How to arrange drain shower
Outdoor shower at the cottage is not a luxury but a necessity. But the device is impossible without some required features, one of which is the organization of draining wastewater. That is why today DachaDecor.ru tells about how it is possible to arrange the runoff from a summer shower.
Adventurous gardeners without us, there are many options for the organization of the flow of water from a summer shower, and this is confirmed by our own observations. Almost everyone has a shower, and formally, and drain water. Many dumped the waste water in the garden, someone makes the runoff in the sewer, some do not care about addressing this issue by installing just the bars under the frame of the shower.
We propose to further explore these options, adding to their list and even those which we previously mentioned. I hope this information is useful and interesting, and it will save us all from the dirt under his feet in a summer shower.
Where it is possible to divert the water from a summer shower?As we said above, the options abound. Of course, the most advanced of them –connect the drain to a Central sewage system, if any. But it's not mandatory, because there are other solutions.
To divert the water into a special drainage ditch, constructed under the shower or near it.
To solve the problem with draining the water, and just moving it to the special septic tank or cesspool.
But most often the problem is closed even easier – the drain in the garden, under trees and shrubs.
Which of these methods to choose depends only on your decision, we will tell you about each of them.The connection of the drain from the shower to the sewerAt first glance, the idea seems practical enough, but at the very mention of centralized sewage system, summer shower goes directly from natural grade to the city. Then there is the question: why at the cottage outdoor shower, if you can just take a bath or other water in the house where there is also a sewer? But now not about it namely about the practicability of discharge of water.
Indeed, this method easily get rid of the puddles under his feet, and fairly accurately, but it is understood that such arrangement is necessary to conduct a separate branch of the sewer, dig trench, lay pipe at a certain inclination in accordance with the existing sewer. And this is at a depth of 20-30 cm, just to hide the pipe, but much deeper, because the main house sewer is laid in accordance with the depth of soil freezing, and other conditions. Moreover, it will be very difficult to make sure the drain is not clogged and blocked pipe somewhere in the middle of a suburban area, in the place where you collected the trash. It is not the mesh on the shell, and the location of the drain, which can get dry leaves, and feathers from poultry house or pigeon, and lots of other garbage!
In this case, there are both positive and negative aspects, and therefore we leave this choice to you.The drainage pit to drain from a summer shower, We believe this option is the most thoughtful, practical and reliable, as do not see in it the best. The water simply goes into the deeper layers of soil, where it remains. It does not interfere with the garbage, not needed for this massive cost, special difficulties in the arrangement of such drainage was also not detected.
Let's talk about the sink drainage in more detail. So, to build it in several ways – to dig a hole for the drainage layer, or to invest in this pit tyres, which will be filled in the same layer, but also will hold back the walls of the pit. Here there are practically no differences, and therefore solve the problem of the presence of the car tires and his own desire.
Let's start with the location of the pit for a summer shower. It can be under the frame or a bit to the side, at a distance. Here everything is determined by the amount of free space on the dacha. If there are areas which could be taken under such a hole, and the drain can be arranged in several metres from a summer shower, if not directly under it.
