Successful solutions for the arrangement of the summer cottage
I'm cleaning up the old abandoned one. grandpa. 4 days off - and the garden does not know! And then I think it will be even better when everything blooms bright colors.
Ideas, how to equip the cottage, read from English and Belgian gardeners and designers. The result is very happy, but the neighbor is jealously watching our actions, and writes something in the notebook.
Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you, dear reader, the best solutions. gardening. Suitable even for a small garden!
How to equip the country My first find was seen from the British, and it is wavy brick-fence. A profitable thing, I tell you: the brick is half as small, but it looks original. Besides, it's more sustainable!
The thing is that you can not build a direct fence in one brick, or, as the builders call it, in half a brick. More precisely, you can, but a long fence will fall from a slight push. Such fences are built in at least two bricks. And at small intervals, buttresses are also added to the straight fence for stability.
And wavy fence One brick due to the arched folds is actually a symbiosis of the fence and buttress.
Flower bed and flower bed - one of the most important components of the suburban area. Chaotically planted flowers will not bring the desired result. When planning plantings, three main aspects should be considered: the placement of plants in accordance with the size, the selection of colors, the time and duration of flowering.
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Rainwater? can not only be collected in a barrel? There's another option! Can I make a nice drain? I found several examples on the Internet. Of course, not all of these options are suitable, and me included? but as an idea I kept for myself. Maybe then I'll get an idea of how to do something like this in my dacha. What about those options? Maybe you did something similar, would be happy to share?
A post shared by Novichok Sadovichok (@novichok_sadovichok) on Apr 12, 2020 at 4:12pm PDT
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Precinct lighting. It's very beautiful!?
A post shared by Dacha, garden, garden, tips (@dacha_sovet) on Sep 8, 2018 at 11:32pm PDT
It does not matter what land you own: a large garden, a country house with adjacent territory or a standard six acres. You can create beautiful patterns of a variety of shapes and sizes.
Colored gravel for the landscape design of large fractions can be used, for example, as islets and mountains, and the small fraction - to crumble throughout the free area and serve as an imitation of the water element.
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In today’s selection of ideas, great options for landscape design with decorative chips for your garden plot. As always, only the best. It does not matter what land you own: a large garden, a country house with adjacent territory or a standard six acres. With the help of specialists or with your own hands, you can create beautiful patterns of a variety of shapes and sizes. Colored gravel for the landscape design of large fractions can be used, for example, as islets and mountains, and the small fraction - to crumble throughout the free area and serve as an imitation of the water element. Such a composition will not require complex care and will please the eyes of others for many years. Main stages: 1. A place for laying is being prepared. The rune is cut to a depth of about 10 cm. ► 2. There are curbs that limit the place of laying decorative rubble. ► 3. A layer of sand 5 cm thick is poured into the prepared place. The sand is flattened, tamped and spilled with water for shrinkage. ► 4. The sand is lined with insulating material in which there are holes. ► 5. Sand is poured on polyethylene, a layer of about 2-3 cm. ► 6. On the sand poured decorative rubble or marble crumb. The leveling of the surface is made by rakes. For lawns and decorative elements, a layer thickness of 2 mm is sufficient. For pedestrian paths, it is desirable to pour about 4 mm. rubble. The consumption of marble crumb is approximately 20 kg per 1 m2 with a backfill thickness of 3 cm. â â â â â â â â п #_verandadecor_ #garden idea #decorstone #landscape design #ideolandscape design #stone garden #stonestonestone #stonestonestonestone decorating #stage #stage #stage #stage #stage #stage
A post shared by DREAM HOUSE Soft Windows (@_verandadecor_) on Apr 29, 2020 at 10:22pm PDT
I saw this gazebo and realized that this is exactly what my summer cottage needs. It is necessary to please the husband, because he will have to build it!
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I saw this gazebo and it was like I was sick: well, my, my, you know? I’m already figuring out in my head how many landing pages I need to create to make the dream come true. This is really thrash, is it three o'clock in the morning? Although there is still an option - to marry a "carrot" who will do such a miracle with his own hands? I’m going to sleep and see her in my house. I'm going to kill the cat, it's his fault!!? If I had not woken up with my night races, I would not have climbed into the social network. Life-pain...? But is there a new motivation for developing a tough content plan??? Friends, do you like this gazebo? I would be grateful if you give advice on how to economically build such happiness. No man's hands? Where to go, what to buy? ?
