How to arrange a flower bed under a tree: making tree trunks
To be surrounded by greenery and fragrant flowers of the garden is a dream of many owners of suburban areas. But for the successful implementation of ideas and create a beautiful artistic image you have to use every inch of land.
As practice shows experienced gardeners lush and elegant flower you can equip not only on open sites, but use for these purposes, tree trunks and community trees.
Principles of arrangement of the row of beds
Rare to find a suburban or rural site, which would not grow fruit trees. But those plants with a spreading canopy and well branched root systems occupy a lot of space on the site. How to make rational use of tree trunks under the trees to make the garden more elegant and attractive, but not to harm the plants?
Young seedlings need careful care. Their circles of tree trunks must be left open because they are needed for fertilization and irrigation. The opinion that tree roots grow out into the ground straight down wrongly. Some of them are located in the upper layers of soil, buried only 40-50 cm This point should be considered when selecting a location for the flower beds so that the roots of neighboring plants do not hurt each other in the struggle for life-giving water and nutrients.
For example: birch, walnut and horse chestnut have a strong superficial root system. Any plants in tree trunks of these trees feel uncomfortable. But Apple, hawthorn and mountain ash have a pivotal root system. They gladly allowed under its crown ferns, ornamental grasses and flowers, allowing you to turn the bare tree trunks circles in the picturesque flowerbeds.
When you create flower beds around trees should follow the same principles as in the arrangement of flower beds in an open area. The only difference is to carefully choose plants that will be comfortable in the conditions of lack of moisture and light, and gently (with minimal damage to the root system of a tree) to treat the soil before planting flowers.
What you need to consider first?
Thinking through the place of arrangement of the flower garden, it is important to imagine how it will look planted under a tree plants a couple of years. When choosing colors should take into account peculiarities of the soil composition on which they prefer to grow, their resistance to changes in temperature, lack of moisture.
In place of the arrangement of the future flower bed with small blades clean the soil from the shallow penetrating the soil, roots, debris and stones. The roots of trees when this hurt is not worth it. But in advance to determine the thickness, digging with a shovel in several places the future of the flower bed, buried on the bayonet.
If every time a shovel rests on the extensive network of roots, the flower bed is better to look for another place. The variant of the digging roots in which the "interfering" branches spread to the sides, creating small "pockets" for the planting of flowers.
If the arrangement of a flower bed without partial pruning the roots of the tree can not do, at performance of works should be guided by the principle that you can "cut" not more than 10 percent of the entire root system.
After cutting the root will have to shorten and crown of the tree, reducing by the same amount. The bottom of the drilled hole is intended for arrangement of planting holes of plants in the flower beds, lined with non-woven material or a fine mesh. This would prevent the penetration and interlocking of the plant roots, and will slow their growth.
Drainage is an important point when building a flower garden. So that water does not stagnate in the flower garden, the bottom of "pockets" vystelim a six-inch "pillow" of gravel, pebbles or sand.
Prepared holes half-filled fertile potting soil, a third of which is earth, excavated during the creation of planting holes. Planted in the holes of the plant so that the root collar of each was above ground level at 2-3 cm Soil and press it and pour.
What plants to choose for songs?
Kareiviui most perennials prefer a Sunny fertile land. But placing the flower under the tree these conditions to achieve the impossible. Even if the tree has a sparse crown transparent on planted underneath the flowers to get only part of the sunlight. Therefore, when choosing plants should be given preference for shade-tolerant and shade-loving flowers. To design flower bed under a tree is ideal dwarf varieties of conifers, bulbs and annuals.
In conditions of partial shading comfortable feel will be such perennials as Hosta, Lily of the valley, anemone, Foxglove, ivy, primrose, Lysimachia.
Making tree trunks of the tree, you can solve two problems at once:to achieve a decorative effect and to protect fruit trees from the attacks of harmful insects. Nasturtium is able to protect the cherry trees and Apple trees from Apple sucker and aphids blood. Marigolds and daisies perfectly deter aphids and nematodes, and lilies of the valley protect stone fruits from fruit rots.
In early spring the bare branches of the trees will not obstruct light penetration to the bed, allowing the primrose to please the eye even before leaves on the crown.
Ready scheme for the arrangement of flower beds
Options for creating spectacular plant compositions on tree trunks round a lot. It can be multi-level flowerbeds round shape, the outer edge of which are low-growing plants, and the inner space is filled with higher flowers.
When making tree trunks of trees placed along buildings or fences that are visible from only one side are more suitable for semi-circular and asymmetrical beds.
When building a multi-tiered compositions, note that tree trunks of fruit trees can be filled up to a height of no more than 10-12 cm, the Filling of the root neck of the tree can lead to rotting of the trunk.
Option 1— spring kaleidoscope
1. Periwinkle (Vinca minor).
2. Tsiklamenovy Narcissus (Narcissus cyclamineus).
3. The Lyutsilii (Chionodoxa luciliae).
4. Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus).
5. Tulip (Tulip ‘Burgundy Lace’).
6. Corydalis tuber (Corydalis bulbosa).
For the arrangement of a flower garden even in the fall you should clean the area around the tree trunks of the tree from small stones and roots of weeds. Enrich the soil by making compost and organic fertilizers.
Onion look spectacular in small groups: they look like scatterings of colored lenses of a kaleidoscope sparkle in the sunlight.
Daffodils, crocuses and tulips are planted in groups, placing them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
In the foreground of the flower garden are planted the small tubers of Corydalis is an herbaceous plant, which takes its name from the bizarre shape of the flower.
The empty space between the bulbous meadow filled with bushes creeping along the ground periwinkle.
To protect the bulbs from frost and to provide them with opportunities for growth and good flowering in early spring, before the cold it is better to cover with twigs or leaves.
Option 2 — the contrast of primroses
1. Siberian Scilla (Scilla sibirica).
2. Daffodil (Narcissus ‘Tahiti’).
It is not necessary to give the flower bed a smooth round shape. Worthy of framing contrasting flowering meadow will serve as a decorative tile, the flower garden can give any form.
The bulbs of daffodils and Scilla planted also in autumn, placing them in small groups around a tree trunk. After flowering daffodils in their place are cute grassy "clumps" assembled from elongated smooth leaves that remain ornamental until mid-summer.
Option 3 — solar paint
1. Vesennik winter (Eranthis hiemalis).
2. Tommasini Crocus (Crocus tommasinianus).
3. Crocus (Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’).
Early-spring aratis, embellished with tiny Golden-yellow flowers, the greatest decorative effect only shows in the sun. Fortunately, in early spring, the trees do not give a dense shade, allowing this very beautiful herbaceous plants to manifest itself in all its glory.
When building a flower garden, first consider the pattern of the composition. According to the planned contours of the planted corms of Crocus, and as background the rhizomes of vesennik winter. After the spring flowering crocuses faded flowers are not removed, thus enabling the plants to reproduce with seeds.
A slideshow with examples from gardeners
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With the help of colors, even the empty space under the tree can be turned into a picturesque and pleasant leisure spots in the garden. Spectacular floral arrangements, framing, tree trunks circles, decorate the garden and the soft colors and fill it with charm.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: diz-cafe.com/ozelenenie/pristvolnye-krugi-derevev.html
As practice shows experienced gardeners lush and elegant flower you can equip not only on open sites, but use for these purposes, tree trunks and community trees.

