The fastest and most effective means of self-healing and healing the body
Thirty five million six hundred forty six thousand eight hundred eighty six
Continuing the theme begun in article Reduction of biological age of a person — research and development in action and Diseases that defy medical treatment we are publishing a brief description of the method of recovery Marciniszyn and reviews.
Floating and human rejuvenation — a path to health, quality of life, prolonged youth, longevity. It is the purification and recovery of the body from the toes to the tips of the hair, cleansing the blood, lymph, intestines, liver and kidney, elimination of toxin and pollution.this restoration of the genetic code, the development of creativity, eliminate psychochemical, dominant ukhtomskogo-davydovskiy, including alcoholism, Smoking and other bad habits. The result is a surge of energy and empowerment
As a consequence of the prolonged (extended) youth, quality of life and longevity. One such technology is the bath MARTSINISHIN®, created by the author, an engineer-inventor, candidate of psychological Sciences Yury M. Marciniszyn.
Floating is the fastest and most effective means of self-healing and healing the body. Floating is a procedure that makes your body young and strong, the soul sublime and flying, and your heart pure. In addition, each person easily falls into a state of meditation. Meditation, easily adjusts the brain on healing of low-frequency alpha and theta activity, relaxes the body and helps prevent many diseases, including psychosomatic. Floating allows you to quickly achieve complete relaxation and to reach a subtle distinction between sleep and waking, can achieve the aim of practicing meditation. The impact of this relaxation on the mind and body are so positive and varied that it can be delivered in a number of the most powerful tools of healing and rejuvenation. Today such a condition is achieved during the stay in the bath MARTSINISHIN.
The session takes place in conventional baths. To do this, recruit the bathtub with warm, pleasant for the person of water. Comfort temperature measured by the elbow. Pour into a tub measuring Cup 20 ml. of the concentrate clustered water, to the water in the bathroom to make a LIVING (structured). We go into the bath, lie down (it is a prerequisite for later inclusion fluids from a bottle).
Measuring Cup for 1 minute, pour in the bath 9 ml of fluid from the bottle No. 1 with a green cover, after 5 minutes (i.e. 6 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle # 2 with a blue cover, 5 minutes later (i.e., 11 minutes) pour 9 ml. of liquid from bottle number 3 with a gold cap, even after 5 minutes (i.e. 16 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle # 4 with white cover, even after 5 minutes (i.e. 21 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle No. 5 with yellow lid, 5 minutes later (i.e., 26 minutes) pour 9 ml. of liquid from bottle number 6 with a red cover. After infusion of liquid from each bottle, you must dip your head in water.
Total bath time – not less than 20 and not more than 30 minutes.
After the bath do not dry off, and dry off, wearing a Terry cloth robe. After the bath you need 20-30 minutes to lie.
There are three collections of bathtubs MARTSINISHIN:
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
I'm 83 years old but my biological age is 52 years. The great merit in this rejuvenation belongs to Martsinishin baths and, of course, the author himself - the inventor of this water miracle – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
In October of 2013. I took a course of floating "Baths Martsinishin".
The course consisted of 10 baths. The feeling of joy of muscle without fatigue and need for sleep were constant during the course.
The effect of my course was really prolonged: elation, vigor, purity and clarity of thought — what I really needed in my scientific work has followed me. It was something that promised the author of this invention – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
It's hard to believe, but now I feel such a healing bath home, T. K. Y. D. Martsinishin implemented a new design and now drugs for treating bath can be home.
The winner of Gusi peace prize in physics, academician of RANS, AST, NANO, CANON, doctor of medical Sciences B. A. Astafiev.
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
In October of 2013. I took a course of floating "Baths Martsinishin".
