The best varieties of spicy peppers
In the Caucasus without this component does not do any one dish, we have the same hot peppers are not as common, but still it often and grow a lot. To grow bitter or spicy peppers as possible in the garden or in the greenhouse or on the windowsill. The plant is fairly undemanding, and even the inexperienced gardener it will not have any problems. One of the main secrets of the success of any culture is the correct choice of varieties, this statement is true for hot peppers.
The variety of pepper Sauce refers to the group of medium early varieties, the variety is in most cases grown in open ground. Plants of this variety are quite high and powerful, this not require garters to the supports.
The fruits of conical-elongated, to Mature a bright red color, very large. In ripe form, they reach a weight of 90 grams. The fruit's flesh is painted in dark red, thick and fleshy. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma. The sort can be attributed to the universal, as it is used for preservation just in the food and in dried and powdered form.
Indian summer
Kind of chilli Indian summer is ideal for growing on the windowsill, as a perennial crop, but it fits so well, and for outdoor cultivation in annual crops. Plant varieties of small, even tiny, is quite branchy and leafy. Colors can be as white and bright purple color. Very decorative variety.
The fruits of this variety may be spherical, rounded, conical and ovate. The colour of the fruit, and form, found fruit white, yellow, orange, cream, green, brown, lilac and purple flowers. The flavor is spicy, with a pleasant peppery flavor.
Hungarian yellow
Grade pepper Hungarian yellow, refers to groupprincipal varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation and for growing in greenhouses. Low-growing compact plants with a height up to 50cm.
The fruit has a narrow conical shape, smooth, glossy yellow in the period of technical ripeness, but with the onset of biological maturity fruits turn red. The weight of the ripe fruit ranges from 40 to 60 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
For Tiffany
Kind of chilli For mother-in-law belongs to the group of early maturing varieties well suited for growing in the open ground. Plants are compact, up to 60 cm
The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 refer To ripe the fruits are colored bright red, and have a weight of from 30 to 60 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
Variety of peppers coral belongs to the group of medium early varieties, high-yielding. Due to the compactness and short stature of the shrub can be grown as outdoors or on the windowsill. Bush height can vary from 40 to 60 cm, depending on growing conditions. Very decorative variety.
The fruit is round-flat minor, mellow species reach a size of 2 to 3 cm In Mature species have a bright red color. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
A fiery bouquet
Kind of chilli Fiery bouquet refers to a group of early maturing varieties, perfectly suited for outdoor cultivation and for growing in greenhouses. Plants of this variety are quite high and powerful, this not require garters to the supports.
The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 refer To ripe the fruits are colored bright red and have weight 15 to 25 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma. The sort can be attributed to the universal method of application, as it is used for preservation just in the food and in dried and powdered form.
This sort of bitter pepper is probably known to everyone, and thanks to this popularity, his name became a household word even, so called all the bitter red peppers in the nation.
The variety of pepper, the Light to the group of medium early varieties, high-yielding. Suitable for cultivation in open field and in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. The plant is medium, grows to a height of from 45 to 55 cm, crown pyramidal branched and well foliated.
The fruits are elongated, classic pods, towards the tip slightly curved, bright red. The skin is smooth, shiny. Weight of ripe fruits reaches 20 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
The variety is quite disease resistant, especially to such as bacteriosis and verticalline decay.
Grade pepper Supercili belongs to the group of early maturing and high yielding hybrids. Plants are not very tall, grow to a height of from 40 to 60 cm, compact. Thanks to the size of plants can be grown in open ground and on the windowsill.
Fruit rather large, elongated cone-shaped, reaching lengths of 6 to 7 cm and weight 15 to 25 grams. The color of fruits varies depending on maturity, from green to orange, and in the period of full ripeness, the fruit becomes wine-red. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
This is a fairly popular variety of pepper cultivated in Mexico since ancient times. Variety of Jalapeno pepper can be attributed to early maturing varieties. The plants are quite tall, grow to 1 meter in height, can be grown both in open field and in greenhouse.
Fruits are large, elongated peppery form, at length grow 7 to 8 cm, weight of one fruit can reach 50 grams, because of the peppers of this variety are quite fleshy wall. The colour of the fruit can be green, ripening to bright red – in a period of biological maturity. The taste of peppers moderately spicy pleasant, not hot and very juicy, with a pleasant peppery flavor.
The dragon's tongue
The variety of pepper Language of the dragon belongs to the group of mid-season varieties. Vigorous plants, quite bushy, grows to a height of from 90 to 100 cm. Can be grown as outdoors and in the greenhouse.
The fruits have the shape of a long pod, slightly flattened laterally, very similar to the long tongue. The color of ripe fruit is bright red. In the ripe form, the fruit reaches lengths from 10 to 12 cm, weight from 40 to 60 grams. The taste is very pungent, pleasant scent of peppermint.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.art-pen.ru/

