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How to eliminate pesticides and salinity on the plot

Twenty five million five hundred sixty three thousand twenty eight

Agricultural EL-composite Martsinishin® — concentrated organic fertilizer with fungicidal-insecticidal action, an activator of the stabilization of the mRNA in plants (up to 70%)

Agricultural EL-composite Martsinishin® -promotes stimulation of growth of plants, and has a pronounced fungicidal-insecticidal activity against common pests

A tank mix of biologically active agricultural composite

"Harmony -101", "Concentrate clustered water MARTSINISHIN®", diluted with water from the well or source in the ratio 1:1:1000 improves soil fertility and is able to restore fertility in a short period of time. This is a impact on both mineral and biological part of the soil horizon. In particular is clearly monitored by the influence on microbiota of the soil in the form of increased biomass and nitrogen-fixing bacteria phosphoramidothioic. This process occurs due to the destruction of soil is insoluble and unavailable to plants mineral conglomerates and their transfer to the mobile state. Also, the process of preventing the formation of these conglomerates.

Crop yields in the processing tank mixture increases due to the impact of water on soil and directly on plants.

If you compare the control plants and the soil, treated with the currently available growth stimulants and fertilizers, tank mix showed better result than chemical drugs, especially in the sick and exhausted the soil.

Noosphere agriculture. Quantum technologies III Millennium

Noosphere agriculture is Systemanalyse (holistic) approach to natural and evolutionizing development (increase) of fertility and creating optimal conditions for harmony, collective development of beneficial microflora, fauna and other soil inhabitants, leading to improvement of the soil, through the activation be reset to its genetic ability of self-regulation, self-organization, regeneration, self-healing, elimination of entropy, i.e. the creation of a system vysokotsenovoj developing according to universal laws.

Life is a collective phenomenon. All get along with each other. Creates a complex and very stable ecosystem, biocenosis. Soil – the lower part of the biocenosis is the most densely populated and alive. Up to 80% of the biocenosis of organics or 80% of the solar energy stored by plants that invariably goes to the ground. This means that under other conditions it is degraded.

In the application of mineral fertilizers there is a perception that the soil plays the role of a passive medium that it serves as a support for plant roots and a repository of nutrients absorbed by the roots. Soil is the main means of production in agriculture. All the products of the farm consist of organic substances, the synthesis of which occurs in plants under the influence of mainly solar energy. Decomposition of organic residues and the synthesis of new compounds included in the composition of humus takes place under the influence of enzymes secreted by different associations of microorganisms. Thus, there is a continuous replacement of one of the associations of other microbes. It is known that 40 % of fertility depends on the microorganisms.

Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky said that microorganisms are the most powerful biological force on the planet Earth. They created the first portion of the oxygen on Earth, took nitrogen from the atmosphere and accumulated a first protein on the planet. Thus they prepared the conditions for plant growth. All that is born on Earth, after death is consumed by microorganisms, and in vivo selection of animals, whether animals or plants.

Microorganisms in the soil a very large number. According to M. S. Gilyarov, in each gram of topsoil, there are 2-2,5 billion bacteria. Microorganisms not only decompose organic residues to simple mineral and organic compounds, but also actively participate in the synthesis of macromolecular humus acids, which form the stock of nutrients in the soil. Therefore, taking care of improving soil fertility, and, consequently, of increasing the yield, it is necessary to take care of the nutrition of micro-organisms, creating conditions for active development of microbiological processes, increasing the population of microorganisms in the soil.

When there was vegetation cover, microorganisms has set the stage and then maintain its natural fertility, continuously feeding on the dying plant roots and secretions of the living horses. Natural soil fertility is cheap, reliable and natural, is to restore and launch the sources of energy and building material for microbial cells.

Soil is a living organism and every living organism must constantly receive energy in the form of organic compounds of carbon. Energy gets the soil directly over the plant.

The main supplier of nutrients to plants are aerobic organisms, which for the implementation of the processes of life needed oxygen. Therefore, the increase in porosity, permeability, aeration at optimum moisture content and soil temperature provides the greatest supply of nutrients to the plants, which causes their rapid growth and increase yields.