A post shared by Professional Copywriter (@the_best_content.ru) on Nov 14, 2017 at 3:53pm PST
To make such beauty, you need to pre-prepare a place for laying. Cut the soil to a depth of about 8-10 centimeters. Put up curbs that limit the space stonework. On the prepared place, a layer of sand 5 cm thick. Lay the sand, tamp and pour water for shrinkage.
On the sand should lay an insulating material in which there are holes. On the polyethylene mound sand layer about 2 centimeters. On the sand mound decorative rubble or marble crumb. It is better to level the surface with robbery.
For lawns and decorative elements, a layer thickness of about 2 millimeters is enough, and for pedestrian paths it is desirable to pour about 4 millimeters of rubble.
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If there is an empty plot of land in your garden, do not leave it without attention! Just make a flower bed or flower bed from rubble in this place! Completely fill the flowerbed with rubble, except for a place for planting plants. Rubble reduces the evaporation of water from the soil and reduces the frequency of irrigation of plants, in summer it prevents soil heating, and in winter it protects against frost. Also, this versatile material limits the growth of weeds. This version of the flowerbed gives the garden a well-groomed appearance, are an original element of the landscape. Here you will find many options for crushed crumbs of various colors and fractions! Ordering stone by phone 8-964-930-33-30. #crushed stone #crushed rubble #clumb #clumb #stone #stone #natural stone #beautifulwaklumba #natural stone #natural stone #natural stone #wild stone #natural stone #stone
A post shared by Landscape Stone (@kamenlab) on Apr 29, 2020 at 10:45am PDT
Such a composition will not require complex care and will please the eyes of others for many years!
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Combine the pleasant with the useful Melissa???? Beautiful greens on the flowerbed, fragrant and very useful? we always add a leaf to the brew in the summer. Did you find a lot of positive information about her? Reduces stress, has a calming and hypnotic effect on the body. By the way, when the kids did not sleep, put twigs under the pillow, does its smell soothe? Strengthens immunity due to the high content of vitamins, essential oils and trace elements. ♥️ Has a painkiller effect. ♥️ Restores the hormonal background. It acts as a diuretic, which is especially important in cases of swelling. Eliminates nausea and vomiting with toxicosis, increases appetite. Can it be used as a skin care aid?? Oh God, she's losing weight!! Who should I dig up??? Plant medicinal herbs in the garden?
A post shared by Garden Design Saplings (@fazenda.bayterek) on Apr 24, 2020 at 10:06pm PDT
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Do you know the best thing to calm your nerves is to look at green plants??? And if they are planted with their hand???? and competently located, can you save more than one nerve cell?? Is the soul now particularly drawn to the beautiful? How to place plants that would be beautiful and harmonious? Start from the center of the flowerbed or from the fence, in the center or in the background we plant the tallest plant and further in growth, the closer to the curb the lower, we observe the rule of the triangle ч ч If there are questions how best to place plants on your site, can you write in person? In the carousel examples for inspiration
A post shared by Garden Design Saplings (@fazenda.bayterek) on Apr 23, 2020 at 8:23am PDT
If you have an old bicycle or bicycle wheels, do not rush to throw them away. Imagine how comfortable it would be for cucumber whips to cling to the strings of the wheel. Maybe a girl's grape. This is easy, interesting and at no extra cost!
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Ready for new ideas? If you have an old bike or bicycle wheels, don’t throw them away! They'll come in handy. Just imagine how convenient it will be for cucumber lashes to cling to the wheel slings. Or maybe a girl's grape... This is easy, interesting and at no extra cost!
A post shared by Design? Interior? IDEAS (@yartovary) on Jul 10, 2019 at 2:28am PDT
Interesting idea how to improve the old summer toilet in the country.
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I want to raise a not very aesthetic topic today. Like many people, we have a toilet. The structure is old, scary, but quite strong. I want to try to make it look a little better. Of course, we plan to replace the toilet with a new one later, but this year it is definitely not possible. The cottage we had only at the end of last summer, and we really did not have time to do anything, and there are a lot of things to do. So, this year and so planned a large item of expenditure, and the current situation in the world?, generally difficult, something to plan? Come on, that's not what I'm talking about. Simply put, I have the task of ennobling our WC? and do with little blood? well, to do it on a budget and without spending a lot of effort. I repeat that this is a temporary measure (I hope that the principle of “nothing is more permanent than temporary” will not work for us). As an example, I found several photos of “simple” country toilets (I mean that I came across photos of such toilets, which are probably as expensive as an entire apartment?). The last picture in the carousel, what we have now. In my plans and ideas: paint (to make a variant of "Alya obsharpe"), from the shower (pictured on the left) add some decor, perhaps a kashpo with petunia? or other flowers? There are also old window frames, perhaps using them (examples of installation laid out earlier, post from 28.01.2020). Of course, you can leave everything as it is, and just wait for the installation of a new one, but you want to somehow make the site more cozy so that this gray structure does not “buzz your eyes”. What would you do? Is it left as it is or would it be vaccinated? I will also be grateful if you send your options for the country toilet to Direct.