The variety of pepper Sauce refers to the group of medium early varieties, the variety is in most cases grown in open ground. Plants of this variety are quite high and powerful, this not require garters to the supports.
The fruits of conical-elongated, to Mature a bright red color, very large. In ripe form, they reach a weight of 90 grams. The fruit's flesh is painted in dark red, thick and fleshy. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma. The sort can be attributed to the universal, as it is used for preservation just in the food and in dried and powdered form.
Indian summer

Kind of chilli Indian summer is ideal for growing on the windowsill, as a perennial crop, but it fits so well, and for outdoor cultivation in annual crops. Plant varieties of small, even tiny, is quite branchy and leafy. Colors can be as white and bright purple color. Very decorative variety.
The fruits of this variety may be spherical, rounded, conical and ovate. The colour of the fruit, and form, found fruit white, yellow, orange, cream, green, brown, lilac and purple flowers. The flavor is spicy, with a pleasant peppery flavor.
Hungarian yellow

Grade pepper Hungarian yellow, refers to groupprincipal varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation and for growing in greenhouses. Low-growing compact plants with a height up to 50cm.
The fruit has a narrow conical shape, smooth, glossy yellow in the period of technical ripeness, but with the onset of biological maturity fruits turn red. The weight of the ripe fruit ranges from 40 to 60 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
For Tiffany

Kind of chilli For mother-in-law belongs to the group of early maturing varieties well suited for growing in the open ground. Plants are compact, up to 60 cm
The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 refer To ripe the fruits are colored bright red, and have a weight of from 30 to 60 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.

Variety of peppers coral belongs to the group of medium early varieties, high-yielding. Due to the compactness and short stature of the shrub can be grown as outdoors or on the windowsill. Bush height can vary from 40 to 60 cm, depending on growing conditions. Very decorative variety.
The fruit is round-flat minor, mellow species reach a size of 2 to 3 cm In Mature species have a bright red color. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
A fiery bouquet

Kind of chilli Fiery bouquet refers to a group of early maturing varieties, perfectly suited for outdoor cultivation and for growing in greenhouses. Plants of this variety are quite high and powerful, this not require garters to the supports.
The fruit has an elongated conical shape, reaches a length of 10 to 12 refer To ripe the fruits are colored bright red and have weight 15 to 25 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma. The sort can be attributed to the universal method of application, as it is used for preservation just in the food and in dried and powdered form.

This sort of bitter pepper is probably known to everyone, and thanks to this popularity, his name became a household word even, so called all the bitter red peppers in the nation.
The variety of pepper, the Light to the group of medium early varieties, high-yielding. Suitable for cultivation in open field and in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. The plant is medium, grows to a height of from 45 to 55 cm, crown pyramidal branched and well foliated.
The fruits are elongated, classic pods, towards the tip slightly curved, bright red. The skin is smooth, shiny. Weight of ripe fruits reaches 20 grams. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.
The variety is quite disease resistant, especially to such as bacteriosis and verticalline decay.

Grade pepper Supercili belongs to the group of early maturing and high yielding hybrids. Plants are not very tall, grow to a height of from 40 to 60 cm, compact. Thanks to the size of plants can be grown in open ground and on the windowsill.
Fruit rather large, elongated cone-shaped, reaching lengths of 6 to 7 cm and weight 15 to 25 grams. The color of fruits varies depending on maturity, from green to orange, and in the period of full ripeness, the fruit becomes wine-red. The taste is spicy, peppery aroma.

This is a fairly popular variety of pepper cultivated in Mexico since ancient times. Variety of Jalapeno pepper can be attributed to early maturing varieties. The plants are quite tall, grow to 1 meter in height, can be grown both in open field and in greenhouse.
Fruits are large, elongated peppery form, at length grow 7 to 8 cm, weight of one fruit can reach 50 grams, because of the peppers of this variety are quite fleshy wall. The colour of the fruit can be green, ripening to bright red – in a period of biological maturity. The taste of peppers moderately spicy pleasant, not hot and very juicy, with a pleasant peppery flavor.
The dragon's tongue

The variety of pepper Language of the dragon belongs to the group of mid-season varieties. Vigorous plants, quite bushy, grows to a height of from 90 to 100 cm. Can be grown as outdoors and in the greenhouse.
The fruits have the shape of a long pod, slightly flattened laterally, very similar to the long tongue. The color of ripe fruit is bright red. In the ripe form, the fruit reaches lengths from 10 to 12 cm, weight from 40 to 60 grams. The taste is very pungent, pleasant scent of peppermint.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.art-pen.ru/
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