What is Contraindicated to Fertilize Cucumbers
It is quite difficult to choose the best fertilizers for cucumber, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing and not to harm your favorite vegetable. Today we will give an example of the most unsuccessful feedings that should not be used.
Many people are so desperate to get a rich harvest as soon as possible that they completely forget about healthy foresight, choosing fertilizers. It doesn't work! However, not all of the food is equally good. Many of them are suitable only for certain plants, and some make sense to use only for a certain period.
What not to fertilize cucumbers Footsteppers
Tomatoes and cucumbers are perfectly combined in a salad, but in the garden they are better not to be close neighbors. Some gardeners use the cut mass from tomato bushes as fertilizer for cucumbers. That's a big mistake. Such fertilizer significantly reduces the immunity of the plant.
Cucumbers often suffer from a lack of humidity, because they are more suitable for the conditions of the greenhouse. It is in them that the humidity and temperature will be ideal. Tomatoes need an open space. Near the cucumber bushes, they begin to rot, because there is too much moisture for them.
Horse dung
This fertilizer is suitable only for soil preparation and only in the autumn period. Remember that using fresh horse manure for fertilizing young plants is definitely not worth it. And it should be borne in mind that the effect of manure on the ground has a cumulative effect and manifests itself only after a couple of years.
If you want to fertilize the soil with manure in autumn, you need to distribute no more than 6 kg per 1 sq. m after harvesting during the complete excavation of the garden.
This tool is considered the best stimulant of the growth of cucumbers. Alcohol is sprayed with leaves and earth around the bushes and it really gives an amazing result. That's just enough money for a while. Due to a too sharp surge in development, the plant very quickly withers and falls. The fruits are hard and tasteless.
Editorial board
For fertilizer, try to use a balanced complex of organic and mineral substances. At any stage of growth, cucumbers need nitrogen, as well as mineral fertilizers with magnesium and boron. It is better to make them during flowering. During fruiting, phosphorus should be added to this set, and the amount of nitrogen should be slightly reduced.
Perhaps you have your own scheme for fertilizing cucumbers and placing them during planting. Our readers will be delighted with fresh ideas and juicy cucumbers!
Many people are so desperate to get a rich harvest as soon as possible that they completely forget about healthy foresight, choosing fertilizers. It doesn't work! However, not all of the food is equally good. Many of them are suitable only for certain plants, and some make sense to use only for a certain period.

What not to fertilize cucumbers Footsteppers
Tomatoes and cucumbers are perfectly combined in a salad, but in the garden they are better not to be close neighbors. Some gardeners use the cut mass from tomato bushes as fertilizer for cucumbers. That's a big mistake. Such fertilizer significantly reduces the immunity of the plant.

Cucumbers often suffer from a lack of humidity, because they are more suitable for the conditions of the greenhouse. It is in them that the humidity and temperature will be ideal. Tomatoes need an open space. Near the cucumber bushes, they begin to rot, because there is too much moisture for them.
Horse dung
This fertilizer is suitable only for soil preparation and only in the autumn period. Remember that using fresh horse manure for fertilizing young plants is definitely not worth it. And it should be borne in mind that the effect of manure on the ground has a cumulative effect and manifests itself only after a couple of years.

If you want to fertilize the soil with manure in autumn, you need to distribute no more than 6 kg per 1 sq. m after harvesting during the complete excavation of the garden.
This tool is considered the best stimulant of the growth of cucumbers. Alcohol is sprayed with leaves and earth around the bushes and it really gives an amazing result. That's just enough money for a while. Due to a too sharp surge in development, the plant very quickly withers and falls. The fruits are hard and tasteless.

Editorial board
For fertilizer, try to use a balanced complex of organic and mineral substances. At any stage of growth, cucumbers need nitrogen, as well as mineral fertilizers with magnesium and boron. It is better to make them during flowering. During fruiting, phosphorus should be added to this set, and the amount of nitrogen should be slightly reduced.

Perhaps you have your own scheme for fertilizing cucumbers and placing them during planting. Our readers will be delighted with fresh ideas and juicy cucumbers!