Neighbor at the cottage Fyodor Mikhailovich discovered a secret: he monitors the distance between the tomato bushes, because the harvest is richer every year.
"Planting tomatoes is a delicate matter!" says my neighbor and smiles slyly. Fedor Mikhailovich every year fills a full trunk of tomatoes, takes home, and then comes again. The procedure is repeated 4 times, no less!
His harvest does not fit in the buckets, therefore this good man treats all those from whom they have not mutilated as well as his. And with the most curious ones like me, he shares his growing tips.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you at what distance. tomato I want them to grow big and sweet. All amateur summer residents on notice!
Planting tomatoes Grain in the ground buried, watered - and after a while you have on the windowsill a whole army of green sprouts of future tomatoes. The strongest and strongest are going to land. Who in the greenhouse, and who in the open ground, and some on the balcony grow. Everyone's different.
I don’t want to go into details about when and how much better. plant. I suggest you focus on an important question, knowing the answer to which you can achieve a great harvest.
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Publication by Olga Marchenko (@jessolya)
“So, at what distance should the tomatoes be planted?” I asked my neighbor. “Tomatoes love space and light. When they are cramped, they, lovebirds, grow slowly. There are few leaves on the bushes, and the fruits themselves can be tiny.
The distance between bushes and between beds depends on the variety and type of tomatoes! – Fyodor Mikhailovich began to share life hacks.
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Publication from Hope (@nadehzda_006)
Here is what I noticed for myself from his advice: tall “de barao”, “cardinal” or “micado pink” is better to plant at a distance of up to 70 m between the bushes, while the distance between the neighboring rows can reach up to 1 m.
Mid-sized varieties “lady’s finger”, “oak” or “pink bull heart” is planted at a distance of about 55 cm from each other and at least 70-80 cm between the rows.
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Post by Rais (@ray_tomat)
Compact varieties of tomatoes that do not differ in the height of the stems (for example, “marisha”, “maiden blush” or “sank”) should be placed at a distance of 30 cm between the bushes and 50 cm between the rows.
Please note that greenhouse Remember that each bush needs 0.3 square meters of land. Between the rows should leave a space of at least 40 cm. This, we can say, a classic, under which you will create the bush optimal conditions for growth (light, nutrition, airing).
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Post by Elena World of Seeds and Flowers (@elenasad85)
About three years ago, I also started with classics, strictly measuring centimeters, but every year the toad came to me one more than the other. I wanted to plant as many varieties as possible, as many seeds as I could, and I lowered and reduced and lowered standards. Last year, I reached the minimum level at which tomatoes can be grown. harvest.
And this minimum was 30 cm between plants. To this I also managed to place 2 roots in the hole (it was a pity to throw out seedlings).
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Publication from the Hare on the dacha city (@dacha_zeleg)
In the end, it was wildly boring. Tomatoes required almost constant presence in the country. Every morning - bypassing greenhouses, removing stepchildren, lightening densely decorated varieties (removing part of the foliage). As a result, the harvest was not as good as the neighbor. And as a bonus, I'm really tired.
In 2022, I decided to stick to it. standards described above If possible, do not plow like a horse in the country, and finally begin to rest there.
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Publication from Rare Tomato Seeds. Lyudmila (@semenatomatov1)
I also propose to get acquainted with the lunar calendar of the gardener for 2022. Here you can find the most favorable days for planting popular crops!
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Posted by Dachnye_hlopoty_ (@dachnye_hlopoty_)
That's it. landing-craft tomatoes. “Last year I planted cherry tomatoes like this. The result pleased me, there were many fruits! – confirmed the advice of the neighbor my sister. Well, you should listen and try the same!
How far are you planting tomatoes?
His harvest does not fit in the buckets, therefore this good man treats all those from whom they have not mutilated as well as his. And with the most curious ones like me, he shares his growing tips.
Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you at what distance. tomato I want them to grow big and sweet. All amateur summer residents on notice!

Planting tomatoes Grain in the ground buried, watered - and after a while you have on the windowsill a whole army of green sprouts of future tomatoes. The strongest and strongest are going to land. Who in the greenhouse, and who in the open ground, and some on the balcony grow. Everyone's different.
I don’t want to go into details about when and how much better. plant. I suggest you focus on an important question, knowing the answer to which you can achieve a great harvest.
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Publication by Olga Marchenko (@jessolya)
“So, at what distance should the tomatoes be planted?” I asked my neighbor. “Tomatoes love space and light. When they are cramped, they, lovebirds, grow slowly. There are few leaves on the bushes, and the fruits themselves can be tiny.
The distance between bushes and between beds depends on the variety and type of tomatoes! – Fyodor Mikhailovich began to share life hacks.
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Publication from Hope (@nadehzda_006)
Here is what I noticed for myself from his advice: tall “de barao”, “cardinal” or “micado pink” is better to plant at a distance of up to 70 m between the bushes, while the distance between the neighboring rows can reach up to 1 m.
Mid-sized varieties “lady’s finger”, “oak” or “pink bull heart” is planted at a distance of about 55 cm from each other and at least 70-80 cm between the rows.
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Post by Rais (@ray_tomat)
Compact varieties of tomatoes that do not differ in the height of the stems (for example, “marisha”, “maiden blush” or “sank”) should be placed at a distance of 30 cm between the bushes and 50 cm between the rows.
Please note that greenhouse Remember that each bush needs 0.3 square meters of land. Between the rows should leave a space of at least 40 cm. This, we can say, a classic, under which you will create the bush optimal conditions for growth (light, nutrition, airing).
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Post by Elena World of Seeds and Flowers (@elenasad85)
About three years ago, I also started with classics, strictly measuring centimeters, but every year the toad came to me one more than the other. I wanted to plant as many varieties as possible, as many seeds as I could, and I lowered and reduced and lowered standards. Last year, I reached the minimum level at which tomatoes can be grown. harvest.
And this minimum was 30 cm between plants. To this I also managed to place 2 roots in the hole (it was a pity to throw out seedlings).
View this post on Instagram
Publication from the Hare on the dacha city (@dacha_zeleg)
In the end, it was wildly boring. Tomatoes required almost constant presence in the country. Every morning - bypassing greenhouses, removing stepchildren, lightening densely decorated varieties (removing part of the foliage). As a result, the harvest was not as good as the neighbor. And as a bonus, I'm really tired.
In 2022, I decided to stick to it. standards described above If possible, do not plow like a horse in the country, and finally begin to rest there.
View this post on Instagram
Publication from Rare Tomato Seeds. Lyudmila (@semenatomatov1)
I also propose to get acquainted with the lunar calendar of the gardener for 2022. Here you can find the most favorable days for planting popular crops!
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Posted by Dachnye_hlopoty_ (@dachnye_hlopoty_)
That's it. landing-craft tomatoes. “Last year I planted cherry tomatoes like this. The result pleased me, there were many fruits! – confirmed the advice of the neighbor my sister. Well, you should listen and try the same!
How far are you planting tomatoes?
Actresses, whom I put as an example of my daughter, because they accepted their appearance with all the shortcomings.
I asked my neighbor why she puts a glass of salt in the toilet, now I follow her example every day.