All my life ploughed with my husband on the beds, I beg him to go to the sea, and he wants a bathroom in the country.
It does not matter how old the spouses are. When it comes to the family budget, everyone has their own plans for the accumulated funds. This happened in the family of Love Zakharovna. She spent her whole life caring for children and grandchildren. And when she managed to save money for a long-awaited vacation, her husband found another use for her savings.
My husband and I have been together for 30 years. Our children have grown up and are separated from their families. Misha and I were alone. We lived in an apartment all our lives, but we had a cottage. We went there for three months in the summer to breathe fresh air and dig beds. But I am tired of going to the cottage and do not want to spend time there. I’ve always wanted to go to the sea and this is the opportunity.
When we had a house outside the city, we were very happy with Misha. Going from the bus stop to home takes three or four kilometers. Thirty years ago, that didn't bother us. When we were young, my mother lived in the country. We came every weekend, made blanks for the winter, dug a garden. And the children, what an abundance, we often fused the baby to the grandmother in the country. And they were happy. Everyone was happy and enjoyed homemade fruits and vegetables from the garden. And how nice it was to spend quiet evenings with a cup of warm tea on the veranda!
There was a time when the dacha helped us out. We literally lived by selling apples, nuts, potatoes in the season. It happened. And we had to prepare for the winter, so we were not hungry.
Children even now like to come to the country sometimes to relax from the noise of the city. But with blanks and beds, I decided to stop. I don't see the point, and the kids support me. They don’t want to waste time coming and pick up two cans of cucumbers, it’s better to buy them in the store. They always tell me that time is money.” I'm not arguing.
My husband loves this place, only my husband is very attached to this place. For Misha, the dacha is the best place to relax. He loves to dig in the beds, constantly planting new varieties of tomatoes and other vegetables. He takes care of the garden and the garden. And I'm with him. He insists that we keep making blanks if anything happens and we have supplies.
Only time is different. And I was very tired of standing in a half-bent position with a boot in my hands. I really want to relax, like all normal people, and I managed to save a small amount for a holiday in Turkey.
I tell Misha that it is time to change something, but I want to see the world, to relax. And he said to me, “Who will water the tomatoes?” I’m not going to contradict him because Misha has always been the head of the family. But when he found out that I have savings for vacation, he said that he would report his money and build a bath in the country.
I don't know what to do. I absolutely don't want to live in that dacha. Even if all the comforts are there. All neighbors with their beds in the country only say that and on what dates according to the lunar calendar to plant. I want to get on a plane and fly to a beautiful beach. Am I asking so much?
Whoever in the family was the main, in the family of Lyubov Zakharovna and her husband, each saves money separately. This means that they reserve the right to manage their own savings. Lyubov Zakharovna has every right to go on vacation without her husband or persuade him to go together. And you can also go with an adult daughter and enjoy a holiday on the sea. There are many options, and do not be afraid of what your husband will say. You have to enjoy life, do what you want while you can. What would you do?

My husband and I have been together for 30 years. Our children have grown up and are separated from their families. Misha and I were alone. We lived in an apartment all our lives, but we had a cottage. We went there for three months in the summer to breathe fresh air and dig beds. But I am tired of going to the cottage and do not want to spend time there. I’ve always wanted to go to the sea and this is the opportunity.

When we had a house outside the city, we were very happy with Misha. Going from the bus stop to home takes three or four kilometers. Thirty years ago, that didn't bother us. When we were young, my mother lived in the country. We came every weekend, made blanks for the winter, dug a garden. And the children, what an abundance, we often fused the baby to the grandmother in the country. And they were happy. Everyone was happy and enjoyed homemade fruits and vegetables from the garden. And how nice it was to spend quiet evenings with a cup of warm tea on the veranda!

There was a time when the dacha helped us out. We literally lived by selling apples, nuts, potatoes in the season. It happened. And we had to prepare for the winter, so we were not hungry.
Children even now like to come to the country sometimes to relax from the noise of the city. But with blanks and beds, I decided to stop. I don't see the point, and the kids support me. They don’t want to waste time coming and pick up two cans of cucumbers, it’s better to buy them in the store. They always tell me that time is money.” I'm not arguing.

My husband loves this place, only my husband is very attached to this place. For Misha, the dacha is the best place to relax. He loves to dig in the beds, constantly planting new varieties of tomatoes and other vegetables. He takes care of the garden and the garden. And I'm with him. He insists that we keep making blanks if anything happens and we have supplies.

Only time is different. And I was very tired of standing in a half-bent position with a boot in my hands. I really want to relax, like all normal people, and I managed to save a small amount for a holiday in Turkey.
I tell Misha that it is time to change something, but I want to see the world, to relax. And he said to me, “Who will water the tomatoes?” I’m not going to contradict him because Misha has always been the head of the family. But when he found out that I have savings for vacation, he said that he would report his money and build a bath in the country.

I don't know what to do. I absolutely don't want to live in that dacha. Even if all the comforts are there. All neighbors with their beds in the country only say that and on what dates according to the lunar calendar to plant. I want to get on a plane and fly to a beautiful beach. Am I asking so much?

Whoever in the family was the main, in the family of Lyubov Zakharovna and her husband, each saves money separately. This means that they reserve the right to manage their own savings. Lyubov Zakharovna has every right to go on vacation without her husband or persuade him to go together. And you can also go with an adult daughter and enjoy a holiday on the sea. There are many options, and do not be afraid of what your husband will say. You have to enjoy life, do what you want while you can. What would you do?
I wanted to sleep on Saturday, but my mother opened the door with her key and began to fry chebureki.
The smell of fried flounder is closely associated with memories of rest in Odessa, the most delicious fish