It's time to prepare the soil for planting

When you read this statement, know in advance what will be discussed in the article. The nuances possible, but in General... the Council is required to fill the soil in the boxes boiling solution of potassium permanganate to black leg were not able to destroy all seedlings. Sometimes you can see reflections that are not plants, sick soil, that it should be treated. Favorite recipe – the addition of humus.
Someone buys the ground in the stores. Someone's land does not believe sees only garbage and peat and fertilize at their discretion. One gardener will add the land of heaps that moles on the surface of the throw (by the way, this makes sense), and the other ash. This means that the training is to increase the amount of nutrients in the soil mix.
First: the soil needs to have structure and do not require cultivation after each irrigation. It should not be like road dust, moistened with water to a state of mud.
Second, the soil must be rich in nutrients.
Third, the soil must be moisture capacity. In apartments and homes with permanent heating without temperature changes, the air is usually dry, and the soil for seedlings dry out quickly, and this requires additional watering.
Fourth: the soil should allow the plants to build strong root system.
Fifth: any soil always has a certain amount of acidic or alkaline agents, which change the acidity of the soil. Soil for seedlings should reduce scilensce, alkalinisation and salinity that is able to maintain a natural PH level.
Sixth: the soil must translate chemically active harmful substances in passive formnot available to plants.
Seventh: the soil must be rich in humic substances.
Eighth: the soil does NOT need to contain mineral fertilizers.
Ninth: the soil must be free from pathogensthat can lead to death of seedlings.
Why should he be that way?Structured soil helps the roots find their way to growth. The right soil always breathable, and roots it will grow well.

Structured soil has an excellent ability to accelerate water exchange, retain water. The best option is ordinary irrigation water into water melt, which improves the growth of plants. Into wet soil seedling boxes the plants more comfortable than in the drying earthen coma. In the right soil water on the surface is not delayed — it is able to seep into the pores, so the soil is not covered with a crust. Do not require loosening of the top layer, and there is no damage to the roots.
Structured soil is almost always fertile due to the presence of humic acids. There is always soil micro-organisms that create a natural fertility — both of the garden beds and seedling Cup. In the soil are phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, but not necessarily in the form that can digest plants. The natural fertility of these substances in a digestible form automatically.
In some place, neither gaining ground for plants, it always contains salt, acid and alkali. A simple example: sodium chloride NaCl is table salt, which gets into the soil when we water the beds with onions to deter pests. Their hands give the soil is unnecessary in such quantities component. What can we say about our industrial society that megatons emits lots of harmful for the soil substances? Remember acid rain, stains on the puddles and the massive defeat of plant diseases, if plants does not have immunity. Good soil should be able to all these harmful substances to stop that is to turn into neutral for the plants.
Where to get humic substances? Usually used for this purpose, manure, humus, litter. But this is just natural waste, which turns into humic substances after processing their insect and only after that (this is a rough layout) the soil will get humic acid, which is the essence of fertility.
If the farmer conducts his farm according to the recommendations of scientists, landowners — the advanced methods, for example, the soil will contain fertilizer. From they also need to get rid of.
In any soil there are pathogens. Mother nature is for everyone: for the causative agent of black leg, and lactic acid bacteria. This man divided the microorganisms into helpful and harmful. And therefore man should take care of the bacterial purity of the soil for seedlings.
Not a lot of problems standing in front of the gardener? Not a lot of tasks for the preparation of the soil it needs to decide?..
How to prepare the land for cultivation rassadina to understand that everything described applies not only to garden land, but also Packed up soil from the store. Though, because there is no guarantee that sold the soil was not removed from greenhouses, as exhaust their resources. That peat was taken of the right quality. The added humates of sodium or potassium.
Awesome way found nature: it has created a humic acid. There is one subtlety: humic acid is not a sodium HUMATE or potassium HUMATE. This is a completely different chemical compounds with different properties. Therefore do what nature: the treated soil for seedlings with a solution of humic acids. They will make the soil such as the need described above for all nine grounds.
And then add in the ground the colony of the hay Bacillus, it to our ground eating a lot, because feeding Bacillus subtilis to those microorganisms that are plant parasites.
How to do it?Soil preparation starts one month before sowing. In big dish is placed in the ground, thawed and warmed in advance.
The best option is to spread a flap of polyethylene film on the floor and sprinkle it on the soil evenly. Then dilute working solution of the drug flora-s at the rate of 30 ml per 500 ml of water, which is pre-released from chlorine. Flora-With – natural humic acid without the admixture of humates.
Ready solution pour evenly over the surface and mix well with the soil. This amount of working solution is sufficient to treat 10 liters of soil. To shift the processed substrate in a bowl, cover and leave in the pantry for 14 days.
The second stage is processing the substrate with the drug Fitop-flora-s. This product is Bacillus subtilis. The treatment is carried out as well. And again leave the soil for 14 days. After such exposure, the land or the purchase of a substrate will be a real fertile ground, free of diseases.
Can and the garden beds to prepare the earth for the same technology, since that time, as a set of stable temperature not below +5 night. After cultivation bed just loose to weed to weed seeds was less. Before placing in bags for the winter (for future seedling) this is the soil to be sieved to break up with earthworm.
Agree that this is easier than frying, roasting, pouring boiling water, baiting manganese, and then bother to save the plants from diseases.published
Source: www.7dach.ru