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25 the earliest varieties of cucumbers

Cucumber is without a doubt one of the most popular but also one of the earliest cultures. To obtain the first harvest of fragrant cucumbers can be in the 37 to 45 days after sowing. Soon after emergence the young plants enter a phase of active flowering, after that it is still quite a bit of time — about 12-14 days and in lieu of flowers begin to form the first fruits. How to navigate in the abundance of different varieties of cucumbers and choose the earliest of them?

How to choose the right varieties of cucumbers, and what it is worth to pay attention, we have discussed in the article Select varieties of cucumbers. And we talked about 15 best varieties of cucumbers for the middle band and about the unusual pickles, and their exotic relatives. But before we find out which varieties of cucumbers are the earliest, let's repeat indestructible and very important rule: whatever varieties you prefer: early, medium or late maturing — choose only those that are suitable for growing in your area, and thus adapted to the climatic conditions of the region. Only in this case (of course with proper care) you will get the maximum crop of cucumbers, not afraid of disease and practically not affected by adverse weather conditions.

Altai early 166 Grade Altai early 166 one of the most precocious and productive. He was zoned in 1958, and is still one of the most popular among gardeners. Begins to bear fruit about 37 to 39-th day after emergence. Quite resistant to fungal diseases and different cold resistance. Light green, white-pubescent cucumbers in this class are egg-shaped and completely covered with fine tubercles. At length they reach 9-10 cm, and weight Zelentsov comes to 80 grams.

April F1 Parthenocarpic (i.e. samoplodnye, does not require pollination) hybrid in April, F1 — early, cold-resistant, with a predominantly female type of flowering. Begins to bear fruit at 45 -55 day. Designed for indoor cultivation; successfully grown on balconies as potted culture. Fruits are cylindrical, dark green, krupnoblochnye, reaching a length of 20-25 cm, with a weight of about 200-250 grams.

In addition, that the fruits of this hybrid are not prone to yellowing, they are of good taste, and the plants themselves has a complex resistance to most diseases. Due to the fact that the formation of side shoots in plants is limited, completely eliminating the need for pinching and prisypok, even periodic. 1 sq. m it is possible to 8-13 kg. Zelentsov.

German F1 self-pollinated (parthenocarpic), swargarohini hybrid Herman, the first fruits of which appear at the 40-43 day after emergence, intended for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Fruit — sredneimportnye fruits-cucumbers with a length of about 8-10 cm, without bitterness. Hybrid long period of fruiting, and resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, powdery mildew and ant.

Murom 36 released in 1943, grade 36 Murom is one of the most precocious early grades: the period of its growing season is only 32-45 days. Tuberculate, light green fruits, reaching a length of 7-10 cm, can be ovoid or ellipsoid shape. The vegetation period lasts about 4 weeks, and 1 sq. m. you can get about 3-4 pounds of cucumbers. Despite many advantages, there are fruit varieties Murom 36 one drawback that you need to consider when farming: fruits are very quickly starting to turn, so collect them have often enough.

Moscow dude F1 early Maturing, bee pollinating hybrid Moscow dude F1 begins to bear fruit for 40-45 days after emergence. Hybrid predominantly female flowering type, intended for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Plant variety is vigorous, with an average capacity to form shoots. The fruit is green with white stripes, lumpy velocity Zieleniec with a diameter of about 3.5-4 cm, weighing about 100 grams, reaching a length of 10-12 cm Hybrid is highly resistant to bacteriosis and olive spot, and 1 m with proper care it is possible to collect about 12-15 kg of fruit.

Zozulya-Ripening varieties of cucumbers Zozulya was released in 1977. The term vegetation does not exceed 48 days after the onset of germination, and the variety is high yielding: 1 square meter you can get about 20 kg, Zelentsov. Fruit is white-pubescent, elongated fruit varieties are cylindrical in shape, reach a length of 18-22 cm and weight reaches up to 250 and even 300 grams. Plants are resistant to yellowing, are immune to olive spot, as well as some other infectious diseases.

