What Inexperienced Residents Need to Remember
In the spring, many people tend to go out of town, to the dacha. Especially in the current global health situation. Self-isolation outside the walls of a stuffy apartment is, of course, good. If there is such a possibility, you can at the same time and the garden in order to put, and plant anyone, and repair to do.
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They planted a couple of green, handsome men in their precinct today. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A post shared by?????????? (@litcentova) on Mar 28, 2020 at 7:11am PDT
But beginners often do not know where to start, and later it often goes sideways. How to plant seedlings, water plants, take care of the harvest?
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Inexorably pulling this season to plant potatoes?? and finally get chicken? And that’s what I regret for sure, curtains fresh did not have time to buy?, and the old threw away? Will I have to plant more flax? #moisad
A post shared by? About the Garden and Ideas for It ♥️ (@anutinsad) on Apr 3, 2020 at 4:13am PDT
You can learn not only from your own, but also from the mistakes of others. And "Site" I'd love to help you with that. Working in the fresh air in sunny weather, when you do not need to rush anywhere, will even be interesting. Just don't contact anyone at this time, keep your distance!
Mistakes in the country Fight for everything.
You don’t have to go to the store and buy everything. “We had 2 shovels, 75 seedling pots, 5 kinds of fertilizers and a whole sea of different packets of seeds: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and so on.”
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There are no masks in the pharmacy, how can I defend myself? п️ п п п #coronavirus #roadtothedream #village #garden #shovel #photomodel #photomodelmoskva #sovkhoz #kolkhoz
A post shared by Nikita Kalinin (@kalinin_star) on Apr 2, 2020 at 10:58am PDT
In order not to spend extra money on unnecessary purchases, use a clear plan of what you want to plant. Find out what is growing well in your latitudes at this time. Tomatoes, carrots and potatoes love the sun. Cucumbers and beans feel great in the shade.
Seedling time
In each region in its own way. In the south at the end of March, you can plant onions, green peas, a little later potatoes. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out in early May. Naturally, the land should be already warmed up. Therefore, any abnormal changes in temperature can break the plans of the summer resident.
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When is everything in place?
A post shared by Dacha Idea (@dacha_idei_) on Mar 29, 2020 at 8:19pm PDT
In this case, you will have to cover the plants with polyethylene glue or glass cans at night, but this is only half-measures.
proper watering
Country plants Very sensitive to quality watering. For example, undersized is scary for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes. From it, cultures poorly develop the root system, yellow and wilt leaves, there are no full ovaries. Cucumbers get bitter. On the other hand, overflow leads to the appearance of fungus and rotting of the roots.
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We're almost finishing the summer season. Watering the last beds, preparing beds for the next season. Collecting Savoy Cabbage???? This is in the city of Diana a lot of positions I'm Cool Director and in general a lot of Abukav. And in the country I'm mother's ? sunshine. #dash #end of the season#watering row#beds#systemapoliva#autumn#autumn
A post shared by Diana Barsuk (@dinkabarsuk) on Sep 14, 2019 at 2:37am PDT
Take a hood and scrape the soil around the plant. If below 4 cm it is dry, you need to water. If not, they just broke the ground.
Pests and sores
Spring gives a start to the awakening of not only useful plants, but also for various types of fungi. They also want to eat, which can nullify all the efforts of an inexperienced summer resident.
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Permanganate or potassium permanganate is one of the most powerful antiseptics. It suppresses the activity of most pathogenic microorganisms. Experienced gardeners have long known that this pharmacy can be successfully used not only to treat their own ailments, but also in the countryside. But for those who are just beginning to learn the basics of garden science, such a discovery will surely be a real find. #PermanganeseAstana #manganesecanursultan #permanganese#fertilizerflordesad #xeThe best here for plants.
A post shared by Home Delivery (@flordesad) on Mar 25, 2020 at 11:10am PDT
You need to decontaminate the beds before landing. For this, a solution of permanganate or copper sulfur is suitable. Make sure you also use wood ash. Even one pest seen is an alarm bell. In a few days, they can multiply to unthinkable proportions.
Seed sowing site
Sow seeds of the same culture in different places every season. This is a prerequisite for a good harvest.
