6 proven ways to harvest tomatoes for the winter
Nature, creating tomatoes, was probably in the best mood. She did not regret anything for them - endowed with properties of both fruit and vegetable, painted in green, red, yellow, pink and even purple colors, and how many vitamins and nutritional properties she gave! That tastes good! Therefore, it is not at all surprising that tomatoes on our table are universal favorites and always a desirable dish.
No one will even think to abandon them in the winter, so the conversation about how and in what form you can preserve the crop of tomatoes until next summer, in the current harvest season is very useful.
And fresh tomatoes are turning. . The tomato is a vegetable that can be preserved in almost any form: it can be dried, withered, frozen, made of juice, puree, paste, jam, salted and marinated both separately and with other vegetables. The number of different options is limited only by imagination, and it is our housewives, happily, limitless. The main thing is to estimate how much crop we will have to process in order to please our families and colleagues with the greatest possible variety of tomato goodies.
What will the fresh tomatoes be like for winter? And they'll be like this:
Dried (dried) This is one of the most interesting ways to prepare tomatoes for the winter. Dried tomatoes have a wonderful taste, and if they are still treated with your favorite spices, you can get a culinary masterpiece!
For drying, small tomatoes of "meaty" varieties containing little juice are suitable. Ideal - creamy varieties: they usually have a minimum of juice and seeds. To dry, you need to cut the fruits along or across with small rings or along quarters. You don't have to remove the skin.
You can dry tomatoes in two ways.
You can see how the process of drying tomatoes occurs in the following video
Frozen Tomatoes behave perfectly in freezing and when defrosting retain color, taste and smell. There are two ways to freeze, both good.
This is a recognized classic of winter blanks. Pickled tomatoes are an indispensable attribute of our feast, a favorite snack and a traditional addition to any dishes, both festive and everyday home table. The secrets of marinades are passed on in families from generation to generation, and among friends and colleagues it is always known who gets the most delicious and beautiful tomatoes. Here's one of those recipes.
Recipe "From Grandma's Chest"
On a 3-litre can of red tomatoes:
Our girls also share their recipes for pickled tomatoes: Tomatoes in dry and pickled tomatoes OSP - One neighbor advised. I recommend using it – it is very delicious.
The most traditional blank, providing for the storage of tomatoes, strung with spices, in a salty solution. Salting is a simple and even interesting process, because every year pickles turn out different, that’s interesting – what will happen this year?
For salting, washed tomatoes of the same ripeness - green, red, brown - are put together with spices in prepared containers (this can be a large enameled pan, bucket or wooden tub, or there can be simple glass jars).
The billets are filled with brine at the rate of 600-800 grams of salt per 10 liters of water ... and it remains only to wait a month and a half for the tomatoes to reach. After this period, they can wait for a long time, almost until the new harvest, when they are laid on the table ... although has anyone ever had such cases when salted tomatoes lay down until spring?
There is no point in advertising salted tomatoes – who doesn’t know this deliciousness? In the next video, Valery Medvedev shares his secret of pickling tomatoes in a barrel
Juice, mashed potatoes and pasta One of the most remarkable ways of winter canning tomatoes is harvesting tomato masses of different concentrations. The most gratifying thing is that all “unconditioned” tomatoes are suitable for this purpose - with damaged skin, too large or small, deformed and ugly, overripe or crushed. Therefore, in the struggle for the harvest, this method for housewives is one of the most preferred.
Washed tomatoes clean, boil well in water, wipe through a sieve and evaporate the resulting mass for about half an hour. Transfer to prepared cans and sterilize for 25-30 minutes. You can use a juicer – the result will be the same.
For puree tomato mass prepared as for juice, boil 2-2.5 times. Transfer to banks, sterilize 30-40 minutes
To make a paste, the tomato mass must be boiled 5-7 times to the desired consistency. Transferring into prepared containers, sterilize at least 35-40 minutes.
The same technology is also used to preparecaviarandketchup. Depending on the spicy flavors and spices, you can get a rich variety of winter tomato canned foods.
