And other health - tomato

Tomatoes are delicious
If something good to eat, it does not automatically make it good for your health. Thank God that the tomatoes so as nutritious as well as tasty. There are so many kinds of tomatoes, but the most delicious - grown by farmers in vivo. They can always find on the market in the summer season.

Tomatoes are nutritious
Speaking about the benefits of tomatoes for health, you can not overlook the fact that tomatoes are very nutritious. One serving of red, ripe tomatoes - an excellent source of vitamins A, C, K and potassium. They are naturally low in calories and sodium contained niacin, vitamin B6, thiamine, and copper. An additional advantage is the high grain, tomatoes.

Tomatoes rid of kidney stones
Tomatoes are not just delicious. They are also vital to your internal organs. For example, tomatoes can help your kidneys stay healthy and avoid the stones. They will also help protect you from gallstones! Some studies have shown that people who eat tomatoes are less prone to developing kidney and gallstones.

Improve skin health
Eating large amounts of tomatoes can help to improve the condition of your skin. Tomatoes are rich in beta-carotene, which is also found in orange vegetables such as carrots and potatoes. Beta-carotene helps protect the skin from sun damage. Another delightful component of tomatoes - lycopene. Lycopene protects your skin from UV damage.

Tomatoes relieve chronic pain
Some studies have shown that tomatoes can help people heal chronic pain. They are rich in bioflavonoids and carotenoids which are known anti-inflammatory drugs. So, if you suffer from chronic pain, make sure that tomatoes - a part of your daily diet. You probably already have seen the benefits of tomatoes, but then you are waiting for more interesting facts.

Tomatoes strengthen bones
You probably had no idea that tomatoes can help your bones become stronger? But it's true! They contain high amounts of vitamin K and calcium. These two components are ideal for building strong bones. Yes, the tomatoes have calcium and dairy products - not only its source. Lycopene in tomatoes is also strongly influenced by the strength of the bone.

Regulation of blood sugar
Tomatoes help regulate your blood sugar, being a good source of chromium. If you feel that you want to eat, just eat a few tomatoes, and immediately feel a lot better! For maximum results consume them fresh.

Regulation of blood sugar
Tomatoes help regulate your blood sugar, being a good source of chromium. If you feel that you want to eat, just eat a few tomatoes, and immediately feel a lot better! For maximum results consume them fresh.

Tomatoes prevent cancer
The benefits of tomatoes is confirmed, as a means of preventing cancer. Lycopene is by far the most important anti-cancer stimulator! This does reduce the risk of cancer in several cases, including cervical, oral cancer, prostate cancer and ovarian cancer. Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals that damage cells.

Improve vision
The benefits of tomatoes number one - the fact that they can improve your eyesight! Vitamin A helps prevent night blindness and improve vision. Recent studies have shown that consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of irreversible visual disturbances, called macular degeneration.