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Why onion tea? The seeds of any onion germinate very difficult due to the high content of essential oils in them, which means that before planting they must be pre-treated. I take 0.5 tsp. of drinking soda and pour hot brew (tea cures diseases, and soda softens water). In a warm solution, pour seeds (black) for 1 hour. After that, another hour is soaked in a solution of humate and, drying on a napkin, sown in moist soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The seeds grow together in 7 days. I grow onions in cups. Sowing 2-3 seeds, removing weak shoots. In the ground I plant with a lump of earth, sinking 1.5-2 cm than it grew earlier, and seedlings do not get sick. The distance in the rows leaves 35-45 cm, and between the distances 15-20 cm. If you plant more often, you get a gentle feather, which goes perfectly into the salad. But for the stems to be thicker, you need to “observe distance”. To get a long and bleached leg, I steep, adding soil to the bed. You can wrap the lower part of the plants with dark cloth. We wish you rich harvests and pleasant hassle. #garter cucumbers #cucucumbers on the row #harvest #giving #garden #planting #dwellings #dwelling councils #garden #garden #cucucumbersevteplits #village #tomatoes #advisors
A post shared by Soul Dacha (@dacha.dlya.dushi) on Apr 2, 2020 at 7:25pm PDT
The fact is that the plant during the year (season) pulls from the adjacent soil exactly those nutrients that it needs. Depletion of the soil leads to a fall in the harvest. But changing the plant to another, with different “appetites”, on the contrary, will give the best result.
Digging the site
Digging the soil on the site, as an important process for saturating the land with air and destroying weeds, is nothing more than a myth! Again, this is a complete waste of time.
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? Good morning, dear friends!!??????? Preparation of the site for winter: winter digging? It's not a tractor or a cultivator or ... the neighbors dug up. With one hand? And -- the Earth itself doesn't like to wait. Will the autumn rains start soon? and it will be difficult to do so. I dig up the bayonet shovel on the floor, with large clods, for better saturation of the earth with moisture. And weeds are easier to kill with frost! I was taught that! I don't know, is it true? #my estate #autumnwork #earth excavation? #hardwork??
A post shared by Tatiana (@my_flower_house_) on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:01pm PDT
From the lower layers rises infertile loamy layer. Thus, the procedure becomes not only useless, but even harmful.
A huge waste of energy.
If you don’t like to work with the earth after that incident in childhood, when under the scorching sun you were forced to wear heavy buckets of potatoes and were not allowed to just climb trees or look for bugs – we understand you perfectly.
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Planting grapes? Did you pick up your order of grape seedlings today? Delivery came quite quickly, the online store @gardenwod quickly worked with my order. After payment, I received an SMS notification that the order is ready for delivery, the supplier from the Krasnodar Territory, so I did not have to wait long. I ordered grape seedlings for the promotion, now I have 8 different varieties? Kishmish Radiant Kishmish White Flame Kishmish Black Finger Kishmish Red Muscat Kishmish Kenadis Winograd Ladies Finger Grapes Rochefort Grapes Anyuta. Did you have a pleasant surprise in the package? The supplier sent a gift of gloves and a bag of Kornevin. Do these little things create a mood? Thank you, @gardenwod, today planted grape seedlings? hope they all take root and will be happy with the harvest?
A post shared by House Garden Garden in Kuban?? (@elen_village) on Apr 2, 2020 at 11:05am PDT
But now that you're an adult, you can set your own pace. Treat her like a hobby. Try when it comes to accuracy, and do not strain too much if you need to drag something or just tired. Believe me, after a while you will not be dragged away from the bed, and the noise of the big city will seem to you only the annoying buzzing of a huge gasping tractor forty years ago!
Ours. gardener Suitable for both beginners and experienced workers of hoods and shovels. The time is right, the sun is warming, and the greens are growing right before our eyes.
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Wor JawSaw cutter allows you to cut branches up to 10 cm thick right on the ground without picking them up. щи? @rmdport щи #wor #knock cutter #PowerShare о #battery #battery #battery #battery #benefitting #giving #dashing #dashkater #dashkater #dashkitting well #trimming #trimming #pilling #pilling #pilling #gain #garden #modeling #garden #modeling #clockwork
A post shared by Wor Russia (@wor_russia) on Apr 2, 2020 at 10:21am PDT
However, we want to emphasize: no, not even the most abundant harvest is worth your health. Wash your hands with soap, use an antiseptic and stick to your doctor's advice. Good luck to you!
