Find out how to grow cucumbers 1000 1m2

I want to share my experience of growing cucumbers. I have long read about this method in some book and last year tried. The method is cucumber grown in bags.
1) Take the bags of thick polyethylene, with a volume of 70 liters and pour them into a layer of earth, layer of manure, etc.
2) In the middle of the bag stick the wooden stick, a height of about 2 meters. At the end of the nail stick the nail and tied her to knit for cucumbers. In the bag you need to insert the 3 plastic tubes with small holes along the entire length (I took the old arc from the greenhouse, sawed them on the tube at 1 meter and drilled a lot of holes in a checkerboard pattern) These tubes we need for irrigation.
3) Now the most interesting plant cucumbers:cucumber 3 put between the sticks, and the other in a staggered manner in the lateral slits in the bag. The incision made by the triangle, is bent and formed in the pocket put the cucumber vertically(I have in each pack increased to 12-15pcs.).
4) Irrigation produced through a plastic tube. I right the hose was inserted and watered, very comfortable in the heat: and the leaves don't burn the roots moist.
The bag needs to stand upright.It's even better to dig out a small indentation and put there the bag
On it was a hot summer I was watering every day and after day two the moisture is well preserved there, see the weather
It is better to take thicker bag of sugar, for example, polyethylene from the sun to break, you can also plant zucchini, watermelons, melons, and pumpkins to build a house, 60*70, with two ceiling mesh, and it will curl to the top of the fruit on the grid
The pegs stick around the bag of rotted manure.I have a bag be the height of 1 meter, got 5 layers.
Better seedling in one stub in a container to shake out and immediately stick. Put the bag, place it in dry grass, leaves, etc on top of some fresh manure or urea will spite to start to burn, add the ground (the tube stuck or large 2,5 litre bottles of water with holes the neck up), where lateral openings have planted cucumbers, take them out carefully, the bag deploy on, how many layers, so many bottles, they are better warm, bottle water is poured, the tube is spun, pouring slowly, top layer zamulchirovat and relax, that everything can be planted phloxes, petunias, in addition to cucumbers nothing to bind is not necessary, will be a spherical flower beds anywhere.
5) When the cucumber grows up to 5-6 leaves, they will need to tie up, and this is useful to us and stick with bindings. Attach binding to the peg and stick the peg around the bag. each pickle has its own binding.
6) For this method of planting is better to choose different varieties of cucumbers. This will allow you to harvest from June to October, because the roots are protected from frost.
Here is one of the solutions to the question of how to get a good harvest of cucumbers. And your experience with us is divided Lyudmila Maksimova, G. Watkins:
"I usually plant cucumbers in the greenhouse seedlings, but it is not calculated, and I have b cups with sprouts, places that were not. Because the density in the greenhouse — too bad, as the beds were all accounted for.
The husband speaks: "Yes throw you, these pickles!" And I feel so sorry for them, variety is good, and the sprouts are great. The seedlings I planted in large cups (0.5 l), but not in small (200 g), ground in a glass pour half and when they germinate, pour, seedlings are not pulled, and the result is very good.
In short, I thought, thought and decided those cucumbers... put in bags. At the bottom of the bags put the rest of the garbage from the garden, which remained after the winter, added humus. A bucket of earth poured in a basin and put ash, superphosphate, mixed and dumped into the bag — I got a sack of earth. Where to put them, so they do not interfere with anyone? A place was found in the border, where there is always a lot of grass and weeding once. I planted cucumbers in early may and the days are warm, nights are cool. In the bag I their Newspapers covered and the top of the bag, watered with warm water. My husband walked in and said, "they Freeze you there in bags." But nothing, the cucumbers are cold and the seedlings have taken root even better than in the greenhouse!
Cucumbers in bags growth went together, I watered them frequently, as they have nowhere to take the moisture, and then look – began to ache. I went around them and could not understand what they are missing?
But it was a lot of moisture! Made knife holes, a little time passed and the cucumber started to get better.
In the summer of soaked grass for the feeding of vegetables, watered, and not rotted, the grass was stacked in sacks of cucumbers. In the bag from preyuschey grass heat, my cucumbers expanse. Plants grown in bags on the border — put of sticks and tied them. Central escape growing up, and the side – downward. Such a beautiful living fence turned out!
In the experiment of cucumbers in bags was very high. This year I want the same in bags to plant zucchini. Painfully experience like..."
To grow cucumbers in different ways. Here, for example, growing cucumbers in bags.
This method allows not only to reduce the place, but also to harvest in winter. Take plastic bags or packages and completely fill them with soil. Each bag mouth are investing in the same. Put them on the side on the tray. At the top of the bag cut three holes in which to put the sprouted seeds. Film after the slits, it is not removed, and covered up her holes after watering.
Due to the transparency of the film to control the humidity of the soil and root system development. And to bags one piece, you can seal them with tape.

Cucumber on the dandelions
Every year in early spring among farmers starts the fight with dandelions. These malicious invaders in garden beds, I have learned to use to their advantage. Sharpened a knife for cutting the cabbage cut dandelions as far as possible by the roots and lay in a thick film bags, which are installed along the chain-link fence.To the bags fell, fix their copper wire.
The bottom of the bag pierced in several places. Freshly harvested dandelions Pereslavl garden with earth and sawdust, pre-seasoned min. fertilizers (20 g of nitrophoska on the bucket). Poured on top of the fertile ground layer of 10 cm and planted cucumber seedlings. In the open bag lay lying, tying it with twine. Side cut a hole, sleep there the earth, moistened and planted plants. Under the film of the bag has the same conditions as in a good greenhouse. The roots of the cucumber there is cozy and warm. And to plant the cucumbers two weeks earlier than in open ground. But in this case it is necessary to provide protection from frost. Sometimes the bags are sown cucumbers in the first decade of may, the crops covered glass jar or plastic bag.
Cucumbers in bags grow well and produce fruit. Don't need no trellis or stakes, to tie up the stem and side shoots, because I have a mesh fence! Water the plants 2-3 times a week, and occasionally fed. To much moisture is not evaporated, the soil top mulch of cut grass. This prevents the formation of crusts and eliminates the constant richline. Plants are high off the ground, well blown and therefore rarely suffer root rot or other fungal diseases. Produce cucumbers until mid-September. During this time, the dandelions in the bags almost completely decomposed, the soil turns into humus, perfect for growing seedlings of tomato, pepper, eggplant. Film bags are about 5 years old.
A. F. Kolomiets, Moscow
Source: www.ecology.md/section.php?section=ecoset&id=13684#.VMd_g2SsWnE