How to quickly and economically measure the pH
Litmus indicator paper provides a fast and economical method of pH measurement (pH value) any fluids and mixtures of fluids (urine, saliva, feces, semen, acidity of the vagina, breast milk, liquids, water, drinks, etc.).
Sixty nine million eight hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred sixty two
Litmus paper necessary as the family and the specialist conducting the study patient's applicable in chemical laboratories, used for research activities.
In chemistry there are substances that have the ability to change colour in the presence of acids and alkalis. These substances are called indicators and are used to determine the reaction medium. The environment may be acidic, alkaline and neutral.These substances impregnated filter paper.
Litmus is a dye extracted from certain species of lichen. Its composition is complex. Litmus is a weak acid, which impregnated paper.
How to use flat paper:
You need to dip a narrow strip of paper in the desired solution for two or three seconds.Compare with the attached color chart and calculate the values.
In a neutral solution at 25°C pH = 7. In acidic solutions of pH 7, the greater the alkalinity of the solution, the greater its value. Conclusion: the lower the pH, the greater the concentration of H+ ions, i.e. the higher the acidity of the medium, and conversely, the larger the pH, the lower the concentration of H+ ions, i.e. a higher alkalinity environment.
The parameters of the indicator paper: measuring pH from 1 to 14. Indicator paper can be in the form of strips, rolls, cartons, tubes, canisters, tear. Universal indicator paper is used only for an approximate determination of pH values in a wide range with an accuracy of about one unit of pH or tenth.
Thirty nine million seven hundred seven thousand five hundred ninety four
PH METER — DO I NEED IT? In order to identify the value of this index in routine methods use a pH meter. The use of indicators to determine the precise values are not practical because of the subjective determination of color or low accuracy of the indicator. However, the advantage of indicators is their cheapness, visibility analysis, speed.
PH meters have different features, based on which formed its price, namely measuring range PH: 0.00 — 14.00, temperature division value: 0.1 pH accuracy: 0.1 pH. The cost ranges from 15 to 100 dollars.
For soap making and RemoveAny, in principle, suitable cheapest. It has the following characteristics: measuring range PH: 0.00 — 14.00, temperature: 0 — 50°C, graduation: 0.1 pH accuracy: 0.1 pH . PH meter must be calibrated.
If neotaliban PH meter shows incorrect values, then you need to calibrate it.
Example of calibration of ph meter 009. However, and other models are calibrated on the same principle !
You need to calibrate?Actually pH meter, slotted screwdriver (included), calibration solution, and of course, straight arms, where the same without them — without them neobhodima no case. I believe that the budget meter ph 009 is sufficient to calibrate at one point, having a solution ph 4.00 or ph 6.8. The solution should be at room temperature! If it is stored in the refrigerator in advance, remove it, thoroughly shake immediately before the calibration.
Included pH meter put it in calibration solution. Will wait a minute. On the reverse side of a pH meter has a screw, it is necessary to turn clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the indicator in the display.You should to compare the values on the display with the ph of your solution! That's actually the entire process is!
HOW TO USE PH METER Usually to the device attached manual.
The following is an example of how Miniature pH meter tester pH PAL
If the pH of the urine is in the range of 6.0 and 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 and 7.0 in the evening, the body functions normally. The optimal level is slightly acidic, in the range of 6.4 to 6.5. The value of urine pH below 5.0 indicates its sharp acidity, above 7.5 — its strongly alkaline reaction.
The reaction of the urine determines the possibility of formation of stones: urate in acidic oxalate — neutral-acidic, phosphate in more alkaline environment. For example, uric acid stones are actually never encountered in the urine pH more than 5.5, and phosphate rocks never formed, if the urine is not alkaline. The best time to determine the pH for 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.
Check the pH level twice a week 2-3 times a day.
With Indicator litmus paper pH test can easily, quickly and accurately monitor the response of urine to change the type of food, the use of medicines or BAD. Positive dynamics of pH can serve as a criterion of correctness of the chosen diet or treatment.