In one cubic meter of live and healthy soil at a depth of 20 cm contains 25% air, and hence, fertile soil has a loose crumbly structure. Further, 25% of the total volume is water. Consequently, the fertile soil has good permeability and has the ability to retain water in the root system. The remaining 50% is inhomogeneous solid matter of the soil, consisting mainly of soil minerals. It is known that soil minerals contain an enormous stock of macronutrients: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, etc. But the nutrients are in a form unavailable to plants. The roots and the living soil organisms due to the continuous destruction and crushing of mineral particles, release all new number of mineral nutrition elements for plants.

However, plants for normal growth and full development requires not only macronutrients such as potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc., but also microelements, such as selenium, which acts as a catalyst in various chemical reactions and without which plants are unable to formulate an effective immune system. Suppliers of trace elements can be anaerobic microorganisms are microorganisms are the microorganisms that live in deeper soil layers and for which oxygen is poison. Anaerobic microorganisms capable of food chains to raise the necessary trace elements from the deep soil layers.

In fertile soils is booming, not only microbiota, but soil fauna. Animals in the soil, represented by earthworms, larvae of various soil insects living in the soil rodents. Among the macroscopic fauna of worms are the most active soil-formers. They live in the surface layers of soil and feed on plant remains, passing through your intestinal tract large amounts of organic matter and the mineral component of the soil. Earthworms produce in a year to 123 tonnes of the substance per hectare of soil. The more the soil of earthworms, so it is more functionally healthy.

In the fertile soil in the layer up to 25 cm in one hectare contains up to 10 tons of the simplest plants and animals, excluding earthworms, the weight of which is 800 kg. per hectare of soil. These representatives of flora and fauna, under the General title "soil biota" are the living component of the soil. Living beings work tirelessly, processing of coarse organic matter into humus.

The microorganisms in the soil form a complex biocenosis in which their various groups are interconnected in a complex relationship. Some of them successfully exist while others are antagonists (opponents). Antagonism usually manifests itself in the fact that one group of microorganisms secrete specific substances that inhibit or make impossible the development of others.

The goal of biotechnology is to create optimal conditions for development of beneficial microflora, leading to the improvement of soil and yield of crops.

All living things (and we especially) thrives on the soil, but the soil itself is the product of this prosperity. Plants live from the soil, and at the same time are its creators. In the same animals, and microbes – the soil of their caring home, but this house is a product of their life. Organic waste of the plant world with enough moisture begins to ferment, and fermentation products are poisonous to plants and drastically reduce yield in the absence of microorganisms.

Soil without a living ecosystem – it is not the soil and the inert material. He no longer resists the wind, sun and water, fertilizer and chemicals. Does not support life. Desertification takes place. So, not all that we dig and plow, can be called a soil. The soil is, first of all, the ecosystem that sustainably supports life. In the biosphere everything is arranged just so.

All the inhabitants and elements of the soil are directly or indirectly connected to one macro system. Take away something and everything falls apart. Take away the germs and have to suppress pathogens, decomposing organic matter, to be delivered to the plant nitrogen and minerals. Take away the structure and there is no air, water, killing the roots and microbes, leaving the animals. Take organics – no animals, no germs, no water content or porosity. Take away plants and animals – and no organics, no structure, nothing but clay and sand.

Organic matter is a component of solid ground. It is the result of plant life and different living in living soil, and living beings. A significant portion of organic substances – plant residues, mainly roots, in various degrees of decomposition. The most valuable part of organic matter – Humus. Humus is a colloidal substance. A colloid is a cross between a solution and a suspension (sample – jelly, cheese, butter...). An important property of colloids is that it contained soluble elements of the plant are always available and cannot evaporate or be washed.

Another property of humus is its texture. It is very similar to a good pottery clay and different elasticity. It's not right to compare the humus from rotting, half-decayed organic matter. The substance does not have any of the above properties.

The next very important property of humus, high water holding capacity. Humus can hold large amounts of water – up to 75% of its own volume. Humus is very difficult to dry them.

Alive and healthy soil – is a self-organizing system of systems, consisting of 25% air, 25% water, organic matter includes humus and the living component of the "soil biota". In such soil plants do not need additional fertilizer.

Today is an obvious fact that natural resources are not limitless. Environmental stress in agricultural production has intensified in recent years to dangerous levels. The security of the nation largely depends on the ability to provide themselves with food. The humus content in steppe zone of Ukraine for the last 100 years has dropped from 8% to 3.5-4.5% and less. How is it that our scientific system of agriculture, together with growing mechanization and chemicalization in the last 100 years, almost completely destroyed all the fertile soil of the country, including the famous Ukrainian black soil? The world situation is similar.

