The main problems in the cultivation of cucumbers, which poison the life of carefree summer residents
Processing cucumbers is subtle, but simple, if you know and understand the language of these green beauties. Cucumbers grow juicy and smooth? If yes, it means that they are comfortable, everything suits them. But the crooked and sloping fruit "reproaches" that you missed the watering period. Cucumber, having the shape of a pear, thickened from below, signals a shortage of potassium.
Well, the green people, who seem to be stretched in the waist with a belt, ask for better pollination, or you pour them with too cold water. Let's figure it out!
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what you need to know for those who are cucumbering. Tested for years!
Cucumber processing is one of the most favorite cultures among many summer residents. Who doesn’t like to eat these sweet, crispy and aromatic vegetables! But when they grow, they are savage and savage.
I am only fifteen, and I have already passed all the stages of accepting the harvest of cucumbers: planted - did not rise; ascended, tortured, departed; ascended, did not suffer, yellowed, fell away. Or, as my neighbor, Baba Clava, says, "It's all in openwork, cucumbers grow like yeast. Selling on the track!
By the way, the same neighbor jokes on this topic: “Nothing prevents a professional agronomist (heat, aphids, neighbors, phytofluoro)!” And now we write: for fruiting cucumbers need potassium, for greens - nitrogen, and for growth - phosphorus. Let's not forget about calcium! And the green people really like serum with iodine.
It follows that cucumbers need to be fed! And it's important. water. For example, too narrow in the middle of the fruits of cucumbers may simply not have enough water, or it is too cold for this. Therefore, it is important to draw water into the tanks in advance to allow it to warm up (especially if it is from a well).
If you can drink cucumbers regularly, lay out on both sides of the ridges of swamp moss-sphagnum about 10 centimeters wide. This moss perfectly attracts moisture, which it "shares" with neighbors in the garden. By the way, this chip with moss will also help protect green handsome people from ailments, since sphagnum has bactericidal properties.
After the appearance of shoots in the development phase (3 or even 4 leaves), cucumbers should be treated with this solution: add 30 drops of iodine to the bucket of water. Then pour a liter of milk and pour 20 grams of household soap. Spraying with this composition can be carried out every 10 days.
It is possible to carry out treatment without milk on water. You need 1 teaspoon of iodine and 2-3 tablespoons of a thick solution of household soap to dilute into a bucket of water. Once every 7-10 days, treat so on the sheet from below and above. Personally, after such manipulations with cucumbers harvest before the cold in the open ground. If it rains, it rains every 3 days!
You can and should also spray and water cucumbers with a solution of whey: 1 liter of whey per 5 liters of water. And another method: in the evening soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water. In the morning, grind bread, add a small bottle of iodine, dilute a liter of liquid in a bucket of water and sprinkle cucumbers with this solution.
The remaining liquid can be stored in a cool place. This solution. bedwork Every 2 weeks, and until autumn, cucumbers and tops will remain green!
Also. strengthen plant immunity and start active fruiting will help herbal infusion. To do this, put in a bucket crushed wormwood, clover, comfrey, mint, nettle and other herbs. Pour all this with warm water and insist for 3 days. Filter the infusion and dilute 1 liter in a bucket of water. This is enough for watering 4-5 bushes.
Feed cucumbers gradually, in small quantities, but often. This will contribute to better learning. nutrition. Fertilizers are best applied in liquid form, watering under the root. This must be done after watering or rain, in the evening or in cloudy weather.
For many years, I have been processing cucumbers in such a way that these methods have never failed!
I also suggest to find out why there are empty flowers on cucumbers and how to cope with it. All summer residents on notice!
Processing cucumbers will be successful if you grow them in four components: enough potassium, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus. And how to saturate these elements with cucumber plants, you already know. I recommend keeping these tips. Believe me, they will be useful to you in the country more than once!
How do your pickles grow? What problems do you face when harvesting?
Well, the green people, who seem to be stretched in the waist with a belt, ask for better pollination, or you pour them with too cold water. Let's figure it out!

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you what you need to know for those who are cucumbering. Tested for years!
Cucumber processing is one of the most favorite cultures among many summer residents. Who doesn’t like to eat these sweet, crispy and aromatic vegetables! But when they grow, they are savage and savage.
I am only fifteen, and I have already passed all the stages of accepting the harvest of cucumbers: planted - did not rise; ascended, tortured, departed; ascended, did not suffer, yellowed, fell away. Or, as my neighbor, Baba Clava, says, "It's all in openwork, cucumbers grow like yeast. Selling on the track!

By the way, the same neighbor jokes on this topic: “Nothing prevents a professional agronomist (heat, aphids, neighbors, phytofluoro)!” And now we write: for fruiting cucumbers need potassium, for greens - nitrogen, and for growth - phosphorus. Let's not forget about calcium! And the green people really like serum with iodine.
It follows that cucumbers need to be fed! And it's important. water. For example, too narrow in the middle of the fruits of cucumbers may simply not have enough water, or it is too cold for this. Therefore, it is important to draw water into the tanks in advance to allow it to warm up (especially if it is from a well).

If you can drink cucumbers regularly, lay out on both sides of the ridges of swamp moss-sphagnum about 10 centimeters wide. This moss perfectly attracts moisture, which it "shares" with neighbors in the garden. By the way, this chip with moss will also help protect green handsome people from ailments, since sphagnum has bactericidal properties.
After the appearance of shoots in the development phase (3 or even 4 leaves), cucumbers should be treated with this solution: add 30 drops of iodine to the bucket of water. Then pour a liter of milk and pour 20 grams of household soap. Spraying with this composition can be carried out every 10 days.
It is possible to carry out treatment without milk on water. You need 1 teaspoon of iodine and 2-3 tablespoons of a thick solution of household soap to dilute into a bucket of water. Once every 7-10 days, treat so on the sheet from below and above. Personally, after such manipulations with cucumbers harvest before the cold in the open ground. If it rains, it rains every 3 days!
You can and should also spray and water cucumbers with a solution of whey: 1 liter of whey per 5 liters of water. And another method: in the evening soak a loaf of bread in a bucket of water. In the morning, grind bread, add a small bottle of iodine, dilute a liter of liquid in a bucket of water and sprinkle cucumbers with this solution.

The remaining liquid can be stored in a cool place. This solution. bedwork Every 2 weeks, and until autumn, cucumbers and tops will remain green!
Also. strengthen plant immunity and start active fruiting will help herbal infusion. To do this, put in a bucket crushed wormwood, clover, comfrey, mint, nettle and other herbs. Pour all this with warm water and insist for 3 days. Filter the infusion and dilute 1 liter in a bucket of water. This is enough for watering 4-5 bushes.

Feed cucumbers gradually, in small quantities, but often. This will contribute to better learning. nutrition. Fertilizers are best applied in liquid form, watering under the root. This must be done after watering or rain, in the evening or in cloudy weather.
For many years, I have been processing cucumbers in such a way that these methods have never failed!

I also suggest to find out why there are empty flowers on cucumbers and how to cope with it. All summer residents on notice!
Processing cucumbers will be successful if you grow them in four components: enough potassium, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus. And how to saturate these elements with cucumber plants, you already know. I recommend keeping these tips. Believe me, they will be useful to you in the country more than once!
How do your pickles grow? What problems do you face when harvesting?
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