How to make a stylish shade of the thread with your hands. Become the designer of your home!
Perhaps in your life there are moments when you went into a huge store of household goods for the house and could not find the right thing. It seems to be the range such that the eyes diverge, and there is nothing to choose. The reasons may be different: the prices bite, the product itself looks unattractive or presented items do not fit into the interior of your home.
Today .cc offers you an alternative to long and tedious shopping trips. We'll show you how to make a stylish shade of the thread with your hands. To do this, you need only three hours of time and materials, which will always be at hand. Believe me, to create something brilliant at the lowest cost is possible!
For the manufacture of a lampshade you need:
string (color and thickness of pick up on your taste); wallpaper paste; inflatable ball or a balloon; a thin plastic film ; brush glue; electrical wire holder and a decorative plastic cone.
prepare all materials and arrange them in a convenient manner. Remember: you need to take the thread is not very thin, otherwise they will not keep the structure. Before you begin the process of inflated ball or naduy balloon (depending on your choice).
Wrap with plastic wrap the ball: it will protect the surface from getting glue. Then proceed to the main - winding thread on the ball. Do not try to wind the thread a lot - then through the lampshade will not pass the light. Try to find a happy medium to light properly dispersed, but remained fairly bright.
The next step - applying glue to the workpiece. Here the material can not feel sorry - you need to thread a well soaked and after drying the adhesive will retain its shape. It is best to apply its special brush.
Once the glue dries, you need to get the ball (ball) of the lampshade. The ball is removed from the structure as follows: let the air out and pull through some of the holes. With a scoop story is even simpler - just touch it with a sharp object, and it will burst.
The most important stage - leading to electrical wonderful shade. To do this, use the same hole through which you took out a ball (the ball). Put through it into the design of the electrical cartridge with a lamp. Make sure that the lamp is not to be too close to the walls of the lampshade and even more so do not touch them - fire safety first!
Consolidate the lampshade on the ceiling and connected to the electrical circuit.
Voila! Your house is now got a stylish lamp, from which all will definitely be delighted. Feel like a real skilled worker - try to make this an unusual thing in one boring evening. And share this master class with others - perhaps they will light up the idea and make it happen!
via takprosto cc
Today .cc offers you an alternative to long and tedious shopping trips. We'll show you how to make a stylish shade of the thread with your hands. To do this, you need only three hours of time and materials, which will always be at hand. Believe me, to create something brilliant at the lowest cost is possible!
For the manufacture of a lampshade you need:
string (color and thickness of pick up on your taste); wallpaper paste; inflatable ball or a balloon; a thin plastic film ; brush glue; electrical wire holder and a decorative plastic cone.

prepare all materials and arrange them in a convenient manner. Remember: you need to take the thread is not very thin, otherwise they will not keep the structure. Before you begin the process of inflated ball or naduy balloon (depending on your choice).

Wrap with plastic wrap the ball: it will protect the surface from getting glue. Then proceed to the main - winding thread on the ball. Do not try to wind the thread a lot - then through the lampshade will not pass the light. Try to find a happy medium to light properly dispersed, but remained fairly bright.

The next step - applying glue to the workpiece. Here the material can not feel sorry - you need to thread a well soaked and after drying the adhesive will retain its shape. It is best to apply its special brush.

Once the glue dries, you need to get the ball (ball) of the lampshade. The ball is removed from the structure as follows: let the air out and pull through some of the holes. With a scoop story is even simpler - just touch it with a sharp object, and it will burst.

The most important stage - leading to electrical wonderful shade. To do this, use the same hole through which you took out a ball (the ball). Put through it into the design of the electrical cartridge with a lamp. Make sure that the lamp is not to be too close to the walls of the lampshade and even more so do not touch them - fire safety first!

Consolidate the lampshade on the ceiling and connected to the electrical circuit.

Voila! Your house is now got a stylish lamp, from which all will definitely be delighted. Feel like a real skilled worker - try to make this an unusual thing in one boring evening. And share this master class with others - perhaps they will light up the idea and make it happen!
via takprosto cc
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