How to quickly and easily make ketchup from tomatoes - see the following video
Jam made of red or green tomatoes has long been listed in gastronomic hits. Probably because (although the technology is no different from the usual berry!) not every hostess undertakes to make it. Try it, you will definitely like it!
Recipe for red tomato jam
Jam turns out to be a beautiful red color, original to taste and has a specific unusual aroma. Expect that it will be akin to raspberry, of course, is not worth it - the taste of traditional berry is different. But, serving such jam to baked meat, stuffed pork or beef, you will secure the fame of a stunning hostess.
And how to make jam from green tomatoes, in the next video will tell Tatiana Agapitova.
Little "tomato" tricks
Another month or two, and fresh tomatoes will leave our tables. But, if you try today, in canned form, these wonderful vegetables throughout winter and spring will remind us of the sunny days of summer and significantly diversify our menu!
Source: www.7dach.ru
No one will even think to abandon them in the winter, so the conversation about how and in what form you can preserve the crop of tomatoes until next summer, in the current harvest season is very useful.
And fresh tomatoes are turning. . The tomato is a vegetable that can be preserved in almost any form: it can be dried, withered, frozen, made of juice, puree, paste, jam, salted and marinated both separately and with other vegetables. The number of different options is limited only by imagination, and it is our housewives, happily, limitless. The main thing is to estimate how much crop we will have to process in order to please our families and colleagues with the greatest possible variety of tomato goodies.
What will the fresh tomatoes be like for winter? And they'll be like this:
Dried (dried) This is one of the most interesting ways to prepare tomatoes for the winter. Dried tomatoes have a wonderful taste, and if they are still treated with your favorite spices, you can get a culinary masterpiece!
For drying, small tomatoes of "meaty" varieties containing little juice are suitable. Ideal - creamy varieties: they usually have a minimum of juice and seeds. To dry, you need to cut the fruits along or across with small rings or along quarters. You don't have to remove the skin.
You can dry tomatoes in two ways.
- Outdoors, in the sun.For natural drying, lay the slices on a non-metallic surface, sprinkle with large salt to evenly soak the entire surface. If there are insects, cover them with gauze. Turn over several times a day until completely sluggish. The natural drying process lasts from 5 to 10 days depending on the conditions.
- oven. Cooked slices salt, add spices if desired, lay out on a baking pot on parchment paper with a cut up, put in a heated oven and dry at a temperature not higher than +80 degrees 5-12 hours, turning over from time to time and bringing to a state of dry dry drying (without overdrying)
You can see how the process of drying tomatoes occurs in the following video
Frozen Tomatoes behave perfectly in freezing and when defrosting retain color, taste and smell. There are two ways to freeze, both good.
- Sloths. This is the easiest way, requiring minimal effort. It is enough to cut the tomatoes into 2-4 parts and, decomposed on a plastic tray or board, put in the freezer. When the slices are frozen, fold them in bags or any convenient container. Such tomatoes are perfectly stored in the freezer and are an excellent semi-finished product for winter dishes.
- Tomato figurines. If, having cleaned from the skin, tomatoes are passed through a blender, the resulting homogeneous tomato mass will be an excellent material for the manufacture of frozen figurative semi-finished products - tablets, sweets, butterflies - depending on the moulds that you have under your hands. Such “tablets” in winter are convenient to use for borscht dressings, sauces and gravy.
This is a recognized classic of winter blanks. Pickled tomatoes are an indispensable attribute of our feast, a favorite snack and a traditional addition to any dishes, both festive and everyday home table. The secrets of marinades are passed on in families from generation to generation, and among friends and colleagues it is always known who gets the most delicious and beautiful tomatoes. Here's one of those recipes.
Recipe "From Grandma's Chest"
On a 3-litre can of red tomatoes:
- Onions - 2 medium heads
- Garlic - 4-5 cloves
- Carrots - 1 piece of medium size
- Celery - 3 twigs
- Pepper bitter peas - 5-6 pieces
- Perfume pepper - 3-4 pieces
- Cloves - 2-3 pieces
- Salt - 2 tbsp.