A post shared by Novichok Sadovichok (@novichok_sadovichok) on Apr 14, 2020 at 1:22pm PDT
What do you say about that? original? Comfortable and stylish, isn't it?
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The original vertical bed. We appreciate it.
A post shared by Dacha, garden, garden, tips (@dacha_sovet) on Jul 28, 2018 at 11:09pm PDT
I suggest you to familiarize yourself with the sowing calendar for May 2020, to know when it is better to sow vegetables and fruits, water, weed weed, make trees and not only. If you follow the phases of the moon, you can also find out the days on which it is better not to go to the garden at all, but to do housework!
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? Home, garden and garden on the weekends?? Good evening, my dear friends! Is the work week over today?? Over the weekend, I promised to continue the column: "House, garden, garden on weekends" @dengiizzemli. It’s time to prepare for the season and gather ideas that you can implement this summer. Have I decided to help you with this? Agree, it is convenient to dream about the house, and invent beauty on the site?????? I will tell you about natural agriculture, share my experience, how to collect large harvests of cucumbers and tomatoes in the Urals. ← I will be glad if you share your secrets, so the column about gardens will be much more interesting ?????? #harvest #ideology #garden #ideidilsad #sadsmiri hands #beautiful cottage #my beautiful cottage #urban all year round #ideotown #good harvest #Shopping lot #salesland #homebuilding #project #land #buy #living #potekhaaleks
A post shared by Business? ONLINE (@aleksei.poteha) on Feb 21, 2020 at 4:55am PST
Now you know how to equip a cottage, so that it is easy, fast, economical, functional and beautiful. In my opinion, the dacha is a great opportunity to show your own imagination and realize your personal plans.
Tell us in the comments if you like to be gentrified. countrysideAre you interested in gardening? I would love to share a picture of your beautiful garden with us in the comments!
Ideas, how to equip the cottage, read from English and Belgian gardeners and designers. The result is very happy, but the neighbor is jealously watching our actions, and writes something in the notebook.
Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you, dear reader, the best solutions. gardening. Suitable even for a small garden!

How to equip the country My first find was seen from the British, and it is wavy brick-fence. A profitable thing, I tell you: the brick is half as small, but it looks original. Besides, it's more sustainable!
The thing is that you can not build a direct fence in one brick, or, as the builders call it, in half a brick. More precisely, you can, but a long fence will fall from a slight push. Such fences are built in at least two bricks. And at small intervals, buttresses are also added to the straight fence for stability.
And wavy fence One brick due to the arched folds is actually a symbiosis of the fence and buttress.

Flower bed and flower bed - one of the most important components of the suburban area. Chaotically planted flowers will not bring the desired result. When planning plantings, three main aspects should be considered: the placement of plants in accordance with the size, the selection of colors, the time and duration of flowering.
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Rainwater? can not only be collected in a barrel? There's another option! Can I make a nice drain? I found several examples on the Internet. Of course, not all of these options are suitable, and me included? but as an idea I kept for myself. Maybe then I'll get an idea of how to do something like this in my dacha. What about those options? Maybe you did something similar, would be happy to share?
A post shared by Novichok Sadovichok (@novichok_sadovichok) on Apr 12, 2020 at 4:12pm PDT
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Precinct lighting. It's very beautiful!?
A post shared by Dacha, garden, garden, tips (@dacha_sovet) on Sep 8, 2018 at 11:32pm PDT
It does not matter what land you own: a large garden, a country house with adjacent territory or a standard six acres. You can create beautiful patterns of a variety of shapes and sizes.
Colored gravel for the landscape design of large fractions can be used, for example, as islets and mountains, and the small fraction - to crumble throughout the free area and serve as an imitation of the water element.
