Freeze blue for the future, do not lose taste and aroma, share the author's wisdom
Autumn is a good time to do frost and conservation to be fully equipped when winter comes. How to deal with zucchini, we told you in our previous articles, and now it's time to do eggplant. Eggplant frozen This is a great solution for housewives. Save money and time, get a delicious product that will not spoil for a long time.
Especially since we have for you today not one, not two, but as many as five ways to freeze this blue and beloved vegetable. Eggplant is useful as an additive to rice, pasta, meat. From it you can always make caviar, fry or extinguish. What is even more interesting, some vitamins and trace elements do not disappear when frozen. And this is an important argument when outside the window -30 and the body experiences unprecedented stress.
Eggplant in freezing Method 1 Preparation
Method 2 Preparation
Method 3 Preparation
Method 4 Preparation
Method 5 Preparation
Eggplant should be defrosted strictly at room temperature. No microwaves. Then they will come into condition in the highest quality form. And also, don't rush to throw out the peduncles. It is better to put them in a bag and send them to the freezer. The fact is that they will give a rich taste and aroma to any broth. Vegetable or meaty. Ask any chef, he'll confirm.
Here's the video.

Especially since we have for you today not one, not two, but as many as five ways to freeze this blue and beloved vegetable. Eggplant is useful as an additive to rice, pasta, meat. From it you can always make caviar, fry or extinguish. What is even more interesting, some vitamins and trace elements do not disappear when frozen. And this is an important argument when outside the window -30 and the body experiences unprecedented stress.
Eggplant in freezing Method 1 Preparation
- Mine and dry the eggplant. Without separating them from the peduncle, we pierce them with a toothpick from all sides. We heat the oven to 190 degrees and simultaneously load vegetables on an ungreased pan. Eggplant oven for about 20 minutes, it all depends on their size and some characteristics of the oven. You can use the old method: pierce the finished product with a toothpick again. It's easy, it's done.
- Now we separate the peduncle, it has already given its taste to the product. We make a deep longitudinal incision on the fruit and put it on a sieve. You could even get a bad hat from a steam cooker. On top of the vegetables put a shallow plate and oppression. When most of the juice drains from the eggplant, we get it out. Now you need to wrap each fruit in food film and send it to the freezer. Convenient and practical.
Method 2 Preparation
- Clean and dried eggplants are cut into rings about a centimeter thick. There is no need to salt anything, since then you can resalt the finished dish with eggplants. Making notes is not very convenient, and then you still forget about them. We roast eggplant on medium heat to a golden crust.
- Do not forget to pour enough oil into the pan, because eggplants love it. It's just a matter of small. Place roasted rings in bags with locks (zip-locks), while trying to expel air from them as much as possible. Throw the bags in the freezer before the right time.
Method 3 Preparation
- Again, pure dry eggplant. Now we cut them in cubes. Big ones. It does not cleanse the skin, because it perfectly ties the inside. Send eggplant in boiling water for 5 minutes. This way, the vegetables will be cooked and will not break in your hands. Let them cool down and put them in lock bags again. Plastic containers can also be used.
- Stew, vegetable soups and pies are ideal for cooking with our preparations. Due to the fact that the cubes are cut large, they will retain enough taste and will not change shape.
Method 4 Preparation
- The easiest and even lazy way. With my eggplant dried, we separate the peduncle and cut it with rings. All right, product ready for packaging. Plastic bag and freezer, and nothing else.
- Such mugs are useful for cooking vegetable and meat casseroles. Since they are actually raw, problems with digestion should not arise. The form is not going anywhere, and most importantly, this is the best way to keep the maximum amount of vitamins. Try it.
Method 5 Preparation
- We said eggplant should be washed and dried, right? So now we cut them with records. Along, about half a centimeter thick. This is a convenient form for ratatouille, casserole and other dishes. In addition, such tongues, ready and grated with garlic, are perfect as a snack even on the festive table.
- We lubricate the pan with sunflower oil, put it on the fire, and place our “tongues” on top. They also need to be sprayed with oil on top. Roast on both sides until the crust appears and send first to the bag, and then to the freezer. Here we go.
Eggplant should be defrosted strictly at room temperature. No microwaves. Then they will come into condition in the highest quality form. And also, don't rush to throw out the peduncles. It is better to put them in a bag and send them to the freezer. The fact is that they will give a rich taste and aroma to any broth. Vegetable or meaty. Ask any chef, he'll confirm.
Here's the video.
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