10 rules for building a BBQ

No more comfortable and "all-season" area, in the garden, than the deck, or barbecue pavilion with outdoor fireplace is the warmest place in the garden, literally and figuratively.
To arrange a barbecue of your dreams, use the ten professional rules:
Rule 1. To choose a suitable place
A barbecue place should be cozy, calm and protected and not viewed directly. Therefore, it does not feature in the entrance area and the front part of the garden, and in the depths of his being. It is desirable that the proposed location for the barbecue was in partial shade. With areas for recreation should open beautiful views of the rest of the plot, and this place must be convenient to fit, definitely need a track or multiple tracks. BBQ is desirable to design a close with some beautiful close to a pond, flower garden, rock garden or any original composition.
Rule 2. Safety
Make sure that the BBQ was at a distance from trees, fences, wooden structures, and similar objects. BBQ means an open fire, so all the materials must be fireproof, such as stone, brick, concrete. Wooden decks can only be used at a distance of not less than 3 meters directly from the source. Perforated metal panels – great idea for fencing barbecue for safety reasons.
Rule 3. In accordance with the wind rose
Consider the wind rose (prevailing wind direction) of your garden and choose the BBQ is a place where the smoke will dissipate.
Rule 4. To choose the right hearth
Choose a hearth need, on the basis of external preferences, but it is necessary to consider practical component: how often you will use the hearth, ready to do extra work to cover it for the winter, etc. If "sitting" by the fire occur infrequently, and you want a comfortable, compact model, it is better to choose a portable barbecue or outdoor fireplace. Portable barbecues – not only all known collapsible picnic in nature, but with modern roasters, as a rule, imported. Accordingly, the appearance and style of these foci are very different. Among them there are very real design samples of metal – in the form of large craters, of the cylinders. They are original and elegant look, associations with the grill not cause.

Typically released in a bright design – white, cream, light gray. When you look at them, not immediately possible to determine that – whether futuristic container for flowers, or garden sculpture. Well, open hearth already a stationary object, as a rule, it is performed in a campfire on the stone paving. On this "fire pit" on a special tube-holders are the skewers or spit. A variation of the open fireplace in the Eastern – style tandoor ceramic hearth, like a large vase.

If BBQ you'll use often, and you like "classic" or "vintage" styles – your option – stationary outdoor grill or even a fireplace. Garden grill is a relatively simple rectangular design on the Foundation, with a recess for firewood and boards for applying skewers and grill. But facing it can be arbitrarily intricate. But the garden fireplace is quite large and complex structure with a pipe. Visually he looks like a real fireplace with a chimney, usually used in the interior, and the principle of it is the same interior. Can have several functions at once: oven, grill, and smokehouse.
No more comfortable and "all-season" area, in the garden, than the deck, or barbecue pavilion with outdoor fireplace is the warmest place in the garden, literally and figuratively.
Rule 5. Choose a design barbecue area
It can be open area, pavilion or canopy. Choose the one you need depending on the desired lesion, the pavilion will only fit if you have in mind a true outdoor fireplace, where you can take the pipe on the roof of the pavilion. In all other cases it is better to choose an open platform. An important psychological factor: usually, BBQ is associated with a picnic, this is a charm. The enclosed space of our whole year missing in the city. So more priority should be more open "models". That way, your hearth will be possible to see, but it's still a very beautiful thing in garden design.
Rule 6. Accessories
Given that the main character is a barbecue hotbed, whatever type of barbecue you choose, just allow for storage for wood or coal. For example, make an unusual drovnitsa: a small toy house, tiled, or stone. A few "walls" in the barbecue area can be simultaneously and racks for firewood. There are modern models of metal furniture, barbecue, chairs and tables, which are small drovnitsa. BBQ is there for cooking. Think, and if you will do it, if there is only a lone fireplace. Of course, need a working table, some shelves for utensils and spices, a place to store skewers, fixtures for hanging devices. Possible, to the barbecue area you need to bring water. And buy special utensils – only BBQ.
Rule 7. Architectural design
BBQ facilities can be "embedded" in the slope or contour made of brick or stone terraced "beds." You can arrange a barbecue angle is a great idea, and by the way, rare. You can arrange for BBQ canopy interesting shape, or layered, this will further highlight the barbecue apart from other places. If you love to cook and love to experiment, combine within the same BBQ, different types of lesions. In addition to the practical benefits, there is a chance to create your own accent garden, since all ideas of "fire" are very well combined with each other and jointly reinforce each other. For example, why not combine outdoor hearth and tandoor, inventing spectacular "history" of their Association? Will zamostie BBQ area colored vibratory casting, and for the walls and use reference tiles. Make your BBQ a "club" setting on its "territory" of the bar. It can be wood (then at a distance from the source), and can be made of stone. For the manufacture of bar tops made of stone, remember that directly to fold this design impossible. You need to first make a welded steel frame and then to keep him on stone.
Rule 8. Stylish accents
When laying the hearth can be made of different panels of individual beautiful stones, pottery or bricks of a different color. If you're plastering the hearth, can be inserted in the wet plaster ceramic figurines. When laying the hearth it can be decorated wrought-iron details. Make the garden the center of the illumination in the design. You can also "highlight" and drovnitsa.
Rule 9. Beautiful green
The best plants for the barbecue areas – perennials with decorative foliage, conifers, including dwarf, ground cover plants and low annuals. Decorate the barbecue area with lots of containers of flowers and not only: it could not be better will look large pots and boxes with spices and garden herbs. Delicious decor is the best! Can be done at the site of "modules" in the paving with planted herbs in them, it is enough to remove from the paving of a few tiles and fill the "Windows" of the soil. "Modules" can be both small and long "raised beds". Plan a barbecue near the garden of conifers or garden grasses, as these plants especially combined with the "concept" barbecue.
Rule 10. Beautiful furniture
Furniture for the BBQ area is not an accessory and not the focus, one third experience your BBQ. That's why the selection of furniture for this area is extremely important task. Furniture, first should match the style of the particular barbecue and colours, and secondly, not be "cheap". Plastic furniture flashy coloring is not appropriate for this area! Should give preference to products made of natural wood, wicker or wrought iron models, a good idea to look furniture parts made of special glass or modern composite materials noble, restrained colors.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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