Creative summer cottage shows what mini-beds can be planted even in summer

“From a bad mood helps flower garden in the country!” – said to me once a friend. As soon as the emotional map shifts to the dramatic pole, I drive myself to the beds!

Well, it is worth listening to her advice, because a positive emotional state favorably affects both the state of health and the state of affairs in general.

Today's edition. "Site" It will show and tell you which ones mini-bed It can be planted even in late summer. Unusual combinations of plants!

Lovers of going hiking will definitely appreciate this bright idea!

In small flower gardens, you should carefully select a palette of flowers. Think in advance what shades of plants you will eventually be located on the flower bed. It all depends on your taste preferences. Someone likes bright colors, and someone more muted.

An old barrel or bucket can become art objects in your home. floral. I'm excited about this idea!

Here’s how to use an old bathroom. Be sure to paint the sides of the bath with paint that suits the tone of your garden. Such a mini-bed can be a real highlight of your suburban area.

A cobblestone is one of the best options framing.

It is better to plant perennial flowers from late summer to mid-October, depending on the specific species. Plants planted in autumn are easier to adapt and harden during the cold winter months.

Tree beds are placed around trees, in the area under their crowns. It looks stylish and original! The same tree neighborhood with decorative perennials or annuals can be even useful if you choose the right flowers and organize the flowerbed carefully, without damage to its root system.

With the help of wheels and logs, you can create truly unique mini-flower gardens.

Two more interesting options!

Stump beds It will fit perfectly anywhere in your garden. They, in principle, and to decorate anything, better than nature, still do not do.

In the warm period of the year, either those flowers are planted that have a short period of growth and they have time to bloom before frost, or perennial plants are transplanted, which will bloom first in early spring. To perennials bloom this autumn, it is better to plant them with seedlings.

I also suggest you learn how to create a garden of flowers and stones in a week. The main thing is to follow the basic principles of flower gardens and clearly follow the step-by-step instructions!

“Flower in the country is a source of inspiration, pleasure to the eye and a way to switch from everyday problems!” – concluded my creative friend. I decided to go with my husband next weekend. cottage. While the days are still sunny and warm, we will bring beauty and enjoy nature.

Do you like planting flowers? I would be happy if you could share your picture with us in the comments!


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