Закуска из баклажанов
Eggplants, thanks to the potassium contained in them, have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart and normalize the water-salt balance in the body. Not without reason in the East, they are called longevity vegetables and are recommended to eat regularly for the elderly.
Summer is nearing the end, and it’s time to stock up on healthy vegetables for the winter. Especially since the preparation of blue ones is not such a difficult matter.
Our editors suggest you cook for the winter. Tatar-style eggplantIt is known for never lingering in closets and is usually eaten first. From the amount of ingredients presented in the recipe, 11 jars of 0.65 liters are obtained.
Winter salad from eggplant and pepper Ingredients
Raw eggplant contains only 24 calories per 100 g and can be a great dietary product. But when frying, they absorb oil, and their calorie content increases to 107 calories. How to make eggplant without oil? There is a way out, and we will share it.
Editorial "Site" Offers you an unusual recipe for eggplant baked with cheese in the oven. "Kucherikas" will appeal even to those who do not like blue!

Summer is nearing the end, and it’s time to stock up on healthy vegetables for the winter. Especially since the preparation of blue ones is not such a difficult matter.

Our editors suggest you cook for the winter. Tatar-style eggplantIt is known for never lingering in closets and is usually eaten first. From the amount of ingredients presented in the recipe, 11 jars of 0.65 liters are obtained.
Winter salad from eggplant and pepper Ingredients
- 2kg eggplant
- 3 kg of tomatoes (or 3 liters of tomato juice)
- 1.5 kg of sweet Bulgarian pepper
- 2 spicy pepper pod
- 4 heads of garlic
- 2 tbsp salt
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 2 tbsp refined vegetable oil
- 1 tbsp 9% vinegar
- 1 tbsp water
- Cut the tomatoes in slices and put them in a large container.
- Add salt, sugar and vegetable oil. Stir it well. Leave it for a while so that the tomatoes let out the juice.
- Garlic and bitter pepper pass through the meat grinder. Cut Bulgarian pepper with straw and eggplant in small pieces.
- Put a container of tomatoes on the fire and, periodically stirring, bring to a boil. After that, cook them for another two minutes.
- Add to the tomatoes Bulgarian pepper, garlic, hot pepper and eggplant.
- Stir and bring it to a boil. At first it seems that the water is not enough, but in the process of heating the vegetable mass will give juice. If the water level is still below the level of vegetables before boiling, add a glass of boiled water.
- After boiling, cook a salad for 30-40 minutes. Vegetables should be boiled completely.
- Last of all, pour into the eggplant salad in Tatar vinegar, mix everything well, bring it to a boil and remove it from the fire.
- Hot salad is spread out on pre-prepared sterilized cans. Seamlessly cover the cans.
- Turn over the cans, put a towel on it and leave it that way for a few hours. Eggplant in Tatar style for winter Ready. Bon appetit!
Raw eggplant contains only 24 calories per 100 g and can be a great dietary product. But when frying, they absorb oil, and their calorie content increases to 107 calories. How to make eggplant without oil? There is a way out, and we will share it.
Editorial "Site" Offers you an unusual recipe for eggplant baked with cheese in the oven. "Kucherikas" will appeal even to those who do not like blue!