Unusual tomatoes for Your estate

Tomato is one of the most popular and beloved cultures, which can be found in almost every garden. Despite this, its unusual varieties we know not so much. It's time to get acquainted with some of them. Today we will discuss green, orange and yellow tomatoes. It is time to discuss, maybe not so exotic, but no less interesting varieties.
cultivar Blue beauty

Selenopidae varieties of tomatoes
Selenopidae varieties, of course, not as awesome as listed above. However, they also deserve attention.
Emerald AppleMiddle-grade (the period of fruit ripening is 110-120 days). Prized for exotic species, large-fruited and high yielding.
Plants average height (reach a height of 1.2-1.5 m), powerful, sprawling, and well foliated. Give slightly ribbed, flat-round fruits weighing up to 250-350 g, which when ripe become bright emerald color with a hint of lemon. However, the tomatoes of this variety are extraordinary not only in appearance: they are juicy and sweet flesh is emerald-lemon yellow the taste is very reminiscent of ripe kiwi.
SwampIndeterminatevariety (suitable for cultivation under film shelters). Ripening occurs in about 95 day after emergence.

The fruits flat-round shape, ribbed, maturing to green with a small dark spot at the base. Mature bright green and pale yellow and even pink patches, weighing about 150-250 g.
Green CherokeeMedium grade (1.5 m). The fruit is green-brown with a yellowish-orange tint, very sweet, and their weight can reach 400 grams. Green Cherokee has a high endurance to diseases.
Orange tomato orange tomatoes are not only bright "appearance", but also a great taste. The fact is that they contain much more sugar than their red counterparts, which gives them a rich and tender taste. In addition, the orange fruit contains large amounts of lycopene and beta-carotene, so they are considered medicinal.
Orange elephantmedium Early (110-120 days from germination to start fruiting) determinantal variety for cultivation in unheated plastic greenhouses and open soil. Plant height is 70-100 cm

Mature bright orange fruits are round, weigh about 250-300 gr. The pulp contains a lot of carotene, is very gentle, has a pleasant sweet taste.
Karmapolice many of us the mid (110-115 days from germination to maturity) determinantal variety for cultivation in plastic film greenhouses and open soil. The height of the plant 70-100 cm
Large (300 gr) tomatoes of this variety are distinguished by bright orange — the same as the ripe persimmon color. For that, in fact, got its name.
Yellow tomatoesContain a lotof vitamins, carotenoids , and even the lycopenethat cleanses the body and restores blood, yellow tomatoes can be called unique. Their delicate and at the same time rich taste for sure will not leave anyone indifferent.
The most popular varieties of yellow tomatoes are:
The Golden dome of theDeterminantal variety, intended for cultivation in the open ground. Plants medium, therefore, require garters. Ploskookrugloy, slaborebristye fruits, reaching ripeness, becoming bright yellow with an orange tint color.
Fruit pulp is very juicy and fleshy, and their weight is 200-400 g.
Honey spasis Designed for outdoor cultivation and under the film shelters mid-season, the tall indeterminate cultivar. Plants need to be tied and formation. The fruits are round and very smooth, weighing up to 150-250 gr.

Sometimes these honey-yellow fruit can weigh 500 or even 600 g. The variety is very heat resistant and highly resilient to adverse growing conditions.
Honey dropmedium Early variety for cultivation in greenhouses and outdoors. In the greenhouse the bushes can reach a height of 180-200 cm, and outdoors — 150-170 cm
Small bright yellow fruits weigh around 30 grams. Very sweet. But their peculiarity is not only the amazing taste: they are absolutely not susceptible to diseases such as black leg and late blight, making them even more valuable.
The beamVariety is early maturing, from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is 85-100 days. Determinant. Plants reach 55-70 see Sredneplotnyh oblong-oval fruits are bright yellow with a slight orange tint weigh 50-80 grams.
Fruits are not only pronounced sweet flavor, but also not afraid of the word, record the content of carotenein 5 times more than ordinary phoenicea tomatoes. The variety is moderately resistant to the main diseases.
Wonder of the worldMiddle class. From germination to start ripening is 110-115 days. Designed for outdoor cultivation and under temporary shelters film. Plants can reach 50-100 cm in height and require tying. Give a sweet heart-shaped bright yellow fruit.
The variety is very productiveand resistant to adverse conditions of cultivation.
GoldfishDesigned for growing in unheated greenhouses and open soil grade goldfish is early maturing,from germination to the beginning of fruit ripening is 85-100 days. The variety is indeterminate, the plants need tying, because the altitude can reach 150-200 cm
Cylindrical, very smooth fruits are reaching technical maturity, acquires a yellow-orange color. Their weight goes up to 90 degrees. The variety is resistant to major diseases of tomatoes and slabosolenym to late blight.
Black tomato variety Indigo Rose black

Another unusual variety is a Mexican heirloom

Source: www.7dach.ru
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