During the course, I found 3 features :
the first 3 tubs with external light and short (only 20 min) brought relaxation and noticeable "bruising" in the muscles of the whole body, the desire to drink clean water and the desire to sleep;
4th bath has brought true healing sleep, after which there is a physical need to move actively in the fresh air and I am absolutely unexpectedly for myself, immediately went to the street to engage in Nordic walking, where ever in the 61 year of her life until then was not engaged. The muscular feeling of joy amazed me. I did about 25 minutes without feeling tired. From that day began a new page in my biography, sports;
the final procedure of floating amazed me that the water in the tub after 20 minutes was like it washed a couple of dozen bottles of milk: the body rid itself of harmful "acquisitions," of civilization and the forces were in body and in soul!
The effect of my course was really prolonged: ease in the body and elation accompanied me in all Affairs! It was exactly what is promised by the author of this amazing invention of the noosphere – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
I would like to take such a magical bath house, so as not to accumulate side effects "Benefits of civilization" in body and soul.
N. In. Maslova, doctor of psychological Sciences, President of NANO, CANON, full member of RANS.
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
When I found out about the tube Marciniszyn, immediately wanted to buy it, even though he knew that this is a very important decision, as it is uncontrollable by me, a separate information system.
Decided to buy the phone when I have a sick child. Seemingly ordinary windmill, but with a very big complications. Temperature 40-41, medication did not help, the child was delirious, saying things that even scared to repeat. We bought the family up and from the first moment of the acquisition the child started feeling better, temperature stabilized for 15 minutes. And more we to this question did not come back.
With the acquisition of tube, my life has changed a lot. There were invisible boundaries that are supported and not allowed to fall.
Sometimes, when I come home from work "depressed like a lemon", then drink 2 cups of water, passed through the tube, take the tube in hand and rest, then after 30-40 minutes completely restored.
In General, this is not to tell the two words. You need to try. I think everyone will have their personal experience with this tool.The invention of Yuri Danilovich are the keys to the improvement of humanity as a whole. It is not a panacea for all ills, is the key, and the door each have to find myself. Anna, Kremenchug published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vitau.co/
Continuing the theme begun in article Reduction of biological age of a person — research and development in action and Diseases that defy medical treatment we are publishing a brief description of the method of recovery Marciniszyn and reviews.
Floating and human rejuvenation — a path to health, quality of life, prolonged youth, longevity. It is the purification and recovery of the body from the toes to the tips of the hair, cleansing the blood, lymph, intestines, liver and kidney, elimination of toxin and pollution.this restoration of the genetic code, the development of creativity, eliminate psychochemical, dominant ukhtomskogo-davydovskiy, including alcoholism, Smoking and other bad habits. The result is a surge of energy and empowerment
As a consequence of the prolonged (extended) youth, quality of life and longevity. One such technology is the bath MARTSINISHIN®, created by the author, an engineer-inventor, candidate of psychological Sciences Yury M. Marciniszyn.
Floating is the fastest and most effective means of self-healing and healing the body. Floating is a procedure that makes your body young and strong, the soul sublime and flying, and your heart pure. In addition, each person easily falls into a state of meditation. Meditation, easily adjusts the brain on healing of low-frequency alpha and theta activity, relaxes the body and helps prevent many diseases, including psychosomatic. Floating allows you to quickly achieve complete relaxation and to reach a subtle distinction between sleep and waking, can achieve the aim of practicing meditation. The impact of this relaxation on the mind and body are so positive and varied that it can be delivered in a number of the most powerful tools of healing and rejuvenation. Today such a condition is achieved during the stay in the bath MARTSINISHIN.
The session takes place in conventional baths. To do this, recruit the bathtub with warm, pleasant for the person of water. Comfort temperature measured by the elbow. Pour into a tub measuring Cup 20 ml. of the concentrate clustered water, to the water in the bathroom to make a LIVING (structured). We go into the bath, lie down (it is a prerequisite for later inclusion fluids from a bottle).