The acidity of the urine varies greatly depending on food intake, e.g., intake of plant foods promotes an alkaline reaction of urine. The acidity of the urine increases if the human diet is dominated by meat foods rich in proteins.
Increases the acidity of urine heavy physical work.
The increased acidity of urine is noted in the acidity of the stomach. Reduced gastric acidity does not affect the acidity of urine.
The acidity of the urine varies with many diseases or conditions of the body, so the determination of acidity is an important diagnostic factor.
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The acidity of the saliva:
The acidity of the saliva depends on the rate of salivation. Usually the acidity of the mixed saliva of man is equal to the 6.8 to 7.4 pH, but at high rate of salivation reaches a pH of 7.8. The acidity of the saliva of the parotid glands is equal to the pH of 5.81, submandibular — 6,39 pH. In children the average acidity of mixed saliva pH of 7.32 is equal.
Optimal measurement from 10 to 12 hours. To measure it better on an empty stomach two hours before or two hours after a meal. Salivation is reduced in the evening hours and at night.
To increase the salivation, with the aim of increasing pH increased saliva, well if on a plate will lay a slice of lemon, it even in the visual perception increases salivation. Food should look appetizing, served on beautiful dishes, appetizing decorated with greenery and/or vegetables should be what is called pleasing to the eye! Flow not only salivating, but also juices in the body, preparing for the process of digestion. This mental phase of digestive secretion.
Acidic gastroesophageal refluxes and pharyngolaryngeal reaching the oral cavity, play a key role in the emergence of pathology of the oral cavity. As a result of contact of hydrochloric acid there is a decrease in the acidity of mixed saliva pH below about 7.0. Saliva, normally having alkaline properties at low pH, especially at values of 6,2–6,0, leads to focal demineralization of tooth enamel with the appearance of erosions of dental hard tissues and the formation of these cavities — cavities. Increases the amount of mucus in the mucosa, the gums become swollen and inflamed.
By lowering the acidity in the oral cavity, reduces the acidity of plaque, which causes tooth decay.
In the mouth, the bacteria "bloom" in the absence of air. Saliva, rich in oxygen, actively prevents their reproduction. Bad breath occurs when the inflow of saliva slows down, for example during sleep. Excitement, hunger, uttering long monologue, breathing through the mouth (for example, at a cold), stress dry mouth, leading to lowering the pH of the saliva. The reduced flow of saliva inevitably occurs with age.
You can connect a mildly alkaline rinse the mouth with water with addition of soda and taking it inside between the food proposed by the Professor by Golovin A. T. – slightly alkaline pH 7.4-8.A mouth rinse with soda water occurs in various inflammatory diseases of the gums and the teeth and the overall acidification of the body.
To set the desired pH of the water for rinsing or intake you can use litmus indicator paper. Recipes with the right proportions can not be, because the water in each region has its own, has its own pH. Therefore it is necessary to have on hand the test paper.
The acidity of the vagina
The normal acidity of the vagina women ranges from 3.8 to 4.4 and the average pH is 4.0 and 4.2 pH.
The acidity of the vagina in various diseases:
The acidity of the semen
The normal pH of semen ranges from 7.2 to 8.0 and pH. Deviations from these values, by itself, is not considered as pathology. At the same time together with other deviation may indicate the presence of the disease.
The increase in pH of semen occurs when the infectious process. Sharply alkaline reaction of a semen (acidity approximately 9.0 and 10.0 pH) indicates prostate pathology.
When blockage of the excretory ducts of both seminal vesicles marked acid reaction of the sperm (acidity 6.0 to 6.8 pH). The fertilizing capacity of sperm is reduced. In the acidic environment of the sperm lose their mobility and die. If the acidity of the seminal fluid becomes less than a 6.0 pH, spermatozoa completely lose their motility and die.