We twice a year to plow and dig the earth, hardworking struggling with weeds, mainly by chemical means, overheated, compacted and dried, to more water. And plants, in spite of all our contrivances, weak and sick.

From the first steps on the path of cultivation of agricultural crops, man has sought to ensure the highest productivity by selecting the most productive crops, fertilizing the soil, watering, etc., that is creating more and more sophisticated agricultural technology. In parallel with the development of these technologies for their study and application has developed agrarian science of life – biology.

But today in the early 21st century conventional technology of cultivation of agricultural crops may not provide consistently high yields. The amplitude of the fluctuations of productivity of wheat, sunflower, sugar beet, etc. for years comes up to 50-70%. Always refer to the adverse weather conditions, whether drought or rain, or hail or frost. This, of course, very important, harmful to plants impact the environment, but such large fluctuations in their productivity suggests that agricultural science is not taken into account some very important factors in the life of the plant.

According to the international food Association, if you do not apply chemical technology in the very first year, the population of the planet will lose half of all food.

Along with the problem of increasing yields in the world being a constant struggle with insect pests, both in field (field pests) and stored products (pests barn). Known today methods of combating insect pests such as: chemical methods (pesticides), physical method (ionizing and other radiation), biological method (entomophages), hormonal method (the juvenile hormones), etc., the main and most effective method for many years continues to be the chemical method. The use of pesticides is fraught with the danger of environmental pollution and the deterioration of the food security options. The need to use tools that deter or kill pests and pathogens of plants arose long ago. The earliest mention of the use of such funds is the description of the rite "divine cleansing" and the smoke of sulfur in the epic poems "Illiada" and "Odyssey" by the ancient Greek poet Homer, who lived between the IX and VIII centuries BC sulphur Dioxide SO2 which is formed during its combustion, kills disease-causing microbes. Tips with using different substances to combat pests and plant diseases resulted in their works of ancient Greek philosophers Demokrit and Pliny the Elder.

In the twentieth century there were synthetic pesticides which have been widely used since 1939, when the Swiss hymyk Paul Hermann müller (1899-1965), was discovered insecticidal properties of DDT (dichlordifenyltrichlormetylmethane, the nomenclature IUPAC 1,1,1 – trichloro – 2,2 – di (n-chloroisatin). The use of this organochlorine pesticide saved millions of lives. With his help, destroyed the insect vectors of malaria, typhus, and other dangerous diseases. The treated areas harmful insects did not appear for a long time.

In 1948 Muller was awarded for his discovery of the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine. The negative impact of organochlorine pesticides on the environment emerged only a few decades of their use. The consequences of the application proved to be very persistent in the environment, they do not decompose for decades, are poorly soluble in water. At the same time, they are permanently retained in the fatty tissues of animals and humans, causing serious illness and even death. Now in most countries of the world production and use of organochlorine pesticides is prohibited.

The pests after a few years, produced a resistance to the drug. The new generation pesticides are substances obtained from natural material (pesticides of plant and animal origin) or synthetic analogues. For example, pyrethroids – insecticidal substances contained in chamomile. Promising is the use of pheromones – substances that are released by animals to convey information to individuals of their own species.

Instead of pesticides use repellents-pheromones that repel insects, and attractants-pheromones that attract insects into a trap.

Now the world uses more than 100 thousand of pesticides based on approximately 1 thousand chemical compounds. In Russia use up to 500 different means of pest control.

The soil of elements required for better growth and development of plants and increases crop yields. It can be organic elements such as manure, peat, etc. or widespread in the last 100 years mineral fertilizers.

For the first time on mineral fertilizers mentioned in 1825, when the Hamburg merchant ships arrived from Chile saltpeter. Prior to this, the soil fed only with manure or compost. However, these fertilizers have a low efficiency, and agriculture began to use a liming – made sand or clay marl, which soil is quickly saturated and as a result, the soil quickly went out of rotation. The systematic study of plants and soils began only in the late XVIII century. It was the first time, thanks to the Dutch scientist Yustos Libau was put forward the hypothesis that the loss of nutrients must be replenished, adding to the soil in artificial fertilizers. The first successful test of the obtained minerals in England. Then chemistry began to flourish in our time, there is a separate industry – production of mineral fertilizers.

