Why is it useful to squeeze tomatoes and plant neighbors below them?
“How to plant tomatoes in the ground to subsequently harvest a rich harvest of red and yellow beauties?” asked a neighbor in the country last year, in May. Uncle Vasi has a special one. landing tomatoes. He planted them together with “neighbors” in the form of onions and velvets. I decided to try myself. The bushes grew strong, none withered! This year I will be using my technology again.
Today's edition. "Site" share an interesting way tomato plantingThe one my neighbor taught me. That's the way it is!
May holidays have passed, which means it is time to do the garden. The neighbor says tomato Like plasticine: what you need, you make it. It is worth looking at the bush - he will tell you what he needs. Therefore, it is necessary to start “sculpting” your tomatoes even in seedlings.
The 1st feeding goes on the 3rd day after the seedlings have fully deployed the cotyledol leaves: 2 grams of calcium nitrate goes to 1 liter of water. The second feeding should be done a week after the first. Well, the third should be produced after the appearance of two pairs of real leaves. For one liter of water you need to take 10 grams of superphosphate. Dilute hot water 24 hours before watering.
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A post shared by Country ideas (@dacha_sadandogorod)
Make the fourth feeding a week after the third. One liter - 2 grams of calcium nitrate. The fifth fertilization comes after the appearance of the 4th pair of real leaves.
Uncle Vasya says everyone watering It has not simple water, but a very weak solution of any complex fertilizer.
Before planting tomatoes in open ground, it is necessary to temper it. The purple-blue shade of the stem from the root with a length of 3 cm indicates that the seedlings are tempered and ready for planting. Before landing on tomato plants You need to remove the two lower leaves.
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A post shared by Best tomato and pepper varieties! (@cemena_ogorod_fuksii)
And now the important thing: tomatoes take up a lot of space, and when the garden is small, it can be very frustrating, because the site is not rubber. And the greenhouse, too. But there is a way out, and these are joint landings. By the way, the benefits of such a union are twofold: it is good for both cultures.
So, what do we plant? It is best to plant tomatoes next to carrots, Beijing cabbage, strawberries, legumes, garlic and salad.
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A post shared by Nature Poems FLATLAY (@priroda_v_kvadrate)
It is also good to sow mustard in the legs of tomatoes. The leaves of mustard will be juicy and tasty, and the mustard itself will protect tomatoes from scab and phytophotors, and even the soil will enrich.
The neighboring basil will protect tomatoes from pests, and also improve their taste. The latter task is perfectly handled by melissa, mint, chaber and sage. It is also possible to plant a bow next to it.
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A post shared by Vladislav (@vladislav_azanov)
And it is also very worth planting velvet tomatoes. Flowers will decorate an unpresentable bed with their flowering and scare away pests.
Speaking of watering. Prix joint-landing Watering should be abundant so that moisture is sufficient for both cultures.
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A post shared by Elena Romenska (@olena_romenska)
But potatoes to tomatoes are definitely not worth planting. Both cultures belong to the same nightshade family, and therefore are subject to the same ailments and pests. Together, they will quickly catch phytofluorosis, and other negative phenomena on them will spread with amazing speed.
Tomato cucumbers are also bad neighbors, as they need different soil. The first need nitrogen, and the second need calcium and phosphorus.
To plant tomatoes, you need to dig holes 40 centimeters deep. Plant the seedlings with an earthen lump directly into the watered earth. Low-growing plants plant directly, overgrown - at a small angle.
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A post shared by Seeds from SEMCO (@semco_junior)
Every seedling is covered with loose earth, tamping it with your hands. In conclusion, you need to pour mulch: last year's compost, straw, sawdust, cut and dried grass. Some gardeners near each tomato sprout leave a small hole - it is convenient for economical root feeding.
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A post shared by Nature Poems FLATLAY (@priroda_v_kvadrate)
I also want to know why you shouldn’t eat tomatoes. As a result, maximum harvest and minimum care!
