Mom's friend sells seeds in the market, she suggested which cucumbers are best for growing in the open ground
In addition to weather conditions, the harvest of cucumbers is affected by many factors: quality seeds, the formation of whips, watering, feeding, crop rotation and the presence of useful neighbors. The yield rate also varies greatly among different varieties and hybrids. In our article, we collected the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground.
The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground How to choose? Choosing the most suitable varieties from the colossal abundance is not such an easy task as it may seem at first glance. First, try asking yourself a few questions. Why do you need cucumbers: to pickle or use fresh? When do you want to harvest: June, July or August?
The choice of variety will depend on the answer. After all, for example, early varieties are more susceptible to diseases. And the later ones have a much longer fruiting period. Salad varieties are juicy and thin-skinned, but become sluggish when salted. At the same time, many believe that it is still better to grow them in a greenhouse. And salines feel great in the open ground, but rarely form large fruits.
The aroma and taste are generally better in cucumbers pollinated by bees. But their yield is highly dependent on the weather during flowering. Parthenocarpic (not in need of pollination) varieties, on the contrary, do not depend on weather conditions at all, while they give fruits without bitterness, which do not turn yellow and are perfectly stored.
April F1 View this post on Instagram
Publication from Vegetable Seed. Manul. (@agrofirma_manul)
Early ripe (40-45 days) universal hybrid was obtained at Vegetable Experimental Station named after V.I. Edelstein (Moscow). It successfully fruites both in open ground and in greenhouses. It differs in fairly large fruits weighing 200-250 grams and up to 25 cm in length. Devoid of bitterness, not demanding in care, has a long period of fruiting and tolerates low temperatures well.
Herman F1 View this post on Instagram
Publication from garden/garden/living/nature... (@ekaterinaksk)
Bred in the Netherlands ultraripe (35-40 days) self-pollinated hybrid is characterized by high yield. Fruit from early June to mid-September. Cucumbers are small, so ideal for canning. Disadvantages of the variety can be called sensitivity to cold and susceptibility to plant rust infection.
Courage F1 An early parthenocarpic variety was bred by the agro firm "Gavrish". Ideal for growing in the Krasnodar region and the Rostov region. The first fruits can be harvested on the 38th day after the appearance of shoots.
View this post on Instagram
Publication from Poison • Seeds • Fertilizer • Hosts (@otrava_semena_kush)
Mature cucumbers have many bumps on the surface and are suitable for pickling. Their taste is excellent, but with insufficient watering, bitterness can be felt. From some bushes, experienced gardeners collect up to 30 greens. And on the bags with seeds, the yield is indicated up to 16 kilograms per square meter.
Tarakanovsky F1 Cucumber "Tarakanovsky" - the leader in taste and yield. The advantage of this variety is that it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses and even on the balcony. Fruits come out about 18-20 centimeters, dark green with light stripes, rare, whitish.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Semen Cockshetau (@semena_kokshe)
Greens are fragrant, crispy, very tasty. Cucumbers of this variety are suitable not only for cooking fresh salads, but also for pickling!
F1 Folk View this post on Instagram
Publication from SEMENA FOR YOU from Belarus (@semenadliawas)
Medium-ripe (48-55 days) bee-pollinated hybrid universal purpose. Resistant to disease, devoid of bitterness, perfect for salting. It is distinguished by its special survival, thanks to a powerful root system.
The universal bee-pollinated variety has crunchy fruits 9-12 cm long and weighing 70-120 grams. Resistant to powdery dew and bacteriosis. From one square meter you can collect up to 3-6 kilograms of cucumbers.
On the taste of this variety reviews are the best. His flesh is juicy, has a sweet taste. Suitable for both salads and preservation. The gardeners noticed that the cucumbers "Competitor" are much better fruit on trellises than on the ground.
If you notice, many of the names in our collection are marked F1. This designation indicates that you have a hybrid obtained by crossing two different varieties. This usually combines the benefits of each parent. Hybrids grow quickly, easier to tolerate adverse weather conditions, give an enviable harvest. And they only have two flaws. First of all, they're a little more expensive. And secondly, it makes no sense to collect seeds from such cucumbers. They can grow different and completely different plants from each other.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground How to choose? Choosing the most suitable varieties from the colossal abundance is not such an easy task as it may seem at first glance. First, try asking yourself a few questions. Why do you need cucumbers: to pickle or use fresh? When do you want to harvest: June, July or August?

