Where do you want to stay all summer?
During the quarantine, everyone rushed to the suburban areas. Where else to go for a walk now? Beginning to bring garden: tips on how to arrange a flower bed, took from the book a Belgian gardener. I was so excited about it that I created dream beds!
Now all the neighbors ask how I managed to invite a designer to the site in our time. And I just smile and proudly say, "It's me!"
How to equip a flower bed Today edition "Site" I have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of ideas. garden In an abandoned country house. The beauty of the cottage is no worse than the botanical garden!
Flower should have lighting. Place the flowerbed at the front entrance or at the gazebo, provide a free approach, pave a path of sand or gravel to it. If you plan to plant shade-loving plants, you can break a flower garden under the shade of trees or at the fence.
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Compositions with conifers • ️ If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 15, 2020 at 12:12pm PST
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? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 19, 2020 at 8:22pm PST
Planting plants is an important task that needs to be paid close attention. Dilute the flowerbeds with annual plants so that the flowerbeds play with all the colors of the rainbow. Of course, many people only want flowering perennials. But do not forget that perennials are not long. flowering.
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Liatrice? Very spectacular plant. Colored candles of this flower bloom gradually from top to bottom, so that their flowering lasts almost a month!.. #liatrice #flowersvassadu #ideidolasada #ideidiosada #gardenflowers #gardentown #mytown #moysad #mixboarder #purple flowers #beautifulEklumba
A post shared by Nelya Zlobin (@nelyazlobina) on Jul 22, 2019 at 7:34am PDT
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I've got Dutch irises. And love again ???.. #Dutch irises #bright flowers #bright accents #mixboard #sadsamirukami #beautifulEklumba #gravel pouring #ideidsad #garden #gardencare #horticulture #flowering
A post shared by Nelya Zlobin (@nelyazlobina) on Jun 21, 2019 at 4:29am PDT
If you do not know which plants will look harmoniously on your flowerbed, use the color scheme.
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Another secret to the design of the flower bed?? If you do not know what plants will look harmoniously on your flowerbed - use the color scheme. These tips will help to collect a charming flower bed that will please the eye? If you are interested in this topic, do you like it?
A post shared by? Landscape school? Want a Hobby (@hhobby_landscape) on Apr 7, 2020 at 7:45am PDT
Think about it. plant-plant Go ahead and then go to the store for seeds. Begin to decorate the country with early flowering plants, and then give preference to plants that bloom all summer: dahlias, astras, roses. Also in the summer look great cornflowers, bells, astilba. The choice of colors is huge, it all depends on your imagination!
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Reading (sedum): types and varieties with photos, planting and care flo.discus-club.ru/sedum-ochitok.html #readings #hydrangeas #hydrangeas #sedum #lanshaft design #flower design #flower design #flowerbloomba #flowerblood #flowerblood #gazon #giving #supply #giving #giving #giving #giving #giving? #garden #shorland #horland #horland #horseboat #horland? #Moscow #flowers #flowerinstagram #flowers #flower
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Nov 15, 2019 at 1:40am PST
Try not to plant flowers anywhere, but group them according to approximately the same flowering period.
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Irises on flower beds.
A post shared by NIVAKI GARD️️? (@niwakigarden) on Apr 23, 2020 at 11:19am PDT
Don't forget the evening lighting. A street lamp will be a great helper if you plan to contemplate the flower garden in the dark!
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Barbaris flo.discus-club.ru/barbaris.html #nada? #flowers? #sea? #dacha? #barbarbaris #barbarbaris #clumbanada #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flowerlandscapescape #landscapescape #moscowflowers
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Oct 6, 2019 at 10:10am PDT
A bright solution even for a small area of the site.
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How to properly grow lilies in the open ground https://flo.discus-club.ru/novosti/793-kakrastitliliy.html #giving #good? #task #damoskva #davniks #flowers #lilies #lilies #lilies? #lilyflower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flowerloomba #dashlife #myflowers #Moscow #Russia #spb #landscape design #landscapedesignerdesigner
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Apr 21, 2020 at 10:33pm PDT
Decorative elements look very stylish flower bed in the log. In order to have enough space for flowers, you will need a log of large diameter - 50 cm or more.
