An hour has struck, I plant cucumbers in the ground urgently, the neighbors in the country after me repeat
Perhaps there is no vegetable more popular than cucumber. Growing cucumbers is relatively easy. But in order to achieve an enviable harvest of purple strongmen, you will have to take into account a lot of nuances. You need to know how and when to plant cucumbers in the ground, find the perfect place for them and the right predecessors.
Choose suitable varieties of cucumbers, water correctly, make fertilizing in time and treat pests. It's all in our article.
When to plant cucumbers in the ground Choose a place Vegetable culture from the family Pumpkin belongs to the number of heat-loving plants. Therefore, the ideal place for planting cucumbers are the southern slopes, on which the beds will be better lit and protected from cold winds.
If there are no slopes on your plot, hedges of corn, sunflower, legumes will help out. These plantations will become an obstacle in the way of cold air, protect from the scorching sun and create a suitable microclimate on the site.
It is important to remember that cucumbers love soils containing enough organic substances, and do not tolerate places with excess stagnant moisture. Good predecessors for cucumbers will be beets, onions, garlic. These plants do not have common diseases and dangerous insect pests with cucumbers. Good and legumes that enrich the soil with nitrogen.
The best time for planting cucumbers is mid-May, when the air temperature will reach 15 degrees. Before planting, you need to prepare the soil, dig it up, fertilize it with manure, and then prepare the seeds.
You can determine the exact date of sowing using the lunar calendar. Favorable days fall on the phase of the growing moon. In 2021 it will be 6, 15-17, 20-21, 25-28 may. And also 2, 3-4, 16-18, 30 June.
If you believe the folk signs, then the appropriate time for planting cucumbers is the period when the petals from flowering apple trees completely flew around and dandelions bloom together. Cucumbers have long been planted on May 28, the day of the memory of St. Pachomius the Great, which is also called the feast of Martha the Gurechnitsa.
Planting seeds allows you not to waste time and effort on growing seedlings. Before it, you need to calibrate and disinfect seeds. It is necessary to take only large, smooth and light seeds. You can disinfect with "Phytospirin" or a 1% solution of permanganate.
Proponents of organic agriculture offer instead of permanganate tincture of garlic (3-4 cloves per 100 ml of water) or a solution of aloe (50 ml of juice per 50 ml of water). Treat for 30 minutes and rinse the seeds with clean water.
Plant good seeds in round holes or long beds. Make beds with your boot. The distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm, taking into account the fact that cucumbers in the future will grow and intertwine.
Place the seeds to a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Then a series of filling with earth and fields with water. If you put in a hole, then in each put two seeds. When they come up, leave one sprout. The depth of the hole should also be about 5 cm, the distance between the holes is 60 cm.
Feeding and watering By type of fertilizer feeding are mineral and organic. And according to the method of application - root and extraroot, or leafy. To choose the right dressing for each case, you need to know their characteristics.
The roots of cucumbers perfectly cope with the delivery of nutrients when the soil temperature is above 10-12 degrees. But if it gets colder, their efficiency decreases. In such a situation, spraying with fertilizer solution helps.
More details about the stages of feeding and the time of their implementation in our article. And everyone can choose its recipe from recipes already tested by gardeners, taking into account weather conditions, soil properties on the site and their financial capabilities.
During the growth and formation of fruits, cucumbers need a lot of water. If possible, water with warm water. Before flowering - every 6-8 days, during fruiting - every 3-4 days. But without fanaticism, if it rains, let it rain.
Don't forget to harvest on time. Premature cucumbers take a lot of strength from the plant and do not allow new cucumbers to develop if they are not picked. They grow to huge sizes and become watery and tasteless. It is optimal to pick young cucumbers once every 4 days.

Choose suitable varieties of cucumbers, water correctly, make fertilizing in time and treat pests. It's all in our article.
When to plant cucumbers in the ground Choose a place Vegetable culture from the family Pumpkin belongs to the number of heat-loving plants. Therefore, the ideal place for planting cucumbers are the southern slopes, on which the beds will be better lit and protected from cold winds.

If there are no slopes on your plot, hedges of corn, sunflower, legumes will help out. These plantations will become an obstacle in the way of cold air, protect from the scorching sun and create a suitable microclimate on the site.
It is important to remember that cucumbers love soils containing enough organic substances, and do not tolerate places with excess stagnant moisture. Good predecessors for cucumbers will be beets, onions, garlic. These plants do not have common diseases and dangerous insect pests with cucumbers. Good and legumes that enrich the soil with nitrogen.
The best time for planting cucumbers is mid-May, when the air temperature will reach 15 degrees. Before planting, you need to prepare the soil, dig it up, fertilize it with manure, and then prepare the seeds.

You can determine the exact date of sowing using the lunar calendar. Favorable days fall on the phase of the growing moon. In 2021 it will be 6, 15-17, 20-21, 25-28 may. And also 2, 3-4, 16-18, 30 June.
If you believe the folk signs, then the appropriate time for planting cucumbers is the period when the petals from flowering apple trees completely flew around and dandelions bloom together. Cucumbers have long been planted on May 28, the day of the memory of St. Pachomius the Great, which is also called the feast of Martha the Gurechnitsa.
Planting seeds allows you not to waste time and effort on growing seedlings. Before it, you need to calibrate and disinfect seeds. It is necessary to take only large, smooth and light seeds. You can disinfect with "Phytospirin" or a 1% solution of permanganate.

Proponents of organic agriculture offer instead of permanganate tincture of garlic (3-4 cloves per 100 ml of water) or a solution of aloe (50 ml of juice per 50 ml of water). Treat for 30 minutes and rinse the seeds with clean water.

Plant good seeds in round holes or long beds. Make beds with your boot. The distance between the rows should be at least 40 cm, taking into account the fact that cucumbers in the future will grow and intertwine.
Place the seeds to a depth of 5 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Then a series of filling with earth and fields with water. If you put in a hole, then in each put two seeds. When they come up, leave one sprout. The depth of the hole should also be about 5 cm, the distance between the holes is 60 cm.
Feeding and watering By type of fertilizer feeding are mineral and organic. And according to the method of application - root and extraroot, or leafy. To choose the right dressing for each case, you need to know their characteristics.

The roots of cucumbers perfectly cope with the delivery of nutrients when the soil temperature is above 10-12 degrees. But if it gets colder, their efficiency decreases. In such a situation, spraying with fertilizer solution helps.
More details about the stages of feeding and the time of their implementation in our article. And everyone can choose its recipe from recipes already tested by gardeners, taking into account weather conditions, soil properties on the site and their financial capabilities.

During the growth and formation of fruits, cucumbers need a lot of water. If possible, water with warm water. Before flowering - every 6-8 days, during fruiting - every 3-4 days. But without fanaticism, if it rains, let it rain.
Don't forget to harvest on time. Premature cucumbers take a lot of strength from the plant and do not allow new cucumbers to develop if they are not picked. They grow to huge sizes and become watery and tasteless. It is optimal to pick young cucumbers once every 4 days.