Why there is a desire to go to the country
Once we received a letter from our reader, who told us how she herself decorates flower beds at her country house. We were very inspired by her story and decided to talk to her in more detail. It turned out that the woman lives in the country alone. Not because she has nowhere to live, but because it’s her dream.
Many of the editorial staff "Site" They also want to retire and cottage. Away from the city and the bustle. Therefore, we were interested in the story of Margarita Vitalyevna and decided to ask if it is not difficult at the cottage alone, how she copes and what prompted her to move to the country one. Let's share her answer with you.
In the village "Hello, dear ones." I'm flattered that you're interested in my humble life in the country. You asked me if it was hard for me to be alone. Well, that's what I get asked a lot. It is worth coming to the city, as friends lash out with questions, saying, how you are there alone, is it not boring, is it not difficult. There is no answer here, I will write in detail.
I will say right away, I did not go to the country for the sake of saving on food or growing vegetables on an industrial scale. It is rather a hobby, such a hobby in old age, as children say. They, by the way, did not immediately understand me, they discouraged me for a long time. I'm so glad they didn't.
I moved to the country 14 years ago, after my husband passed away. Sitting alone in an empty apartment was unbearable, so stuffy, so sick. Then I decided it was time to change something. Give the apartment to the children, they say, live, and at the same time look after. She packed her bags and went to our house.
To be honest, it wasn't easy at first. summer cottageWe used to spend a lot of time there, reminding them of him. But breathing immediately became easier, as if a stone had fallen from the soul. It was spring, so I went to work. There is always something to do in the country, it distracts from painful thoughts.
So I started working slowly. I have little land there, only 5 acres, but I have enough. On the plot there is a small house, a bathhouse (husband once built), a small garden of 4 apple trees and one pear. There are more currant and raspberries. In the garden, I grow all the main vegetables, some strawberries and greens.
Most of all, I like to do flowers, for them I have all the space in front of the house. In the first year, they did not get along with them, but now they bloom to the envy of everyone. I have on the flowerbed any exotic and all the most favorite flowers: geranium, echinacea, chamomile and a couple of rose bushes, chrysanthemums bloom in autumn.
I do almost everything myself, I manage everything. Sometimes kids come in, fix something that requires men's hands. The son is crafty, all in his father. In the second year he repaired the roof in the country and insulated the house. Since then, I have stayed there for the winter, and I have not returned to the city. I only come for the holidays, bringing jam to my grandchildren.
This is something that a woman can’t handle on her own. You won’t be able to fix your roof at 60. I can handle everything else. If I have to dig a bed, I dig a little. Am I in a hurry? No, working at my own pace. Today I dug the beds under the radish, tomorrow - under the carrots.
In the spring, the first thing I do is clean up the country and make beds under early radish and greenery. Sowing and covering the bed with insulation. While the greens germinate, and for the rest it is still cold, I am cleaning the site. One spring there was no business, so built a small pond on a plot of beautiful pebbles. In the summer there are still flowers blooming – beauty!
I don't miss winter either. In December and January, I sow flower seeds for seedlings, so that in July they bloom. I don’t buy in the market; it’s expensive and doesn’t always get what you want. Then I begin to deal with the rest of the seedlings: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper and so on. I do everything according to the lunar sowing calendar, I believe in it, always works.
After all these years, my enthusiasm has not faded. There are so many things I want to remake, transplant, make. I want to design new flower beds, plant new flowers, this year I want to try to grow melons. In general, plans for another 20 years ahead, slowly everything will succeed.
Is it so difficult for a woman to be alone? In my opinion, it is not difficult, on the contrary, in joy. The main thing is not to zealously. Everything is done for yourself, for the soul. I know people who want everything to be perfect in the country: no grass or grass. They get tired in the country, and then they say that it would be better not to go there at all.
I've got grass all over my paths. So what now? I walk barefoot on this grass, enjoy nature. Every summer I allow myself to go for two weeks somewhere, to change the situation. I leave the cottage for two or even three weeks and nothing, the harvest gives, everything grows and does not suffer without me.
I don't have one to wear out to lose my pulse and then lie down. I was tired – I went to rest, I drank seagulls (I collect berries and herbs on it), I went to the Internet. After all, the dacha is for the soul, for pleasure, and not only for work. It is to remain cheerful body and spirit, to move and not to stagnate in the city.
Tell you what. You, while young, enjoy this career race, build a family, and then, if you dream, move to the country. It's nice, it's cozy, it's relaxing. That's it, I'm gonna go water the seedlings while I'm still outside. Be healthy and happy!
To be honest, this story touched us to the core. In every line there is happiness, you feel it as if you are about to touch it. Could you decide to move to the country like Margarita Vitalyevna?