Now you know how to plant properly. ground. Well, if you have your own tricks when planting this queen of the garden, I will be glad to read about it in the comments!
Today's edition. "Site" share an interesting way tomato plantingThe one my neighbor taught me. That's the way it is!

May holidays have passed, which means it is time to do the garden. The neighbor says tomato Like plasticine: what you need, you make it. It is worth looking at the bush - he will tell you what he needs. Therefore, it is necessary to start “sculpting” your tomatoes even in seedlings.
The 1st feeding goes on the 3rd day after the seedlings have fully deployed the cotyledol leaves: 2 grams of calcium nitrate goes to 1 liter of water. The second feeding should be done a week after the first. Well, the third should be produced after the appearance of two pairs of real leaves. For one liter of water you need to take 10 grams of superphosphate. Dilute hot water 24 hours before watering.
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A post shared by Country ideas (@dacha_sadandogorod)
Make the fourth feeding a week after the third. One liter - 2 grams of calcium nitrate. The fifth fertilization comes after the appearance of the 4th pair of real leaves.
Uncle Vasya says everyone watering It has not simple water, but a very weak solution of any complex fertilizer.
Before planting tomatoes in open ground, it is necessary to temper it. The purple-blue shade of the stem from the root with a length of 3 cm indicates that the seedlings are tempered and ready for planting. Before landing on tomato plants You need to remove the two lower leaves.
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A post shared by Best tomato and pepper varieties! (@cemena_ogorod_fuksii)
And now the important thing: tomatoes take up a lot of space, and when the garden is small, it can be very frustrating, because the site is not rubber. And the greenhouse, too. But there is a way out, and these are joint landings. By the way, the benefits of such a union are twofold: it is good for both cultures.
So, what do we plant? It is best to plant tomatoes next to carrots, Beijing cabbage, strawberries, legumes, garlic and salad.
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A post shared by Nature Poems FLATLAY (@priroda_v_kvadrate)
It is also good to sow mustard in the legs of tomatoes. The leaves of mustard will be juicy and tasty, and the mustard itself will protect tomatoes from scab and phytophotors, and even the soil will enrich.
The neighboring basil will protect tomatoes from pests, and also improve their taste. The latter task is perfectly handled by melissa, mint, chaber and sage. It is also possible to plant a bow next to it.
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A post shared by Vladislav (@vladislav_azanov)
And it is also very worth planting velvet tomatoes. Flowers will decorate an unpresentable bed with their flowering and scare away pests.
Speaking of watering. Prix joint-landing Watering should be abundant so that moisture is sufficient for both cultures.
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A post shared by Elena Romenska (@olena_romenska)
But potatoes to tomatoes are definitely not worth planting. Both cultures belong to the same nightshade family, and therefore are subject to the same ailments and pests. Together, they will quickly catch phytofluorosis, and other negative phenomena on them will spread with amazing speed.
Tomato cucumbers are also bad neighbors, as they need different soil. The first need nitrogen, and the second need calcium and phosphorus.
To plant tomatoes, you need to dig holes 40 centimeters deep. Plant the seedlings with an earthen lump directly into the watered earth. Low-growing plants plant directly, overgrown - at a small angle.
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A post shared by Seeds from SEMCO (@semco_junior)
Every seedling is covered with loose earth, tamping it with your hands. In conclusion, you need to pour mulch: last year's compost, straw, sawdust, cut and dried grass. Some gardeners near each tomato sprout leave a small hole - it is convenient for economical root feeding.
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by Nature Poems FLATLAY (@priroda_v_kvadrate)
I also want to know why you shouldn’t eat tomatoes. As a result, maximum harvest and minimum care!
Now you know how to plant properly. ground. Well, if you have your own tricks when planting this queen of the garden, I will be glad to read about it in the comments!
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The Right Way to Plant Tomatoes That My Countrymate Taught Me