Superretseptov 10, after which you will love even more tomatoes.
Surely no one would argue that the tomatoes are very tasty. And if you add to it a little garlic and other vegetables, you get not only a vitamin bomb, but also a great snack! If the product value on your desk, in addition to vegetable salads and sauces you want to try dishes that will satisfy neither you nor your guests. Editorial TakPtosto offers to your attention the 10 dishes of tomatoes, which you'll want to try more than once!
1. Pickled tomatoes (sweet and spicy taste)
2 kg of fresh tomatoes (ripe and resilient); 1 red hot pepper; 2-3 cloves of garlic; 1 Bulgarian pepper; allspice pepper; cloves; sugar; salt; 9% - th vinegar. How to prepare:
1. In the clean jars laid out for 3-5 peas allspice, cloves 3-5 inflorescences, 1 clove garlic (cut into slices) 1/4 bell pepper and a little bit of hot pepper.
2. Tomatoes wash and dry, put in jars and zaley boiling water for 20-30 minutes.
3. Water Slay and add the rate of 1 liter marinade 4 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt.
4. Boil the marinade and zaley banks. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar (in liter jar).
5. Pull up and flip, wrap and allow to cool at room temperature.
2. Tomatoes Korean
2 kg coarsely chopped tomatoes; 4 bell peppers; 2 heads of garlic; 2 hot peppers; < greens. Filling:
100 g of vinegar; 100 g of vegetable oil; 100 g sugar; 2 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Garlic and hot pepper twisted in a meat grinder.
2. we shall cut greens and stacked layers in a 3-liter jar of tomatoes, garlic and a mixture of hot pepper, then green.
3. Pour dressing, close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator upside down on the neck.
4. After 8 hours, the dish is ready!
5. Once marinated tomatoes, a jar can be kept in the normal position.
3. Tomatoes "Spicy appetizer»
1 large zucchini; 2-3 cloves of garlic; 5 medium tomatoes; on the half beam dill and parsley; vegetable oil; mayonnaise; meal. How to prepare:
1. Close zucchini circles we shall cut thick 0, 5 cm.
2. Ambassador all circles, mix and leave in a bowl for 5 minutes.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry each slice of zucchini, previously dipped its two sides in the flour.
4. Lay fried vegetables on a plate and let cool.
5. Cooled smazh zucchini mixture with garlic mayonnaise.
6. seldom tomatoes into slices and lay on top of each squash.
7. Brush the mayonnaise with garlic.
8. On top sprinkle herbs and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
; 4. Sauce «Petite»
3 kg of tomatoes; 3 heads of garlic; 1 cup sugar; 0, 5 cups of vegetable oil; 0, 25 cups a 9% vinegar; 1 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and boil 1 hour prior to thickening.
2. Add salt, butter, sugar and garlic. Vary on low heat for another 20 minutes.
3. Pour the vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and roll.
5. Salad of tomatoes and peppers in a honey filling
1, 5 kg of sweet pepper; 1, 5 kg of ripe tomatoes; 1/2 Art. l. salt; 100 ml apple, grape or berry vinegar; 100 g mëda; 10 peas black pepper. < How to prepare:
1. Clean the peppers from the seeds and we shall cut slices, and tomatoes - slices.
2. Vegetables mix, add salt and vinegar mëd. Leave to release the juice.
3. Fracture of the vegetables in a saucepan and put on fire.
4. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes on low heat.
5. spilling boiling salad sterilized jars, roll them, turn upside down and wrap up.
6. Sauce "Satsebeli" tomato
2 kg of tomatoes; 1 large bunch of cilantro; 1 head of garlic; 1-1, 5, Art. l. salt; 1/2 ch. l. red pepper. How to prepare:
1 pound tomatoes in a meat grinder or blender with the skin.
2. Put on medium heat and boil to medium thick, stirring constantly.
3. Separately Mix all seasonings (blender or meat grinder).
4. Connect all the ingredients, mix well and roll in banks.
7. Homemade tomato sauce
1 kg of tomatoes; 3 apples; 2 carrots; 1 h. liter. salt; 1 tbsp. l. sugar; 2 tbsp. l. vinegar; pepper, garlic (to taste). How to prepare
1. Apples, tomatoes and carrots need to grind in a meat grinder.
2. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and put to boil on medium heat.
3. Let the water boil for 20 minutes, add crushed garlic, pepper and mix well.
4. put all the ingredients in jars and sterilized them in a saucepan with water, after putting a towel at the bottom.
