My neighbor Aunt Lyuba told me what waters the seedlings so that they grow strong and healthy.
With the arrival of spring, the worries of summer residents increased. They need to clean up the area. And also get fertilizers, as well as take care of the availability of seeds and seedlings for planting on beds. All this can be bought in the store or in the market (except for order, of course), but many gardeners prefer to grow seedlings themselves. If you are one of them, you will be interested to know what fertilizers are for early shoots.
What are fertilizers, what are fertilizers, it is not difficult to understand. It should be remembered that there are two types of them, namely organic and mineral. Organic fertilizers are formed naturally as a result of decomposition or fermentation of natural products, and mineral fertilizers are produced in factories by chemical reactions.
Since one of the main tasks now is to prepare high-quality planting material, I want to please you: both types of fertilizers can be used for seedlings.
Seedlings are usually grown in containers on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. The land for them is prepared in advance, and a week before sowing it is advised to water with liquid feeding. Seeds are sown in the soil saturated with useful substances, but in the future young plants need to be nourished. Regardless of the choice of fertilizer, seedlings are recommended to be fed when a second real leaf appears on it. Repeat the procedure every 10 days. In order not to damage the fragile sprouts, recharge is applied by irrigation directly into the moist soil. This means that fertilizers must first infuse or dissolve in water.
Sprouts for full development need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, so it is very convenient to simultaneously fill the lack of all nutrients by making a complex mineral preparation. If you use it at the initial stage of plant development, then before the period of ripening of the first harvest, the level of nitrates in the fruit will reach normal limits, and there will be no harm from eating them.
If you are categorically against the use of mineral fertilizers, or maybe just did not have time to buy them, I advise you to pay attention to what are organic fertilizers from natural products and improvised materials.
To revive and support young shoots will help honey. For 1 liter of warm water, take 5 g of bee honey and thoroughly talk. After 30 minutes, the seedlings can be watered with the ready solution.
With the help of ammonia, you can not only save a person from fainting, but also “bring to the senses” seedlings. It is necessary to take 5 liters of settled water at room temperature 5 ml of ammonia. This ammonia water should water the soil under the plants.
Hydrogen peroxide can be useful when it is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen. For a three-liter can of water you will need 15 ml of peroxide. The finished solution irrigates the ground and shoots.
It is allowed to feed the seedlings with an infusion of wood ash. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 30 g of ash with 3 liters of hot water and give a couple of hours to brew. Then this liquid is watered containers with young shoots.
Seeds are useful to water with infusion on crushed egg shells. To do this, you need to pour 30 g of powder into a three-liter can of water and insist for several days. Then the liquid is filtered and fertilized with it crops.
It is good to feed plants with fermented yeast. First prepare the steam: mix 500 ml of warm water, 10 g of dry yeast (25 g of pressed) and 2 spoons of sugar. After 2 hours, it is diluted with 10 liters of rainwater, which is then moistened under seedlings.
You can water the shoots with water aged on the onion husk. A handful of dry husks should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted during the day. Then the liquid is drained, 5 liters of pure water are added to it and poured under the sprouts. The cucumbers like her best.
It is recommended to fertilize seedlings with fermented green weeds. The crushed parts of the plants are poured with water and wait at least 7 days until the liquid is infused. Then it is filtered and used as fertilizer.
Instead of greens, you can use a banana peel. In a three-liter jar put cut into small pieces peel with two or three bananas and pour it with water. It takes a few days to insist. Then the infusion is filtered and watered with their shoots.
Also fertilize shoots with old tea brewing. It is refilled with boiling water and insisted for 48 hours. 500 ml of water will require 1 tbsp of tea leaves.
Try to make fertilizer with your own hands from improvised materials, and you will see that it can be inexpensive and even free.
What kind of fertilizer do you use? Share your experience!

What are fertilizers, what are fertilizers, it is not difficult to understand. It should be remembered that there are two types of them, namely organic and mineral. Organic fertilizers are formed naturally as a result of decomposition or fermentation of natural products, and mineral fertilizers are produced in factories by chemical reactions.
Since one of the main tasks now is to prepare high-quality planting material, I want to please you: both types of fertilizers can be used for seedlings.

Seedlings are usually grown in containers on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. The land for them is prepared in advance, and a week before sowing it is advised to water with liquid feeding. Seeds are sown in the soil saturated with useful substances, but in the future young plants need to be nourished. Regardless of the choice of fertilizer, seedlings are recommended to be fed when a second real leaf appears on it. Repeat the procedure every 10 days. In order not to damage the fragile sprouts, recharge is applied by irrigation directly into the moist soil. This means that fertilizers must first infuse or dissolve in water.

Sprouts for full development need nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, so it is very convenient to simultaneously fill the lack of all nutrients by making a complex mineral preparation. If you use it at the initial stage of plant development, then before the period of ripening of the first harvest, the level of nitrates in the fruit will reach normal limits, and there will be no harm from eating them.
If you are categorically against the use of mineral fertilizers, or maybe just did not have time to buy them, I advise you to pay attention to what are organic fertilizers from natural products and improvised materials.

To revive and support young shoots will help honey. For 1 liter of warm water, take 5 g of bee honey and thoroughly talk. After 30 minutes, the seedlings can be watered with the ready solution.
With the help of ammonia, you can not only save a person from fainting, but also “bring to the senses” seedlings. It is necessary to take 5 liters of settled water at room temperature 5 ml of ammonia. This ammonia water should water the soil under the plants.
Hydrogen peroxide can be useful when it is necessary to enrich the soil with oxygen. For a three-liter can of water you will need 15 ml of peroxide. The finished solution irrigates the ground and shoots.
It is allowed to feed the seedlings with an infusion of wood ash. For its preparation, it is necessary to pour 30 g of ash with 3 liters of hot water and give a couple of hours to brew. Then this liquid is watered containers with young shoots.

Seeds are useful to water with infusion on crushed egg shells. To do this, you need to pour 30 g of powder into a three-liter can of water and insist for several days. Then the liquid is filtered and fertilized with it crops.
It is good to feed plants with fermented yeast. First prepare the steam: mix 500 ml of warm water, 10 g of dry yeast (25 g of pressed) and 2 spoons of sugar. After 2 hours, it is diluted with 10 liters of rainwater, which is then moistened under seedlings.
You can water the shoots with water aged on the onion husk. A handful of dry husks should be poured with a liter of boiling water and insisted during the day. Then the liquid is drained, 5 liters of pure water are added to it and poured under the sprouts. The cucumbers like her best.
It is recommended to fertilize seedlings with fermented green weeds. The crushed parts of the plants are poured with water and wait at least 7 days until the liquid is infused. Then it is filtered and used as fertilizer.

Instead of greens, you can use a banana peel. In a three-liter jar put cut into small pieces peel with two or three bananas and pour it with water. It takes a few days to insist. Then the infusion is filtered and watered with their shoots.
Also fertilize shoots with old tea brewing. It is refilled with boiling water and insisted for 48 hours. 500 ml of water will require 1 tbsp of tea leaves.
Try to make fertilizer with your own hands from improvised materials, and you will see that it can be inexpensive and even free.
What kind of fertilizer do you use? Share your experience!
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