Measuring Cup for 1 minute, pour in the bath 9 ml of fluid from the bottle No. 1 with a green cover, after 5 minutes (i.e. 6 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle # 2 with a blue cover, 5 minutes later (i.e., 11 minutes) pour 9 ml. of liquid from bottle number 3 with a gold cap, even after 5 minutes (i.e. 16 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle # 4 with white cover, even after 5 minutes (i.e. 21 minutes) pour 9 ml of fluid from the bottle No. 5 with yellow lid, 5 minutes later (i.e., 26 minutes) pour 9 ml. of liquid from bottle number 6 with a red cover. After infusion of liquid from each bottle, you must dip your head in water.
Total bath time – not less than 20 and not more than 30 minutes.
After the bath do not dry off, and dry off, wearing a Terry cloth robe. After the bath you need 20-30 minutes to lie.
There are three collections of bathtubs MARTSINISHIN:
- Gold
- Platinum
- Diamond
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
I'm 83 years old but my biological age is 52 years. The great merit in this rejuvenation belongs to Martsinishin baths and, of course, the author himself - the inventor of this water miracle – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
In October of 2013. I took a course of floating "Baths Martsinishin".
The course consisted of 10 baths. The feeling of joy of muscle without fatigue and need for sleep were constant during the course.
The effect of my course was really prolonged: elation, vigor, purity and clarity of thought — what I really needed in my scientific work has followed me. It was something that promised the author of this invention – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
It's hard to believe, but now I feel such a healing bath home, T. K. Y. D. Martsinishin implemented a new design and now drugs for treating bath can be home.
The winner of Gusi peace prize in physics, academician of RANS, AST, NANO, CANON, doctor of medical Sciences B. A. Astafiev.
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
In October of 2013. I took a course of floating "Baths Martsinishin".
During the course, I found 3 features :
the first 3 tubs with external light and short (only 20 min) brought relaxation and noticeable "bruising" in the muscles of the whole body, the desire to drink clean water and the desire to sleep;
4th bath has brought true healing sleep, after which there is a physical need to move actively in the fresh air and I am absolutely unexpectedly for myself, immediately went to the street to engage in Nordic walking, where ever in the 61 year of her life until then was not engaged. The muscular feeling of joy amazed me. I did about 25 minutes without feeling tired. From that day began a new page in my biography, sports;
the final procedure of floating amazed me that the water in the tub after 20 minutes was like it washed a couple of dozen bottles of milk: the body rid itself of harmful "acquisitions," of civilization and the forces were in body and in soul!
The effect of my course was really prolonged: ease in the body and elation accompanied me in all Affairs! It was exactly what is promised by the author of this amazing invention of the noosphere – Yuri Danilovich Martsinishin.
I would like to take such a magical bath house, so as not to accumulate side effects "Benefits of civilization" in body and soul.
N. In. Maslova, doctor of psychological Sciences, President of NANO, CANON, full member of RANS.
Review of the procedures floating "Baths Martsinishin"
When I found out about the tube Marciniszyn, immediately wanted to buy it, even though he knew that this is a very important decision, as it is uncontrollable by me, a separate information system.
Decided to buy the phone when I have a sick child. Seemingly ordinary windmill, but with a very big complications. Temperature 40-41, medication did not help, the child was delirious, saying things that even scared to repeat. We bought the family up and from the first moment of the acquisition the child started feeling better, temperature stabilized for 15 minutes. And more we to this question did not come back.
With the acquisition of tube, my life has changed a lot. There were invisible boundaries that are supported and not allowed to fall.
Sometimes, when I come home from work "depressed like a lemon", then drink 2 cups of water, passed through the tube, take the tube in hand and rest, then after 30-40 minutes completely restored.
In General, this is not to tell the two words. You need to try. I think everyone will have their personal experience with this tool.The invention of Yuri Danilovich are the keys to the improvement of humanity as a whole. It is not a panacea for all ills, is the key, and the door each have to find myself. Anna, Kremenchug published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vitau.co/