What are the benefits of a hot shower for houseplants
All plant lovers know that green pets love showers. It helps to get rid of dust and dirt and insect pests. But few people know that plants can take a hot shower. It is even more useful, gives a shake and stimulates growth. What are the benefits of a hot shower for houseplantsWe will talk in this article.
Editorial "Site" It will tell you for which plants hot irrigation is useful. How to properly use a hot shower for our green friends and what are the benefits of such “pleasure”.
What are the benefits of a hot shower for indoor plants First, a hot shower replaces rubbing the leaves with a cloth. It also works more effectively. The procedure helps to activate the development of the root system. Such a shower provokes flowering and saves plants that have begun to wither. The effect will be noticeable the next day!
This shower is usually used once a month. Often it is not necessary, in this case the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, useful substances can be washed out of the soil. It is also worth paying attention to the soil: there should be drainage in the pot so that the water does not stagnate. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, do not use hot water. For plants without shower drainage, only cold water is possible.
It goes without saying that you should not use too hot water. Calculate your temperature the same way you do when you take a shower. Something in between, about 40 degrees Celsius. Too hot water can scald roots and leaves. You have to be careful. It is also recommended to start with a low temperature and gradually increase it so that plants get used to this procedure.
To wash the whole plant completely: pot, earth, stem and leaves. You can also collect a whole group of plants in the bathroom and wash them well. Arrange a whole steam bath for your pets - close them with a curtain and steam well.
After a shower, leave the plants in the bathroom. At least 3 hours, or even all night. The main thing is to close the doors tightly so that there are no drafts. It is also worth making sure that the glass is all excess water. Excessive moisture will not be beneficial to the plant.
To get rid of pests, the trunk and leaves need to be washed with a special green soap for plants. You can also use a couple of drops for washing dishes. Drop the remedy in a container with several liters of hot water and wipe the leaves. No need to flush.
After complete drying, you can feed the plants until the next watering. This will help strengthen the soil. By the way, the usual watering for plants will not need another two weeks. But it all depends on the plant itself, the size of the pot and the dryness of the air.
What plants are useful hot shower Roughly speaking, all plants with large leaves. Also all moisture-loving and tropical plants. This procedure will be especially useful for weakened plants. It helps well in the absence of flowering and general rehabilitation. By the way, such a shower is very fond of flowers with large broad leaves.
They respond well to hot shower spatiphyllum, orchid, rose, ficus, gardenia, dracaena, ivy, anthurium and many others. For flowering plants, it is better to use not a shower, but spraying with hot water. It is also better to let the plant bloom, and only then arrange such procedures.
It is not recommended to use a shower after transplantation. Use it better when the plant is rooted. You should also be careful with plants with young leaves. They're very vulnerable to burns. For delicate leaves, make the water less hot. Plants for which hot shower is contraindicated: gloxinia, violet, begonia, flowering and recently transplanted flowers.
What are the benefits of a hot shower for houseplants? As a response, we recommend watching this video. Here you will find more information about how a hot shower can help plants with dry and yellow leaves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KT7jKHpfjTo
Your green pets will love this shower: for this they will thank you and turn green in return. Not only do humans care about plants, but plants also care about us. They positively affect our mood and health. Good luck, love nature, it is worth it!
Editorial "Site" It will tell you for which plants hot irrigation is useful. How to properly use a hot shower for our green friends and what are the benefits of such “pleasure”.
What are the benefits of a hot shower for indoor plants First, a hot shower replaces rubbing the leaves with a cloth. It also works more effectively. The procedure helps to activate the development of the root system. Such a shower provokes flowering and saves plants that have begun to wither. The effect will be noticeable the next day!
This shower is usually used once a month. Often it is not necessary, in this case the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, useful substances can be washed out of the soil. It is also worth paying attention to the soil: there should be drainage in the pot so that the water does not stagnate. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, do not use hot water. For plants without shower drainage, only cold water is possible.
It goes without saying that you should not use too hot water. Calculate your temperature the same way you do when you take a shower. Something in between, about 40 degrees Celsius. Too hot water can scald roots and leaves. You have to be careful. It is also recommended to start with a low temperature and gradually increase it so that plants get used to this procedure.
To wash the whole plant completely: pot, earth, stem and leaves. You can also collect a whole group of plants in the bathroom and wash them well. Arrange a whole steam bath for your pets - close them with a curtain and steam well.
After a shower, leave the plants in the bathroom. At least 3 hours, or even all night. The main thing is to close the doors tightly so that there are no drafts. It is also worth making sure that the glass is all excess water. Excessive moisture will not be beneficial to the plant.
To get rid of pests, the trunk and leaves need to be washed with a special green soap for plants. You can also use a couple of drops for washing dishes. Drop the remedy in a container with several liters of hot water and wipe the leaves. No need to flush.
After complete drying, you can feed the plants until the next watering. This will help strengthen the soil. By the way, the usual watering for plants will not need another two weeks. But it all depends on the plant itself, the size of the pot and the dryness of the air.
What plants are useful hot shower Roughly speaking, all plants with large leaves. Also all moisture-loving and tropical plants. This procedure will be especially useful for weakened plants. It helps well in the absence of flowering and general rehabilitation. By the way, such a shower is very fond of flowers with large broad leaves.
They respond well to hot shower spatiphyllum, orchid, rose, ficus, gardenia, dracaena, ivy, anthurium and many others. For flowering plants, it is better to use not a shower, but spraying with hot water. It is also better to let the plant bloom, and only then arrange such procedures.
It is not recommended to use a shower after transplantation. Use it better when the plant is rooted. You should also be careful with plants with young leaves. They're very vulnerable to burns. For delicate leaves, make the water less hot. Plants for which hot shower is contraindicated: gloxinia, violet, begonia, flowering and recently transplanted flowers.
What are the benefits of a hot shower for houseplants? As a response, we recommend watching this video. Here you will find more information about how a hot shower can help plants with dry and yellow leaves.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KT7jKHpfjTo
Your green pets will love this shower: for this they will thank you and turn green in return. Not only do humans care about plants, but plants also care about us. They positively affect our mood and health. Good luck, love nature, it is worth it!