5. Banks rolled up and put upside down at 12 o'clock.
6. Ready sauce stored in a dark, cool place.
8. Cucumber and tomato juice
1, 5 kg of cucumbers; 1, 5 liters of tomato juice; 5-6 cloves of garlic; 10 g tarragon; 50 g dill umbrellas; 3 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Boil tomato juice and refrigerate.
2. The solution in nëm salt, add the garlic, herbs.
3. Place in banks cucumbers and tomato juice zaley.
4. Close the lid, keep in a cool place.
9. Eggplant in tomato
3 kg of tomatoes; 2 kg eggplant; 200 g of vegetable oil; 200 g sugar; 100-150 g of a 9% vinegar; 2 pod hot pepper; 2 heads of garlic; 2 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Mince the tomatoes and pepper, add salt and boil for 15 minutes over medium heat.
2. Eggplant shall cut medium cubes. (No slices, no straws, namely bars.)
3. If the peel is too thick - it can be cut.
4. Cut eggplant Add to tomatoes and pepper.
5. Pour vegetable oil, sugar and vinegar. Vari 40 minutes and at the end of cooking, add crushed garlic.
6. dec weight of sterilized jars and roll, flip, and wrap up the banks to complete cooling.
10. Zucchini in tomato sauce
5 kg young zucchini; 2 liters of tomato juice; 2 cups sugar; 1 tbsp. l. salt; 200 ml of vegetable oil; 150 ml of a 9% vinegar; 1 h. liter. (with slide) red pepper; 1 bunch of parsley; 2 heads of garlic. How to prepare:
1. Wash zucchini, gather tails and we shall cut into slices with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.
2. Put on the bottom of each of the banks a couple of sprigs of parsley and zucchini lay me.
3. To prepare the sauce zucchini, pour it into the pan tomato juice.
4. Add the sugar, salt, oil, vinegar, garlic and pepper.
5. Put the sauce over medium heat and boil for 10 minutes.
6. Hot zaley tomato sauce in jars with squash, cover and sterilize 25 minutes.
7. Pull up zucchini in tomato sauce, turn over and wrap up well. Banks leave until cool.
Summer - the perfect time for those who are willing to work a little to enjoy the results of their work in the winter. If you have some clean jars, the ingredients and the main thing - the desire and a little free time, be sure to try one or more of the above recipes and share them with friends. Surely they, too, will want to take advantage of these recipes and to prepare for the winter delicious vegetable salads!
via takprosto cc

1. Pickled tomatoes (sweet and spicy taste)
2 kg of fresh tomatoes (ripe and resilient); 1 red hot pepper; 2-3 cloves of garlic; 1 Bulgarian pepper; allspice pepper; cloves; sugar; salt; 9% - th vinegar. How to prepare:
1. In the clean jars laid out for 3-5 peas allspice, cloves 3-5 inflorescences, 1 clove garlic (cut into slices) 1/4 bell pepper and a little bit of hot pepper.
2. Tomatoes wash and dry, put in jars and zaley boiling water for 20-30 minutes.
3. Water Slay and add the rate of 1 liter marinade 4 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt.
4. Boil the marinade and zaley banks. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar (in liter jar).
5. Pull up and flip, wrap and allow to cool at room temperature.
2. Tomatoes Korean
2 kg coarsely chopped tomatoes; 4 bell peppers; 2 heads of garlic; 2 hot peppers; < greens. Filling:
100 g of vinegar; 100 g of vegetable oil; 100 g sugar; 2 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Garlic and hot pepper twisted in a meat grinder.
2. we shall cut greens and stacked layers in a 3-liter jar of tomatoes, garlic and a mixture of hot pepper, then green.
3. Pour dressing, close the jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator upside down on the neck.
4. After 8 hours, the dish is ready!
5. Once marinated tomatoes, a jar can be kept in the normal position.
3. Tomatoes "Spicy appetizer»
1 large zucchini; 2-3 cloves of garlic; 5 medium tomatoes; on the half beam dill and parsley; vegetable oil; mayonnaise; meal. How to prepare:
1. Close zucchini circles we shall cut thick 0, 5 cm.
2. Ambassador all circles, mix and leave in a bowl for 5 minutes.
3. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry each slice of zucchini, previously dipped its two sides in the flour.
4. Lay fried vegetables on a plate and let cool.
5. Cooled smazh zucchini mixture with garlic mayonnaise.
6. seldom tomatoes into slices and lay on top of each squash.