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In today’s selection of ideas, great options for landscape design with decorative chips for your garden plot. As always, only the best. It does not matter what land you own: a large garden, a country house with adjacent territory or a standard six acres. With the help of specialists or with your own hands, you can create beautiful patterns of a variety of shapes and sizes. Colored gravel for the landscape design of large fractions can be used, for example, as islets and mountains, and the small fraction - to crumble throughout the free area and serve as an imitation of the water element. Such a composition will not require complex care and will please the eyes of others for many years. Main stages: 1. A place for laying is being prepared. The rune is cut to a depth of about 10 cm. ► 2. There are curbs that limit the place of laying decorative rubble. ► 3. A layer of sand 5 cm thick is poured into the prepared place. The sand is flattened, tamped and spilled with water for shrinkage. ► 4. The sand is lined with insulating material in which there are holes. ► 5. Sand is poured on polyethylene, a layer of about 2-3 cm. ► 6. On the sand poured decorative rubble or marble crumb. The leveling of the surface is made by rakes. For lawns and decorative elements, a layer thickness of 2 mm is sufficient. For pedestrian paths, it is desirable to pour about 4 mm. rubble. The consumption of marble crumb is approximately 20 kg per 1 m2 with a backfill thickness of 3 cm. â â â â â â â â п #_verandadecor_ #garden idea #decorstone #landscape design #ideolandscape design #stone garden #stonestonestone #stonestonestonestone decorating #stage #stage #stage #stage #stage #stage
A post shared by DREAM HOUSE Soft Windows (@_verandadecor_) on Apr 29, 2020 at 10:22pm PDT
I saw this gazebo and realized that this is exactly what my summer cottage needs. It is necessary to please the husband, because he will have to build it!
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I saw this gazebo and it was like I was sick: well, my, my, you know? I’m already figuring out in my head how many landing pages I need to create to make the dream come true. This is really thrash, is it three o'clock in the morning? Although there is still an option - to marry a "carrot" who will do such a miracle with his own hands? I’m going to sleep and see her in my house. I'm going to kill the cat, it's his fault!!? If I had not woken up with my night races, I would not have climbed into the social network. Life-pain...? But is there a new motivation for developing a tough content plan??? Friends, do you like this gazebo? I would be grateful if you give advice on how to economically build such happiness. No man's hands? Where to go, what to buy? ?
A post shared by Professional Copywriter (@the_best_content.ru) on Nov 14, 2017 at 3:53pm PST
To make such beauty, you need to pre-prepare a place for laying. Cut the soil to a depth of about 8-10 centimeters. Put up curbs that limit the space stonework. On the prepared place, a layer of sand 5 cm thick. Lay the sand, tamp and pour water for shrinkage.
On the sand should lay an insulating material in which there are holes. On the polyethylene mound sand layer about 2 centimeters. On the sand mound decorative rubble or marble crumb. It is better to level the surface with robbery.
For lawns and decorative elements, a layer thickness of about 2 millimeters is enough, and for pedestrian paths it is desirable to pour about 4 millimeters of rubble.
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If there is an empty plot of land in your garden, do not leave it without attention! Just make a flower bed or flower bed from rubble in this place! Completely fill the flowerbed with rubble, except for a place for planting plants. Rubble reduces the evaporation of water from the soil and reduces the frequency of irrigation of plants, in summer it prevents soil heating, and in winter it protects against frost. Also, this versatile material limits the growth of weeds. This version of the flowerbed gives the garden a well-groomed appearance, are an original element of the landscape. Here you will find many options for crushed crumbs of various colors and fractions! Ordering stone by phone 8-964-930-33-30. #crushed stone #crushed rubble #clumb #clumb #stone #stone #natural stone #beautifulwaklumba #natural stone #natural stone #natural stone #wild stone #natural stone #stone
A post shared by Landscape Stone (@kamenlab) on Apr 29, 2020 at 10:45am PDT
Such a composition will not require complex care and will please the eyes of others for many years!
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Combine the pleasant with the useful Melissa???? Beautiful greens on the flowerbed, fragrant and very useful? we always add a leaf to the brew in the summer. Did you find a lot of positive information about her? Reduces stress, has a calming and hypnotic effect on the body. By the way, when the kids did not sleep, put twigs under the pillow, does its smell soothe? Strengthens immunity due to the high content of vitamins, essential oils and trace elements. ♥️ Has a painkiller effect. ♥️ Restores the hormonal background. It acts as a diuretic, which is especially important in cases of swelling. Eliminates nausea and vomiting with toxicosis, increases appetite. Can it be used as a skin care aid?? Oh God, she's losing weight!! Who should I dig up??? Plant medicinal herbs in the garden?