In the beginning, we need to dig a hole about one meter on meter and a depth of 40-50 cm. More it is not needed, but here again, all at will.
When the pit is ready, it is filled halfway with debris for savings – broken bricks, pieces of concrete, chipped window sills and so on. After, the second half is filled with coarse gravel and slightly compacted. On top of a wooden pallet and the body of the soul. In this process we especially are not going to go, since the device summer shower on the site already has a high-quality review material.
Empirically proven that in this shower bathing can suit the whole family. Until next time water is easily absorbed into the soil, and the drainage is again ready for filling. Moreover, the calculation should take and the fact that the shower is placed in the sun to heat water in the tank. This means that in the shower the soil to dry faster, and hence be able again to absorb water!
The water from the shower to the septic tankthe Septic tank or waste pit is a great solution for suburban area, convenient and practical. But is it worth doing the drain from the shower to the septic tank, after all there and so is sent a sufficient number of sewage? It all depends on how well it is selected in the parameters and installed. By and large, any quality pit or septic tank is able to take the extra 100-150 litres of sewage a day without any damage, there's more, if equipped with irrigation fields.
If you decide to arrange the drain in a septic tank, think about what you have to do a lot of work, about the same in the parameters that when connecting a shower drain to a centralized sewer.
Discharge of water from the shower to the gardenmany times We have heard, and experienced in practice that the soapy water does not harm the plants, especially adults. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you make the discharge of water from the shower directly into the garden. The water spreads over the surface of the soil, is gradually absorbed and also slowly evaporates or goes deeper in the soil. The main thing here is to calculate the amount of water that will be discharged each day to its total volume did not harm the plants. You also need to make a drain on the well-lit and warmed the area to in a week you have not got a dirty pond with frogs. And it's very possible, if you drain the water in a shady place.
By and large, almost half of shower drains works that way – the water by gravity goes where she pleases. But in the future it can create some problems, be careful.
What you should know about water release?In the improvement of the country soul you need to think not only about how to do the themselves but to wonder what may lead to one or the other situation. No, nothing wrong with any chosen method, no, but there may be some changes of the soil, the land, its vegetation, and so on. In more detail in a few lines the following list:
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We remind you that the organization flow shower – a really important issue, and therefore recommend that you resolve it in the course of erection of the building. After doing this is not particularly convenient, and the water will have time to do things, if the drain will be organized properly.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dachadecor.ru/sooruzheniya/kak-organizovat-stok-dlya-letnego-dusha
Adventurous gardeners without us, there are many options for the organization of the flow of water from a summer shower, and this is confirmed by our own observations. Almost everyone has a shower, and formally, and drain water. Many dumped the waste water in the garden, someone makes the runoff in the sewer, some do not care about addressing this issue by installing just the bars under the frame of the shower.
We propose to further explore these options, adding to their list and even those which we previously mentioned. I hope this information is useful and interesting, and it will save us all from the dirt under his feet in a summer shower.

