How to protect the seedlings from pulling
Sowing seeds for seedlings is now in full swing. For a gardener, this is always a pleasant period, but there is a lot of trouble. It is necessary to prepare seeds for sowing, prepare soil, pots for seedlings, lamps and make a whole composition of this. Having invested so much work, you want to get the appropriate result, but it does not always turn out that way.
Often the seedlings are stretched out and quite strongly. It is not what the gardener expects. So today's editorial office. "Site" It will tell you how to avoid pulling seedlings and what to do if it is already stretched.
How to grow seedlings from seeds There is a whole list of reasons that can lead to stretching seedlings. To avoid this, you just need to follow simple rules. There are no big secrets, only 5 points to follow.
As you can see, the reasons are very simple and clear. If you follow the rules at each point, you can easily avoid stretching seedlings. But what if this has already happened? Don't get upset first, you can fix it. Vegetable plants Very hardy and malleable.
There is no problem in planting overgrown seedlings in the ground. You just need to make the holes deeper and place seedlings in them at an acute angle, covering the plant with soil to leaf plates. So the plants can normally form, grow stronger and straighten. Trust me, open ground will be good for thin stems.
It happens that the seedlings have already stretched out, and it is still cold outside. Then you need to save the stems with improvised methods. First, reduce watering to a minimum and reduce the temperature by 5-7 degrees. This will slightly slow down the growth of seedlings, the stem will become malleable. After that, it will need to be gently bent with a ring and sprinkled with soil.
You can also fill the ground in a seedling container. If the walls allow, add some soil. This will help the root system grow stronger, and the stem become thicker.
If the problem is in lighting, be sure to use phyto lamps. They will help regulate the growth of the plant and ensure its normal development. And as a last resort, use a growth regulator. Modern stimulants do their job well and help seedlings grow properly. How do you grow the perfect seedlings?

Often the seedlings are stretched out and quite strongly. It is not what the gardener expects. So today's editorial office. "Site" It will tell you how to avoid pulling seedlings and what to do if it is already stretched.
How to grow seedlings from seeds There is a whole list of reasons that can lead to stretching seedlings. To avoid this, you just need to follow simple rules. There are no big secrets, only 5 points to follow.
- Incorrect planting dates
This is the first and the main reason for stretching seedlings. It is very important to monitor the optimal sowing time and not rush. It is necessary to focus not only on the terms on the package, but also calculate, taking into account the climate in the region. If you sow the seeds too early, there is a high risk that the seedlings will grow when it is too cold outside the window. If you have miscalculated, and seedlings are ready ahead of time, you will have to provide plants with additional lighting. For this purpose, phyto lamps are used, thanks to which you can protect seedlings. - Lack of light
From this follows the second reason why the seedlings are stretched. When there is not enough light, the plants reach up to the rays of the sun. As a result, the stem becomes long and fragile. Save again lamps that need to be turned on in the morning and evening, and in cloudy weather even in the afternoon. - High temperature
You should know that at high temperatures, the above-ground part develops intensively, and the roots weaken. Because of this, the pulling of the plant can also occur. High temperature in the room can be maintained only until the seedlings appear on the surface of the soil. After that, you can safely lower the temperature to 14 degrees. After 8-10 days, the temperature can again be raised to an average of 19-20 degrees above zero. If you want to achieve perfect plant development, make sure that the night temperature is a couple of degrees lower than the daytime temperature. Then the seedlings will grow strong. - Excess watering
Excess moisture is a serious reason for pulling seedlings. Know that after 5-6 days after the appearance of seedlings, seedlings can not be watered at all, then watered once every 5 days. Repeat watering if you see that the soil dries up faster. - Condensed crops
That's another obvious reason. Here everything is simple, plants fight for survival, trying to outrun each other, so they stretch. If this happens, it is best to dive the plants into separate cups. If you noticed this when the leaves appeared on the plants, carefully remove the lower leaves. It often helps. This procedure is shocking for the plant, so it stops growing up and begins to grow in width.
As you can see, the reasons are very simple and clear. If you follow the rules at each point, you can easily avoid stretching seedlings. But what if this has already happened? Don't get upset first, you can fix it. Vegetable plants Very hardy and malleable.

There is no problem in planting overgrown seedlings in the ground. You just need to make the holes deeper and place seedlings in them at an acute angle, covering the plant with soil to leaf plates. So the plants can normally form, grow stronger and straighten. Trust me, open ground will be good for thin stems.

It happens that the seedlings have already stretched out, and it is still cold outside. Then you need to save the stems with improvised methods. First, reduce watering to a minimum and reduce the temperature by 5-7 degrees. This will slightly slow down the growth of seedlings, the stem will become malleable. After that, it will need to be gently bent with a ring and sprinkled with soil.
You can also fill the ground in a seedling container. If the walls allow, add some soil. This will help the root system grow stronger, and the stem become thicker.
If the problem is in lighting, be sure to use phyto lamps. They will help regulate the growth of the plant and ensure its normal development. And as a last resort, use a growth regulator. Modern stimulants do their job well and help seedlings grow properly. How do you grow the perfect seedlings?