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I've had this hollow log for a long time. 3-4 years. I brought him back from the landing. I saw it and fell in love. I think we should. Did you drag him for miles? I had 2 and a few small ones. Big rot, small ones too. 2 to go. I'll put it out later. I decorated it today, too. I went to the Forestry. I bought Aquatex (I’ll tell you about it tomorrow), flowers and made a flower garden in a tree. Beautiful? I'm happy! If you liked it, click ы️ Did I try? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A post shared by voronova_show (@keti_masterskaya) on Apr 23, 2020 at 11:41am PDT
Stones and gravel are the best friends of flower gardeners!
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Design ideas for your home? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 30, 2020 at 1:36am PST
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Beautiful flowerbed design with sprinkles #cherepovetslandscape #Terepovets #landscape #ideidolasad #ideidolasad #ideidolashod #ideideiba #ideiclumbs #compositions of flowers #compositions of succulents #flower
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Oct 19, 2019 at 4:21am PDT
The most “lazy” option for a flowerbed from tires is to choose a place evenly, lay the tire, fill it with fertile soil and plant flowers inside. And to add a flowerbed of attractiveness, it can be painted in the color you like, because rubber holds the paint perfectly!
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A post shared by Ares (@channelaresofficial) on Sep 6, 2019 at 7:25am PDT
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Blooms for flowers?? #my hands #ideas for giving #dash area #flowerland #internezidekor #hendmade #interesting ideas for giving #ideas for giving to your own hands #shrukineboreness #garden #beds #clouds #loombandada #instead #art
A post shared by Hendmade (@svoimi_rykami_idei_khv) on Feb 14, 2020 at 6:29am PST
Spiral flowerbed is a great idea for planting greens and spicy herbs.
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яных️Spiral Bloomba - a great idea for planting greens and spicy herbs? #ideidola garden #ideas for the garden #landscape ideas #data#ideas for bestowal#favorite garden#spiral flower beds#ideiclumbs#garden for spicy herbs
A post shared by? All for your favorite dacha? (@365_dacha) on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:41am PST
Look at that beauty. I can't take my eyes off!
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?? The design of the LUMBA???? To arrange a flower bed in the country can be in different ways. The most popular option is the implementation of a simple irregular flower garden. Plant plants within a certain geometric shape. Beautiful ensembles of flowers look elegant, serve as a magnificent decoration of the territory. Making a flower bed with your own hands is an interesting and fruitful process. To decorate the boundaries of the flower garden, you can use improvised means, original beat them. For these purposes, hemps, saws, vine, roots of trees, wickers, stones, bricks, remains of building material, glass bottles, etc. are suitable. Fantasy and original approach, will give your flower bed uniqueness and uniqueness. For flower beds, plants are selected according to the color range and size, I combine and beat various options. I want the flowerbed to be really beautiful, for a long time pleased with its impeccable appearance. ?? Wishing you luck??? #collectivevisit#registration of flower beds#gazette#newspaperBelgorod
A post shared by GAZET Visit to you (@gazetavizit31) on Apr 7, 2020 at 11:03pm PDT
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Beautiful compositions in the garden.
A post shared by NIVAKI GARD? (@niwakigarden) on Apr 22, 2020 at 12:28pm PDT
And on this site I want to sit all the quarantine and all summer!
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Pond ideas for your home? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 30, 2020 at 1:37am PST
Sometimes, inexperienced summer residents will look at the photos of flowering flower beds and buy all the flowers indiscriminately. In fact, the creation of a luxurious flowerbed is painstaking, and if you want to watch the flowering for three seasons in a row, it is worth considering important nuances.
I suggest you learn how to make a flower bed for three seasons with your own hands. The secret is in the selection of plants that bloom one after another!
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It's been exactly a year - my garden bed. Advice to other gardeners, summer gardeners (if you suddenly do not know how I am) do not plant a grouse in joint plantings - clogs all other plants, in the fall I will transplant it. #gardeners #clombinadache #dashkaklumba #spireyayapona #lobeliaisseeds #lobeliavsada #royabinnikovsad #thy #thyam #dateam #summer2018 #wasold
A post shared by Lena Abramova (@spring_morning) on Jul 18, 2018 at 9:27am PDT
These tips will help to collect glamorous, which will please the eye. How to equip a flower bed depends only on your desire, idea and work. However, to me, planting plants is a pleasant and, I would even say, meditative and creative work.
Do you like planting plants and ennobling the countryside? Tell us in the comments how you spend your free time during the quarantine!
Now all the neighbors ask how I managed to invite a designer to the site in our time. And I just smile and proudly say, "It's me!"

How to equip a flower bed Today edition "Site" I have prepared for you, dear reader, a selection of ideas. garden In an abandoned country house. The beauty of the cottage is no worse than the botanical garden!