A post shared by Garden Design Saplings (@fazenda.bayterek) on Apr 24, 2020 at 10:06pm PDT
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Do you know the best thing to calm your nerves is to look at green plants??? And if they are planted with their hand???? and competently located, can you save more than one nerve cell?? Is the soul now particularly drawn to the beautiful? How to place plants that would be beautiful and harmonious? Start from the center of the flowerbed or from the fence, in the center or in the background we plant the tallest plant and further in growth, the closer to the curb the lower, we observe the rule of the triangle ч ч If there are questions how best to place plants on your site, can you write in person? In the carousel examples for inspiration
A post shared by Garden Design Saplings (@fazenda.bayterek) on Apr 23, 2020 at 8:23am PDT
If you have an old bicycle or bicycle wheels, do not rush to throw them away. Imagine how comfortable it would be for cucumber whips to cling to the strings of the wheel. Maybe a girl's grape. This is easy, interesting and at no extra cost!
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Ready for new ideas? If you have an old bike or bicycle wheels, don’t throw them away! They'll come in handy. Just imagine how convenient it will be for cucumber lashes to cling to the wheel slings. Or maybe a girl's grape... This is easy, interesting and at no extra cost!
A post shared by Design? Interior? IDEAS (@yartovary) on Jul 10, 2019 at 2:28am PDT
Interesting idea how to improve the old summer toilet in the country.
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I want to raise a not very aesthetic topic today. Like many people, we have a toilet. The structure is old, scary, but quite strong. I want to try to make it look a little better. Of course, we plan to replace the toilet with a new one later, but this year it is definitely not possible. The cottage we had only at the end of last summer, and we really did not have time to do anything, and there are a lot of things to do. So, this year and so planned a large item of expenditure, and the current situation in the world?, generally difficult, something to plan? Come on, that's not what I'm talking about. Simply put, I have the task of ennobling our WC? and do with little blood? well, to do it on a budget and without spending a lot of effort. I repeat that this is a temporary measure (I hope that the principle of “nothing is more permanent than temporary” will not work for us). As an example, I found several photos of “simple” country toilets (I mean that I came across photos of such toilets, which are probably as expensive as an entire apartment?). The last picture in the carousel, what we have now. In my plans and ideas: paint (to make a variant of "Alya obsharpe"), from the shower (pictured on the left) add some decor, perhaps a kashpo with petunia? or other flowers? There are also old window frames, perhaps using them (examples of installation laid out earlier, post from 28.01.2020). Of course, you can leave everything as it is, and just wait for the installation of a new one, but you want to somehow make the site more cozy so that this gray structure does not “buzz your eyes”. What would you do? Is it left as it is or would it be vaccinated? I will also be grateful if you send your options for the country toilet to Direct.
A post shared by Novichok Sadovichok (@novichok_sadovichok) on Apr 14, 2020 at 1:22pm PDT
What do you say about that? original? Comfortable and stylish, isn't it?
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The original vertical bed. We appreciate it.
A post shared by Dacha, garden, garden, tips (@dacha_sovet) on Jul 28, 2018 at 11:09pm PDT
I suggest you to familiarize yourself with the sowing calendar for May 2020, to know when it is better to sow vegetables and fruits, water, weed weed, make trees and not only. If you follow the phases of the moon, you can also find out the days on which it is better not to go to the garden at all, but to do housework!
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? Home, garden and garden on the weekends?? Good evening, my dear friends! Is the work week over today?? Over the weekend, I promised to continue the column: "House, garden, garden on weekends" @dengiizzemli. It’s time to prepare for the season and gather ideas that you can implement this summer. Have I decided to help you with this? Agree, it is convenient to dream about the house, and invent beauty on the site?????? I will tell you about natural agriculture, share my experience, how to collect large harvests of cucumbers and tomatoes in the Urals. ← I will be glad if you share your secrets, so the column about gardens will be much more interesting ?????? #harvest #ideology #garden #ideidilsad #sadsmiri hands #beautiful cottage #my beautiful cottage #urban all year round #ideotown #good harvest #Shopping lot #salesland #homebuilding #project #land #buy #living #potekhaaleks
A post shared by Business? ONLINE (@aleksei.poteha) on Feb 21, 2020 at 4:55am PST
Now you know how to equip a cottage, so that it is easy, fast, economical, functional and beautiful. In my opinion, the dacha is a great opportunity to show your own imagination and realize your personal plans.
Tell us in the comments if you like to be gentrified. countrysideAre you interested in gardening? I would love to share a picture of your beautiful garden with us in the comments!