How to Freeze Eggplant for the Winter
It is difficult to imagine a person who does not like eggplant. And if you are one of those who do not particularly like purple vegetables, then you simply have not tried perfectly cooked blue ones. When a decent harvest of eggplant has ripened, and most of the ripe fruits are rolled into cans in the form of salads, caviar and honeycomb, it was time to choose the most selected and freeze without canning.
Delicious eggplant for the winter without sterilization and prescription conservation "Site" It always works for everyone. The vitamin base for snacks, carefully prepared since the summer, allows the skilful hostess to pamper friends and guests with fragrant rolls, honey and salads prepared with a knife all year round. We have collected 3 proven ways to freeze eggplant for all occasions. They don't get bitter or black, I promise!
How to freeze eggplant for the winter Method No. 1 For the first method of freezing, choose long and, if possible, even eggplant. A great recipe for lovers to enjoy snack rolls in the New Year!
Method No. 2 For the second method of freezing, all those eggplants that were not lucky enough to get into spins or become the basis for rolls due to their imperfect shape are suitable.
Method No. 3 For the latter method, prepare small portioned eggplants, because you will freeze them whole!
Due to the potassium contained in them, eggplants have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, normalize the water-salt balance, help cleanse the intestines and are a purely dietary product - only 24 kcal per 100 g! Eastern sages call eggplants the fruits of longevity and recommend eating all elderly people. In short, the preparation of eggplant for the winter is the best idea that can be taken on a hot summer day.
How do you make your favorite vegetables? Talk about your secrets in the comments, and do not forget to share the article with friends.

Delicious eggplant for the winter without sterilization and prescription conservation "Site" It always works for everyone. The vitamin base for snacks, carefully prepared since the summer, allows the skilful hostess to pamper friends and guests with fragrant rolls, honey and salads prepared with a knife all year round. We have collected 3 proven ways to freeze eggplant for all occasions. They don't get bitter or black, I promise!
How to freeze eggplant for the winter Method No. 1 For the first method of freezing, choose long and, if possible, even eggplant. A great recipe for lovers to enjoy snack rolls in the New Year!
- Wash the eggplant and cut off the tails. Cut the fruit with thin plates 3-4 mm thick.
- If eggplants are bitter, they must be well salted, endure for 30 minutes, and then wash off the salt residue under running water and get wet with a paper towel. If the eggplant is not bitter, you do not need to salt the fruits.
- On the heated pan pour vegetable oil and roast each slice until ready on both sides.
- Take a container with a dense lid and cover it with food film so that it hangs around the edges.
- When the fried eggplant is completely cooled, lay them in portions in the tray (20-25 slices per serving) and cover the edges of the film. On top of the first portion again lay the film and similarly wrap the next portion of fruits. In this simple way, pack as many portions as you can.
- Close the full container with a tight lid and send it to the freezer for storage.
- If necessary, put a portion of frozen eggplants overnight in the refrigerator, and in the morning easily prepare your favorite summer dish.
Method No. 2 For the second method of freezing, all those eggplants that were not lucky enough to get into spins or become the basis for rolls due to their imperfect shape are suitable.
- Eggplant cut into small cubes, straws or semi-rings. Boil water in a small pot, salti. In a sieve in small portions, lay out eggplant and dip in boiling water for 1 minute.
- Slightly boiled eggplant cool and let the excess liquid drain. To do this, put the fruits in a large sieve, cover with a plate, press with a load (1-1.5 kg) and leave until completely cooled.
957689 - In the prepared portion containers, transfer the necessary amount of boiled eggplants, cover with lids and send for storage in the freezer. It is not recommended to freeze all eggplant together, otherwise in winter it will be difficult to break off the required amount of fruit from a frozen vegetable block.
Method No. 3 For the latter method, prepare small portioned eggplants, because you will freeze them whole!
- Clean fruits were pricked with a toothpick or knife and sent to the oven heated to 190 ° C for 30-40 minutes. Ready eggplant should be easily pierced with a toothpick or match.
- Cut off the tails from the finished eggplant and make a side incision in each fruit.
- Finished eggplant stitched down into a large sieve, cover with a plate of a suitable diameter, and set the load on top. Let the vegetables cool completely.
- Wrap the eggplant in portions, as in the first method, using a food film and a large tray with a sealed lid.
- Very tasty eggplant for winter Ready! In winter, when you will not find fresh fruits in any store, defrost the summer workpiece, fry minced carrots and onions in the pan and parch the appetizing eggplant. Sprinkle the dish with cheese and send to the oven for 10 minutes - a quick summer dinner is ready!
Due to the potassium contained in them, eggplants have a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, normalize the water-salt balance, help cleanse the intestines and are a purely dietary product - only 24 kcal per 100 g! Eastern sages call eggplants the fruits of longevity and recommend eating all elderly people. In short, the preparation of eggplant for the winter is the best idea that can be taken on a hot summer day.
How do you make your favorite vegetables? Talk about your secrets in the comments, and do not forget to share the article with friends.