What to Know About Seed Planting in April
Spring is a good time to plant seeds in your garden. This is best done in April. However, a good master of themes and differs from the rest that he knows the theory and a few more little tricks that in practice will give an excellent result. A good harvest doesn't just grow.
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Plant potatoes - ✔ Beauty)).... #villages fresh air #ices #blubber #belarus #arable #grazing #springwood #grazing? #si_natali #si_natali_? #spring2019 #village #potato planted?
A post shared by Natasha (@si__natali) on May 2, 2019 at 11:13am PDT
So we decided to tell you which ones seeding It will be the most profitable if you rely on the April lunar calendar.
When to plant seeds in the ground So, what factors affect the harvest?
Specialists have developed a specific technique that allows to achieve an increase in seed germination and subsequent improvement of the harvest. It is based on the lunar phases. As you know, the Earth's satellite directly affects the strength of tides on our planet. This greatly affects the life of all types of plants.
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? NEW MOON! Just now, we have met the equinox, like today the beginning of the new lunar month! The new moon on March 24, 2020 will occur at 12:28 minutes and 08 seconds Moscow time, in the sign of Aries. I want to especially note that at this time the ball is Black Moon, aka Lilith, and she is a lady with character! March 24 is Vesta, the Slavic goddess of spring! It is believed that it was on this day that nature finally awakened, rebelled and filled with great power. In the old days, on this day, the house was visited 8 times and called the goddess, saying 8 times: “Vesta, beauty, patroness, hear me, help, but bring happiness and good luck to my house.” And girls and women washed with melted snow or ice water for beauty and health. On this day, be kind, smile more and treat yourself and your loved ones with love! .#magical help#magical services#newvolunion#newvolunion2020#moon#magic#whitemagic#esoteric#psychichelp#clear-sighted#magicalcadalcaspb#tarologspb#tarospb#cladytaro#ritual#removalspoilage#moneymagic#favoriteMonetaryMagic#celorance#crime#crime#clearity#clearity#magic#magyonlineClarity#magazine#magazine#blogue#bearities#tarology#tarology#compla
A post shared by CLEARLY TAROLE EXTRASENCE (@_prima_magic__) on Mar 24, 2020 at 12:45am PDT
Plants that produce crops are planted and nourished in the growing phase of the moon. Those that are rich in tubers, the root system, on the contrary, plant on the waning phase of the moon.
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? Mabut everyone loved nature that village in its own way in ditinstvo, I would say from the skin of whom the fathers on the litho brought to the village there was a person of love to the village, the city, nature, the cage of bilya hati. If you don't like the slack, then if you've grown up, you're going to go all over the place. That's great! Really?.. #kiыvaskaoblast #village #naturelover #naturelover #planetland #instanature #landscapephotography #beauty #mothernature #landscape_lovers #living nature #nature_shooters #beautifulplaces #naturebeauty #beautifulbeauty #welivetoeplore #awesome_earthpi #village #nature_seekers #naturalfood #city #nature_shooters #nature_shooters #naturalproducts #national #geographic #nature
A post shared by Photographer Mandrivnik Ki)v (@photomoments.com.ua) on Mar 31, 2020 at 4:15am PDT
In April, there are 2 days to mark in the calendar, it is the 8th and 23rd. There is nothing to do next door to them. Namely: 7, 9, 22 and 24 numbers. Otherwise, you risk not getting enough crops, despite all the hard work and efforts.
We offer to familiarize yourself with the calendar and find out which plants are best to plant on a particular day, based on the current phase of the moon at the moment.
