8 trends of alternative farming

1. No-till or No-till technology is widely known now throughout the world. The soil before sowing seeds are not treatable. This technology is not fully organic, as in the transition period the use of mineral fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The main rate of biological processes in the soil. Pest control is biological methods. Due to the permanent covering of the soil with a layer of mulch creates a layer of fertile, there is a natural aeration and reduces the growth of weeds.
2. Landscape-adaptive farming In Ukraine, where agriculture is in decline, on landscape-adaptive farming, most likely, never even heard of. The essence of this adaptive or adapted farming in payback. Important in this method of farming is not to disturb natural landscapes, there must be balance -the ratio of crop and livestock production. Reducing the use of pesticides and fertilizers. The reduction of soil erosion through crop rotation. Conservation of such soils for a long time. There are programs for conservation of land compensation to farmers (though it is in the US)
3. Organic farming is a method of agriculture biological methods, which imply a substantial reduction in or total rejection of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The use of only biological factors to increase yields, fight pests and weeds without adversely affecting nature.

4. Organic farming Organic farming (organic farming) —agricultural production which prohibited the use of synthetic agrochemicals and genetic engineering techniques with the goal of getting "eco-friendly" products. This method of farming typical for the US and the EU, however, have acquired specific forms in developing countries.
5. Biodynamic farming is one of the areas of organic agriculture, the theoretical framework which was proposed in the 1920-ies Rudolf Steiner. The principles of biodynamic farming are the basis of the lunar calendar for sowing crops that are popular among farmers. Today among farmers and gardeners biodynamics is becoming more and more popular method of land-use alternatives to conventional agriculture.

6. Organic-biological farming is a little different from the biodynamic method. Namely, does not consider the effects of cosmic rhythms.
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7. Permanent agriculture or permacultura. The Australian zoologist bill Mollison and David Holmgren. The environmental feasibility of agricultural works, based on the combination of a diversity of perennial crops. The organization of such economy means the creation of an economically viable, self-sustaining ecosystem that can provide all necessary living in it and which does not produce waste. This system can exist indefinitely without human intervention. It is clear that the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is not allowed. The ecosystem itself controls all the processes.

8. Natural farming is a partnership with nature, the rejection of domination over her. The founder of this method is that the Japanese farmer Masanobu Fukuoka, investigator of the book 'one straw Revolution'.
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