How to grow cucumbers in the open ground
It is rumored that people began to eat cucumbers 6 thousand years ago in the subtropical regions of India and China. Later, cucumbers came to Europe. And many travelers from Western Europe were surprised that the Slavs cucumbers grow everywhere and in huge quantities.
Cucumber still holds a special place in our kitchen. And if a person has a garden, then surely cucumbers grow on it. It is not surprising, because the vegetable is good and fresh, and salty, sauerkraut, and canned. Without cucumbers, it is difficult to imagine the summer season.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you about a curious way of planting these bubby green beauties. Technology of growing cucumbers in open ground will save you from unnecessary fuss and allow you to get a good harvest even from a small plot.
Growing cucumbers in the open ground Many plant cucumbers in the soil fertilized with the help of intermittent manure or peat ... All these vegetables love. However, there is another way - to use nettle and plantain when landing. Just add a little mixture of these two plants to each well for planting, and cucumbers will feel great.
Nettle contains a lot of macro- and microelements that create a favorable environment for the growth of cucumbers. As for the plantain, it is rich in potassium, which helps fruiting and makes cucumbers tastier. Note only that plantain should be taken without roots.
Both types of plants should be ground beforehand. This can be done with garden scissors, an axe or any other tool. The crushed nettle and plantain in the ground will subsequently begin to interpenetrate, giving cucumbers both heat and useful substances.
In the excavated landing hole add a handful of crushed nettle and plantain. With such fertilizer, you can do without any chemistry, which means that cucumbers will be environmentally friendly. This is even better than manure, because animals today are often fed various unsafe additives.
Then the holes should be well watered with water. Put the cucumbers in the holes and sprinkle the earth. After that, you should again water the plants with warm water so that all the formed voids are filled with earth.
It remains only to sprinkle cucumbers with a thick layer of hay - mulch. In our case, purchased hay for rodents is used, but you can take any other. This will preserve moisture in the soil. Also under mulch will multiply worms and other microorganisms useful for plants.
We love cucumbers, and that’s a fact. It remains to be seen what the vegetables themselves like. After all, there are several important nuances that must be considered when growing cucumbers.
What cucumbers like
Growing cucumbers at home The process is difficult and time-consuming. But when you eat crispy cucumbers grown with your own hands on the garden plot, you realize that it was worth it.
Recently, we shared a lunar sowing calendar for 2019, which will help not to miss the best time to plant your favorite crops. And also demonstrated a smart garden of Igor Lyadov. A man on a small piece of land harvests large crops. Be sure to borrow interesting ideas and apply on your own site for the joy of yourself and the envy of your neighbors.
Cucumber still holds a special place in our kitchen. And if a person has a garden, then surely cucumbers grow on it. It is not surprising, because the vegetable is good and fresh, and salty, sauerkraut, and canned. Without cucumbers, it is difficult to imagine the summer season.
And today's edition. "Site" It will tell you about a curious way of planting these bubby green beauties. Technology of growing cucumbers in open ground will save you from unnecessary fuss and allow you to get a good harvest even from a small plot.

Growing cucumbers in the open ground Many plant cucumbers in the soil fertilized with the help of intermittent manure or peat ... All these vegetables love. However, there is another way - to use nettle and plantain when landing. Just add a little mixture of these two plants to each well for planting, and cucumbers will feel great.

Nettle contains a lot of macro- and microelements that create a favorable environment for the growth of cucumbers. As for the plantain, it is rich in potassium, which helps fruiting and makes cucumbers tastier. Note only that plantain should be taken without roots.
Both types of plants should be ground beforehand. This can be done with garden scissors, an axe or any other tool. The crushed nettle and plantain in the ground will subsequently begin to interpenetrate, giving cucumbers both heat and useful substances.

In the excavated landing hole add a handful of crushed nettle and plantain. With such fertilizer, you can do without any chemistry, which means that cucumbers will be environmentally friendly. This is even better than manure, because animals today are often fed various unsafe additives.

Then the holes should be well watered with water. Put the cucumbers in the holes and sprinkle the earth. After that, you should again water the plants with warm water so that all the formed voids are filled with earth.

It remains only to sprinkle cucumbers with a thick layer of hay - mulch. In our case, purchased hay for rodents is used, but you can take any other. This will preserve moisture in the soil. Also under mulch will multiply worms and other microorganisms useful for plants.

We love cucumbers, and that’s a fact. It remains to be seen what the vegetables themselves like. After all, there are several important nuances that must be considered when growing cucumbers.
What cucumbers like
- Cucumbers like warmth
Cucumbers should be sown when frosts are left behind, and the temperature of the upper layer of soil warmed up to +14 ° C. In cold soil, cucumbers simply will not survive. It should be understood that the optimal temperature for a vegetable should not exceed +28 ° C. The optimal density is 5-7 bushes per square meter, because plants need ventilation and sunlight. - Cucumbers like good food.
Before planting cucumbers, the soil should be well fertilized in advance. You can use manure or chicken droppings, you can use special fertilizers, and you can fertilize nettle and plantain, as in the method described by us. - Cucumbers like plenty of moisture.
The root system of cucumbers needs a lot of moisture. Otherwise, the plant begins to darken, its growth slows down, the leaves become pale green, bitterness forms in the fruits themselves.
Growing cucumbers at home The process is difficult and time-consuming. But when you eat crispy cucumbers grown with your own hands on the garden plot, you realize that it was worth it.
Recently, we shared a lunar sowing calendar for 2019, which will help not to miss the best time to plant your favorite crops. And also demonstrated a smart garden of Igor Lyadov. A man on a small piece of land harvests large crops. Be sure to borrow interesting ideas and apply on your own site for the joy of yourself and the envy of your neighbors.
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