Cascade-Ripening varieties of cucumbers Cascade, the growing period which lasts about 6 weeks, were released in 1982, Its fruits are very dense, crunchy fruits with a knobby surface, with a diameter of about 4 cm and a length of 13-16 cm, Weight Zelentsov, as a rule, does not exceed 150 grams. The variety is extremely demanding on the humidity of the soil, and the lack of water affects the fruit: they get the wrong shape.

Finger bee pollinating a universal grade. From germination to start fruiting takes about 43-45 days. Is intended for cultivation in the open ground. Plants predominantly female flowering type, selenoprecise and srednebelaya. Fruits — dark green fruits are oblong-cylindrical form, the surface of which is covered with a few large tubercles. In length fruits can reach 10-14 cm, and weight to reach 120 grams. The variety is resistant to downy mildew and different prolonged period of fruiting up to 2 months.

Borovichok F1 Borovichok F1 — early-ripening hybrid cucumbers pollinated by bees, from germination to start fruiting which takes about 43-48 days. Predominantly female flowering type; is designed for cultivation in greenhouses, open field and inclined to the formation of parthenocarpic (samoplodnye, does not require pollination) fruits. Zieleniec length reaches 10-12 cm and a weight of up to 80-100 grams. The fruit itself without the bitter, green with white stripes, lumpy, covered with small black spines. The hybrid is resistant to root rots, as well as real and false mildew. One plant can produce up to 6 pounds Zelentsov.

Ripening Bush variety of cucumbers Bush, with a predominantly female flowering type, intended for cultivation under temporary shelters film and outdoors. Dark green fruit varieties — ovate-elongated Zieleniec weight of about 70-90 grams, reaching a length of 10-12 cm Plant Slavovitsa and compact enough. From 1 square meter you can get about 10-12 kg of fruit.

Competitor Zoned 1980-ripening varieties Competitor loved by our gardeners for yield, resistance to bacterial spot and powdery mildew, which is Oh so annoying to many gardeners in the last few years. Fruit varieties Competitor krupnoblochnye, oval-cylindrical shape, reaching a length of 12 cm, and mass reaching up to 100 gr. Used grade exclusively for cultivation in the open field and better fruits on the trellis than on a bed. Period of its growing season lasts about 1.5 months.

Sphinx Early ripening: ripening occurs approximately 39-40 days after emergence. The fruits are oval-elongated shape, evenly colored dark green. The surface of the fruit ribbed, entirely covered with small tubercles. The yield grade is about 5 kg Zelentsov 1 sq. m.

The advance Maturing F1 hybrid, vegetation period which is 39-44 days. Parthenocarpic, female type of flowering; can be grown as outdoors, in greenhouses and greenhouses. Plants srednevekovye (by the way, for a limited growth of side shoots and appreciated the variety) and vigorous, and therefore in need of construction support. Fruits are cylindrical, catalogization, dark green color; diameter about 3-4 cm, length 11-13 cm, and weight reaches 120-130 gr. Hybrid is highly resistant to root rot, present, and downy mildew and olive spotting. The yield grade is about 12-14 kg per 1 sq. m.

The mullet F1 Parthenocarpic hybrid predominantly female type of flowering. After germination begins to bear fruit at 43-48 day. Suitable for cultivation in protected and open ground. Fruits — fruits, reaching a length of 10-12 cm, weighing 95 to 100 g. fruits catalogization, Belozerye, dark green. The hybrid is relatively resistant to this and downy mildew, and from 1 sq. m it is possible to obtain up to 7 kg Zelentsov.

Benefis F1 early Ripening hybrid, the period of the growing season (from germination to fruiting) is 43-50 days. Parthenocarpic, female type of flowering; it can equally well be cultivated both in open and in protected ground, and since 1 sq. m makes about 6-8 kg Zelentsov. Fruits — dark fruits seleye Belozerye genetically devoid of bitterness, completely covered with fine tubercles. Length Zelentsov — 10-13 cm, weight — 100-120 gr. The hybrid is very resistant to root rots, and also has high immunity to false and powdery mildew.

