How to draw patch from a practical and aesthetic point of view
That is the pride of the modern gardener? The fact that he raised a good crop? As for the winter will be all his? And this, of course, too! But, according to many, working on earth to bring pleasure and be accompanied by the sports interest. And it is not only in the yield. For example, you can surprise your neighbor with a rare variety of strawberry or picking cucumbers to early frosts!
Our article is dedicated to those who wants to work on the ground of aesthetic pleasure. And beautiful garden in this issue occupy not the last place! From it you will understand that the creation of a landscaped ornamental garden and the flower garden is a fun and rewarding experience!
Make your site beautiful
To create a decorative garden does not need too much funds. The main thing is your imagination and a minimum knowledge!
"Zest" decorative garden
So, let's talk how you can decorate your garden. Various design of the raised beds, photos of which are widely available online, will help you make the right choice.
Crop rotation in the summer garden: smart cultivates the crop, and wise land
The garden and irrigation for the lazy
Source: strmnt.com/sad/l-diz/zelen/oformlenie-gryadok.html#a_menu

Our article is dedicated to those who wants to work on the ground of aesthetic pleasure. And beautiful garden in this issue occupy not the last place! From it you will understand that the creation of a landscaped ornamental garden and the flower garden is a fun and rewarding experience!

Make your site beautiful
To create a decorative garden does not need too much funds. The main thing is your imagination and a minimum knowledge!
- You can make the garden beautiful in the simplest way — you need to alternate rows of different crops (cabbage, beets, carrots, etc.). By alternating vegetables, which have a different shape and shade leaves, your garden will become more "alive". It will not look dull and boring. It is important not to plant next to plants that can interbreed with one another and which are bad along with each other. For example, do not plant next to carrots and fennel, cabbage and parsley, cucumbers and herbs.
- You should pay attention on tillering and plant height. On one site they should land so that the height was increased gradually from low to high.

- In the same bed is recommended to plant crops that have the same water demand. Otherwise, some of the same watering will be wet and others dry.
- For those who are not afraid of difficulties, you can offer to plant trees in figure diagram. Her make up ahead of time to see the end result on paper first. Typically, the decorative scheme of the garden is tailored to the symmetry. It assumes that the left and right sides will be the same, although asymmetrical planting trees and at times, looks very original.
- Deciding to make your garden special in their own way, we need to realize that you have to abandon the monotonous rectangular plots. It will consist of a triangular or arcuate landings, where should blend well planted next to plants-companions. Moreover, the main difficulties you will be expected at the planning stage of a custom flower beds and garden beds, as well as during the landing of plants. Further care is no different from the usual.

"Zest" decorative garden
So, let's talk how you can decorate your garden. Various design of the raised beds, photos of which are widely available online, will help you make the right choice.
- The first thing that catches the eye on a plot of this track. Their decorative design will make it attractive not only a garden but also a vegetable garden. For the latter is more suitable lattice braided and treated timber or Board. Moreover, braided fence you can make one yourself using the pegs and the flexible twigs of aspen and willow. From the garden it should be closed with tape that will protect it from premature rotting and deterioration.

- You can use to track the device a rock or small tile. They are often sprinkled with pebbles or fine gravel.
- If you want to emphasize the contours of the different segments of the garden, then along the edges of paths, you can install the plastic borders or to plant chives, parsley, and chives salad.
- A great find for decorative area are climbing culture. We are talking about cucumbers, peas, beans, melon. If you set in their places planting pretty wooden or metal arches, and ladders, then the plants will it curl. As a result, you will receive in your garden amazingly beautiful area.

- Today it has become fashionable to grow vegetables along with flowers. So is their protection from pests, and improves the aesthetic appearance of the garden. Colors do just the edging of vegetable crops and plant them after the appearance of the first shoots. In this capacity, are well suited marigolds and nasturtiums. Once they sprout, they need to thin out that they prevented the growth of major crops.
- When a small area of land some fans of garden practice vertical beds. In this capacity, are cultivated upright pipe. They are used for growing vegetables and berries – strawberries and strawberry, which at this landing look like something special and original.

- If you cut along such pipe, it is convenient to use as horizontal hanging beds. The flowers you put in them, will make a variety of traditional vegetables. Hanging beds can be attached even to the walls of houses or outbuildings.
- Quite extraordinary, the idea is to grow vegetables and herbs in the boxes with the earth. They can be made of different sizes and place around the perimeter of your site. So you not only maximise space, but also decorates your garden.

- A more modified way to grow herbs, small vegetables and flowers in small containers. They are fixed on a stable racks that you can place in a convenient place.

Crop rotation in the summer garden: smart cultivates the crop, and wise land
The garden and irrigation for the lazy
Source: strmnt.com/sad/l-diz/zelen/oformlenie-gryadok.html#a_menu