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They planted a couple of green, handsome men in their precinct today. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
A post shared by?????????? (@litcentova) on Mar 28, 2020 at 7:11am PDT
But beginners often do not know where to start, and later it often goes sideways. How to plant seedlings, water plants, take care of the harvest?
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Inexorably pulling this season to plant potatoes?? and finally get chicken? And that’s what I regret for sure, curtains fresh did not have time to buy?, and the old threw away? Will I have to plant more flax? #moisad
A post shared by? About the Garden and Ideas for It ♥️ (@anutinsad) on Apr 3, 2020 at 4:13am PDT
You can learn not only from your own, but also from the mistakes of others. And "Site" I'd love to help you with that. Working in the fresh air in sunny weather, when you do not need to rush anywhere, will even be interesting. Just don't contact anyone at this time, keep your distance!
Mistakes in the country Fight for everything.
You don’t have to go to the store and buy everything. “We had 2 shovels, 75 seedling pots, 5 kinds of fertilizers and a whole sea of different packets of seeds: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and so on.”
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There are no masks in the pharmacy, how can I defend myself? п️ п п п #coronavirus #roadtothedream #village #garden #shovel #photomodel #photomodelmoskva #sovkhoz #kolkhoz
A post shared by Nikita Kalinin (@kalinin_star) on Apr 2, 2020 at 10:58am PDT
In order not to spend extra money on unnecessary purchases, use a clear plan of what you want to plant. Find out what is growing well in your latitudes at this time. Tomatoes, carrots and potatoes love the sun. Cucumbers and beans feel great in the shade.
Seedling time
In each region in its own way. In the south at the end of March, you can plant onions, green peas, a little later potatoes. Planting seedlings in the ground is carried out in early May. Naturally, the land should be already warmed up. Therefore, any abnormal changes in temperature can break the plans of the summer resident.
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When is everything in place?
A post shared by Dacha Idea (@dacha_idei_) on Mar 29, 2020 at 8:19pm PDT
In this case, you will have to cover the plants with polyethylene glue or glass cans at night, but this is only half-measures.
proper watering
Country plants Very sensitive to quality watering. For example, undersized is scary for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes. From it, cultures poorly develop the root system, yellow and wilt leaves, there are no full ovaries. Cucumbers get bitter. On the other hand, overflow leads to the appearance of fungus and rotting of the roots.
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We're almost finishing the summer season. Watering the last beds, preparing beds for the next season. Collecting Savoy Cabbage???? This is in the city of Diana a lot of positions I'm Cool Director and in general a lot of Abukav. And in the country I'm mother's ? sunshine. #dash #end of the season#watering row#beds#systemapoliva#autumn#autumn
A post shared by Diana Barsuk (@dinkabarsuk) on Sep 14, 2019 at 2:37am PDT
Take a hood and scrape the soil around the plant. If below 4 cm it is dry, you need to water. If not, they just broke the ground.
Pests and sores
Spring gives a start to the awakening of not only useful plants, but also for various types of fungi. They also want to eat, which can nullify all the efforts of an inexperienced summer resident.
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Permanganate or potassium permanganate is one of the most powerful antiseptics. It suppresses the activity of most pathogenic microorganisms. Experienced gardeners have long known that this pharmacy can be successfully used not only to treat their own ailments, but also in the countryside. But for those who are just beginning to learn the basics of garden science, such a discovery will surely be a real find. #PermanganeseAstana #manganesecanursultan #permanganese#fertilizerflordesad #xeThe best here for plants.
A post shared by Home Delivery (@flordesad) on Mar 25, 2020 at 11:10am PDT
You need to decontaminate the beds before landing. For this, a solution of permanganate or copper sulfur is suitable. Make sure you also use wood ash. Even one pest seen is an alarm bell. In a few days, they can multiply to unthinkable proportions.
Seed sowing site
Sow seeds of the same culture in different places every season. This is a prerequisite for a good harvest.
