How to feed plants in the summer

A year ago, most of my vases were barely blooming, and some even began to wither. I love and care for my green pets. I just didn't get the feeding. What I bought in garden stores was not for good and there was no special sense in using it.

Well, fertilizer - the pledge of a chic room flower garden! For advice on how to feed vases, I turned to my friend Svetlana, who runs a successful blog about gardening.

Sveta told me that it is not necessary to buy ready-made funds, because in the home arsenal you can find those that will replace new-fangled drugs and make it easier. plant-care. And their action is much more effective!


Care for domestic plants Editorial "Site" will introduce you to 7. fertilizer, which will help your pets get a beautiful flowering and green lush foliage. After such feeding, indoor plants grow like yeast!


Feeding options
  1. Feeding the plant with bananas
    The remaining banana peel must be finely cut and dried. When transplanting plants, pour a layer of dried pieces of banana peel onto the ground or simply mix them with the soil. You can also grind the skin of bananas in a coffee grinder. It turns out a dark brown powder, which is well sprinkled before watering into a pot with a plant or diluted with water and used as a liquid feeding.

    Such banana dressing is suitable for flowering plants, roses respond well to it, delighting with abundant flowering. The flowering of plants provokes potassium, which is rich in bananas.


Yeast when fertilizing houseplants stimulate their growth. Due to a number of substances in yeast, the mineralization of organic substances increases and the release of carbon dioxide in the soil is activated. To prepare the solution, mix 10 g of yeast with a tablespoon of sugar sand and pour them with a liter of settled water. Having previously insisted for 2 hours, dilute this product with water in a ratio of 1: 5 and pour it on your vases.


Wood ash
And this is a great tool for prevention of diseases of domestic plants. Due to the fact that ash contains a large number of trace elements, it is simply indispensable for fertilizing indoor greens. Add a tablespoon of ash to a liter of hot water and insist on future feeding of vases for a week. Periodically remove the lid and stir the infusion.

Water the plants with ash should be 1 time every 10 days, having previously checked whether the soil is dry.


Mineral water
Did you know that mineral water can also be very useful for feeding plants? However, before you water the plant with mineral water, look at the label how much calcium and magnesium salts it contains. Unfortunately, not all plants tolerate this composition well, for example, mineral water should not water hydrangea and azalea. In addition, such water must be protected.


Add used coffee grounds to the ground for houseplants. It contains a lot of nitrogen and plants love it. It is best not to water the plant too much after adding coffee so that the nitrogen is evenly distributed. In addition, coffee makes the soil looser.

Coffee grounds will be appreciated by plants that prefer acidic soil. For example, hydrangea in such conditions will bloom very beautifully.


Potato decoction
Boil the peeled potatoes in an enameled pan and strain, then drain the water and cool. After that, the decoction of domestic plants. Please note that this product should not be stored for the next time, it is better to prepare a new one!


Nettle is just a delightful remedy for restoring depleted soil. To create a fertilizer, you will need 100 g of fresh nettle, which you need to pour 1 liter of water, cover with a lid and insist for a day. After filtering, dilute the tincture with water in a ratio of 1: 10.


Flowers is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. But not everyone has the opportunity to plant them near the house. The window sill will save the situation, it will become a flowering oasis in the middle of the apartment.


I suggest you familiarize yourself with the types of plants that will bloom in the room all year round. It's a party, girls!

Fertilizing houseplantsRemember one rule: it is better to underfeed than overfeed. An excess of nutrients disrupts the uniform development of plants and can even lead to their disease and death.

Take care of the plants today, and they will certainly thank you with lush flowering, generous growth and foliage of the brightest shades!

Don’t forget to share this helpful article with your friends.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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