However, along with the use of mineral fertilizers and means of plant protection, urgent was the question of the formation of insoluble soil conglomerates and effects of chemicals (plant protection products). The systematic introduction of mineral fertilizers and constant increase in the number of soil become addicted to them like a dependency of patients on alcoholism or drug abuse from the daily doping of stimulants, which lead to degradation and death.

Healthy soil is a living highly organized self-sufficient system of systems as people. The conglomerate is a system parasite that lives (parasite) at the expense of the owner. The conglomerate is also the system that develops, grows, evolyutsioniruet under the laws of SystemName, but it is always the parasite that causes the host to degradation. The higher the level of growth and development conglomerate of the parasite, the weaker the host. The highest degree of development of the conglomerate is characterized by the presence of the collective consciousness. The conglomeration of the collective consciousness begins to control and dictate their rules of the game. The master becomes the slave. The conglomerates can consist of one or more dominant in the system. For the existence and development of these dominant requires energy, which they devour from the warehouses of the energy stored in the host or cause the host to produce this energy. In the case of alcohol or drug dependence is the need to consume alcohol or drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms (hangover or withdrawal), for the soil is the need of mineral fertilizers, otherwise the harvest will be unfortunate, or not at all. With modern norms of mineral fertilizers, only 20-30% of them goes to the growth and development of plants, the rest goes to support soil and accumulation of insoluble conglomerates. The more the parasite conglomerate in the host system, the proportionally less of the owner. Conglomerate in healthy soil is formed due to the interaction of mineral particles of fertilizer with other chemical components of soil and organic part of the soil. That is, when there is mineral fertilizers, part of them goes directly into the plant and carried down with the mass of green, and the other part remains in the soil, where the interaction with water begins to disappear. As a result fertilizers are decomposed to molecules of the active substance and the carrier, and then the rule of chemical equilibrium and begin to interact with the chemical elements of the soil, taking it from him the necessary energy electrons, knocking them off balance. Thus, a soil conglomerate is a combination of molecules of one substance with the chemical elements of the soil. This structure is inaccessible to plants and soil microorganisms, in addition, constantly getting new molecules (with the newly applied fertiliser) this macrostructure continues to "grow." Therefore, to maintain the level of productivity required to pay each time increasing the amount of mineral fertilizers.

The conglomerate consists of compounds of Sio2, Al2O3, Fe2O3 and products of the synthesis of their colloidal hydrates formed by mutual coagulation. The organic part consists of humus substances in their free or almost free state and the salt of humic acids fulvic acids. Composition, properties and its durability depends on the conditions of formation and development of soils. The organic portion has a greater mobility (easily washed out of soil) compared to the mineral; the number of its classification is an important indicator of the soil. Organo-mineral fraction contains compounds like chelates and adsorption compounds of humic acids and fulvic acids with particles of clay minerals.

3CaCl2+2Na3PO4 CA3(PO4)2 + 6NaCl

Na2SO4 + CaCl 2NaCl + CaSO4

In the same way can gain a foothold in the soil fertilizer. For example, if you make phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate) in carbonate soil, it passes into the insoluble calcium tripolyphosphate:

2CaCO3 + Ca(H2PO4)2, Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2CO3

Now I understand why for the period of chemicalization of soil and agricultural production has decreased humus component 2-3 times, why is the leaching and evaporation of the organic part of soil. Of humus, nothing is washed out and does not evaporate, and all the nutrients available to plants form. The use of chemicals has resulted in soil conglomerate, which has led to the reduction of humus, contributing to disease, degradation and loss of soil.

K. K. Gedroits determined the laws of exchange absorption in the formation of soil conglomerates:

  • Equivalency – the process of exchange of cations takes place in equivalent ratios with the laws of chemistry;
  • The law of negotiability – exchange reaction of the cations is the reverse, i.e. the absorbed cation under appropriate conditions may again go into solution;
  • The law of concentration – the concentration of the ion ejected in the soil solution, the more intense it will be absorbed by the soil and gain more weight in the composition of absorbed cations (at constant volume). In the case that the concentration of the solution constant, the amount of cations which are displaced from the soil into solution increases with the increase in the last;
  • The law of speed of reaction of the exchange adsorption occurs quickly (the balance is restored for a few minutes);
  • The law of energy – energy adsorption uptake soil of different cations varies depending on their valences, within the same valence from atomic mass and ionic radius. A number of energy absorption of the cations in most soils the following (K. K. Gedroits):



Fourteen million four hundred fifty seven thousand three hundred twenty four


Soil conglomerate – Micelle

4 the systematic use of herbicides and other plant protection products, there is a picture of the cumulative effect of these products on plants that will be grown next year. These elements not only affect the development of plants, but also accumulate in them and get into the human body.