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Why onion tea? The seeds of any onion germinate very difficult due to the high content of essential oils in them, which means that before planting they must be pre-treated. I take 0.5 tsp. of drinking soda and pour hot brew (tea cures diseases, and soda softens water). In a warm solution, pour seeds (black) for 1 hour. After that, another hour is soaked in a solution of humate and, drying on a napkin, sown in moist soil to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The seeds grow together in 7 days. I grow onions in cups. Sowing 2-3 seeds, removing weak shoots. In the ground I plant with a lump of earth, sinking 1.5-2 cm than it grew earlier, and seedlings do not get sick. The distance in the rows leaves 35-45 cm, and between the distances 15-20 cm. If you plant more often, you get a gentle feather, which goes perfectly into the salad. But for the stems to be thicker, you need to “observe distance”. To get a long and bleached leg, I steep, adding soil to the bed. You can wrap the lower part of the plants with dark cloth. We wish you rich harvests and pleasant hassle. #garter cucumbers #cucucumbers on the row #harvest #giving #garden #planting #dwellings #dwelling councils #garden #garden #cucucumbersevteplits #village #tomatoes #advisors
A post shared by Soul Dacha (@dacha.dlya.dushi) on Apr 2, 2020 at 7:25pm PDT
The fact is that the plant during the year (season) pulls from the adjacent soil exactly those nutrients that it needs. Depletion of the soil leads to a fall in the harvest. But changing the plant to another, with different “appetites”, on the contrary, will give the best result.
Digging the site
Digging the soil on the site, as an important process for saturating the land with air and destroying weeds, is nothing more than a myth! Again, this is a complete waste of time.
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? Good morning, dear friends!!??????? Preparation of the site for winter: winter digging? It's not a tractor or a cultivator or ... the neighbors dug up. With one hand? And -- the Earth itself doesn't like to wait. Will the autumn rains start soon? and it will be difficult to do so. I dig up the bayonet shovel on the floor, with large clods, for better saturation of the earth with moisture. And weeds are easier to kill with frost! I was taught that! I don't know, is it true? #my estate #autumnwork #earth excavation? #hardwork??
A post shared by Tatiana (@my_flower_house_) on Oct 1, 2019 at 9:01pm PDT
From the lower layers rises infertile loamy layer. Thus, the procedure becomes not only useless, but even harmful.
A huge waste of energy.
If you don’t like to work with the earth after that incident in childhood, when under the scorching sun you were forced to wear heavy buckets of potatoes and were not allowed to just climb trees or look for bugs – we understand you perfectly.
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Planting grapes? Did you pick up your order of grape seedlings today? Delivery came quite quickly, the online store @gardenwod quickly worked with my order. After payment, I received an SMS notification that the order is ready for delivery, the supplier from the Krasnodar Territory, so I did not have to wait long. I ordered grape seedlings for the promotion, now I have 8 different varieties? Kishmish Radiant Kishmish White Flame Kishmish Black Finger Kishmish Red Muscat Kishmish Kenadis Winograd Ladies Finger Grapes Rochefort Grapes Anyuta. Did you have a pleasant surprise in the package? The supplier sent a gift of gloves and a bag of Kornevin. Do these little things create a mood? Thank you, @gardenwod, today planted grape seedlings? hope they all take root and will be happy with the harvest?
A post shared by House Garden Garden in Kuban?? (@elen_village) on Apr 2, 2020 at 11:05am PDT
But now that you're an adult, you can set your own pace. Treat her like a hobby. Try when it comes to accuracy, and do not strain too much if you need to drag something or just tired. Believe me, after a while you will not be dragged away from the bed, and the noise of the big city will seem to you only the annoying buzzing of a huge gasping tractor forty years ago!
Ours. gardener Suitable for both beginners and experienced workers of hoods and shovels. The time is right, the sun is warming, and the greens are growing right before our eyes.
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Wor JawSaw cutter allows you to cut branches up to 10 cm thick right on the ground without picking them up. щи? @rmdport щи #wor #knock cutter #PowerShare о #battery #battery #battery #battery #benefitting #giving #dashing #dashkater #dashkater #dashkitting well #trimming #trimming #pilling #pilling #pilling #gain #garden #modeling #garden #modeling #clockwork
A post shared by Wor Russia (@wor_russia) on Apr 2, 2020 at 10:21am PDT
However, we want to emphasize: no, not even the most abundant harvest is worth your health. Wash your hands with soap, use an antiseptic and stick to your doctor's advice. Good luck to you!