Many of the editorial staff "Site" They also want to retire and cottage. Away from the city and the bustle. Therefore, we were interested in the story of Margarita Vitalyevna and decided to ask if it is not difficult at the cottage alone, how she copes and what prompted her to move to the country one. Let's share her answer with you.
In the village "Hello, dear ones." I'm flattered that you're interested in my humble life in the country. You asked me if it was hard for me to be alone. Well, that's what I get asked a lot. It is worth coming to the city, as friends lash out with questions, saying, how you are there alone, is it not boring, is it not difficult. There is no answer here, I will write in detail.
I will say right away, I did not go to the country for the sake of saving on food or growing vegetables on an industrial scale. It is rather a hobby, such a hobby in old age, as children say. They, by the way, did not immediately understand me, they discouraged me for a long time. I'm so glad they didn't.

I moved to the country 14 years ago, after my husband passed away. Sitting alone in an empty apartment was unbearable, so stuffy, so sick. Then I decided it was time to change something. Give the apartment to the children, they say, live, and at the same time look after. She packed her bags and went to our house.
To be honest, it wasn't easy at first. summer cottageWe used to spend a lot of time there, reminding them of him. But breathing immediately became easier, as if a stone had fallen from the soul. It was spring, so I went to work. There is always something to do in the country, it distracts from painful thoughts.

So I started working slowly. I have little land there, only 5 acres, but I have enough. On the plot there is a small house, a bathhouse (husband once built), a small garden of 4 apple trees and one pear. There are more currant and raspberries. In the garden, I grow all the main vegetables, some strawberries and greens.
Most of all, I like to do flowers, for them I have all the space in front of the house. In the first year, they did not get along with them, but now they bloom to the envy of everyone. I have on the flowerbed any exotic and all the most favorite flowers: geranium, echinacea, chamomile and a couple of rose bushes, chrysanthemums bloom in autumn.

I do almost everything myself, I manage everything. Sometimes kids come in, fix something that requires men's hands. The son is crafty, all in his father. In the second year he repaired the roof in the country and insulated the house. Since then, I have stayed there for the winter, and I have not returned to the city. I only come for the holidays, bringing jam to my grandchildren.
This is something that a woman can’t handle on her own. You won’t be able to fix your roof at 60. I can handle everything else. If I have to dig a bed, I dig a little. Am I in a hurry? No, working at my own pace. Today I dug the beds under the radish, tomorrow - under the carrots.

In the spring, the first thing I do is clean up the country and make beds under early radish and greenery. Sowing and covering the bed with insulation. While the greens germinate, and for the rest it is still cold, I am cleaning the site. One spring there was no business, so built a small pond on a plot of beautiful pebbles. In the summer there are still flowers blooming – beauty!
I don't miss winter either. In December and January, I sow flower seeds for seedlings, so that in July they bloom. I don’t buy in the market; it’s expensive and doesn’t always get what you want. Then I begin to deal with the rest of the seedlings: tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper and so on. I do everything according to the lunar sowing calendar, I believe in it, always works.

After all these years, my enthusiasm has not faded. There are so many things I want to remake, transplant, make. I want to design new flower beds, plant new flowers, this year I want to try to grow melons. In general, plans for another 20 years ahead, slowly everything will succeed.
Is it so difficult for a woman to be alone? In my opinion, it is not difficult, on the contrary, in joy. The main thing is not to zealously. Everything is done for yourself, for the soul. I know people who want everything to be perfect in the country: no grass or grass. They get tired in the country, and then they say that it would be better not to go there at all.

I've got grass all over my paths. So what now? I walk barefoot on this grass, enjoy nature. Every summer I allow myself to go for two weeks somewhere, to change the situation. I leave the cottage for two or even three weeks and nothing, the harvest gives, everything grows and does not suffer without me.
I don't have one to wear out to lose my pulse and then lie down. I was tired – I went to rest, I drank seagulls (I collect berries and herbs on it), I went to the Internet. After all, the dacha is for the soul, for pleasure, and not only for work. It is to remain cheerful body and spirit, to move and not to stagnate in the city.

Tell you what. You, while young, enjoy this career race, build a family, and then, if you dream, move to the country. It's nice, it's cozy, it's relaxing. That's it, I'm gonna go water the seedlings while I'm still outside. Be healthy and happy!
To be honest, this story touched us to the core. In every line there is happiness, you feel it as if you are about to touch it. Could you decide to move to the country like Margarita Vitalyevna?