Hot news! Does corn help you see better? Be calm and sleep better and protected from GMOs, is that what we're talking about in today's issue? Corn on every beach in the country! What do you expect from this cereal except that it tastes good? Does the group of vitamins B calm the nerves, relieve the feeling of irritability?? Nutrients perfectly cope with insomnia and other somatic conditions. People with sleep problems need to eat 120 grams of boiled corn 2 hours before bedtime? 1-2 cob per day in boiled form allows you to provide the body with magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Corn is not subject to gene modification. Its rigid and complex structure does not allow toxins and harmful substances to penetrate into its composition, and the “original” wrapper also protects against this. The cobs do not absorb chemical fertilizers that nourish the soil to increase yield, and corn does not change in chemical composition during cooking, park and preservation. Have a good evening, our good and of course, corn is in Pepper - young, crispy, milky? =================================== Delivery for SPb 250 rubles? FREE delivery by Sestroretsk ??? ========================================================================= Actual address: Sestroretsk, V, Bobrova, 25 п Number for communication: +7 (981) 881 40 00 or active link mssgn.me/perchik in the profile header - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A post shared by Vegetables | Fruits of Sestroretsk (@perchik_organicmarket) on Jun 23, 2019 at 7:43am PDT
From 5 to 7 April in the sign of the Virgin. Plant sturdy cuttings of currants, grapes. Get some ground feeding. These days, cabbage seeds cannot be sown. On the morning of April 8, the full moon comes in the sign of Libra. Don't put anything in or out. Also don't prune trees and bushes. From 9 to 10 April, the waning moon in the sign of Scorpio. Sow cabbage seeds, lettuce and greens. Water and feed indoor plants and seedlings. Do not prune berry bushes and fruit trees. View this post on Instagram
Sorrel. Vegetable seeds from the official dealer Warehouse in Moscow. #buy seeds #vegetable #vegetable #seeds #seed carrot #buy carrot seeds #seeds #cucumbers #seedsbeets #seedsbeets #seedmenaukrop #seedmenapetrushki #seedmenalooka #seedmenasalat #seedmenagolandia #seedoseeda #seedobask #semenatomata #semenapomidor #cumber #cumbersemena #pepper #semena #peppertom #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemenabosemena
A post shared by Vegetables Seed in Moscow! (@semena_ovoshei_diler) on May 14, 2019 at 6:26am PDT
From April 11 to 13, the waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Do garden work, sow seeds of radish, daikon, spinach on the garden, treat the garden from harmful insects and possible diseases. From April 14 to 15, the waning moon in the sign of Capricorn. Prepare the land in the beds, form and trim the branches in the garden, add fertilizer to the ground for early potatoes and root crops, plant seedlings. View this post on Instagram
Good raspberry! The photo shows the condition of raspberry seedlings that were on the road for 5-6 days and came to Makhachkala to Elmira. This is the southernmost point of our seedling supply. The easternmost, Krasnoyarsk) Give Derbent and Sakhalin!!! @tulskaya_yagoda continues to sell and ship raspberry seedlings by Joan Jay and Glen Ample. The strawberry seedlings of the garden varieties San Andreas A + and Malvin A are still in the amount of several thousand. They will arrive in mid-April. Contact the whstsap in the account header. #crimson #strawberry #strawberry #seedlings #seedlingsPostRussia #Tula berry
A post shared by Tula Berries and seedlings (@tulskaya_yagoda) on Mar 31, 2020 at 1:02am PDT
From 15 to 17 April in the sign of Aquarius. Put a weed herbicide in the ground, remove winter shelter. On this day, do not water seedlings and houseplants and do not plant anything. From 17 to 20 April, the waning moon in the sign of Pisces. This cabbage for seedlings, cucumbers and other pumpkin plants. Transplant early potatoes and other root vegetables, fields of houseplants. View this post on Instagram
What are the benefits of scorching, and what are the benefits? Beam cucumbers got their name due to the fact that they form several ovaries in each internodes at once (from 3 to 10 or more), which mature, form bundles of greens. Cucumbers that have 8-10 or more ovaries are called superpuppets. Beam cucumbers are often called bouquet, because in the process of flowering they form many flowers growing from one place (node), which is very similar to a bouquet. Therefore, this type of flowering is called bouquet? The advantages of growing cucumbers are: 1. High harvest due to a large number of ovaries. 2. Mass maturation is the simultaneous pouring of fruits. 3. Zelenets are obtained in small sizes, as a rule, these are gorishons or pickles. In other words, they are ideal for salting and canning. QUESTION WITH THE POWERS. Dear friends, what bundle/superbundle hybrids have you grown? Which ones did you like the most and why? Which varieties did you like fresh?. #cucucumbers #cucucumbersgerman #cucucumber #cucucumber #millionaire #community #gmt #beam #garland #Siberian garland #emeraldflow #cucumbers #bucket #seeds #seedmailmail #seeds #seeds #seeds #seeds #best seeds #cumberseeds #cumberseeds #cumbers
