Italian aunt has sown 9 kg of tomatoes in our kitchen, the core is not removed

Dried tomatoes This is a real find for any cook. They can be considered as a separate dish, and can be used to emphasize the taste of meat or fish. The Italians were the first to appreciate the beauty of dried tomatoes and began to serve them together with omelets, pizza, pasta, risotto and a huge number of other dishes. There are hundreds of ways to use tomatoes.

And today's edition. "Site" will tell How to make dried tomatoes with the simplest technology. After all, in the supermarket such dried tomatoes are expensive, besides, no one can guarantee their impeccable taste. Prepare tomatoes at home is quite simple, and this option seems more reliable.

How to prepare dried tomatoes Tomatoes are amazing in that, along with heat treatment, their useful properties multiply. In Italy, dried tomatoes with a piece of white or black bread are considered a favorite delicacy. Locals love dried tomatoes so much that they even use them to cheer up. This is a natural antidepressant.

Not surprisingly, it was the Italians who came up with the idea of drying tomatoes in the sun, and then keeping them in olive oil with sea salt and all sorts of spices. Properly cooked tomatoes are easily stored for six months. And so they can at any time treat unexpected guests.

The ingredients
  • 1kg medium tomatoes
  • 0.5 tbsp salt
  • 0.5 tbsp sugar
  • Provencal herbs (can be dried basil)
  • olive-oil

  1. First, cut the washed tomatoes into halves. At the same time, the place where the peduncle is attached, carefully cut off and throw away.

  2. Add salt and sugar, and then mix the tomatoes well. And leave in this state for 8-10 hours. It is better to do everything in the evening, just to leave the tomatoes for the night. But you need to keep tomatoes in a dummy hose so that the juice escapes.

  3. Put the tomatoes on a parchment-papered pan. After that, send the pan to the oven heated to 100 degrees for about 120 minutes.

  4. Put the tomatoes hot in a glass jar layer by layer. Each layer of tomatoes sprinkle with Provencal herbs or dried basil. As you can see, a kilogram of tomatoes easily fit into one half-liter jar.

  5. Now pour the tomatoes with olive oil so that it completely covers the contents of the jar. Close the top lid and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Such dried tomatoes can be used to make pizza or salad, they are suitable even for sandwiches and the same omelets that Italians love so much. I hope you enjoy this Mediterranean snack too.


If you have already tried or cooked tomatoesShare your experience in the comments. What dishes are these tomatoes eaten the fastest?


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