Today, some farms used a conglomerate of destructive technology. For example, spillage of liquid nitrogen to the top of the ball of soil to dissolve the nitrogen-containing conglomerates. However, this technology is quite expensive and ineffective. Alternatively, we can consider the influence of biologically active water MARTSINISHIN® on the dissolution of soil conglomerates and the increase in the number of mobile elements in the soil. Studies have shown the influence of water on soil contaminated with mineral fertilizers, biologically active water MARTSINISHIN® can dissolve dirt conglomerates:

Sixty two million eight hundred fifty two thousand six hundred twenty five

Mineral conglomerate soil is a living parasitic system. Any living organism need energy. In the soil the energy of the Sun can enter only through the plant, which consumes only 20% of the energy of photosynthesis, and 80% passes into the soil for its inhabitants, in our case, soil mineral conglomerate. Plants need fertilizer so it can grow in dead soil (occupied conglomerate), proceeded to photosynthesis and accumulated with the further transit of the Solar energy that poured into the system of soil mineral conglomerate that is used for the construction of the conglomeration and accumulation as the internal energy of the system. Photosynthesis refer to the chemical reactions that are accompanied by absorption of heat are called endothermic.

The change of energy that accompanies a chemical reaction is of paramount importance, because the vital processes depend on the energy contained in food. The energy of chemical bonds in the compounds found in food that comes from the Sun. During photosynthesis in plants, the catalyst chlorophyll under sunlight converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and other sugars:

6CO2 + 6H2O IS C6H12O6 + 6О2

Photosynthesis takes place with the absorption of 15 MJ. energy for every kilogram of glucose synthesized.

The lifestyle that we lead depends on the energy usage of different origins: whether it's fossil fuels (coal, oil) or natural gas. All this resulted from a slow transformation over millions of years – the material of plant origin and in the end got their energy from the Sun. As a result of burning, for example, natural gas or coal energy is released. Similarly, the process in the formation of soil mineral conglomerate only millions of times faster.

From physics it is known that each substance, each system Association of substances contains energy. This so-called internal energy of a substance or system of substances, that is, the energy of chaotic (thermal) motion and interaction of all particles that are part of a substance (molecules, ions, atoms, electrons, protons, etc.). Soil mineral conglomerate (MMC) is a system combining substances. In the process of chemical reactions during the destruction of some bonds and formation of others, the internal energy changes. This is because the reconstructed electronic structure of atoms, ions, molecules. This causes the release or absorption of heat, light, electric current and other forms of energy. In our case, the MMC collects (absorbs) a large amount of energy photosynthesis and energy released during the formation of chemical bonds and it is the stored energy of the system MMC. The formation of MMC is the reaction endothermic. That's what happens to the energy that should go to the development of plants, that's what happened to productivity, that's why modern scientific potential of farmers, geneticists, biologists are unable to significantly increase productivity. Every year the MMC is growing rapidly, and humanity is on the brink of disaster destruction of fertile soils. Imagine that You mix the soil with stones. The rubble – it is the MMC, eating (sucking) energy from plants and residues, living soil, thereby increasing its volume and thereby reduces the amount of fertile soil.

The way out of the situation – change of the current agrochemical concept of agriculture on agro-biological, i.e., natural – the noosphere.

