How to grow seedlings at home
Who would have thought that with the help of an ordinary plastic bottle and toilet paper you can grow a life-sustaining plant? seedling. And how to grow: without dirt and cares for watering (at least for the first time)!
All the asphalt children, who, like me, have lived all their lives in high-rise buildings, should know about this wonderful method, because it is almost perfect.
How to grow seedlings at home Today edition "Site" hurry to share with you not quite the usual, but effective way, as easily and without hassle plant.
Seedling in plastic bottles helps to significantly reduce the time it takes to disembark. You do not need to look for a place to place bulky drawers, which is especially important in small apartments. Also, the use of soil for planting is not required, which saves money, reduces planting time, makes the work hygienic: the earth does not crumble when planting.
Growing seedlings
It is noted thatseedling They are ahead in development and distill in growth seedlings grown in the usual way. The roots will be large, immediately hooked, and seedlings immediately let the foliage.
Growing vegetables for many gardeners seems unsophisticated. But what if, except for the balcony, there is nothing in the apartment or the construction of a greenhouse in the country is too expensive for the family budget?
There is a very simple and cheap way to plant plants in plastic bottles. I suggest you read this instruction. Following these tips, you will definitely get a luxurious garden on the windowsill.
This method makes it possible to grow seedlings of any kind of crops. It can be tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, eggplant or petunias, velvets and much more.
And also, planting seedlings in plastic bottles, you will kill 2 birds with one stone: save on containers and take care of nature.
Show your loved ones, how to grow a viable seedling Flowers and vegetables are absolutely no hassle, they will definitely be grateful for it!
All the asphalt children, who, like me, have lived all their lives in high-rise buildings, should know about this wonderful method, because it is almost perfect.

How to grow seedlings at home Today edition "Site" hurry to share with you not quite the usual, but effective way, as easily and without hassle plant.

Seedling in plastic bottles helps to significantly reduce the time it takes to disembark. You do not need to look for a place to place bulky drawers, which is especially important in small apartments. Also, the use of soil for planting is not required, which saves money, reduces planting time, makes the work hygienic: the earth does not crumble when planting.
Growing seedlings
- First, you will need colorless plastic bottles. They need to be cut along to make a kind of boat. The containers are ready!
- In each half of the bottles put toilet paper, folding it in 7-8 layers.
- Now it is necessary to abundantly moisten the paper litter from the spray gun. The water for this should be settled and slightly warm. Excess moisture can be removed by turning the container over. The paper will remain in place.
DepositPhotos - On top of the soaked paper should spread the seeds. For convenience, you can slightly press them with a spoon.
- Put a plastic bag on the plastic container and tie it. That's how you get a makeshift greenhouse.
- With the help of such a simple device, the seeds will germinate perfectly inside for two to three weeks. Watering seedlings in such a micro-greenhouse will not be necessary: it will be quite enough dripping down condensate.
- For seedlings of larger plants, you can put a layer of onion and garlic husk on the bottom of the cut bottle, sprinkle with a layer of earth, and cover it with a layer of the same toilet paper. On top of the paper, seeds are planted. The husks will protect them from pests, and the paper will maintain moisture for tender sprouts.
It is noted thatseedling They are ahead in development and distill in growth seedlings grown in the usual way. The roots will be large, immediately hooked, and seedlings immediately let the foliage.
Growing vegetables for many gardeners seems unsophisticated. But what if, except for the balcony, there is nothing in the apartment or the construction of a greenhouse in the country is too expensive for the family budget?
There is a very simple and cheap way to plant plants in plastic bottles. I suggest you read this instruction. Following these tips, you will definitely get a luxurious garden on the windowsill.

This method makes it possible to grow seedlings of any kind of crops. It can be tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, eggplant or petunias, velvets and much more.
And also, planting seedlings in plastic bottles, you will kill 2 birds with one stone: save on containers and take care of nature.
Show your loved ones, how to grow a viable seedling Flowers and vegetables are absolutely no hassle, they will definitely be grateful for it!