About the self-healing mechanisms of the body, and blood acidity crises

About the self-healing mechanisms of the body, and acidity crises
blood This article will focus on the self-healing mechanisms of the body. About the processes provided by nature, which are responsible for our body's renewal as a result of injury or any other pathological effects.
As part will address the issue of acid-base balance of the blood, and the possible consequences of its change. His understanding is directly related to our subject.
With parameter acidity of the blood, we, perhaps, begin.
The acidity of the blood
Human arterial blood acidity varies from 7 37 to 7 43 pH. This is one of the most stable parameters of the human body, and one of the most important. If the acidity of the blood drop to the lower interval norm, then there is a state of acidosis (acidification), and if the upper - the alkoloza (alkalinity). Both are regarded by modern medicine as a condition of serious illness.
If the parameter is released a little further abroad norm, people simply die. Therefore, the acidity of the blood - this is the most important parameter of our homeostasis, and the body is very important to keep it within limits. To do this, set up some mechanisms, the so-called buffering system of blood.
The buffer system of blood - physiological systems and mechanisms to ensure that the acid-base balance in the blood. They are the "first line of defense", which prevents sudden changes in pH of the internal environment of living organisms.
Not surprisingly, the ways to "fix" the acidity of the blood in the body weight due to the relevance of the question. Their device is complex and layered.
How it works? For example, if a person ate an orange, then an abundance of fruit acids would immediately be offset by alkaline buffer stocks, and may even seem like an orange alkalizes body. In reality, it is simply a compensatory reaction buffer. And if we continue to aggressively deplete the blood supply, the course will calcium ions from bone. Their fragility of the organism in a lower priority than the pH balance krovi.Pri eating alkalizing foods, accordingly, there is a backlash compensation.
This is the first "fad" that had to be clear, we go further.
Pathology and Replacement
Next is to clarify how the body normally responds to pathological disorders in the tissues. As conceived nature of the body to cope with what we call "disease"? The answer is simple. Inflammation
Any pathological process is accompanied by local inflammation "territory". Here's how it happens:
At the site of injury dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow, there is blood flow slowing down and as a consequence - redness, local temperature rise, then the increase in permeability of the capillary walls leads to the exit of leukocytes, macrophages, and the liquid part of blood (plasma) into the injury site - swelling, which turn compressing nerves and causing pain all together - dysfunction
. Source
Inflammation - a multi complex process that is regulated acidity, so its phase is directly dependent on the degree of "acidity" of damaged tissues
. In the initial stages of acidification increases vascular permeability, small capillaries and cell membranes, which creates conditions for enhanced metabolism. A further increase in acidity can already lead to edema (fluid inflow into the tissues is much higher than its output capabilities).
The next step is accompanied by an even greater decrease in pH, which leads to the release of the contents of mast cells, tissues and squeezing the complete isolation of the damaged zone. At this point, the process is practically irreversible, and normally starts when the body does not cope with the elimination of corruption. This stage is called purulent inflammation.
All these processes are well known in medicine. Any illness, ending suffix "-um" means that it is based on inflammation. Sinusitis, gastritis, bronchitis ... named varies depending on the "disposition" of the process space. But it is perceived by doctors as a disease, but is rather a response to her body!
This understanding is important to understand the basic principles of many natural healing methods.
What is a "crisis»?
Crease - a short-term increase in symptoms of the disease, which occurs during inflammation. As we are aware, not aggravated the disease, and those "tools" with which it is treated in a natural way! These we have noted above: redness, heat, pain, swelling, local increase in acidity of tissues
. Natural healing methods
Not difficult to draw parallels and logical to guess that any time the natural "repair" is accompanied by acidification of the background, any naturopathic methods are associated with the displacement of acid-base balance.
And indeed: the raw food diet (especially fruitarianism), fasting, use vinegar (or wraps, baths with their application), breathing on Buteyko and even motor activity ... any of these "weapons" naturopathy, one way or another, related to the change of acidity
Now you can understand why it is using such methods, we can get as an exacerbation of symptoms of chronic sores, and the manifestation of the new, which in reality were only all-chronic previously isolated.
That stimulation of metabolism, increased vascular permeability and tissue create conditions for curing diseases. Terms, but not always healing! Therefore, it is sometimes important to remember and about any conscious motor activity, without which the blood flow is not able to visit all the "nooks and crannies" of our body.
Crises in the fasting and raw food
Take, for example, starvation. It is known that blood flow is enhanced by practicing several times, which is achieved primarily due to intentional (not pathological) lowering the pH of the blood by the body to its lower limit of normal. This happens most often in 6-7 days fasting on water.
On the hunger mechanism of inflammation is one of the principal, which is fully controlled by the body to
«repairs». Just know that if you go with a hunger to acidic fruit (or juices), the high acidity of background now supported artificially by the abundance of fruit acids. Some authors recommend just such a way out, referring to the fact that with this method of purification and recovery repairs will continue. Indeed, some of the processes are not fast subside, thereby prolonging the course of the process. But this is not always a need. In many clinics starvation yield was built on predominantly alkali (vegetable) juice, because there are always patients waiting for the end of the natural cycle of hunger, and came out only in improving their health. This mode eliminates the need for additional methods of artificial acidification.
On the raw food diet, as in starvation, possible crises, but it is possible their absence! Some authors have noted a link between eating fruits and speed "detoxify" the body, it is wiser to communicate just with their acidity (and not "starchy»).
It is worth remembering that the "mode" of inflammation, though a useful backdrop for "vybalivaniya" chronic accumulation, but it is not the norm! This is primarily a tool, which is relevant only when there is a corresponding need.