The shortest psychological test

aptly identifies the main characteristics and personality traits. Website offers to listen to your inner voice and to answer the question, what do you like more:
A) tomato or cucumber;
B) melon or watermelon.
The cucumber and melon
Tomato and watermelon «tomato-watermelon" people are cheerful and active. They are characterized by high communication skills, but not always smooth communication: explosiveness of their character often leads to scandals. Men of this type - gourmets. They are lazy and prefer slippers and bathrobe backpacks and sleeping bags. Women "tomato-watermelon" warehouse emotional, love animals and the home, next to them is always warm and cozy. They do not know how to intrigue, but may allow faux pas, as they say what they think: sincerity and ingenuousness - important psychological quality "tomato-watermelon" people.
The cucumber and watermelon
Tomato and melon
P.S. Most marriages are concluded between:
a man "cucumber-melon" and woman "cucumber-melon»; a man "tomato-melon" and woman "cucumber-melon»; a man " cucumber-watermelon "and woman" Tomato-Watermelon »; a man" Tomato-Watermelon "and woman" tomato-melon ».
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