have good potential, are capable of much, but on the condition that they would not act alone. The most important task in life for them is to find a team of associates, of which they may be and thereby prepare the ground itself for future success. So people need to love yourself, believe in yourself and do not hesitate to contact for help and support if they need such.
If numerology birth date - three, then the person receives a gift numerous and diverse abilities, he wants the whole lot at once, and therefore tend to flutter, like a butterfly from one flower to another to collect all the sweet nectar. So people should take care that their desire is still consistent with the possibilities. In addition, it is important for them to build their numerous requests to "turn" and not sprayed, to concentrate on the most important for them. And only after it becomes a reality, it is possible to undertake the following. If the "Three People" will stick to this strategy, their success in life will be simply stunning. In addition, due to it they will have more time to communicate with friends, family, which, in turn, contribute to the fact that the atmosphere around them will contribute to the greater good fortune and luck.
"People Quartet" - are big fans of stability throughout. This is a very responsible, honest, serious, trustworthy people who not only are not afraid of challenges, but also do their best to solve them safely. Holders of this numerological code date of birth is usually a brilliant business and personal reputation. In their address frequently heard calls for help, protection, and they do not fall on deaf ears. These people have other serious support and find in this genuine pleasure. Many of them are very attractive area of science and technology. These people are very well apply to any failures, seeing in them the life lessons from which to draw the right conclusions. They are one of those who tasted sour lemon, will not curve and make sweet lemonade. Failure causes excitement in them, causing repeated attempts to achieve the desired as long as it does not happen. As their guide to action can be called the saying "By hook or by crook." For them, the term "make money" is meaningless - they can only earn.
If numerology birthday - five, then its owner cherishes his freedom and loves all sorts of changes. If they are not, then these people are beginning to consider his life a swamp, bog, from which the rush to get out, including engaging in adventurous activities. That they could come up with at the time that the risk - a noble cause. Do not fear, they go ahead and, in most cases win. They are usually very lucky in life, fortune often guides for their lives in a more favorable direction. "People are five" highly intelligent, philosophical turn of mind, the ability to successfully deal with several things at the same time, the priority of their own knowledge and experience of other people. Nevertheless, they are always ready to listen to somebody told everyday stories and advice. Their mind is in dire need of a constant influx of new information, so "five people" do not like to travel less adventurous, active communication with people. It is not surprising that the range of their communication is unusually wide, helped by tact and possession of a diplomatic reception. To achieve life tops these people can not go to someone already beaten, knurled trails; their mission - to lay their own.
To describe the main principle of life of people numerological code date of birth which - six, it is faithful to his word. They are not so easy to make promises, because they are very balanced attitude to their own words. But if a man gave his word that he will do everything possible to keep it. To do otherwise they will not allow conscience that in their soul does not fall asleep for a minute and a constant reminder that some promise remains unfulfilled. This is a very worthy people, who often receive thanks to the above qualities, as well as the ability to find a common language with any person responsible posts and positions. Among the most successful applications of their forces may be called medicine, political and educational activities. Holders of such a code is not peculiar to early marriage. This is due to a very high bar, they ask a potential life partner. Usually a lot of time is spent trying to find a man who would fit most needs.
Seven as a code date of birth are people who tend to listen more to the inner voice than to reason. They should not change this state of affairs, since the intuition works efficiently rational thought, making the resolution of problems faster. Such koddaty numerological birth occurs in people engaged in intellectual work, such as teachers and writers. But to business, making money, they adapted a little commerce, that is not their element. On the whole, the material interests of their less spiritual life; deep thoughts about life and death, their mysteries for them - the usual thing. In matters relating to the arts, philosophy, religion, they show themselves to be real connoisseurs.
Communication process "Seven people" are not easy. Dinner parties, entertainment companies seem to them empty and vain thing, so they communicate with people not too willingly. It is quite another thing - their peers in the level of intelligence, interests, outlook sides, but such is seldom found. Therefore, most of the holders of such code has to spend time alone, which, however, does it not a burden. Solitude them, on the contrary, pleased, because it allows your pleasure to reflect on some of the favorite themes.
People-eight, can and must make major efforts in the material aspects of life. They are very early, almost from school, give birth to a close friendship with the money, property, commerce. It should be noted the presence in their finest asset administrator powers by which they can take over the organization of the most complex cases and handle it well. These people have all the prerequisites for reaching the top of big business, but that they will have to comply with several important conditions. The main energy of their basic thoughts should be directed to the common good, decent performance of the overall business, not on your own profits. If they care only about fatten their own pockets, then they may get nothing. On the other hand, if the "eight people" will be taken care of, first of all, on the other, then they have the potential to become a very wealthy people. Their major success is almost impossible without taking charity. Such people may very well participate in a variety of non-traditional activities that have no commercial orientation. For example, if they are organizing center of nontraditional medicine, it will have every chance to prosper. By the way, "eight people" may well get the role of conductors unconventional exercises. Whichever path they choose for themselves, the main thing for them - always remember that material must be balanced with the spiritual.
About the people who have numerological code date of birth is nine, saying that they are given a lot, but also hold them at least. Surrounding them are highly respected, revered and considered authoritative persona. They are characterized by guided primarily by reason and only then - the senses. They often have difficulties in arranging private lives as placing their future life partner is very high demands. If "man Nine" will be constantly faced with certain disadvantages partner disappointments are inevitable. For him, the spiritual component of marriage is more important than physical proximity.
Prosperity in life for these people is likely, provided that their main motive will be a concern for the interests, the needs of others. On his personal needs it is necessary to periodically do not forget to devote themselves to work for the benefit of others. Black stripes and life "Nine people" the longer and darker than the owners of this code set more selfish than more concerned exclusively about his personality. Their vocation can be considered a positive influence on other people - spodvigaet those on the path of self-improvement, self-fulfillment, to call for a change of life.
If the code is the birthday person - eleven, the vital mission of its owner can not be called simple. It consists in the transfer of consciousness to a new, higher level during this earthly incarnation. In this way for example, the monastery of service so people do not fit: they need to live among the people and serve them, engaging mentors, kind and wise counselor, spiritual teachers mediums. The owner of this code, date of birth is not swerving from the path of spiritual development, and the pursuit of the fruits serve as a guide to others, inspire them to start a new life, the search for individual life path. If at least one person under its influence will find themselves in this world, it can already be considered a great result. "People eleven" is not just handing out tips left and right - they are responsible for every word, for the fate of those who followed their advice, and often there are people much older than themselves.
To achieve significant success so people need to be able to look at the world look in need of assistance, to be merciful and patient. In most cases, the vibration of the sacred code appear at full capacity in people over forty. If the person reading this description, understands that to him it did not have the slightest relation, then its numerological code date of birth will be a deuce.
People numerological code that birthday - twenty-two, are endowed with, perhaps, the most ambitious and challenging mission in life - to enlighten mankind as a whole. They should operate with concepts and categories across the destinies of entire nations, and the experience of his life, some personal benefit, have some sort of narrow, individual point of view, it is simply impossible. These people have now lay the foundations for the future of the world, the universe in its new form. They assigned the mission to explain his contemporaries cosmic laws, their nature and role. In a more specific and practical form, it looks like teaching, lecturing work, organizing and conducting seminars. If a person, acquainted with similar characteristics, realizes that life's path according to the vibrations of the sacred number 22, it is not appropriate under any circumstances, this means that his numerological code will quadruple.