Principles of arrangement of the row of beds
Rare to find a suburban or rural site, which would not grow fruit trees. But those plants with a spreading canopy and well branched root systems occupy a lot of space on the site. How to make rational use of tree trunks under the trees to make the garden more elegant and attractive, but not to harm the plants?
Young seedlings need careful care. Their circles of tree trunks must be left open because they are needed for fertilization and irrigation. The opinion that tree roots grow out into the ground straight down wrongly. Some of them are located in the upper layers of soil, buried only 40-50 cm This point should be considered when selecting a location for the flower beds so that the roots of neighboring plants do not hurt each other in the struggle for life-giving water and nutrients.
For example: birch, walnut and horse chestnut have a strong superficial root system. Any plants in tree trunks of these trees feel uncomfortable. But Apple, hawthorn and mountain ash have a pivotal root system. They gladly allowed under its crown ferns, ornamental grasses and flowers, allowing you to turn the bare tree trunks circles in the picturesque flowerbeds.
When you create flower beds around trees should follow the same principles as in the arrangement of flower beds in an open area. The only difference is to carefully choose plants that will be comfortable in the conditions of lack of moisture and light, and gently (with minimal damage to the root system of a tree) to treat the soil before planting flowers.
What you need to consider first?
Thinking through the place of arrangement of the flower garden, it is important to imagine how it will look planted under a tree plants a couple of years. When choosing colors should take into account peculiarities of the soil composition on which they prefer to grow, their resistance to changes in temperature, lack of moisture.
In place of the arrangement of the future flower bed with small blades clean the soil from the shallow penetrating the soil, roots, debris and stones. The roots of trees when this hurt is not worth it. But in advance to determine the thickness, digging with a shovel in several places the future of the flower bed, buried on the bayonet.
If every time a shovel rests on the extensive network of roots, the flower bed is better to look for another place. The variant of the digging roots in which the "interfering" branches spread to the sides, creating small "pockets" for the planting of flowers.
If the arrangement of a flower bed without partial pruning the roots of the tree can not do, at performance of works should be guided by the principle that you can "cut" not more than 10 percent of the entire root system.
After cutting the root will have to shorten and crown of the tree, reducing by the same amount. The bottom of the drilled hole is intended for arrangement of planting holes of plants in the flower beds, lined with non-woven material or a fine mesh. This would prevent the penetration and interlocking of the plant roots, and will slow their growth.
Drainage is an important point when building a flower garden. So that water does not stagnate in the flower garden, the bottom of "pockets" vystelim a six-inch "pillow" of gravel, pebbles or sand.
Prepared holes half-filled fertile potting soil, a third of which is earth, excavated during the creation of planting holes. Planted in the holes of the plant so that the root collar of each was above ground level at 2-3 cm Soil and press it and pour.