7. Brush the mayonnaise with garlic.
8. On top sprinkle herbs and place in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

; 4. Sauce «Petite»
3 kg of tomatoes; 3 heads of garlic; 1 cup sugar; 0, 5 cups of vegetable oil; 0, 25 cups a 9% vinegar; 1 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder, and boil 1 hour prior to thickening.
2. Add salt, butter, sugar and garlic. Vary on low heat for another 20 minutes.
3. Pour the vinegar, boil for 5 minutes and roll.
5. Salad of tomatoes and peppers in a honey filling
1, 5 kg of sweet pepper; 1, 5 kg of ripe tomatoes; 1/2 Art. l. salt; 100 ml apple, grape or berry vinegar; 100 g mëda; 10 peas black pepper. < How to prepare:
1. Clean the peppers from the seeds and we shall cut slices, and tomatoes - slices.
2. Vegetables mix, add salt and vinegar mëd. Leave to release the juice.
3. Fracture of the vegetables in a saucepan and put on fire.
4. Bring to a boil and boil for 10 minutes on low heat.
5. spilling boiling salad sterilized jars, roll them, turn upside down and wrap up.
6. Sauce "Satsebeli" tomato
2 kg of tomatoes; 1 large bunch of cilantro; 1 head of garlic; 1-1, 5, Art. l. salt; 1/2 ch. l. red pepper. How to prepare:
1 pound tomatoes in a meat grinder or blender with the skin.
2. Put on medium heat and boil to medium thick, stirring constantly.
3. Separately Mix all seasonings (blender or meat grinder).
4. Connect all the ingredients, mix well and roll in banks.

7. Homemade tomato sauce
1 kg of tomatoes; 3 apples; 2 carrots; 1 h. liter. salt; 1 tbsp. l. sugar; 2 tbsp. l. vinegar; pepper, garlic (to taste). How to prepare
1. Apples, tomatoes and carrots need to grind in a meat grinder.
2. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and put to boil on medium heat.
3. Let the water boil for 20 minutes, add crushed garlic, pepper and mix well.
4. put all the ingredients in jars and sterilized them in a saucepan with water, after putting a towel at the bottom.
5. Banks rolled up and put upside down at 12 o'clock.
6. Ready sauce stored in a dark, cool place.
8. Cucumber and tomato juice
1, 5 kg of cucumbers; 1, 5 liters of tomato juice; 5-6 cloves of garlic; 10 g tarragon; 50 g dill umbrellas; 3 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Boil tomato juice and refrigerate.
2. The solution in nëm salt, add the garlic, herbs.
3. Place in banks cucumbers and tomato juice zaley.
4. Close the lid, keep in a cool place.
9. Eggplant in tomato
3 kg of tomatoes; 2 kg eggplant; 200 g of vegetable oil; 200 g sugar; 100-150 g of a 9% vinegar; 2 pod hot pepper; 2 heads of garlic; 2 tbsp. l. salt. How to prepare:
1. Mince the tomatoes and pepper, add salt and boil for 15 minutes over medium heat.
2. Eggplant shall cut medium cubes. (No slices, no straws, namely bars.)
3. If the peel is too thick - it can be cut.
4. Cut eggplant Add to tomatoes and pepper.
5. Pour vegetable oil, sugar and vinegar. Vari 40 minutes and at the end of cooking, add crushed garlic.
6. dec weight of sterilized jars and roll, flip, and wrap up the banks to complete cooling.
10. Zucchini in tomato sauce
5 kg young zucchini; 2 liters of tomato juice; 2 cups sugar; 1 tbsp. l. salt; 200 ml of vegetable oil; 150 ml of a 9% vinegar; 1 h. liter. (with slide) red pepper; 1 bunch of parsley; 2 heads of garlic. How to prepare:
1. Wash zucchini, gather tails and we shall cut into slices with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.
2. Put on the bottom of each of the banks a couple of sprigs of parsley and zucchini lay me.
3. To prepare the sauce zucchini, pour it into the pan tomato juice.
4. Add the sugar, salt, oil, vinegar, garlic and pepper.
5. Put the sauce over medium heat and boil for 10 minutes.
6. Hot zaley tomato sauce in jars with squash, cover and sterilize 25 minutes.
7. Pull up zucchini in tomato sauce, turn over and wrap up well. Banks leave until cool.

Summer - the perfect time for those who are willing to work a little to enjoy the results of their work in the winter. If you have some clean jars, the ingredients and the main thing - the desire and a little free time, be sure to try one or more of the above recipes and share them with friends. Surely they, too, will want to take advantage of these recipes and to prepare for the winter delicious vegetable salads!
via takprosto cc
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