The acidity of tears in the rate — from 7.3 to 7.5 pH.
The acidity in the stomach.
Reduced acidity is observed when anatsidnyh or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis and gastric cancer. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called or anatsidnyh gastritis (gastroduodenitis) with low acidity, if the acidity in the body of the stomach is about 5 or more pH units. Cause of low acidity is often atrophy of the parietal cells in the mucosa or disruption in their functions.
Ninety seven million seven hundred sixty three thousand one
The acidity in the intestine:
The acidity of the blood plasma of human blood ranges from pH of 7.37 to 7.43, with an average pH of 7.4. The acid-alkaline balance in the blood is one of the most stable parameters that support the acidic and alkaline components in a particular equilibrium in a very narrow range. Even a small shift from specified limits can result in severe pathology. With the shift to the acidic side, causing a condition called acidosis, to alkaline — alkalosis. The change in the acidity of the blood is above a pH of 7.8 or a pH below 6.8 is incompatible with life.
The acidity of red blood cells is 7.28–pH of 7.29.
Normal blood animates lymph cells that can destroy tumor cells. The human body has many lymph cells (e.g., NK cells, LAK cells). Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are able to distinguish normal cells from sick and afflicted, and to destroy the latter. This is the function of the immune system of the human body. WithAmaya greater activity of the lymph cells to destroy diseased cells is shown at PH 7.4.However, usually around the affected cells, there is a more acidic environment which inhibits the activity of lymphocytes that work better at slightly alkaline pH.
Eating foods having zamalchivalis effect, you can adjust the balance of PH within 0.5 units, creating a favorable environment for the exposure of lymphocytes and destruction of diseased or abnormally constructed cells.
Cancerous tissue has an increased acidity in contrast to the normal tissue and the organism protects its fibrous sheath which has an alkaline pH. If you continue to use acidic diet, the shell dissolves and the cancer cells produced to the outside.
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HOW TO CHECK THE ENVIRONMENT OF YOUR BODY INDEPENDENTLY1. Check the pH value (pH), reaction of saliva and urine color scale indicator (litmus) paper. If saliva and urine are in the range of pH 5.0 to a 5.7, there is a predisposition to cancer, but this does not mean that the person will get sick. If saliva and urine is between pH of 7.0-7.4 and you are protected from cancer.
2. You can make a bioimpedance analysis (diagnostics of body composition). The amount of water in the bound state, you determine whether you have offset the acid-alkaline balance. If a surplus of such water – definitely an acidic environment, the disadvantage is alkaline.
IF THE BODY ZACHISLEN: In our time it is observed very often due to incorrect diet and attitude towards your body.
The acidification of the organism in the first place results:
What if the body zachislen:
Daily diet of a healthy person should include at least 75-85 % alkalizing foods and in the diet of a person suffering from any disease, their share should be increased to 90 %.To alkalizing foods include vegetables and fruits. And in that order, and not Vice versa, because there is an unspoken rule: the closer the vegetable or fruit to the soil surface, the higher the content of alkalizing macronutrients (e.g., potassium). The potassium contained in potatoes with the peel, Basil, dried apricots, many other fruits and vegetables, helps to combat acidification (latent acidosis) and create favorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients and drugs.Most useful in this sense, fresh tomatoes, beets, apricots, melons.More efficiently omelicheva the blood of a freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juices. The most useful are carrot, celery and watermelon.
In vegetables and fruits is dominated by alkaline valences, therefore, their use eliminates the acidosis.
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In your menu must include grated raw beets and carrots, finely sliced cabbage, fennel, celery, onion and garlic.Very useful to eat young green shoots of plants, honey, herbal teas, soy sauce, seaweed, wheat germ.
Once a week it is advisable to arrange fasting days, eating only raw vegetables and fruits or even one of those days to drink only juices and purees.