What plants to choose for songs?
Kareiviui most perennials prefer a Sunny fertile land. But placing the flower under the tree these conditions to achieve the impossible. Even if the tree has a sparse crown transparent on planted underneath the flowers to get only part of the sunlight. Therefore, when choosing plants should be given preference for shade-tolerant and shade-loving flowers. To design flower bed under a tree is ideal dwarf varieties of conifers, bulbs and annuals.
In conditions of partial shading comfortable feel will be such perennials as Hosta, Lily of the valley, anemone, Foxglove, ivy, primrose, Lysimachia.
Making tree trunks of the tree, you can solve two problems at once:to achieve a decorative effect and to protect fruit trees from the attacks of harmful insects. Nasturtium is able to protect the cherry trees and Apple trees from Apple sucker and aphids blood. Marigolds and daisies perfectly deter aphids and nematodes, and lilies of the valley protect stone fruits from fruit rots.
In early spring the bare branches of the trees will not obstruct light penetration to the bed, allowing the primrose to please the eye even before leaves on the crown.
Ready scheme for the arrangement of flower beds
Options for creating spectacular plant compositions on tree trunks round a lot. It can be multi-level flowerbeds round shape, the outer edge of which are low-growing plants, and the inner space is filled with higher flowers.
When making tree trunks of trees placed along buildings or fences that are visible from only one side are more suitable for semi-circular and asymmetrical beds.
When building a multi-tiered compositions, note that tree trunks of fruit trees can be filled up to a height of no more than 10-12 cm, the Filling of the root neck of the tree can lead to rotting of the trunk.
Option 1— spring kaleidoscope

1. Periwinkle (Vinca minor).
2. Tsiklamenovy Narcissus (Narcissus cyclamineus).
3. The Lyutsilii (Chionodoxa luciliae).
4. Spring Crocus (Crocus vernus).
5. Tulip (Tulip ‘Burgundy Lace’).
6. Corydalis tuber (Corydalis bulbosa).
For the arrangement of a flower garden even in the fall you should clean the area around the tree trunks of the tree from small stones and roots of weeds. Enrich the soil by making compost and organic fertilizers.
Onion look spectacular in small groups: they look like scatterings of colored lenses of a kaleidoscope sparkle in the sunlight.
Daffodils, crocuses and tulips are planted in groups, placing them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.
In the foreground of the flower garden are planted the small tubers of Corydalis is an herbaceous plant, which takes its name from the bizarre shape of the flower.
The empty space between the bulbous meadow filled with bushes creeping along the ground periwinkle.
To protect the bulbs from frost and to provide them with opportunities for growth and good flowering in early spring, before the cold it is better to cover with twigs or leaves.
Option 2 — the contrast of primroses

1. Siberian Scilla (Scilla sibirica).
2. Daffodil (Narcissus ‘Tahiti’).
It is not necessary to give the flower bed a smooth round shape. Worthy of framing contrasting flowering meadow will serve as a decorative tile, the flower garden can give any form.
The bulbs of daffodils and Scilla planted also in autumn, placing them in small groups around a tree trunk. After flowering daffodils in their place are cute grassy "clumps" assembled from elongated smooth leaves that remain ornamental until mid-summer.
Option 3 — solar paint

1. Vesennik winter (Eranthis hiemalis).
2. Tommasini Crocus (Crocus tommasinianus).
3. Crocus (Crocus ‘Ruby Giant’).
Early-spring aratis, embellished with tiny Golden-yellow flowers, the greatest decorative effect only shows in the sun. Fortunately, in early spring, the trees do not give a dense shade, allowing this very beautiful herbaceous plants to manifest itself in all its glory.
When building a flower garden, first consider the pattern of the composition. According to the planned contours of the planted corms of Crocus, and as background the rhizomes of vesennik winter. After the spring flowering crocuses faded flowers are not removed, thus enabling the plants to reproduce with seeds.
A slideshow with examples from gardeners
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement
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With the help of colors, even the empty space under the tree can be turned into a picturesque and pleasant leisure spots in the garden. Spectacular floral arrangements, framing, tree trunks circles, decorate the garden and the soft colors and fill it with charm.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: diz-cafe.com/ozelenenie/pristvolnye-krugi-derevev.html
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