A post shared by Seeds Mail Russia and CIS (@semena_zakaz) on Apr 8, 2019 at 7:07am PDT
From 20 to 22 April in the sign of Aries. Form crowns and trim berry bushes and fruit trees. Plant seedlings and graft trees, sow radishes and some salad crops. From 22 to 25 April in the sign of Taurus. On the morning of April 23, the New Moon will come. Uproot the dry, sick trees and shrubs. Don't plant anything. View this post on Instagram
CAN ROUND ON TELEFON NUMBER: +79154762500 WatsApp,Viber #spilter #clearing #pillars #uproot #clearing #roads #crippling #crushing #column #community #community #community #building #pilation #plowingcolumn#repairingcolumn#repairing #spildeoa #spildeoa #comm #communcil #commation #communcil #commation #communcil #commation #communcil #company #comm #commation #company #community #company #comm #community #comm #community #community #comm #community #community #company #community #company #community #community #company #community #community #com
A post shared by Repair and Improvement? (@gardenkolomna) on Apr 23, 2019 at 10:09am PDT
From 25 to 27 April, the rising moon in the sign of Gemini. Sow flowers on seedlings, take care of the lawn, and also carry out processing to protect the garden and garden from various harmful insects, pathogenic bacteria and fungi. From 27 to 30 April, the rising Moon in the sign of Cancer. Sow cucumber seeds for seedlings. You can also plant watermelons and melons; plant potatoes; water and transplant houseplants.
Adhering to at least some of these rules will dramatically increase your chances of a good harvest. However, we should not forget about other factors. For example, the quality of the soil and the seeds.
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Are my handsome guys keeping up? It is this variety that attracts attention because its fruits differ in chocolate color. It's not something you see on supermarket shelves every day. #town#greenhouse#harvest#pepper#Bulgarianpepper#chocolate pepper#sweet pepper
A post shared by Alyonushka? Garden garden (@asvi.r) on Mar 30, 2020 at 4:24am PDT
By the way, if you want to drop off pepper-seedBut you think it's too late for that, see another one of our articles. In it you will learn how easy and without problems to grow a plant in record time, while collecting a wonderful harvest. Good luck!
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Plant potatoes - ✔ Beauty)).... #villages fresh air #ices #blubber #belarus #arable #grazing #springwood #grazing? #si_natali #si_natali_? #spring2019 #village #potato planted?
A post shared by Natasha (@si__natali) on May 2, 2019 at 11:13am PDT
So we decided to tell you which ones seeding It will be the most profitable if you rely on the April lunar calendar.
When to plant seeds in the ground So, what factors affect the harvest?
- Composition of garden soil
- The presence of fertilizers of different types (chemistry, organics)
- Quality of seed materials
- Lunar phase
Specialists have developed a specific technique that allows to achieve an increase in seed germination and subsequent improvement of the harvest. It is based on the lunar phases. As you know, the Earth's satellite directly affects the strength of tides on our planet. This greatly affects the life of all types of plants.
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? NEW MOON! Just now, we have met the equinox, like today the beginning of the new lunar month! The new moon on March 24, 2020 will occur at 12:28 minutes and 08 seconds Moscow time, in the sign of Aries. I want to especially note that at this time the ball is Black Moon, aka Lilith, and she is a lady with character! March 24 is Vesta, the Slavic goddess of spring! It is believed that it was on this day that nature finally awakened, rebelled and filled with great power. In the old days, on this day, the house was visited 8 times and called the goddess, saying 8 times: “Vesta, beauty, patroness, hear me, help, but bring happiness and good luck to my house.” And girls and women washed with melted snow or ice water for beauty and health. On this day, be kind, smile more and treat yourself and your loved ones with love! .#magical help#magical services#newvolunion#newvolunion2020#moon#magic#whitemagic#esoteric#psychichelp#clear-sighted#magicalcadalcaspb#tarologspb#tarospb#cladytaro#ritual#removalspoilage#moneymagic#favoriteMonetaryMagic#celorance#crime#crime#clearity#clearity#magic#magyonlineClarity#magazine#magazine#blogue#bearities#tarology#tarology#compla
A post shared by CLEARLY TAROLE EXTRASENCE (@_prima_magic__) on Mar 24, 2020 at 12:45am PDT
Plants that produce crops are planted and nourished in the growing phase of the moon. Those that are rich in tubers, the root system, on the contrary, plant on the waning phase of the moon.