The choice of variety will depend on the answer. After all, for example, early varieties are more susceptible to diseases. And the later ones have a much longer fruiting period. Salad varieties are juicy and thin-skinned, but become sluggish when salted. At the same time, many believe that it is still better to grow them in a greenhouse. And salines feel great in the open ground, but rarely form large fruits.

The aroma and taste are generally better in cucumbers pollinated by bees. But their yield is highly dependent on the weather during flowering. Parthenocarpic (not in need of pollination) varieties, on the contrary, do not depend on weather conditions at all, while they give fruits without bitterness, which do not turn yellow and are perfectly stored.
April F1 View this post on Instagram
Publication from Vegetable Seed. Manul. (@agrofirma_manul)
Early ripe (40-45 days) universal hybrid was obtained at Vegetable Experimental Station named after V.I. Edelstein (Moscow). It successfully fruites both in open ground and in greenhouses. It differs in fairly large fruits weighing 200-250 grams and up to 25 cm in length. Devoid of bitterness, not demanding in care, has a long period of fruiting and tolerates low temperatures well.
Herman F1 View this post on Instagram
Publication from garden/garden/living/nature... (@ekaterinaksk)
Bred in the Netherlands ultraripe (35-40 days) self-pollinated hybrid is characterized by high yield. Fruit from early June to mid-September. Cucumbers are small, so ideal for canning. Disadvantages of the variety can be called sensitivity to cold and susceptibility to plant rust infection.
Courage F1 An early parthenocarpic variety was bred by the agro firm "Gavrish". Ideal for growing in the Krasnodar region and the Rostov region. The first fruits can be harvested on the 38th day after the appearance of shoots.
View this post on Instagram
Publication from Poison • Seeds • Fertilizer • Hosts (@otrava_semena_kush)
Mature cucumbers have many bumps on the surface and are suitable for pickling. Their taste is excellent, but with insufficient watering, bitterness can be felt. From some bushes, experienced gardeners collect up to 30 greens. And on the bags with seeds, the yield is indicated up to 16 kilograms per square meter.
Tarakanovsky F1 Cucumber "Tarakanovsky" - the leader in taste and yield. The advantage of this variety is that it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses and even on the balcony. Fruits come out about 18-20 centimeters, dark green with light stripes, rare, whitish.
View this post on Instagram
Publication by Semen Cockshetau (@semena_kokshe)
Greens are fragrant, crispy, very tasty. Cucumbers of this variety are suitable not only for cooking fresh salads, but also for pickling!
F1 Folk View this post on Instagram
Publication from SEMENA FOR YOU from Belarus (@semenadliawas)
Medium-ripe (48-55 days) bee-pollinated hybrid universal purpose. Resistant to disease, devoid of bitterness, perfect for salting. It is distinguished by its special survival, thanks to a powerful root system.
The universal bee-pollinated variety has crunchy fruits 9-12 cm long and weighing 70-120 grams. Resistant to powdery dew and bacteriosis. From one square meter you can collect up to 3-6 kilograms of cucumbers.

On the taste of this variety reviews are the best. His flesh is juicy, has a sweet taste. Suitable for both salads and preservation. The gardeners noticed that the cucumbers "Competitor" are much better fruit on trellises than on the ground.
If you notice, many of the names in our collection are marked F1. This designation indicates that you have a hybrid obtained by crossing two different varieties. This usually combines the benefits of each parent. Hybrids grow quickly, easier to tolerate adverse weather conditions, give an enviable harvest. And they only have two flaws. First of all, they're a little more expensive. And secondly, it makes no sense to collect seeds from such cucumbers. They can grow different and completely different plants from each other.
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