Flower should have lighting. Place the flowerbed at the front entrance or at the gazebo, provide a free approach, pave a path of sand or gravel to it. If you plan to plant shade-loving plants, you can break a flower garden under the shade of trees or at the fence.
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Compositions with conifers • ️ If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 15, 2020 at 12:12pm PST
View this post on Instagram
? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 19, 2020 at 8:22pm PST
Planting plants is an important task that needs to be paid close attention. Dilute the flowerbeds with annual plants so that the flowerbeds play with all the colors of the rainbow. Of course, many people only want flowering perennials. But do not forget that perennials are not long. flowering.
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Liatrice? Very spectacular plant. Colored candles of this flower bloom gradually from top to bottom, so that their flowering lasts almost a month!.. #liatrice #flowersvassadu #ideidolasada #ideidiosada #gardenflowers #gardentown #mytown #moysad #mixboarder #purple flowers #beautifulEklumba
A post shared by Nelya Zlobin (@nelyazlobina) on Jul 22, 2019 at 7:34am PDT
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I've got Dutch irises. And love again ???.. #Dutch irises #bright flowers #bright accents #mixboard #sadsamirukami #beautifulEklumba #gravel pouring #ideidsad #garden #gardencare #horticulture #flowering
A post shared by Nelya Zlobin (@nelyazlobina) on Jun 21, 2019 at 4:29am PDT
If you do not know which plants will look harmoniously on your flowerbed, use the color scheme.
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Another secret to the design of the flower bed?? If you do not know what plants will look harmoniously on your flowerbed - use the color scheme. These tips will help to collect a charming flower bed that will please the eye? If you are interested in this topic, do you like it?
A post shared by? Landscape school? Want a Hobby (@hhobby_landscape) on Apr 7, 2020 at 7:45am PDT
Think about it. plant-plant Go ahead and then go to the store for seeds. Begin to decorate the country with early flowering plants, and then give preference to plants that bloom all summer: dahlias, astras, roses. Also in the summer look great cornflowers, bells, astilba. The choice of colors is huge, it all depends on your imagination!
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Reading (sedum): types and varieties with photos, planting and care flo.discus-club.ru/sedum-ochitok.html #readings #hydrangeas #hydrangeas #sedum #lanshaft design #flower design #flower design #flowerbloomba #flowerblood #flowerblood #gazon #giving #supply #giving #giving #giving #giving #giving? #garden #shorland #horland #horland #horseboat #horland? #Moscow #flowers #flowerinstagram #flowers #flower
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Nov 15, 2019 at 1:40am PST
Try not to plant flowers anywhere, but group them according to approximately the same flowering period.
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Irises on flower beds.
A post shared by NIVAKI GARD️️? (@niwakigarden) on Apr 23, 2020 at 11:19am PDT
Don't forget the evening lighting. A street lamp will be a great helper if you plan to contemplate the flower garden in the dark!
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Barbaris flo.discus-club.ru/barbaris.html #nada? #flowers? #sea? #dacha? #barbarbaris #barbarbaris #clumbanada #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flowerlandscapescape #landscapescape #moscowflowers
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Oct 6, 2019 at 10:10am PDT
A bright solution even for a small area of the site.
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How to properly grow lilies in the open ground https://flo.discus-club.ru/novosti/793-kakrastitliliy.html #giving #good? #task #damoskva #davniks #flowers #lilies #lilies #lilies? #lilyflower #flower #flower #flower #flower #flowerloomba #dashlife #myflowers #Moscow #Russia #spb #landscape design #landscapedesignerdesigner
A post shared by Dmitry (@faykaflo) on Apr 21, 2020 at 10:33pm PDT
Decorative elements look very stylish flower bed in the log. In order to have enough space for flowers, you will need a log of large diameter - 50 cm or more.
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I've had this hollow log for a long time. 3-4 years. I brought him back from the landing. I saw it and fell in love. I think we should. Did you drag him for miles? I had 2 and a few small ones. Big rot, small ones too. 2 to go. I'll put it out later. I decorated it today, too. I went to the Forestry. I bought Aquatex (I’ll tell you about it tomorrow), flowers and made a flower garden in a tree. Beautiful? I'm happy! If you liked it, click ы️ Did I try? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A post shared by voronova_show (@keti_masterskaya) on Apr 23, 2020 at 11:41am PDT
Stones and gravel are the best friends of flower gardeners!