A large part of the legumes and cereals, except buckwheat and millet, under normal cooking increases the acidity of blood.However, after soaking or sprouting they acquire alkalizing effect.Raw nuts and seeds should be soaked for half an hour before meals, cereals for 0.5-2 hours before cooking, beans at night.
The displacement of the acid-alkaline balance to the alkaline side (usually this can be observed in vegetarians) in the tissues creates a shortage of water, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated. Everything should be the measure.
Seventy six million eight hundred one thousand nine hundred eighty four
Physical activity and sport slightly shifts the reaction to the alkaline side.
Equally important is a person's mood. Good cheerful mood normalizes the acid-alkaline balance.
Once a week, while acidification of the body, it is desirable to arrange a treatment days, eating only vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables, sharing all day) in the summer cooked and sometimes raw in autumn and winter only heat treated) and be sure to clean the hot water.
If you are sick, you need to give up any animal food and broths.
If you have an operation, it must be done in an alkaline mode of the body, after surgery to follow a plant-based diet.
Please note — zamalchivaemye products (e.g., fruits) consumed sugar (strong satelitales) -acidification of the body (blood).
PRODUCTS SAKIKAWA AND ZAMALCHIVAEMYE: The extent of their actions, we note a number of advantages:
Some products sakikawa the body: sugar! (+++), game (++++), oysters (++++), crayfish (++++), beef (+++), eggs (+++), chickens (+++), fish (++), mussels (+++), coffee (+++), jam (+++), baked beans (+++), beef liver (+++), pork lean (++), bacon skinny (++), ham (++), pickled plum (++), banana green (++), dried peas (++), white flour (++), barley grits (++), Hominy and corn flakes (++), starch (++), peanuts (++), cheese (++), white bread (++), mutton boiled (++), lamb stew (+), black bread (+), dried beans (+), soft cheese (+)cream (+), beef (+), bacon fat (+).
Some products, zamalchivaya the body: figs (++++), beetroot (++++), celery (++++), berries (++++), grapefruit (++++), onion lettuce (++++), mushrooms (++++), tomatoes (++++), dried apricots (++++), fresh apricots (+++), pear (+++), sea buckthorn (+++), lemon (if it is used without sugar) (+++), orange (+++), watermelon (+++), melon (+++), prunes (+++), pepper (+++), beans (+++), currants (+++), cabbage (all types) (+++), pistachios (+++), cucumbers (+++), dandelion (leaves) (+++), parsnip (+++), plum (+++), peaches (+++), whole milk (+++), Mare (+++), milk whey (+++), ripe bananas (++), apples (++), grapes (.++), cherry (++), raisins (++), dates (++), onion (++), green peas (++), radish (++), almonds (++), carrots (++), potatoes with the skin (++), cranberry (+), asparagus (+), pork fat (+). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: milomarket.com/257-ph.html
Sixty nine million eight hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred sixty two
Litmus paper necessary as the family and the specialist conducting the study patient's applicable in chemical laboratories, used for research activities.
In chemistry there are substances that have the ability to change colour in the presence of acids and alkalis. These substances are called indicators and are used to determine the reaction medium. The environment may be acidic, alkaline and neutral.These substances impregnated filter paper.
Litmus is a dye extracted from certain species of lichen. Its composition is complex. Litmus is a weak acid, which impregnated paper.
How to use flat paper:
You need to dip a narrow strip of paper in the desired solution for two or three seconds.Compare with the attached color chart and calculate the values.
In a neutral solution at 25°C pH = 7. In acidic solutions of pH 7, the greater the alkalinity of the solution, the greater its value. Conclusion: the lower the pH, the greater the concentration of H+ ions, i.e. the higher the acidity of the medium, and conversely, the larger the pH, the lower the concentration of H+ ions, i.e. a higher alkalinity environment.
The parameters of the indicator paper: measuring pH from 1 to 14. Indicator paper can be in the form of strips, rolls, cartons, tubes, canisters, tear. Universal indicator paper is used only for an approximate determination of pH values in a wide range with an accuracy of about one unit of pH or tenth.