- Sugar - 3 tbsp.
- Vinegar - 2.5 tbsp 9% (or 1 tsp 70%)
Our girls also share their recipes for pickled tomatoes: Tomatoes in dry and pickled tomatoes OSP - One neighbor advised. I recommend using it – it is very delicious.
The most traditional blank, providing for the storage of tomatoes, strung with spices, in a salty solution. Salting is a simple and even interesting process, because every year pickles turn out different, that’s interesting – what will happen this year?
For salting, washed tomatoes of the same ripeness - green, red, brown - are put together with spices in prepared containers (this can be a large enameled pan, bucket or wooden tub, or there can be simple glass jars).
The billets are filled with brine at the rate of 600-800 grams of salt per 10 liters of water ... and it remains only to wait a month and a half for the tomatoes to reach. After this period, they can wait for a long time, almost until the new harvest, when they are laid on the table ... although has anyone ever had such cases when salted tomatoes lay down until spring?
There is no point in advertising salted tomatoes – who doesn’t know this deliciousness? In the next video, Valery Medvedev shares his secret of pickling tomatoes in a barrel
Juice, mashed potatoes and pasta One of the most remarkable ways of winter canning tomatoes is harvesting tomato masses of different concentrations. The most gratifying thing is that all “unconditioned” tomatoes are suitable for this purpose - with damaged skin, too large or small, deformed and ugly, overripe or crushed. Therefore, in the struggle for the harvest, this method for housewives is one of the most preferred.
Washed tomatoes clean, boil well in water, wipe through a sieve and evaporate the resulting mass for about half an hour. Transfer to prepared cans and sterilize for 25-30 minutes. You can use a juicer – the result will be the same.
For puree tomato mass prepared as for juice, boil 2-2.5 times. Transfer to banks, sterilize 30-40 minutes
To make a paste, the tomato mass must be boiled 5-7 times to the desired consistency. Transferring into prepared containers, sterilize at least 35-40 minutes.
The same technology is also used to preparecaviarandketchup. Depending on the spicy flavors and spices, you can get a rich variety of winter tomato canned foods.
How to quickly and easily make ketchup from tomatoes - see the following video
Jam made of red or green tomatoes has long been listed in gastronomic hits. Probably because (although the technology is no different from the usual berry!) not every hostess undertakes to make it. Try it, you will definitely like it!
Recipe for red tomato jam
- Tomatoes - 1 kg
- Bulgarian sweet pepper - 300g
- Sugar - 600g
- Vinegar (apple, wine, balsamic) - 50-55 ml
Jam turns out to be a beautiful red color, original to taste and has a specific unusual aroma. Expect that it will be akin to raspberry, of course, is not worth it - the taste of traditional berry is different. But, serving such jam to baked meat, stuffed pork or beef, you will secure the fame of a stunning hostess.
And how to make jam from green tomatoes, in the next video will tell Tatiana Agapitova.
Little "tomato" tricks
- If a burst tomato is thickly sprinkled with salt at the site of the rupture, it will not become moldy.
- When salting for winter, green and brown tomatoes are filled with brine of a lower concentration (6%) than red ones (7%).
- Red tomatoes contain more nutrients than yellow tomatoes
- Fresh tomatoes are more useful for the body if flavored with vegetable oil. It's easier to absorb vitamins.
- To easily remove the skin from the tomato, just dip it for a few seconds in boiling water, and then pour cold water.
- Heat treatment in tomatoes increases the amount of lycopene, so tomato juice, pasta and sauces are considered more useful than fresh tomatoes.
- If healthy, slightly immature fruits of tomatoes are washed, well dried and placed in a sterilized 3-liter jar, gently pouring 4 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard powder and rolled - they will live in fresh form until the New Year.
Another month or two, and fresh tomatoes will leave our tables. But, if you try today, in canned form, these wonderful vegetables throughout winter and spring will remind us of the sunny days of summer and significantly diversify our menu!
Source: www.7dach.ru
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