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Design ideas for your home? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 30, 2020 at 1:36am PST
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Beautiful flowerbed design with sprinkles #cherepovetslandscape #Terepovets #landscape #ideidolasad #ideidolasad #ideidolashod #ideideiba #ideiclumbs #compositions of flowers #compositions of succulents #flower
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Oct 19, 2019 at 4:21am PDT
The most “lazy” option for a flowerbed from tires is to choose a place evenly, lay the tire, fill it with fertile soil and plant flowers inside. And to add a flowerbed of attractiveness, it can be painted in the color you like, because rubber holds the paint perfectly!
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A post shared by Ares (@channelaresofficial) on Sep 6, 2019 at 7:25am PDT
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Blooms for flowers?? #my hands #ideas for giving #dash area #flowerland #internezidekor #hendmade #interesting ideas for giving #ideas for giving to your own hands #shrukineboreness #garden #beds #clouds #loombandada #instead #art
A post shared by Hendmade (@svoimi_rykami_idei_khv) on Feb 14, 2020 at 6:29am PST
Spiral flowerbed is a great idea for planting greens and spicy herbs.
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яных️Spiral Bloomba - a great idea for planting greens and spicy herbs? #ideidola garden #ideas for the garden #landscape ideas #data#ideas for bestowal#favorite garden#spiral flower beds#ideiclumbs#garden for spicy herbs
A post shared by? All for your favorite dacha? (@365_dacha) on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:41am PST
Look at that beauty. I can't take my eyes off!
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?? The design of the LUMBA???? To arrange a flower bed in the country can be in different ways. The most popular option is the implementation of a simple irregular flower garden. Plant plants within a certain geometric shape. Beautiful ensembles of flowers look elegant, serve as a magnificent decoration of the territory. Making a flower bed with your own hands is an interesting and fruitful process. To decorate the boundaries of the flower garden, you can use improvised means, original beat them. For these purposes, hemps, saws, vine, roots of trees, wickers, stones, bricks, remains of building material, glass bottles, etc. are suitable. Fantasy and original approach, will give your flower bed uniqueness and uniqueness. For flower beds, plants are selected according to the color range and size, I combine and beat various options. I want the flowerbed to be really beautiful, for a long time pleased with its impeccable appearance. ?? Wishing you luck??? #collectivevisit#registration of flower beds#gazette#newspaperBelgorod
A post shared by GAZET Visit to you (@gazetavizit31) on Apr 7, 2020 at 11:03pm PDT
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Beautiful compositions in the garden.
A post shared by NIVAKI GARD? (@niwakigarden) on Apr 22, 2020 at 12:28pm PDT
And on this site I want to sit all the quarantine and all summer!
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Pond ideas for your home? If you want to make your site bring joy, hurry to order a landscape design project! Write? in the Direct Call? +7(8202) 60-80-55 Let's answer all your questions! • #ideidolas #ideidolas #dizai #decorative fountains #decorative plants #decorative plants #idealcreation #ideiclumbs #tropics #ideitropinks #host #fontanyvsad #Terepovets #landshaftchereps #landscapedesign
A post shared by Green Lundy (@grinlandi) on Jan 30, 2020 at 1:37am PST
Sometimes, inexperienced summer residents will look at the photos of flowering flower beds and buy all the flowers indiscriminately. In fact, the creation of a luxurious flowerbed is painstaking, and if you want to watch the flowering for three seasons in a row, it is worth considering important nuances.
I suggest you learn how to make a flower bed for three seasons with your own hands. The secret is in the selection of plants that bloom one after another!
View this post on Instagram
It's been exactly a year - my garden bed. Advice to other gardeners, summer gardeners (if you suddenly do not know how I am) do not plant a grouse in joint plantings - clogs all other plants, in the fall I will transplant it. #gardeners #clombinadache #dashkaklumba #spireyayapona #lobeliaisseeds #lobeliavsada #royabinnikovsad #thy #thyam #dateam #summer2018 #wasold
A post shared by Lena Abramova (@spring_morning) on Jul 18, 2018 at 9:27am PDT
These tips will help to collect glamorous, which will please the eye. How to equip a flower bed depends only on your desire, idea and work. However, to me, planting plants is a pleasant and, I would even say, meditative and creative work.
Do you like planting plants and ennobling the countryside? Tell us in the comments how you spend your free time during the quarantine!
Why you need a stick in a package with dates and how to make candy from dates
Why you should eat a piece of fat a day is mandatory