Thirty nine million seven hundred seven thousand five hundred ninety four
PH METER — DO I NEED IT? In order to identify the value of this index in routine methods use a pH meter. The use of indicators to determine the precise values are not practical because of the subjective determination of color or low accuracy of the indicator. However, the advantage of indicators is their cheapness, visibility analysis, speed.
PH meters have different features, based on which formed its price, namely measuring range PH: 0.00 — 14.00, temperature division value: 0.1 pH accuracy: 0.1 pH. The cost ranges from 15 to 100 dollars.
For soap making and RemoveAny, in principle, suitable cheapest. It has the following characteristics: measuring range PH: 0.00 — 14.00, temperature: 0 — 50°C, graduation: 0.1 pH accuracy: 0.1 pH . PH meter must be calibrated.
If neotaliban PH meter shows incorrect values, then you need to calibrate it.
Example of calibration of ph meter 009. However, and other models are calibrated on the same principle !
You need to calibrate?Actually pH meter, slotted screwdriver (included), calibration solution, and of course, straight arms, where the same without them — without them neobhodima no case. I believe that the budget meter ph 009 is sufficient to calibrate at one point, having a solution ph 4.00 or ph 6.8. The solution should be at room temperature! If it is stored in the refrigerator in advance, remove it, thoroughly shake immediately before the calibration.
Included pH meter put it in calibration solution. Will wait a minute. On the reverse side of a pH meter has a screw, it is necessary to turn clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the indicator in the display.You should to compare the values on the display with the ph of your solution! That's actually the entire process is!
HOW TO USE PH METER Usually to the device attached manual.
The following is an example of how Miniature pH meter tester pH PAL
- remove the protective cap at the bottom of the hull;
- switch the unit on by sliding the top switch to the right;
- immerse the instrument into the test solution to patterned labels;
- to interfere vigorously for 5-6 seconds. To make the readings after they stabilize;
- if the electrode was dry, wait a little longer, which will allow the device to carry out temperature compensation;
- after each measurement, thoroughly rinse the electrode with distilled water;
- after the measurement turn off the device and put the protective cap.
- neutral at pH = 7
- acidic at a pH of 7
If the pH of the urine is in the range of 6.0 and 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 and 7.0 in the evening, the body functions normally. The optimal level is slightly acidic, in the range of 6.4 to 6.5. The value of urine pH below 5.0 indicates its sharp acidity, above 7.5 — its strongly alkaline reaction.
The reaction of the urine determines the possibility of formation of stones: urate in acidic oxalate — neutral-acidic, phosphate in more alkaline environment. For example, uric acid stones are actually never encountered in the urine pH more than 5.5, and phosphate rocks never formed, if the urine is not alkaline. The best time to determine the pH for 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal.
Check the pH level twice a week 2-3 times a day.
With Indicator litmus paper pH test can easily, quickly and accurately monitor the response of urine to change the type of food, the use of medicines or BAD. Positive dynamics of pH can serve as a criterion of correctness of the chosen diet or treatment.
The acidity of the urine varies greatly depending on food intake, e.g., intake of plant foods promotes an alkaline reaction of urine. The acidity of the urine increases if the human diet is dominated by meat foods rich in proteins.
Increases the acidity of urine heavy physical work.
The increased acidity of urine is noted in the acidity of the stomach. Reduced gastric acidity does not affect the acidity of urine.
The acidity of the urine varies with many diseases or conditions of the body, so the determination of acidity is an important diagnostic factor.
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The acidity of the saliva:
The acidity of the saliva depends on the rate of salivation. Usually the acidity of the mixed saliva of man is equal to the 6.8 to 7.4 pH, but at high rate of salivation reaches a pH of 7.8. The acidity of the saliva of the parotid glands is equal to the pH of 5.81, submandibular — 6,39 pH. In children the average acidity of mixed saliva pH of 7.32 is equal.