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? Mabut everyone loved nature that village in its own way in ditinstvo, I would say from the skin of whom the fathers on the litho brought to the village there was a person of love to the village, the city, nature, the cage of bilya hati. If you don't like the slack, then if you've grown up, you're going to go all over the place. That's great! Really?.. #kiыvaskaoblast #village #naturelover #naturelover #planetland #instanature #landscapephotography #beauty #mothernature #landscape_lovers #living nature #nature_shooters #beautifulplaces #naturebeauty #beautifulbeauty #welivetoeplore #awesome_earthpi #village #nature_seekers #naturalfood #city #nature_shooters #nature_shooters #naturalproducts #national #geographic #nature
A post shared by Photographer Mandrivnik Ki)v (@photomoments.com.ua) on Mar 31, 2020 at 4:15am PDT
In April, there are 2 days to mark in the calendar, it is the 8th and 23rd. There is nothing to do next door to them. Namely: 7, 9, 22 and 24 numbers. Otherwise, you risk not getting enough crops, despite all the hard work and efforts.
We offer to familiarize yourself with the calendar and find out which plants are best to plant on a particular day, based on the current phase of the moon at the moment.
- Monthly growth is expected from March 31 to April 2 in the sign of Cancer. These days it is better to plant pumpkin seeds and cucumbers.
- From 2 to 5 April in the sign of Leo. These days, tomatoes, sunflowers, peppers and corn, graft trees, plant fruit trees and berry bushes. View this post on Instagram
Hot news! Does corn help you see better? Be calm and sleep better and protected from GMOs, is that what we're talking about in today's issue? Corn on every beach in the country! What do you expect from this cereal except that it tastes good? Does the group of vitamins B calm the nerves, relieve the feeling of irritability?? Nutrients perfectly cope with insomnia and other somatic conditions. People with sleep problems need to eat 120 grams of boiled corn 2 hours before bedtime? 1-2 cob per day in boiled form allows you to provide the body with magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Corn is not subject to gene modification. Its rigid and complex structure does not allow toxins and harmful substances to penetrate into its composition, and the “original” wrapper also protects against this. The cobs do not absorb chemical fertilizers that nourish the soil to increase yield, and corn does not change in chemical composition during cooking, park and preservation. Have a good evening, our good and of course, corn is in Pepper - young, crispy, milky? =================================== Delivery for SPb 250 rubles? FREE delivery by Sestroretsk ??? ========================================================================= Actual address: Sestroretsk, V, Bobrova, 25 п Number for communication: +7 (981) 881 40 00 or active link mssgn.me/perchik in the profile header - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A post shared by Vegetables | Fruits of Sestroretsk (@perchik_organicmarket) on Jun 23, 2019 at 7:43am PDT
From 5 to 7 April in the sign of the Virgin. Plant sturdy cuttings of currants, grapes. Get some ground feeding. These days, cabbage seeds cannot be sown. On the morning of April 8, the full moon comes in the sign of Libra. Don't put anything in or out. Also don't prune trees and bushes. From 9 to 10 April, the waning moon in the sign of Scorpio. Sow cabbage seeds, lettuce and greens. Water and feed indoor plants and seedlings. Do not prune berry bushes and fruit trees. View this post on Instagram
Sorrel. Vegetable seeds from the official dealer Warehouse in Moscow. #buy seeds #vegetable #vegetable #seeds #seed carrot #buy carrot seeds #seeds #cucumbers #seedsbeets #seedsbeets #seedmenaukrop #seedmenapetrushki #seedmenalooka #seedmenasalat #seedmenagolandia #seedoseeda #seedobask #semenatomata #semenapomidor #cumber #cumbersemena #pepper #semena #peppertom #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemena #arsemenabosemena
A post shared by Vegetables Seed in Moscow! (@semena_ovoshei_diler) on May 14, 2019 at 6:26am PDT
From April 11 to 13, the waning moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Do garden work, sow seeds of radish, daikon, spinach on the garden, treat the garden from harmful insects and possible diseases. From April 14 to 15, the waning moon in the sign of Capricorn. Prepare the land in the beds, form and trim the branches in the garden, add fertilizer to the ground for early potatoes and root crops, plant seedlings. View this post on Instagram