In writing agrobiological concept was approved 5 thousand years ago on clay tablets of the ancient state Sumer. Focusing only on the laws of nature and common sense, ancient farmers – Sumerian, were given 250 kilograms per hectare of cereals in normal years and 350 quintals per hectare in good years. Knowledge Sumerians was brought to Trypillians. This is the first Ledovitogo period of civilization of farmers, which is dated to 7.5 thousand years ago. Border Trypillians had been laid from the shores of the Vistula to the banks of the Dnieper river from West to East, from the shores of the Pripyat river to the Northern border of modern Turkey from North to South. At that time, Trypillians were cities with a population of 20-40 thousand people. They had an Observatory. Trypillians were given teachings about God, the universe, agriculture, the Sciences, the white race and the white race spread them around the world. Here, on the territory of modern right-Bank Ukraine, Poland, Moldova, Romania they collected the grain yield ranging from 80 quintals of grain from 1 hectare and above. About 250 years ago the Royal gardener Eckleben collected from fields in the vicinity of the Northern capital wheat harvest around 3000 kg/ha. We also argue that most of our arable fields is in the "zone of risky agriculture". Eckleben, in the North-West of Russia, yields were 20 kg/ha, as we have, and not 300 kg/ha, as the ancient Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia, and 10 times more than the South, and 150 times more than in our fields. Is this not evidence that not all climate determines the crops, and that crop is determined by the culture of farming, which to our time, the farmers lost. What is the culture of farming, we'll talk later.

Agrobiological concept of agriculture is currently being implemented on one third of all land cultivated in the world. It is about 100 million hectares of cultivated areas in North and South America, Australia, Africa, Europe and Asia. This technology is actively developing in Russia and Kazakhstan. Understanding the efficiency of agro-biological concepts and agriculture in Ukraine. The main component of success – reliance on scientific advances in the field of Microbiology.

Today, the farmers of most countries of the world began to abandon plowing, from application of raw manure and fertilizers, moved to gentle and zero tillage and application of organic composts. They get yields many times greater than ours. There is a blockade of the tradition of social realism has broken. We have yet to do it, and it must be done decisively and quickly, otherwise tomorrow will be too late – the soil will die. Today it can still be saved.

"The time for a major restructuring of the organization of human life on Earth in accordance with the Laws of the World", — these words of the academician, Ph. D., D. SC.N. B. A. Astafiev today are especially relevant. According to the hypothesis of a single universal spiritual law of creation of matter of all chemical elements created from the primary Atom of Hydrogen Atom of Life in strict accordance with a Single Spiral of Evolution, in which is inscribed the Law of Time, providing Order in the process of creation. A Hydrogen Atom, it is logical to call the Basic Genome of the World as a single algorithm, providing the genetic unity of the World of Space, as he writes in the works of academician B. A. Astafiev. The process of formation of the Basic Genome of the Cosmos B. A. Astafiev explains: "pravovremeno hemisphere oscillating plasma-energy particles (OPEC) transmits the left-handed hemisphere of the same OPEC energy in the amount of ∆℮. The result is a Vita-particle (primary hydrogen atom). Levavasseur hemisphere becomes graviton (primary proton), and pravovremeno – anti graviton (primary electron). The energy of the graviton – twolame-creative, anti graviton – stimulating. The evolutionary process goes through two main anti-parallel directions of development of energy: twolame-creative and stimulating".

To understand all these processes need to understand the processes that take place in the physical vacuum. Every physical material body (FTI) has continued on the physical non-material body (FNMT).

At the time of the great Hermes Trismegistus said, "That at the Top, the Bottom, front, and back."

In the early 80-ies was sold on newsstands "Soyuzpechat" of the pyramid to sharpen the blades. Used blade, i.e. blunted and lost fragments of metal fell in the hole for 15 days and was in the process of regeneration. The blade was sharp as new, and the place of the chipped and scratched metal a metal. Moreover, the metal from that metal from that field, from which was made the blade. Each field has impurities that are unique to this field. So easy identificireba what it is with the deposits of this metal. This invention belong to the inventor Leningrad.

We know that the lizard loses a tail and she grows a tail the same, as it was not more t not less. People who have amputated limbs feel pain after amputation in non-existent on the physical level pain.

To understand all these processes need to understand the processes that take place in the physical vacuum. Every natural material body has its continuation at the level of the physical non-material body (FNMT).

Matter exists in time and space. Matter is the triune substance, composed of matter, energy, information. Matter and energy is constantly moving into each other under the control of the information. The equation of Einstein E=mc2.

Information is eternal. It has neither mass, nor energy, she has nothing to lose. Seven years ago I introduced a concept like PI – the density of information and layering information. The information is divided by origin: anthropogenic (man-made) and natural, which is a component of matter.

Ninety seven million six hundred eighty four thousand eight hundred ten

In the diagram information [I] is designated as part of the matter that exists in time and space. The quality of the information depends on the quality of matter. Information or mate structures

Source: vitau.co/?cat=4