Optimal measurement from 10 to 12 hours. To measure it better on an empty stomach two hours before or two hours after a meal. Salivation is reduced in the evening hours and at night.
To increase the salivation, with the aim of increasing pH increased saliva, well if on a plate will lay a slice of lemon, it even in the visual perception increases salivation. Food should look appetizing, served on beautiful dishes, appetizing decorated with greenery and/or vegetables should be what is called pleasing to the eye! Flow not only salivating, but also juices in the body, preparing for the process of digestion. This mental phase of digestive secretion.
Acidic gastroesophageal refluxes and pharyngolaryngeal reaching the oral cavity, play a key role in the emergence of pathology of the oral cavity. As a result of contact of hydrochloric acid there is a decrease in the acidity of mixed saliva pH below about 7.0. Saliva, normally having alkaline properties at low pH, especially at values of 6,2–6,0, leads to focal demineralization of tooth enamel with the appearance of erosions of dental hard tissues and the formation of these cavities — cavities. Increases the amount of mucus in the mucosa, the gums become swollen and inflamed.
By lowering the acidity in the oral cavity, reduces the acidity of plaque, which causes tooth decay.
In the mouth, the bacteria "bloom" in the absence of air. Saliva, rich in oxygen, actively prevents their reproduction. Bad breath occurs when the inflow of saliva slows down, for example during sleep. Excitement, hunger, uttering long monologue, breathing through the mouth (for example, at a cold), stress dry mouth, leading to lowering the pH of the saliva. The reduced flow of saliva inevitably occurs with age.
You can connect a mildly alkaline rinse the mouth with water with addition of soda and taking it inside between the food proposed by the Professor by Golovin A. T. – slightly alkaline pH 7.4-8.A mouth rinse with soda water occurs in various inflammatory diseases of the gums and the teeth and the overall acidification of the body.
To set the desired pH of the water for rinsing or intake you can use litmus indicator paper. Recipes with the right proportions can not be, because the water in each region has its own, has its own pH. Therefore it is necessary to have on hand the test paper.
The acidity of the vagina
The normal acidity of the vagina women ranges from 3.8 to 4.4 and the average pH is 4.0 and 4.2 pH.
The acidity of the vagina in various diseases:
- cytolytic vaginosis: acidity less than pH 4,0
- normal microflora: the acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH
- candidal vaginitis: the acidity from 4.0 to 4.5 pH
- Trichomonas vaginitis: the acidity from 5.0 to 6.0 pH
- bacterial vaginosis: acidity is greater than 4.5 pH
- atrophic vaginitis: acidity pH more 6,0
- aerobic vaginitis: more than 6.5 acidity pH
The acidity of the semen
The normal pH of semen ranges from 7.2 to 8.0 and pH. Deviations from these values, by itself, is not considered as pathology. At the same time together with other deviation may indicate the presence of the disease.
The increase in pH of semen occurs when the infectious process. Sharply alkaline reaction of a semen (acidity approximately 9.0 and 10.0 pH) indicates prostate pathology.
When blockage of the excretory ducts of both seminal vesicles marked acid reaction of the sperm (acidity 6.0 to 6.8 pH). The fertilizing capacity of sperm is reduced. In the acidic environment of the sperm lose their mobility and die. If the acidity of the seminal fluid becomes less than a 6.0 pH, spermatozoa completely lose their motility and die.
The acidity of tears in the rate — from 7.3 to 7.5 pH.
The acidity in the stomach.
- The minimum theoretically possible the acidity in the stomach pH of 0.86.
- The maximum theoretical acidity in the stomach pH of 8.3.
- The normal acidity in the lumen of body of stomach on an empty stomach 1,5–2,0 pH.
- The acidity on the surface of the epithelial layer facing the lumen of the stomach of 1.5–2.0 pH.
- The acidity in the depth of the epithelial layer of the stomach a pH of about 7.0. The normal acidity in the stomach antrum 1,3–7,4 pH.