Murashka F1 early Maturing parthenocarpic hybrid type of female flowering, breeding of agricultural firm "Gavrish" (more on this and many other seed producers you can find in our review). From germination to start fruiting takes 42-45 days. Small chernosemie fruits with large broad tubercles reach a length of 8-12 cm and the Yield per 1 square. m — about 7 kg. More information about this class you can read in the article of 15 best varieties of cucumbers for the middle band.

Orlik F1 early Maturing parthenocarpic hybrid type of female flowering, from germination to start fruiting which is about 47-50 days. Designed for cultivation in greenhouses. Fruit — velocity lumpy Zieleniec weighing 120-150 g, reaching a length of 14-16 cm, genetically devoid of bitterness. The hybrid is relatively resistant to root rots and downy mildew, resistant to powdery mildew.

Valdai F1 pollinated by bees, predominantly female flowering type is a hybrid, designed for cultivation in greenhouses and open Sunny ground. From sprouting varieties to start fruiting takes about 48-50 days. Plants vigorous, with an average capacity to form shoots, very resistant to adverse growing conditions. Small, dark green with white stripes Zieleniec cylindrical shape in a length of 10-12 cm and has a mass of about 100 grams. The variety was specially created for the processing is relatively resistant to downy and powdery mildew, and root rots.

May F1 hybrid early Maturing, begins to bear fruit in the 46 to 48 days after emergence. Pollinated by bees, suitable for cultivation in open field and greenhouses, has velocity, krupnoblochnye Zieleniec with a length of about 15-20 cm, the weight of which reaches up to 150-200 gr. The hybrid is relatively resistant to powdery mildew, root gniales. Differs friendly fruiting; with 1 square meter you can get about 30 kg Zelentsov.

Rodnichok F1 Period of fruiting of this hybrid starts at 40-48 days after emergence. Pollinated by bees, with a predominantly female flowering type, it is designed for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Green with white stripes, cylindrical in shape Zieleniec, a little elongated at the base, the weight goes up to 100-120 gr. At length the fruit is the fruit reaches 9-10 cm Geberit resistant to most cucumber diseases, including Anthracnose, bacteriosis, downy mildew, olive spot. With proper care from 1 square meter you can get about 25 kg of fruit.

Nightingale F1 Related to the best mid-season hybrids, Nightingale F1 begins to bear fruit for 42-46 days after emergence. The fruit is deep green, oval-cylindrical shape, all covered with large, infrequently spaced tubercles. Fruit weight is about 70-90 grams, and at length reach 8-10 cm fruits are pollinated by bees, for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Plants medium, resistant to major diseases of cucumber.

Zasolochny bee pollinating F1 hybrid Early maturing, from germination to start fruiting which is 45-47 days. Is intended for cultivation in the open ground. Plants are vigorous, srednevekovye average height. Fruit — oblong-cylindrical krupnoblochnye fruits, reaching a length of 10-12 cm, with a weight of about 100-125 grams.

Chemcross bee pollinating the F1 hybrid, fruit bearing period which comes at the 40-43 day after emergence. Meant for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Plants korotkopushistye. Fruits — dark green with light stripes and large tubercles fruits are ellipsoid shaped, genetically devoid of bitterness, reaching a length of 8-10 cm Grade complex resistant to diseases.

Fair F1 hybrid early Maturing, begins to bear fruit about 43-48 days after emergence. Pollinated by bees, with a predominantly female flowering type, intended for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. Bright green with white stripes fruits are cylindrical, slightly narrowed at the base, are genetically devoid of bitterness. In length the fruit reaches 9-10 cm and weight reaches up to 100 grams. Hybrid refers to a relatively stable relation to such diseases of cucumber as a false and a true powdery mildew and root rot.

Gypsy F1 From germination to start fruiting this hybrid is 43-48 days. Designed for outdoor cultivation and greenhouses. Pollinated by bees, mostly female type of flowering, vigorous, with an average capacity for shoot formation. Carnosity lumpy Zieleniec gherkin short with a length of 9-11 cm, weight 80-100 g. Hybrid is highly resistant to this and downy mildew, and root rots.

Source: www.7dach.ru