Good raspberry! The photo shows the condition of raspberry seedlings that were on the road for 5-6 days and came to Makhachkala to Elmira. This is the southernmost point of our seedling supply. The easternmost, Krasnoyarsk) Give Derbent and Sakhalin!!! @tulskaya_yagoda continues to sell and ship raspberry seedlings by Joan Jay and Glen Ample. The strawberry seedlings of the garden varieties San Andreas A + and Malvin A are still in the amount of several thousand. They will arrive in mid-April. Contact the whstsap in the account header. #crimson #strawberry #strawberry #seedlings #seedlingsPostRussia #Tula berry
A post shared by Tula Berries and seedlings (@tulskaya_yagoda) on Mar 31, 2020 at 1:02am PDT
From 15 to 17 April in the sign of Aquarius. Put a weed herbicide in the ground, remove winter shelter. On this day, do not water seedlings and houseplants and do not plant anything. From 17 to 20 April, the waning moon in the sign of Pisces. This cabbage for seedlings, cucumbers and other pumpkin plants. Transplant early potatoes and other root vegetables, fields of houseplants. View this post on Instagram
What are the benefits of scorching, and what are the benefits? Beam cucumbers got their name due to the fact that they form several ovaries in each internodes at once (from 3 to 10 or more), which mature, form bundles of greens. Cucumbers that have 8-10 or more ovaries are called superpuppets. Beam cucumbers are often called bouquet, because in the process of flowering they form many flowers growing from one place (node), which is very similar to a bouquet. Therefore, this type of flowering is called bouquet? The advantages of growing cucumbers are: 1. High harvest due to a large number of ovaries. 2. Mass maturation is the simultaneous pouring of fruits. 3. Zelenets are obtained in small sizes, as a rule, these are gorishons or pickles. In other words, they are ideal for salting and canning. QUESTION WITH THE POWERS. Dear friends, what bundle/superbundle hybrids have you grown? Which ones did you like the most and why? Which varieties did you like fresh?. #cucucumbers #cucucumbersgerman #cucucumber #cucucumber #millionaire #community #gmt #beam #garland #Siberian garland #emeraldflow #cucumbers #bucket #seeds #seedmailmail #seeds #seeds #seeds #seeds #best seeds #cumberseeds #cumberseeds #cumbers
A post shared by Seeds Mail Russia and CIS (@semena_zakaz) on Apr 8, 2019 at 7:07am PDT
From 20 to 22 April in the sign of Aries. Form crowns and trim berry bushes and fruit trees. Plant seedlings and graft trees, sow radishes and some salad crops. From 22 to 25 April in the sign of Taurus. On the morning of April 23, the New Moon will come. Uproot the dry, sick trees and shrubs. Don't plant anything. View this post on Instagram
CAN ROUND ON TELEFON NUMBER: +79154762500 WatsApp,Viber #spilter #clearing #pillars #uproot #clearing #roads #crippling #crushing #column #community #community #community #building #pilation #plowingcolumn#repairingcolumn#repairing #spildeoa #spildeoa #comm #communcil #commation #communcil #commation #communcil #commation #communcil #company #comm #commation #company #community #company #comm #community #comm #community #community #comm #community #community #company #community #company #community #community #company #community #community #com
A post shared by Repair and Improvement? (@gardenkolomna) on Apr 23, 2019 at 10:09am PDT
From 25 to 27 April, the rising moon in the sign of Gemini. Sow flowers on seedlings, take care of the lawn, and also carry out processing to protect the garden and garden from various harmful insects, pathogenic bacteria and fungi. From 27 to 30 April, the rising Moon in the sign of Cancer. Sow cucumber seeds for seedlings. You can also plant watermelons and melons; plant potatoes; water and transplant houseplants.
Adhering to at least some of these rules will dramatically increase your chances of a good harvest. However, we should not forget about other factors. For example, the quality of the soil and the seeds.
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Are my handsome guys keeping up? It is this variety that attracts attention because its fruits differ in chocolate color. It's not something you see on supermarket shelves every day. #town#greenhouse#harvest#pepper#Bulgarianpepper#chocolate pepper#sweet pepper
A post shared by Alyonushka? Garden garden (@asvi.r) on Mar 30, 2020 at 4:24am PDT
By the way, if you want to drop off pepper-seedBut you think it's too late for that, see another one of our articles. In it you will learn how easy and without problems to grow a plant in record time, while collecting a wonderful harvest. Good luck!