Reduced acidity is observed when anatsidnyh or hypoacid gastritis or gastroduodenitis and gastric cancer. Gastritis (gastroduodenitis) is called or anatsidnyh gastritis (gastroduodenitis) with low acidity, if the acidity in the body of the stomach is about 5 or more pH units. Cause of low acidity is often atrophy of the parietal cells in the mucosa or disruption in their functions.
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The acidity in the intestine:
- The normal acidity in the duodenum of 5.6 to 7.9 pH.
- The acidity in the jejunum and ileum intestine neutral or slightly alkaline and ranges from 7 to 8 pH.
- The acidity of the small intestine is 7.2 to 7.5 pH. If increased secretion is 8.6 pH.
- The acidity of the duodenal glands secret — from pH 7 to 8 pH.
- The acidity of the pancreatic juice — from 7.5 to 9 pH.
- The acidity of the colon of 8.5–9.0 pH.
- The acidity of the stool in normal from 6.0 to 8.0 pH.
- The acidity of the meconium (stool original newborn) — around 6 pH.
- The acidity of breast milk - 6,9-7,5 pH
The acidity of the blood plasma of human blood ranges from pH of 7.37 to 7.43, with an average pH of 7.4. The acid-alkaline balance in the blood is one of the most stable parameters that support the acidic and alkaline components in a particular equilibrium in a very narrow range. Even a small shift from specified limits can result in severe pathology. With the shift to the acidic side, causing a condition called acidosis, to alkaline — alkalosis. The change in the acidity of the blood is above a pH of 7.8 or a pH below 6.8 is incompatible with life.
The acidity of red blood cells is 7.28–pH of 7.29.
Normal blood animates lymph cells that can destroy tumor cells. The human body has many lymph cells (e.g., NK cells, LAK cells). Their uniqueness lies in the fact that they are able to distinguish normal cells from sick and afflicted, and to destroy the latter. This is the function of the immune system of the human body. WithAmaya greater activity of the lymph cells to destroy diseased cells is shown at PH 7.4.However, usually around the affected cells, there is a more acidic environment which inhibits the activity of lymphocytes that work better at slightly alkaline pH.
Eating foods having zamalchivalis effect, you can adjust the balance of PH within 0.5 units, creating a favorable environment for the exposure of lymphocytes and destruction of diseased or abnormally constructed cells.
Cancerous tissue has an increased acidity in contrast to the normal tissue and the organism protects its fibrous sheath which has an alkaline pH. If you continue to use acidic diet, the shell dissolves and the cancer cells produced to the outside.
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HOW TO CHECK THE ENVIRONMENT OF YOUR BODY INDEPENDENTLY1. Check the pH value (pH), reaction of saliva and urine color scale indicator (litmus) paper. If saliva and urine are in the range of pH 5.0 to a 5.7, there is a predisposition to cancer, but this does not mean that the person will get sick. If saliva and urine is between pH of 7.0-7.4 and you are protected from cancer.
2. You can make a bioimpedance analysis (diagnostics of body composition). The amount of water in the bound state, you determine whether you have offset the acid-alkaline balance. If a surplus of such water – definitely an acidic environment, the disadvantage is alkaline.
IF THE BODY ZACHISLEN: In our time it is observed very often due to incorrect diet and attitude towards your body.
The acidification of the organism in the first place results:
- prevalence in food products such as sugar, meat, chicken, fish, sweets, pasteurized dairy products, flour and cereals;
- the second factor is the consumption of incompatible foods, such as proteins, carbohydrates;
- oxidants are also many preservatives and additives that are so rich in modern products, especially those with a long shelf life;
- alcoholic beverage ;
- coffee, tea, chocolate, tobacco.