Where it is possible to divert the water from a summer shower?As we said above, the options abound. Of course, the most advanced of them –connect the drain to a Central sewage system, if any. But it's not mandatory, because there are other solutions.
To divert the water into a special drainage ditch, constructed under the shower or near it.
To solve the problem with draining the water, and just moving it to the special septic tank or cesspool.
But most often the problem is closed even easier – the drain in the garden, under trees and shrubs.

Which of these methods to choose depends only on your decision, we will tell you about each of them.The connection of the drain from the shower to the sewerAt first glance, the idea seems practical enough, but at the very mention of centralized sewage system, summer shower goes directly from natural grade to the city. Then there is the question: why at the cottage outdoor shower, if you can just take a bath or other water in the house where there is also a sewer? But now not about it namely about the practicability of discharge of water.

Indeed, this method easily get rid of the puddles under his feet, and fairly accurately, but it is understood that such arrangement is necessary to conduct a separate branch of the sewer, dig trench, lay pipe at a certain inclination in accordance with the existing sewer. And this is at a depth of 20-30 cm, just to hide the pipe, but much deeper, because the main house sewer is laid in accordance with the depth of soil freezing, and other conditions. Moreover, it will be very difficult to make sure the drain is not clogged and blocked pipe somewhere in the middle of a suburban area, in the place where you collected the trash. It is not the mesh on the shell, and the location of the drain, which can get dry leaves, and feathers from poultry house or pigeon, and lots of other garbage!
In this case, there are both positive and negative aspects, and therefore we leave this choice to you.The drainage pit to drain from a summer shower, We believe this option is the most thoughtful, practical and reliable, as do not see in it the best. The water simply goes into the deeper layers of soil, where it remains. It does not interfere with the garbage, not needed for this massive cost, special difficulties in the arrangement of such drainage was also not detected.
Let's talk about the sink drainage in more detail. So, to build it in several ways – to dig a hole for the drainage layer, or to invest in this pit tyres, which will be filled in the same layer, but also will hold back the walls of the pit. Here there are practically no differences, and therefore solve the problem of the presence of the car tires and his own desire.
Let's start with the location of the pit for a summer shower. It can be under the frame or a bit to the side, at a distance. Here everything is determined by the amount of free space on the dacha. If there are areas which could be taken under such a hole, and the drain can be arranged in several metres from a summer shower, if not directly under it.
In the beginning, we need to dig a hole about one meter on meter and a depth of 40-50 cm. More it is not needed, but here again, all at will.
When the pit is ready, it is filled halfway with debris for savings – broken bricks, pieces of concrete, chipped window sills and so on. After, the second half is filled with coarse gravel and slightly compacted. On top of a wooden pallet and the body of the soul. In this process we especially are not going to go, since the device summer shower on the site already has a high-quality review material.

Empirically proven that in this shower bathing can suit the whole family. Until next time water is easily absorbed into the soil, and the drainage is again ready for filling. Moreover, the calculation should take and the fact that the shower is placed in the sun to heat water in the tank. This means that in the shower the soil to dry faster, and hence be able again to absorb water!

The water from the shower to the septic tankthe Septic tank or waste pit is a great solution for suburban area, convenient and practical. But is it worth doing the drain from the shower to the septic tank, after all there and so is sent a sufficient number of sewage? It all depends on how well it is selected in the parameters and installed. By and large, any quality pit or septic tank is able to take the extra 100-150 litres of sewage a day without any damage, there's more, if equipped with irrigation fields.

If you decide to arrange the drain in a septic tank, think about what you have to do a lot of work, about the same in the parameters that when connecting a shower drain to a centralized sewer.
Discharge of water from the shower to the gardenmany times We have heard, and experienced in practice that the soapy water does not harm the plants, especially adults. Therefore, there is nothing wrong if you make the discharge of water from the shower directly into the garden. The water spreads over the surface of the soil, is gradually absorbed and also slowly evaporates or goes deeper in the soil. The main thing here is to calculate the amount of water that will be discharged each day to its total volume did not harm the plants. You also need to make a drain on the well-lit and warmed the area to in a week you have not got a dirty pond with frogs. And it's very possible, if you drain the water in a shady place.

By and large, almost half of shower drains works that way – the water by gravity goes where she pleases. But in the future it can create some problems, be careful.
What you should know about water release?In the improvement of the country soul you need to think not only about how to do the themselves but to wonder what may lead to one or the other situation. No, nothing wrong with any chosen method, no, but there may be some changes of the soil, the land, its vegetation, and so on. In more detail in a few lines the following list:
- A constant discharge of water at the same place and without the proper draining could lead to the depletion of the soil, its erosion, occurs on the surface of the mold and mildew, infections of various pathogens;
- Such release could lead to the occurrence of the center of development of mosquitoes, flies, other pests among insects, and frogs, which we mentioned earlier;
- If water is not timely discharged to the sewer system of any type or in deep soil layers, it is possible to soon expect unpleasant odors, which will appear in the result of the decay of various items in the point of discharge, constant humidity, the life of water-loving organisms.
- In addition, it will just be a muddy puddle, a disorganized plot of dirt, which will look not very ethical;
- But the most important aspect in this list is the destruction of a large number of water plants which do not like moisture, as well as the emergence of the possibility of destruction of the foundations of buildings, which are located nearby.
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We remind you that the organization flow shower – a really important issue, and therefore recommend that you resolve it in the course of erection of the building. After doing this is not particularly convenient, and the water will have time to do things, if the drain will be organized properly.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: dachadecor.ru/sooruzheniya/kak-organizovat-stok-dlya-letnego-dusha
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