What if the body zachislen:
Daily diet of a healthy person should include at least 75-85 % alkalizing foods and in the diet of a person suffering from any disease, their share should be increased to 90 %.To alkalizing foods include vegetables and fruits. And in that order, and not Vice versa, because there is an unspoken rule: the closer the vegetable or fruit to the soil surface, the higher the content of alkalizing macronutrients (e.g., potassium). The potassium contained in potatoes with the peel, Basil, dried apricots, many other fruits and vegetables, helps to combat acidification (latent acidosis) and create favorable conditions for the absorption of nutrients and drugs.Most useful in this sense, fresh tomatoes, beets, apricots, melons.More efficiently omelicheva the blood of a freshly prepared vegetable or fruit juices. The most useful are carrot, celery and watermelon.
In vegetables and fruits is dominated by alkaline valences, therefore, their use eliminates the acidosis.
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In your menu must include grated raw beets and carrots, finely sliced cabbage, fennel, celery, onion and garlic.Very useful to eat young green shoots of plants, honey, herbal teas, soy sauce, seaweed, wheat germ.
Once a week it is advisable to arrange fasting days, eating only raw vegetables and fruits or even one of those days to drink only juices and purees.
A large part of the legumes and cereals, except buckwheat and millet, under normal cooking increases the acidity of blood.However, after soaking or sprouting they acquire alkalizing effect.Raw nuts and seeds should be soaked for half an hour before meals, cereals for 0.5-2 hours before cooking, beans at night.
The displacement of the acid-alkaline balance to the alkaline side (usually this can be observed in vegetarians) in the tissues creates a shortage of water, the skin becomes dry and dehydrated. Everything should be the measure.
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Physical activity and sport slightly shifts the reaction to the alkaline side.
Equally important is a person's mood. Good cheerful mood normalizes the acid-alkaline balance.
Once a week, while acidification of the body, it is desirable to arrange a treatment days, eating only vegetables (1.5 kg of vegetables, sharing all day) in the summer cooked and sometimes raw in autumn and winter only heat treated) and be sure to clean the hot water.
If you are sick, you need to give up any animal food and broths.
If you have an operation, it must be done in an alkaline mode of the body, after surgery to follow a plant-based diet.
Please note — zamalchivaemye products (e.g., fruits) consumed sugar (strong satelitales) -acidification of the body (blood).
PRODUCTS SAKIKAWA AND ZAMALCHIVAEMYE: The extent of their actions, we note a number of advantages:
Some products sakikawa the body: sugar! (+++), game (++++), oysters (++++), crayfish (++++), beef (+++), eggs (+++), chickens (+++), fish (++), mussels (+++), coffee (+++), jam (+++), baked beans (+++), beef liver (+++), pork lean (++), bacon skinny (++), ham (++), pickled plum (++), banana green (++), dried peas (++), white flour (++), barley grits (++), Hominy and corn flakes (++), starch (++), peanuts (++), cheese (++), white bread (++), mutton boiled (++), lamb stew (+), black bread (+), dried beans (+), soft cheese (+)cream (+), beef (+), bacon fat (+).
Some products, zamalchivaya the body: figs (++++), beetroot (++++), celery (++++), berries (++++), grapefruit (++++), onion lettuce (++++), mushrooms (++++), tomatoes (++++), dried apricots (++++), fresh apricots (+++), pear (+++), sea buckthorn (+++), lemon (if it is used without sugar) (+++), orange (+++), watermelon (+++), melon (+++), prunes (+++), pepper (+++), beans (+++), currants (+++), cabbage (all types) (+++), pistachios (+++), cucumbers (+++), dandelion (leaves) (+++), parsnip (+++), plum (+++), peaches (+++), whole milk (+++), Mare (+++), milk whey (+++), ripe bananas (++), apples (++), grapes (.++), cherry (++), raisins (++), dates (++), onion (++), green peas (++), radish (++), almonds (++), carrots (++), potatoes with the skin (++), cranberry (+), asparagus (+), pork fat (+). published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: milomarket.com/257-ph.html
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